last_time = this_time ax, ay, az = (random.gauss(0.05,0.5)*math.cos(angle)+random.gauss(0,0.05) - 0.1*x, random.gauss(0.1,0.5)*math.sin(angle)+random.gauss(0,0.1)-0.1*y, random.gauss(0,0.5)) vx, vy, vz = vx + ax*dt, vy + ay*dt, vz + az*dt vxerr, vyerr = random.gauss(0,0.1), random.gauss(0,0.1) xerr, yerr = xerr + vxerr*dt, yerr + vyerr*dt if z <= 0.0 and vz < 0: vz = 0 elif z >= 1.5 and vz > 0: vz = 0 x, y, z = min(10,max(-10,x + vx*dt )), min(10,max(-10,y + vy*dt )), min(1.5,max(0,z + vz*dt)) xout,yout = x + xerr, y+ yerr alt = z + random.gauss(0,0.001) voltage = max(9.0, voltage - dt*3/(3*60)) rospy.logdebug('%f, %f, %f' % (xout, yout, alt)) trail.append_points([(xout,yout,alt)], [(min(1,1.0*alt/2.0), 1-min(1,1.0*alt/1.0), 1-min(1,alt/0.8), 0.9)]) ground_trail.append_points([(xout,yout,0)]) ground_nominal_trail.append_points([(x,y,0)]) vlm.set((xout,yout), zend=alt) tm.set(text="%.2f,%.2f" % (xout,yout), pos=(xout,yout,-0.02)) tm2.set(text="%.2f" % alt, pos=(xout+0.1,yout,alt/2)) batt_txt.set(text="%.2f V" % voltage, color=batt_color(voltage) + Alpha(1.0), pos=(xout,yout,alt+0.1)) heading.set(pos=(xout,yout,z+0.01), heading=math.degrees(math.atan2(vy,vx))) prre.set(origin=(xout,yout,0), axis=(vx,vy), length=norm(np.array([vx,vy]))) dt_pub = (this_time - last_pub_time).to_sec() if dt_pub > 0.05: mg.publish() last_pub_time = this_time angle += math.radians(0.5) % math.radians(360) r.sleep()
class FlyerViz(object): """ The main purpose of this node is to listen to telemetry from the flyer and use it to generate messages for the various rviz display types (in most cases, Marker or MarkerArray). """ # latest_llstatus = None latest_odom = None latest_controller_status = None def __init__(self): self.init_params() self.init_publishers() self.init_vars() self.init_viz() self.init_subscribers() self.init_timers() rospy.loginfo("Initialization complete") def init_params(self): self.publish_freq = rospy.get_param("~publish_freq", 20.0) self.subscriber_topic_prefix = rospy.get_param("~subscriber_topic_prefix", "downlink/") def init_publishers(self): self.mpub = rospy.Publisher("flyer_viz", Marker) self.mapub = rospy.Publisher("flyer_viz_array", MarkerArray) self.tfbr = TransformBroadcaster() def init_vars(self): self.trajectory = np.empty((1000, 3)) self.n_trajectory = 0 def init_viz(self): self.mode_t = TextMarker("mode", "", (0, 0, 0)) self.heading_marker = HeadingMarker("heading", (0, 0, 0)) self.vlm = VerticalLineMarker("altitude", (1, 1), color=Colors.WHITE + Alpha(0.5)) self.alt_t = TextMarker("altitude", "0.0", (0, 0, 0)) self.pos_t = TextMarker("position", "0.0,0.0", (0, 0, 0)) self.trail = TrailMarker("trail", [], colors=[], color=Colors.BLUE + Alpha(0.8)) self.trail.set_max_points(500) self.ground_trail = TrailMarker("ground_track", [], color=Colors.WHITE + Alpha(0.2)) self.ground_trail.set_max_points(500) self.boundary = PolygonMarker( "boundary", ((1.5, 1.5, 0), (-1.5, 1.5, 0), (-1.5, -1.5, 0), (1.5, -1.5, 0)), color=Colors.RED + Alpha(0.5), width=0.02, ) = MarkerGroup(self.mapub) self.mode_t, self.vlm, self.alt_t, self.pos_t, self.trail, self.ground_trail, self.heading_marker, self.boundary, ) def init_subscribers(self): prefix = self.subscriber_topic_prefix # self.llstatus_sub = rospy.Subscriber(prefix+'autopilot/LL_STATUS', LLStatus, self.llstatus_callback) # AscTec specific.. how to make more generic? self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber(prefix + "estimator/output", Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.controller_status_sub = rospy.Subscriber( prefix + "controller/status", controller_status, self.controller_status_callback ) def init_timers(self): self.publish_timer = Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / self.publish_freq), self.publish_timer_callback) def publish_timer_callback(self, event): now = if self.latest_controller_status is not None: self.mode_t.set(text=self.latest_controller_status.active_mode) if self.latest_odom is not None: pos = self.latest_odom.pose.pose.position loppo = self.latest_odom.pose.pose.orientation ori_ypr = tft.euler_from_quaternion((loppo.x, loppo.y, loppo.z, loppo.w), "rzyx") self.vlm.set((pos.x, pos.y), zend=pos.z) self.mode_t.set(pos=(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 0.1)) self.alt_t.set(text="%.3f" % -pos.z, pos=(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z / 2)) self.pos_t.set(text="%.2f, %.2f" % (pos.x, pos.y), pos=(pos.x, pos.y, 0.02)) self.heading_marker.set(pos=(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), heading=degrees(ori_ypr[0])) self.tfbr.sendTransform( (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), (loppo.x, loppo.y, loppo.z, loppo.w), now, "/viz/flyer_axes", "/ned" ) self.tfbr.sendTransform((pos.y, pos.x, -pos.z), (0, 0, 0, 1), now, "/viz/chase", "/enu") self.tfbr.sendTransform( (0, 0, 0), tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, radians(180), 0, "rzyx"), now, "/viz/onboard", "/viz/flyer_axes" ) # def llstatus_callback(self, msg): # self.latest_llstatus = msg def controller_status_callback(self, msg): self.latest_controller_status = msg def odom_callback(self, msg): self.latest_odom = msg pos = self.latest_odom.pose.pose.position self.trajectory[self.n_trajectory, :] = (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) self.n_trajectory += 1 if self.n_trajectory == self.trajectory.shape[0]: self.trajectory.resize((self.n_trajectory + 1000, 3)) self.trail.append_points([(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)], [alt_color(-pos.z)]) self.ground_trail.append_points([(pos.x, pos.y, 0)]) mindist = min([a - b for a, b in ((XMAX, pos.x), (pos.x, XMIN), (YMAX, pos.y), (pos.y, YMIN))]) if mindist <= 0: bcolor = Colors.RED + Alpha(1.0) elif mindist <= WARN_DIST: bcolor = Colors.YELLOW + Alpha(1.0) else: bcolor = Colors.GREEN + Alpha(1.0) self.boundary.set(color=bcolor)