def vspinor(n, L, m, normed=False):
    if m == 0 and n == 0:
        return np.array([[1 / sqrt(2)], [-1 / sqrt(2)]])
    k = (2. * pi / L) * n
    energy = omega(n, L, m)
    if normed:
        return np.array([[sqrt(energy - k) / sqrt(2 * energy)],
                         [-sqrt(energy + k) / sqrt(2 * energy)]])
    return np.array([[sqrt(energy - k)], [-sqrt(energy + k)]])
Exemple #2
 def __setitem__(self, wn, n):
     """ Sets the occupation number corresponding to a wave number """
     if += ((n-self[wn])*omega(wn,self.L,self.m)).sum()
         self.totalWN += ((n-self[wn])*wn).sum()
         self.momentum = (2.*pi/self.L)*self.totalWN
         #should we update parity eigenstate too? probably - IL
     self.occs[int(wn-self.nmin)] = n
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, clist, dlist, L, m, extracoeff=1):
         clist, dlist, L, m: as above
         extracoeff (float): an overall multiplicative prefactor for the
             operator, *written as a power of the field operator phi*
     self.clist = clist
     self.dlist = dlist
     self.L = L
     self.m = m
     # coeff converts the overall prefactor of phi (extracoeff) to a prefactor
     # for the string of creation and annihilation operators in the final operator
     # see the normalization in Eq. 2.6
     self.coeff = extracoeff / product(
         [sqrt(2. * L * omega(n, L, m)) for n in clist + dlist])
     #can this be sped up by vectorizing the omega function? IL
     self.deltaE = sum([omega(n, L, m) for n in clist]) - sum(
         [omega(n, L, m) for n in dlist])
    def __init__(self,
            clist, dlist, L, m: as above
            extracoeff (float): an overall multiplicative prefactor for the
                operator, *written as a power of the field operator phi*
            normed (bool): indicates whether factor of 1/sqrt(2*omega) has
                been absorbed into the definition of the spinor wavefunctions
        # Check if there are multiple operators acting on the same mode.
        # Since fermionic operators anticommute, operators which have e.g.
        # 2 annihilation operators acting on the same mode are just 0.
        self.uniqueOps = (self.checkValidList(clist)
                          and self.checkValidList(dlist)
                          and self.checkValidList(anticlist)
                          and self.checkValidList(antidlist))

        self.clist = clist[::-1]
        self.dlist = dlist[::-1]
        self.anticlist = anticlist[::-1]
        self.antidlist = antidlist[::-1]
        self.L = L
        self.m = m
        # coeff converts the overall prefactor of phi (extracoeff) to a prefactor
        # for the string of creation and annihilation operators in the final operator
        # see the normalization in Eq. 2.6
        if normed:
            self.coeff = extracoeff
            #note: have to be careful with this for massless zero modes
            self.coeff = extracoeff / product(
                [sqrt(2. * L * omega(n, L, m)) for n in clist + dlist])

        self.deltaE = sum([omega(n, L, m) for n in clist]) - sum(
            [omega(n, L, m) for n in dlist])
    def setUp(self):
        self.L = 2 * pi
        self.m = 1.
        self.n = 5
        self.k = (2. * pi / self.L) * self.n
        self.E = omega(self.n, self.L, self.m)

        self.GAMMA0 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
        self.GAMMA1 = np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]])
        self.myUSpinor = uspinor(self.n, self.L, self.m)
        self.myVSpinor = vspinor(self.n, self.L, self.m)
    def setUp(self):
        self.L = 2 * pi
        self.m = 0.
        self.n = 5
        self.k = (2. * pi / self.L) * self.n
        self.E = omega(self.n, self.L, self.m)

        self.myUSpinor = uspinor(self.n, self.L, self.m)
        self.myVSpinor = vspinor(self.n, self.L, self.m)
        # make spinors with -p
        self.myUSpinor2 = uspinor(-self.n, self.L, self.m)
        self.myVSpinor2 = vspinor(-self.n, self.L, self.m)

        self.myUSpinorNormed = uspinor(self.n, self.L, self.m, normed=True)
        self.myVSpinorNormed = vspinor(self.n, self.L, self.m, normed=True)
        # make spinors with -p
        self.myUSpinor2Normed = uspinor(-self.n, self.L, self.m, normed=True)
        self.myVSpinor2Normed = vspinor(-self.n, self.L, self.m, normed=True)
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, particleOccs, antiparticleOccs, nmax,
                 L=None, m=None, fast=False, checkAtRest=True,
            antiparticleOccs: occupation number list
            particleOccs: occupation number list
            nmax (int): wave number of the last element in occs
            fast (bool): a flag for when occs and nmax are all that are needed
                (see transformState in
            checkAtRest (bool): a flag to check if the total momentum is zero
        #assert m >= 0, "Negative or zero mass"
        #assert L > 0, "Circumference must be positive"
        assert (len(particleOccs) == len(antiparticleOccs)),\
            "Occupation number lists should match in length"
        assert (np.all(np.less_equal(particleOccs, 1))
            and np.all(np.less_equal(antiparticleOccs, 1))),\
            "Pauli exclusion violated"
        self.particleOccs = np.array(particleOccs)
        self.antiparticleOccs = np.array(antiparticleOccs)
        self.occs = np.transpose(np.vstack((self.particleOccs,
        self.size = len(self.occs)
        self.nmax = nmax
        self.nmin = self.nmax - self.size + 1
        self.isDressed = False = fast
        if fast:

        wavenum = np.arange(self.nmin, self.nmax+1)
        self.totalWN = (wavenum*np.transpose(self.occs)).sum()
        self.__parityEigenstate = (self.size == 2*self.nmax + 1
                                   and np.array_equal(self.occs[::-1],self.occs))

        self.netCharge = self.particleOccs.sum() - self.antiparticleOccs.sum()

        if checkAtRest:
            if self.totalWN != 0:            
                raise ValueError("State not at rest")
        if checkChargeNeutral:
            if self.netCharge != 0:
                raise ValueError("State not charge-neutral")

        self.__chargeNeutral = (self.netCharge == 0)
        self.L = L
        self.m = m
        energies = omega(wavenum,L,m) = (energies*np.transpose(self.occs)).sum()
        self.momentum = (2.*pi/self.L)*self.totalWN
Exemple #8
 def __buildRMlist(self):
     """ sets list of all right-moving states with particles of individual wave number 
     <= nmax, total momentum <= Emax/2 and total energy <= Emax
     This function works by first filling in n=1 mode in all possible ways, then n=2 mode
     in all possible ways assuming the occupation of n=1 mode, etc
     This is modified for fermionic states. In the fermionic case,
     occupation numbers are zero or one due to Pauli exclusion.
     if self.nmax == 0:
         self.__RMlist = [FermionState([],[],nmax=0,L=self.L,m=self.m,
     # for zero-momentum states, the maximum value of k is as follows.
     kmax = max(0., np.sqrt((self.Emax/2.)**2.-self.m**2.))
     # the max occupation number of the n=1 mode is either kmax divided 
     # by the momentum at n=1 or Emax/omega, whichever is less
     # the 2 here accounts for that we can have a single particle and an 
     # antiparticle in n=1
     if self.bcs == "periodic":
         seedN = 1
     elif self.bcs == "antiperiodic":
         seedN = 0.5
     maxN1 = min([math.floor(kmax/k(seedN,self.L)),
     if maxN1 <= 0:
         nextOccs = [[0,0]]
     elif maxN1 == 1:
         nextOccs = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0]]
         nextOccs = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]
     RMlist0 = [FermionState([occs[0]],[occs[1]],seedN,L=self.L,m=self.m,checkAtRest=False,
                      checkChargeNeutral=False) for occs in nextOccs]
     # seed list of RM states,all possible n=1 mode occupation numbers
     for n in np.arange(seedN+1,self.nmax+1): #go over all other modes
         RMlist1=[] #we will take states out of RMlist0, augment them and add to RMlist1
         for RMstate in RMlist0: # cycle over all RMstates
             p0 = RMstate.momentum
             e0 =
             # maximal occupation number of mode n given the momentum/energy
             # in all previous modes. The sqrt term accounts for the
             # ground state energy of the overall state, while e0 gives
             # the energy in each of the mode excitations.
             maxNn = min([math.floor((kmax-p0)/k(n,self.L)),
             if maxNn <= 0:
                 nextOccsList = [[0,0]]
             elif maxNn == 1:
                 nextOccsList = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0]]
                 nextOccsList = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]
             assert maxNn <= 2, f"maxNn was {maxNn}"
             # got to here in edits.
             # should we maybe just write a numpy function to calculate
             # energy and momentum from the occs list?
             # update: i did this. But it would take an extra
             # function call instead of accessing state properties.
             #print(f"RMstate occs are {RMstate.occs}")
             for nextOccs in nextOccsList:
                 longerstate = np.append(RMstate.occs,[nextOccs],axis=0)
         #RMlist1 created, copy it back to RMlist0
         RMlist0 = RMlist1
     self.__RMlist = RMlist0 #save list of RMstates in an internal variable 
    def buildMatrix(self):
        """ Builds the full Hamiltonian in the basis of the free Hamiltonian eigenvectors.
        This is computationally intensive. It can be skipped by loading the matrix from file """
        Possible speedups:
            Simplify the diagonal operator loops?
            Can we apply a numpy mask to simplify the loops without the
        Basically this loops over the operators at each order in phi
        and stores all the normal order operators explicitly in lists.
        L = self.L
        m = self.m

        for k in (1, -1):
            basis = self.fullBasis[k]
            lookupBasis = self.fullBasis[k]
            Emax = basis.Emax
            nmax = basis.nmax

            diagOps = {0: None, 2: None, 4: None}
            offdiagOps = {0: None, 2: None, 4: None}

            diagOps[0] = [NOO([], [], L, m)]

            offdiagOps[0] = []
            #the 2 is a combinatorial factor since both aa^dagger and a^dagger a contribute
            diagOps[2] = [
                NOO([a], [a], L, m, extracoeff=2.)
                for a in range(-nmax, nmax + 1)
            #the symmetry factor is 1 if a=-a and 2 otherwise
            offdiagOps[2] = [
                NOO([a, -a], [], L, m, extracoeff=comb(a, -a))
                for a in range(-nmax, nmax + 1)
                if a <= -a <= nmax and omega(a, L, m) +
                omega(-a, L, m) <= Emax + tol
            # the default symmetry factor is 6 (4 choose 2) if a and b are distinct
            # and c, a+b-c are distinct
            # notice the index for b runs from a to nmax so we only get unique
            # pairs a and b, i.e. (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,2), (2,3), (3,3).
            diagOps[4] = [
                NOO([a, b], [c, a + b - c],
                    extracoeff=6. * comb(a, b) * comb(c, a + b - c))
                for a in range(-nmax, nmax + 1) for b in range(a, nmax + 1)
                for c in range(-nmax, nmax + 1)
                if (c <= a + b - c <= nmax and (a, b) == (c, a + b - c)
                    and -Emax - tol <= omega(a, L, m) + omega(b, L, m) -
                    omega(c, L, m) - omega(a + b - c, L, m) <= Emax + tol)

            offdiagOps[4] = [ NOO([a,b,c,-a-b-c],[],L,m,extracoeff=comb(a,b,c,-a-b-c))
                    for a in range(-nmax,nmax+1) for b in range (a,nmax+1)
                    for c in range(b,nmax+1) if c<=-a-b-c<=nmax and
                    omega(a,L,m)+omega(b,L,m) + omega(c,L,m)+omega(-a-b-c,L,m)<= Emax+tol]  \
                + [ NOO([a,b,c],[a+b+c],L,m, extracoeff = 4. * comb(a,b,c))
                    for a in range(-nmax, nmax+1) for b in range (a,nmax+1)
                    for c in range(b,nmax+1) if
                    and -Emax-tol <= omega(a,L,m)+omega(b,L,m)+ omega(c,L,m)-omega(a+b+c,L,m) <=Emax+tol)] \
                + [ NOO([a,b],[c,a+b-c],L,m, extracoeff = 6. * comb(a,b)*comb(c,a+b-c))
                    for a in range(-nmax,nmax+1) for b in range (a,nmax+1)
                    for c in range(-nmax,nmax+1) if
                    ( c<=a+b-c<=nmax
                    and (a,b) != (c,a+b-c)
                    and sorted([abs(a),abs(b)]) < sorted([abs(c),abs(a+b-c)])
                    and -Emax-tol <= omega(a,L,m)+omega(b,L,m)- omega(c,L,m)-omega(a+b-c,L,m) <=Emax+tol)]

            #save as h0 a lookupBasis.size by 1 sparse matrix initialized to zeros
            #really just a single column
            #and store the bases as h0[k].basisI and h0[k].basisJ
            #self.h0[k] = Matrix(lookupBasis, basis)

            tempEnergies = np.empty(basis.size)
            #initialTime = time.time()
            #this was xrange in the original; range in 3.x was xrange in 2.x -IL
            for j in range(basis.size):
                #make a new column of the appropriate length
                #newcolumn = scipy.zeros(lookupBasis.size)
                #set the jth entry in this column to be the energy of
                #the jth state in the basis
                #newcolumn[j] = basis[j].energy
                tempEnergies[j] = basis[j].energy

                basically this is just a diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues
                since the Hamiltonian h0 is diagonal in this basis this is faster.
                the loop adding columns takes 0.45711565017700195 s
                just creating the sparse matrix takes 0.000997304916381836 s.
            temph0 = scipy.sparse.diags(tempEnergies, format="coo")
            self.h0[k] = Matrix(lookupBasis, basis, temph0)

            #ran some tests, doing scipy.sparse.diags does seem more straightforward
                We build the potential in this basis. self.potential is a
                dictionary with two keys corresponding to k=1 and k=-1.
                Each of the entries is a list of sparse matrices.
                Each sparse matrix consists of a sum of off-diagonal components
                and diagonal components in COO format.
                Possible speedup: could we apply each operator to all states
                in one shot? Then we would just loop over operators.
                Right now, for each state, we apply each operator one at a time
                and mark down its image in the corresponding column (the origin
                state) and row (the image state).
                If we apply an operator to a vector of states, we will get
                a vector of their images which can be collectively checked for
                validity by checking the dictionary keys/energy ranges, and
                then this is just the matrix form of the operator.
            # for each order (0,2,4) in phi
            for n in offdiagOps.keys():

                offdiag_V = Matrix(lookupBasis, basis)
                diagonal = np.zeros(basis.size)

                # for each state in the basis
                for j in range(basis.size):

                    newcolumn = np.zeros(lookupBasis.size)
                    # for each off-diagonal operator at a given order
                    for op in offdiagOps[n]:
                            # apply this operator to find whether the
                            # new state is still in the basis
                            (x, i) = op.apply(basis, j, lookupBasis)
                            # if so, add the corresponding value to the matrix
                            # this is basically writing the effects of the
                            # operator in the basis of the free states
                            if (i != None):
                                newcolumn[i] += x
                        except NotInBasis:


                    # for each diagonal operator at the same order n
                    for op in diagOps[n]:

                        (x, i) = op.apply(basis, j, lookupBasis)
                        # It should be j=i

                        if i != None:
                            if i != j:
                                raise RuntimeError('Non-diagonal operator')
                            diagonal[i] += x

                diag_V = scipy.sparse.spdiags(diagonal, 0, basis.size,

                self.potential[k][n] = (
                    offdiag_V + offdiag_V.transpose() +
                    Matrix(lookupBasis, basis, diag_V)).to('coo') * self.L