Exemple #1
def write_ip_NDF(data, bad_pixel_ref):

    This function writes out the array ip parameter data to an ndf_file.

        result = write_ip_NDF(data,bad_pixel_ref)

        data = The array ip parameter data
        bad_ref = A NDF with bad pixel values to copy over.

    Returned Value:
        Writes NDF and returns handle.

    ndf_name_orig = NDG(1)
    indf = ndf.open(ndf_name_orig[0], 'WRITE', 'NEW')
    indf.new('_DOUBLE', 2, numpy.array([1, 1]), numpy.array([32, 40]))
    ndfmap = indf.map('DATA', '_DOUBLE', 'WRITE')

    # Copy bad pixels
    ndf_name = NDG(1)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(
        ndf_name_orig, bad_pixel_ref, ndf_name))
    return ndf_name
Exemple #2
def force_flat(ins, masks):

   Forces the background regions to be flat in a set of Q or U images.

      result = force_flat( ins, masks )

      in = NDG
         An NDG object specifying a group of Q or U images from which
         any low frequency background structure is to be removed.
      masks = NDG
         An NDG object specifying a corresponding group of Q or U images
         in which source pixels are bad. These are only used to mask the
         images specified by "in". It should have the same size as "in".

   Returned Value:
      A new NDG object containing the group of corrected Q or U images.


    #  How many NDFs are we processing?
    nndf = len(ins)

    #  Blank out sources by copy the bad pixels from "mask" into "in".
    msg_out("   masking...")
    qm = NDG(ins)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(ins, masks, qm))

    #  Smooth the blanked NDFs using a 3 pixel Gaussian. Set wlim so that
    #  small holes are filled in by the smoothing process.
    msg_out("   smoothing...")
    qs = NDG(ins)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/gausmooth in={0} out={1} fwhm=3 wlim=0.5".format(
        qm, qs))

    #  Fill remaining big holes using artifical data.
    msg_out("   filling...")
    qf = NDG(ins)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/fillbad in={0} out={1} niter=10 size=10 variance=no".
           format(qs, qf))

    #  Subtract the filled low frequency data form the original to create the
    #  returned images.
    msg_out("   removing low frequency background structure...")
    result = NDG(ins)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/sub in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(ins, qf, result))

    return result
Exemple #3
def run_calcqu(input_data, config, harmonic):
    #  The following call to SMURF:CALCQU creates two HDS container files -
    #  one holding a set of Q NDFs and the other holding a set of U NDFs. Create
    #  these container files in the NDG temporary directory.
    qcont = NDG(1)
    qcont.comment = "qcont"
    ucont = NDG(1)
    ucont.comment = "ucont"

    msg_out("Calculating Q and U values for each bolometer...")
        "$SMURF_DIR/calcqu in={0} config=\"{1}\" lsqfit=no outq={2} outu={3} "
        "harmonic={4} fix".format(input_data, starutil.shell_quote(config),
                                  qcont, ucont, harmonic))
    return (qcont, ucont)
Exemple #4
            ff = indata
    except starutil.StarUtilError:

#  Flat field the supplied template data
    if not ff:
        ff = NDG.load("FF")
        if ff:
            msg_out("Re-using old flatfielded template data...")

    if not ff:
        ffdir = NDG.subdir()
        msg_out("Flatfielding template data...")
        invoke("$SMURF_DIR/flatfield in={0} out=\"{1}/*\"".format(
            indata, ffdir))
        ff = NDG("{0}/\*".format(ffdir))

#  Output files. Base the modification on "ff" rather than "indata",
#  since "indata" may include non-science files (flatfields, darks etc)
#  for which no corresponding output file should be created.
    gexp = parsys["OUT"].value
    outdata = NDG(ff, gexp)

    #  If required, create new artificial I, Q and U maps.
    if newart:
        msg_out("Creating new artificial I, Q and U maps...")

        #  Get the parameters defining the artificial data
        artform = parsys["ARTFORM"].value
        ipeak = parsys["IPEAK"].value
Exemple #5
         fcf_i = 491.0

   elif filter == 850:
      fcf_qu = 725.0
      if ipol2:
         fcf_i = 725.0
         fcf_i = 537.0

      raise starutil.InvalidParameterError("Invalid FILTER header value "
             "'{0} found in {1}.".format( filter, qin[0] ) )

#  Remove any spectral axes
   qtrim = NDG(qin)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={0} out={1} trim=yes".format(qin,qtrim) )
   utrim = NDG(uin)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={0} out={1} trim=yes".format(uin,utrim) )
   itrim = NDG(iin)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={0} out={1} trim=yes".format(iin,itrim) )

#  Rotate them to use the same polarimetric reference direction.
   qrot = NDG(qtrim)
   urot = NDG(utrim)
   invoke( "$POLPACK_DIR/polrotref qin={0} uin={1} like={2} qout={3} uout={4} ".
           format(qtrim,utrim,qtrim[0],qrot,urot) )

#  Mosaic them into a single set of Q, U and I images, aligning them
#  with the first I image.
   qmos = NDG( 1 )
Exemple #6
            #  Get a flag indicating if the tile's master NDF existed before the
            #  above invocation of "tileinfo".
            existed = starutil.get_task_par("exists", "tileinfo")

            #  Get the 2D spatial pixel index bounds of the master tile.
            tlbnd = starutil.get_task_par("lbnd", "tileinfo")
            tubnd = starutil.get_task_par("ubnd", "tileinfo")

            #  If the NDFs are not gridded using the JSA all-sky grid appropriate to
            #  the specified instrument, then we need to resample them onto that grid
            #  before coadding the new and old data. We only need do this for the
            #  first tile for each input NDF, since all tiles are aligned on the same
            #  pixel grid.
            if aligned is None:
                if not jsa:
                    aligned = NDG(1)[0]
                    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/wcsalign in={0} ref={1} out={2} lbnd=! "
                           "method=bilin".format(ndf, tilendf, aligned))
                    aligned = ndf

#  Get the pixel index bounds of the aligned NDF.
                invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace ndf={0}".format(aligned))
                nlbnd = starutil.get_task_par("lbound", "ndftrace")
                nubnd = starutil.get_task_par("ubound", "ndftrace")

#  Get the 2D spatial pixel index bounds of the overlap of the current tile
#  and the aligned NDF.
            olbnd = [1, 1]
            oubnd = [0, 0]
            for i in (0, 1):
Exemple #7
def remove_corr(ins, masks):

   Masks the supplied set of Q or U images and then looks for and removes
   correlated components in the background regions.

      result = remove_corr( ins, masks )

      ins = NDG
         An NDG object specifying a group of Q or U images from which
         correlated background components are to be removed.
      masks = NDG
         An NDG object specifying a corresponding group of Q or U images
         in which source pixels are bad. These are only used to mask the
         images specified by "in". It should have the same size as "in".

   Returned Value:
      A new NDG object containing the group of corrected Q or U images.


    #  How many NDFs are we processing?
    nndf = len(ins)

    #  Blank out sources by copy the bad pixels from "mask" into "in". We refer
    #  to "q" below, but the same applies whether processing Q or U.
    msg_out("   masking...")
    qm = NDG(ins)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(ins, masks, qm))

    #  Find the most correlated pair of imagtes. We use the basic correlation
    #  coefficient calculated by kappa:scatter for this.
    msg_out("   Finding most correlated pair of images...")
    cmax = 0
    for i in range(0, nndf - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, nndf):
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/scatter in1={0} in2={1} device=!".format(
                qm[i], qm[j]))
            c = starutil.get_task_par("corr", "scatter")
            if abs(c) > abs(cmax):
                cmax = c
                cati = i
                catj = j

    if abs(cmax) < 0.3:
        msg_out("   No correlated images found!")
        return ins

    msg_out("   Correlation for best pair of images = {0}".format(cmax))

    #  Find images that are reasonably correlated to the pair found above,
    #  and coadd them to form a model for the correlated background
    #  component. Note, the holes left by the masking are filled in by the
    #  coaddition using background data from other images.
    msg_out("   Forming model...")

    #  Form the average of the two most correlated images, first normalising
    #  them to a common scale so that they both have equal weight.
    norm = "{0}/norm".format(NDG.tempdir)
    if not normer(qm[cati], qm[catj], 0.3, norm):
        norm = qm[cati]

    mslist = NDG([qm[catj], norm])
    ave = "{0}/ave".format(NDG.tempdir)
        "$CCDPACK_DIR/makemos in={0} method=mean genvar=no usevar=no out={1}".
        format(mslist, ave))

    #  Loop round each image finding the correlation factor of the image and
    #  the above average image.
    temp = "{0}/temp".format(NDG.tempdir)
    nlist = []
    ii = 0
    for i in range(0, nndf):
        c = blanker(qm[i], ave, temp)

        #  If the correlation is high enough, normalize the image to the average
        #  image and then include the normalised image in the list of images to be
        #  coadded to form the final model.
        if abs(c) > 0.3:
            tndf = "{0}/t{1}".format(NDG.tempdir, ii)
            ii += 1
                "$KAPPA_DIR/normalize in1={1} in2={2} out={0} device=!".format(
                    tndf, temp, ave))

    if ii == 0:
        msg_out("   No secondary correlated images found!")
        return ins

        "   Including {0} secondary correlated images in the model.".format(

    #  Coadded the images created above to form the model of the correlated
    #  background component. Fill any remaining bad pixels with artificial data.
    model = "{0}/model".format(NDG.tempdir)
    included = NDG(nlist)
        "$CCDPACK_DIR/makemos in={0} method=mean usevar=no genvar=no out={1}".
        format(included, temp))
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/fillbad in={1} variance=no out={0} size=10 niter=10".
           format(model, temp))

    #  Now estimate how much of the model is present in each image and remove it.
    msg_out("   Removing model...")
    temp2 = "{0}/temp2".format(NDG.tempdir)
    qnew = NDG(ins)
    nbetter = 0
    for i in range(0, nndf):

        #  Try to normalise the model to the current image. This fails if the
        #  correlation between them is too low.
        if normer(model, qm[i], 0.3, temp):

            #  Remove the scaled model form the image.
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/sub in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(
                ins[i], temp, temp2))

            #  We now check that removing the correlated background component has in
            #  fact made the image flatter (poor fits etc can mean that images that
            #  are poorly correlated to the model have a large amount of model
            #  removed and so make the image less flat). FInd the standard deviation
            #  of the data in the original image and in the corrected image.
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(ins[i]))
            oldsig = get_task_par("sigma", "stats")

            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(temp2))
            newsig = get_task_par("sigma", "stats")

            #  If the correction has made the image flatter, copy it to the returned NDG.
            if newsig < oldsig:
                nbetter += 1
                invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={1} out={0}".format(
                    qnew[i], temp2))
                invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={0} out={1}".format(
                    ins[i], qnew[i]))

#  If the input image is poorly correlated to the model, return the input
#  image unchanged.
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={0} out={1}".format(ins[i], qnew[i]))

    msg_out("   {0} out of {1} images have been improved.".format(
        nbetter, nndf))

    #  Return the corrected images.
    return qnew
Exemple #8
            if starutil.get_task_par("numgood", "stats") > 0:

                #  If so, append the section to the list of NDFs to be included in the output.

#  Raise an exception if no data is available for the tiles overlap
    msg_out(" ")
    if len(tilendf) == 0:
        raise starutil.StarUtilError(
            "No JSA {0} data is available "
            "for the requested region.".format(instrument))

#  Otherwise, paste the sections together to form the output NDF.
        tiles = NDG(tilendf)
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/paste in={0} out={1}".format(tiles, outdata))
        msg_out("Created output NDF {0} from tiles {1}".format(
            outdata, itilelist))

#  Remove temporary files.

#  If an StarUtilError of any kind occurred, display the message but hide the
#  python traceback. To see the trace back, uncomment "raise" instead.
except starutil.StarUtilError as err:
    #  raise

# This is to trap control-C etc, so that we can clean up temp files.
Exemple #9
def get_filtered_skydip_data(qarray, uarray, clip, a):

    This function takes q and u array data (output from calcqu), applies ffclean to remove spikes
    and puts in numpy array variable
    It borrows (copies) heavily from pol2cat.py (2015A)

        ( qdata_total,qvar_total,udata_total,uvar_total,elevation,opacity_term,bad_pixel_ref ) = ...

        qarray = An NDF of Q array data (output from calcqu).
        uarray = An NDF of U array data (output form calcqu).
        clip = The sigma cut for ffclean.
           a = A string indicating the array (eg. 'S8A').

    Returned Value:
        qdata_total = A numpy array with the cleaned qarray data.
        qvar_total = A numpy array with the qarray variance data.
        udata_total = A numpy array with the cleaned uarray data.
        uvar_total = A numpy array with the uarray variance data.
        elevation = A numpy array with the elevation data
        opacity_term = A numpy array with the opacity brightness term (1-exp(-tau*air_mass))
            Here tau is calculated using the WVM data as input.


    #  Remove spikes from the Q images for the current subarray. The cleaned NDFs
    #  are written to temporary NDFs specified by the new NDG object "qff", which
    #  inherit its size from the existing group "qarray"".
    msg_out("Removing spikes from {0} bolometer Q values...".format(a))
    qff = NDG(qarray)
    qff.comment = "qff"
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ffclean in={0} out={1} genvar=yes box=3 clip=\[{2}\]".
           format(qarray, qff, clip))

    #  Remove spikes from the U images for the current subarray. The cleaned NDFs
    #  are written to temporary NDFs specified by the new NDG object "uff", which
    #  inherit its size from the existing group "uarray"".
    msg_out("Removing spikes from {0} bolometer U values...".format(a))
    uff = NDG(uarray)
    uff.comment = "uff"
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ffclean in={0} out={1} genvar=yes box=3 clip=\[{2}\]".
           format(uarray, uff, clip))

    elevation = []
    opacity_term = []
    for stare in range(len(qff[:])):
        # Stack Q data in numpy array
        # Get elevation information
                        "$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod ndf={0} edit=print keyword=ELSTART"
        # Get Tau (Opacity) information
        tau_temp = numpy.array(
                    "$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod ndf={0} edit=print keyword=WVMTAUST".
        # Convert to obs band.
        if '4' in a:
            tau_temp = 19.04 * (tau_temp - 0.018)  # Eq from Dempsey et al
        elif '8' in a:
            tau_temp = 5.36 * (tau_temp - 0.006)  # Eq from Dempsey et al.
        opacity_term.append(1 -
                            numpy.exp(-1 * tau_temp /
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(qff[stare]))
        nx = get_task_par("dims(1)", "ndftrace")
        ny = get_task_par("dims(2)", "ndftrace")
        qdata_temp = numpy.reshape(Ndf(qff[stare]).data, (ny, nx))
        qdata_temp[numpy.abs(qdata_temp) > 1e300] = numpy.nan
        if stare == 0:
            qdata_total = qdata_temp
            qdata_total = numpy.dstack((qdata_total, qdata_temp))
        qvar_temp = numpy.reshape(Ndf(qff[stare]).var, (ny, nx))
        qdata_temp[numpy.abs(qvar_temp) > 1e300] = numpy.nan
        if stare == 0:
            qvar_total = qvar_temp
            qvar_total = numpy.dstack((qvar_total, qvar_temp))
        # Stack U data in numpy array
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(uff[stare]))
        nx = get_task_par("dims(1)", "ndftrace")
        ny = get_task_par("dims(2)", "ndftrace")
        udata_temp = numpy.reshape(Ndf(uff[stare]).data, (ny, nx))
        udata_temp[numpy.abs(udata_temp) > 1e300] = numpy.nan
        if stare == 0:
            udata_total = udata_temp
            udata_total = numpy.dstack((udata_total, udata_temp))
        uvar_temp = numpy.reshape(Ndf(uff[stare]).var, (ny, nx))
        udata_temp[numpy.abs(uvar_temp) > 1e300] = numpy.nan
        if stare == 0:
            uvar_total = uvar_temp
            uvar_total = numpy.dstack((uvar_total, uvar_temp))

    # Create bad pixel reference.
    bad_pixel_ref = NDG(1)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(
        qff, uff, bad_pixel_ref))
    return (qdata_total, qvar_total, udata_total, uvar_total, elevation,
            opacity_term, bad_pixel_ref)
Exemple #10
                        chi2Vals[row_val, col_val] = ipprms.fun
                        returnCode[row_val, col_val] = False

            # Write NDFs.
            out_p0 = write_ip_NDF(ip_prms['Pf_' + a[-1]], bad_pixel_ref)
            out_p1 = write_ip_NDF(ipprms_pol_screen, bad_pixel_ref)
            out_c0 = write_ip_NDF(ipprms_Co, bad_pixel_ref)
            out_angc = write_ip_NDF(ip_prms['Theta_ip_' + a[-1]],

            # Fill any bad pixels with smooth function to match surrounding pixels
                "Filling in bad pixel values for {0} bolometer IP parameters..."
            out_p0_filled = NDG(1)
                "$KAPPA_DIR/fillbad in={0} out={1} variance=true niter=10 size=15"
                .format(out_p0, out_p0_filled))
            out_p1_filled = NDG(1)
                "$KAPPA_DIR/fillbad in={0} out={1} variance=true niter=10 size=15"
                .format(out_p1, out_p1_filled))
            out_c0_filled = NDG(1)
                "$KAPPA_DIR/fillbad in={0} out={1} variance=true niter=10 size=15"
                .format(out_c0, out_c0_filled))
            out_angc_filled = NDG(1)
                "$KAPPA_DIR/fillbad in={0} out={1} variance=true niter=10 size=15"
                .format(out_angc, out_angc_filled))
Exemple #11
#  Create a list holding the paths to the tile NDFs that intersect
#  the required region.
        ntile = 0
        used_tile_list = []
        for jsatile in jsatile_list:
            key = str(jsatile)
            if key in tile_dict and tile_dict[key]:
                ntile += 1

#  Create an NDG holding the group of tile NDFs.
        if ntile > 0:
                "{0} of the supplied tiles intersect the requested region.".
            used_tiles = NDG(used_tile_list)
            raise starutil.InvalidParameterError(
                "None of the supplied JSA tiles "
                "intersect the requested region")

#  If we are using all tiles, just use the supplied group of tiles. Use
#  the middle supplied tile as the reference.
        used_tiles = tiles
        jsatile = int(len(tiles) / 2)
        jsatile = starutil.get_fits_header(tiles[jsatile], "TILENUM")

#  Paste these tile NDFs into a single image. This image still uses the
#  JSA all-sky pixel grid. If we have only a single tile, then just use
#  it as it is.
Exemple #12
    #  south pole). The above call to jsatileinfo will have determined the
    #  appropriate projection to use, so get it.
    proj = starutil.get_task_par("PROJ", "jsatilelist")

    #  Create a file holding the FITS-WCS header for the first tile, using
    #  the type of projection determined above.
    head = "{0}/header".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$SMURF_DIR/jsatileinfo itile={0} instrument={1} header={2} "
           "proj={3} quiet".format(tiles[0], instrument, head, proj))

    #  Get the lower pixel index bounds of the first tile.
    lx = int(starutil.get_task_par("LBND(1)", "jsatileinfo"))
    ly = int(starutil.get_task_par("LBND(2)", "jsatileinfo"))

    #  Create a 1x1 NDF and store the tile headers in the FITS extension.
    ref = NDG(1)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/creframe out={0} mode=fl mean=0 lbound=\[{1},{2}\] "
           "ubound=\[{1},{2}\]".format(ref, lx, ly))
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/fitstext ndf={0} file={1}".format(ref, head))

    #  Get the nominal spatial pixel size of the supplied NDF.
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace ndf={0} quiet".format(inndf))
    pixsize1 = float(starutil.get_task_par("FPIXSCALE(1)", "ndftrace"))
    pixsize2 = float(starutil.get_task_par("FPIXSCALE(2)", "ndftrace"))
    pixsize_in = math.sqrt(pixsize1 * pixsize2)

    #  Get the nominal tile pixel size.
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace ndf={0} quiet".format(ref))
    pixsize1 = float(starutil.get_task_par("FPIXSCALE(1)", "ndftrace"))
    pixsize2 = float(starutil.get_task_par("FPIXSCALE(2)", "ndftrace"))
    pixsize_tile = math.sqrt(pixsize1 * pixsize2)
Exemple #13
   fd.write("flt.filt_edgehigh_last=<undef>\n")        # final iteration. We
   fd.write("flt.filt_edgelow_last=<undef>\n")         # reset them here in
   fd.write("flt.whiten_last=<undef>\n")               # case they are set in
   fd.write("com.perarray_last=<undef>\n")             # the supplied config.
   if precleaned:
      fd.write("downsampscale = 0\n")   # Cleaned data will have been downsampled already.
      fd.write("downsampfreq = 0\n")
   fd.close()                 # Close the config file.

#  Get the name of a temporary NDF that can be used to store the first
#  iteration map. This NDF is put in the NDG temp directory. If we are
#  only doing one iteration, used the supplied output NDF name.
   if niter == 1:
      newmap = outdata
      newmap = NDG(1)
   prevmap = None

#  Start a list of these maps in case we are creating an output itermap cube.
   maps = []

#  If we are restarting, check if the NDF already exists and is readable.
#  If so, we do not re-create it.
   msg_out( "Iteration 1...")
   gotit = False
   if restart != None:
         invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace ndf={0} quiet=yes".format(newmap))
         msg_out( "Re-using existing map {0}".format(newmap) )
         gotit = True
Exemple #14
    #  Erase any NDFs holding cleaned data, exteinction or pointing data from
    #  previous runs.
    for path in glob.glob("*_con_res_cln.sdf"):
        base = path[:-16]

#  Use sc2concat to concatenate and flatfield the data.
    msg_out("Concatenating and flatfielding...")
    concbase = NDG.tempfile("")
    invoke("$SMURF_DIR/sc2concat in={0} outbase={1} maxlen=360".format(
        indata, concbase))
    concdata = NDG("{0}_*".format(concbase))

    #  Use makemap to generate quality, extinction and pointing info.
    confname = NDG.tempfile()
    fd = open(confname, "w")
    if fakemap != None:
Exemple #15
    fd.write("flt.filt_edgelow_last=<undef>\n")  # reset them here in
    fd.write("flt.whiten_last=<undef>\n")  # case they are set in
    fd.write("com.perarray_last=<undef>\n")  # the supplied config.
    if precleaned:
        fd.write("downsampscale = 0\n"
                 )  # Cleaned data will have been downsampled already.
        fd.write("downsampfreq = 0\n")
    fd.close()  # Close the config file.

    #  Get the name of a temporary NDF that can be used to store the first
    #  iteration map. This NDF is put in the NDG temp directory. If we are
    #  only doing one iteration, used the supplied output NDF name.
    if niter == 1:
        newmap = outdata
        newmap = NDG(1)
    prevmap = None

    #  Start a list of these maps in case we are creating an output itermap cube.
    maps = []

    #  If we are restarting, check if the NDF already exists and is readable.
    #  If so, we do not re-create it.
    msg_out("Iteration 1...")
    gotit = False
    if restart is not None:
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace ndf={0} quiet=yes".format(newmap))
            msg_out("Re-using existing map {0}".format(newmap))
            gotit = True