def get_features(self, frame, target_points): sd = starfeature.star_detector(frame.size[0], frame.size[1], 5, self.thresh, self.line_thresh) by_response = sorted(sd.detect(frame.rawdata), key=lambda x: (abs(x[3]), x[0], x[1]), reverse=True) return [(x, y) for (x, y, s, r) in by_response]
def get_features_new(self, frame, target_points, rect, extra_incr): if DEBUG: print "Features from rect ", rect full = Image.fromstring("L", frame.size, frame.rawdata) (x, y, w, h) = (int(rect[0]), int(rect[1]), int(rect[2]), int(rect[3])) innerbox = [max(0, x - extra_incr), max(0, y - extra_incr)] innerbox += [ min(full.width, x + w + extra_incr), min(full.height, y + h + extra_incr) ] incr = 16 outerbox = [max(0, innerbox[0] - incr), max(0, innerbox[1] - incr)] outerbox += [ min(full.width, innerbox[2] + incr), min(full.height, innerbox[3] + incr) ] subim = full.crop(outerbox) sd = starfeature.star_detector(outerbox[2] - outerbox[0] + 1, outerbox[3] - outerbox[1] + 1, self.num_scales, self.feature_detector.thresh, self.line_thresh) results = [(x1, y1) for (x1, y1, s1, r1) in sd.detect(subim.tostring())] real_incr = [abs(i1 - o1) for (i1, o1) in zip(innerbox, outerbox)] return [(x1 - real_incr[0] + 1, y1 - real_incr[1] + 1) for (x1, y1) in results if (real_incr[0] < x1) and (real_incr[1] < y1) and ( x1 < outerbox[2] - real_incr[2]) and ( y1 < outerbox[3] - real_incr[3])]
def test_order_invariance(self): """ Check that output is independent of presentation order """ def runone(sd, im): kp = sd.detect(im.tostring()) return [ i[1] for i in sorted([(abs(response), (x, y, s, response)) for (x, y, s, response) in kp]) ] pool = [self.im640.resize((256, 256))] pool += ["L", (256, 256), c) for c in [0, 101, 255]] pool += [ Image.fromstring( "L", (256, 256), "".join( [chr(random.randrange(0, 256)) for i in range(256 * 256)])) for j in range(5) ] random.seed(0) random.shuffle(pool) ref = [simple(im) for im in pool] sd = L.star_detector(256, 256) for order in [pool, pool[::-1]]: result = [runone(sd, s) for s in pool] self.assertEqual(sorted(ref), sorted(result))
def simple(im, scales=7, threshold=30.0, line_threshold=10.0, line_threshold_bin=8.0): sd = L.star_detector(im.size[0], im.size[1], scales, threshold, line_threshold, line_threshold_bin) return detect(sd, im)
def simple(im, scales=7, threshold=30.0, line_threshold=10.0): sd = L.star_detector(im.size[0], im.size[1], scales, threshold, line_threshold) kp = sd.detect(im.tostring()) return [ i[1] for i in sorted([(abs(response), (x, y, s, response)) for (x, y, s, response) in kp]) ]
def get_features(self, frame, target_points, rect2d, censize3d): if DEBUG: print "Features from rect ", rect2d # Clear out all of the match info since it's not valid anymore. frame.matches = [] frame.desc_diffs = [] frame.good_matches = [] # Extract 2d keypoints and get their disparities full = Image.fromstring("L",frame.size,frame.rawdata) (x,y,w,h) = (int(rect2d[0]), int(rect2d[1]), int(rect2d[2]), int(rect2d[3])) incr = 16 subim = full.crop((x-incr,y-incr,x+w+incr,y+h+incr)) sd = starfeature.star_detector(w+2*incr, h+2*incr, self.num_scales, self.feature_detector.thresh, self.line_thresh) results = [ (x1,y1) for (x1,y1,s1,r1) in sd.detect(subim.tostring()) ] frame.kp2d = [(x-incr+x1,y-incr+y1) for (x1,y1) in results if (incr<x1) and (incr<y1) and (x1<w+incr) and (y1<h+incr)] if not frame.kp2d: frame.kp2d = [] = [] frame.avgd = -1.0 print "No features" return self.vo.find_disparities(frame) # Convert to 3d keypoints and remove entries with invalid depths. I'm going to limit it to faces that are within a max dist as well. = [kp for kp in if 0.0<kp[2]] if not frame.kp2d = [] = [] frame.avgd = -1.0 print "no features" return frame.kp3d = [[0],kp[1],kp[2]) for kp in] to_remove = [kp3d[2]>self.max_face_dist or kp3d[2]<censize3d[2]-censize3d[3] or kp3d[2]>censize3d[2]+censize3d[3] for kp3d in frame.kp3d] # But only remove the entries if there are a few left. Otherwise, leave them all. if True: # sum(to_remove)<len( #for k in [, frame.kp3d]: = [kp for (kp,remove) in zip(,to_remove) if not remove] frame.kp3d = [kp for (kp,remove) in zip(frame.kp3d,to_remove) if not remove] if print len( else: print "0" # Enforce that kp2d and kp are the same. I would remove kp2d altogether except the stereo code uses it. frame.kp2d = [[kp[0],kp[1]] for kp in] if frame.avgd = sum([kp[2] for kp in])/len( else: frame.avgd = -1.0
def xtest_z_perf(self): sd = L.star_detector(self.im640.size[0], self.im640.size[1]) s = self.im640.tostring() niter = 100 started = time.time() for i in range(niter): kp = sd.detect(s) took = time.time() - started print print print "%.1f ms/frame" % (1e3 * took / niter) print print
def test_face(self): im ="face1.png").convert("L") # (114, 114, 5, 3, 10.0) sd = L.star_detector(im.size[0], im.size[1], 5, 3.0, 999.0) kp = sd.detect(im.tostring()) for (x,y,s,r) in kp: if r < 0: color = 0 else: color = 255 circle(im, x, y, s, color) comp ="L", (im.size[0] * 2, im.size[1])) comp.paste("face1.png").convert("L"), (0,0)) comp.paste(im, (im.size[0], 0))"out.png")
def perftest(self): print print for size in [ (512,384), (640,480) ]: im = self.im640.resize(size) sd = L.star_detector(im.size[0], im.size[1]) s = im.tostring() niter = 400 started = time.time() for i in range(niter): kp = sd.detect(s) took = time.time() - started print "%16s: %.1f ms/frame" % (str(size), 1e3 * took / niter) print print
def get_features_new(self, frame, target_points, rect, extra_incr): if DEBUG: print "Features from rect ", rect full = Image.fromstring("L",frame.size,frame.rawdata) (x,y,w,h) = (int(rect[0]), int(rect[1]), int(rect[2]), int(rect[3])) innerbox = [max(0,x-extra_incr), max(0,y-extra_incr)] innerbox += [min(full.width, x+w+extra_incr), min(full.height, y+h+extra_incr)] incr = 16 outerbox = [max(0,innerbox[0]-incr), max(0,innerbox[1]-incr)] outerbox += [min(full.width, innerbox[2]+incr), min(full.height, innerbox[3]+incr)] subim = full.crop(outerbox) sd = starfeature.star_detector(outerbox[2]-outerbox[0]+1, outerbox[3]-outerbox[1]+1, self.num_scales, self.feature_detector.thresh, self.line_thresh) results = [ (x1,y1) for (x1,y1,s1,r1) in sd.detect(subim.tostring()) ] real_incr = [abs(i1-o1) for (i1,o1) in zip(innerbox,outerbox)] return [(x1-real_incr[0]+1,y1-real_incr[1]+1) for (x1,y1) in results if (real_incr[0]<x1) and (real_incr[1]<y1) and (x1<outerbox[2]-real_incr[2]) and (y1<outerbox[3]-real_incr[3])]
def test_parameters(self): """ Change scales and thresholds """ results = [ simple(self.im640, 7, 30.0, 10.0, 8.0), simple(self.im640, 5, 30.0, 10.0, 8.0), simple(self.im640, 5, 25.0, 10.0, 8.0), simple(self.im640, 5, 25.0, 7.0, 8.0), simple(self.im640, 5, 25.0, 7.0, 4.0) ] # All should have different lengths self.assert_(len(set([ len(i) for i in results ])) == len(results)) im = self.im640 sd = L.star_detector(im.size[0], im.size[1], 7, 30.0, 10.0, 8.0) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[0]) sd.setScales(5) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[1]) sd.setResponseThreshold(25.0) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[2]) sd.setProjectedThreshold(7.0) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[3]) sd.setBinarizedThreshold(4.0) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[4])
def test_order_invariance(self): """ Check that output is independent of presentation order """ def runone(sd, im): kp = sd.detect(im.tostring()) return [ i[1] for i in sorted([ (abs(response), (x, y, s, response)) for (x, y, s, response) in kp])] pool = [ self.im640.resize((256, 256)) ] pool += ["L", (256, 256), c) for c in [0, 101, 255] ] pool += [Image.fromstring("L", (256,256), "".join([ chr(random.randrange(0, 256)) for i in range(256 * 256)])) for j in range(5)] random.seed(0) random.shuffle(pool) ref = [ simple(im) for im in pool ] sd = L.star_detector(256,256) for order in [ pool, pool[::-1] ]: result = [runone(sd, s) for s in pool] self.assertEqual(sorted(ref), sorted(result))
def test_parameters(self): """ Change scales and thresholds """ results = [ simple(self.im640, 7, 30.0, 10.0, 8.0), simple(self.im640, 5, 30.0, 10.0, 8.0), simple(self.im640, 5, 25.0, 10.0, 8.0), simple(self.im640, 5, 25.0, 7.0, 8.0), simple(self.im640, 5, 25.0, 7.0, 4.0) ] # All should have different lengths self.assert_(len(set([len(i) for i in results])) == len(results)) im = self.im640 sd = L.star_detector(im.size[0], im.size[1], 7, 30.0, 10.0, 8.0) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[0]) sd.setScales(5) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[1]) sd.setResponseThreshold(25.0) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[2]) sd.setProjectedThreshold(7.0) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[3]) sd.setBinarizedThreshold(4.0) self.assert_(detect(sd, im) == results[4])
def simple(im, scales = 7, threshold = 30.0, line_threshold = 10.0, line_threshold_bin = 8.0): sd = L.star_detector(im.size[0], im.size[1], scales, threshold, line_threshold, line_threshold_bin) kp = sd.detect(im.tostring()) return [ i[1] for i in sorted([ (abs(response), (x, y, s, response)) for (x, y, s, response) in kp])]
def simple(im, scales = 7, threshold = 30.0, line_threshold = 10.0, line_threshold_bin = 8.0): sd = L.star_detector(im.size[0], im.size[1], scales, threshold, line_threshold, line_threshold_bin) return detect(sd, im)
def get_features(self, frame, target_points, rect2d, censize3d): if DEBUG: print "Features from rect ", rect2d # Clear out all of the match info since it's not valid anymore. frame.matches = [] frame.desc_diffs = [] frame.good_matches = [] # Extract 2d keypoints and get their disparities full = Image.fromstring("L", frame.size, frame.rawdata) (x, y, w, h) = (int(rect2d[0]), int(rect2d[1]), int(rect2d[2]), int(rect2d[3])) incr = 16 subim = full.crop((x - incr, y - incr, x + w + incr, y + h + incr)) sd = starfeature.star_detector(w + 2 * incr, h + 2 * incr, self.num_scales, self.feature_detector.thresh, self.line_thresh) results = [(x1, y1) for (x1, y1, s1, r1) in sd.detect(subim.tostring())] frame.kp2d = [(x - incr + x1, y - incr + y1) for (x1, y1) in results if (incr < x1) and (incr < y1) and (x1 < w + incr) and ( y1 < h + incr)] if not frame.kp2d: frame.kp2d = [] = [] frame.avgd = -1.0 print "No features" return self.vo.find_disparities(frame) # Convert to 3d keypoints and remove entries with invalid depths. I'm going to limit it to faces that are within a max dist as well. = [kp for kp in if 0.0 < kp[2]] if not frame.kp2d = [] = [] frame.avgd = -1.0 print "no features" return frame.kp3d = [[0], kp[1], kp[2]) for kp in] to_remove = [ kp3d[2] > self.max_face_dist or kp3d[2] < censize3d[2] - censize3d[3] or kp3d[2] > censize3d[2] + censize3d[3] for kp3d in frame.kp3d ] # But only remove the entries if there are a few left. Otherwise, leave them all. if True: # sum(to_remove)<len( #for k in [, frame.kp3d]: = [ kp for (kp, remove) in zip(, to_remove) if not remove ] frame.kp3d = [ kp for (kp, remove) in zip(frame.kp3d, to_remove) if not remove ] if print len( else: print "0" # Enforce that kp2d and kp are the same. I would remove kp2d altogether except the stereo code uses it. frame.kp2d = [[kp[0], kp[1]] for kp in] if frame.avgd = sum([kp[2] for kp in]) / len( else: frame.avgd = -1.0
def get_features(self, frame, target_points): sd = starfeature.star_detector(frame.size[0], frame.size[1], 5, self.thresh, self.line_thresh) return [(x, y) for (x, y, s, r) in sd.detect(frame.rawdata)]
def get_features(self, frame, target_points): sd = starfeature.star_detector(frame.size[0], frame.size[1], 5, self.thresh, self.line_thresh) return [ (x,y) for (x,y,s,r) in sd.detect(frame.rawdata) ]