Exemple #1
    def __update__(self):
		Update the stats

        # Get informations from libstatgrab and others...
        self.host = statgrab.sg_get_host_info()
        # TODO: platform.platform(True) instead of statgrab.sg_get_host_info()
        self.system = statgrab.sg_get_host_info()
        self.cpu = statgrab.sg_get_cpu_percents()
        self.load = statgrab.sg_get_load_stats()
        self.mem = statgrab.sg_get_mem_stats()
        self.memswap = statgrab.sg_get_swap_stats()
        self.networkinterface = statgrab.sg_get_network_iface_stats()
        self.network = statgrab.sg_get_network_io_stats_diff()
        self.diskio = statgrab.sg_get_disk_io_stats_diff()
        # Replace the bugged self.fs = statgrab.sg_get_fs_stats()
        self.fs = self.glancesgrabfs.get()
        self.processcount = statgrab.sg_get_process_count()
        self.process = statgrab.sg_get_process_stats()
        self.now = datetime.datetime.now()

        # Get the number of core (CPU)
        # Used to display load alerts
        self.core_number = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
Exemple #2
	def __update__(self):
		Update the stats

		# Get informations from libstatgrab and others...
		self.host = statgrab.sg_get_host_info()
		# TODO: platform.platform(True) instead of statgrab.sg_get_host_info()
		self.system = statgrab.sg_get_host_info()
		self.cpu = statgrab.sg_get_cpu_percents()
		self.load = statgrab.sg_get_load_stats()
		self.mem = statgrab.sg_get_mem_stats()
		self.memswap = statgrab.sg_get_swap_stats()
		self.networkinterface = statgrab.sg_get_network_iface_stats()
		self.network = statgrab.sg_get_network_io_stats_diff()
		self.diskio = statgrab.sg_get_disk_io_stats_diff()
		# Replace the bugged self.fs = statgrab.sg_get_fs_stats()
		self.fs = self.glancesgrabfs.get()
		self.processcount = statgrab.sg_get_process_count()
		self.process = statgrab.sg_get_process_stats()
		self.now = datetime.datetime.now()
		# Get the number of core (CPU)
		# Used to display load alerts
		self.core_number = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
os_release :  3.2.0-2-amd64

print "Memory (RAM)"
res = stg.sg_get_mem_stats()
for (k,v) in ast.literal_eval(str(res)).items():
  print k, v / 1000000,"MB"
total 8372 MB
cache 1769 MB
used 4549 MB
free 3822 MB
#This is exactly the same with swap, and user but not with cache attribute

for iface in stg.sg_get_network_iface_stats():
  print iface['interface_name']+":", "up" if iface["up"] == 1 else "down"
lo: up
wlan0: up
eth0: up

for iface in stg.sg_get_network_io_stats():
  print iface['interface_name']+": Input:",iface['ipackets'] / 1000,'Kb\tOutput:',iface['opackets'] / 1000,"Kb"
lo: Input: 0 Kb	Output: 0 Kb
wlan0: Input: 794 Kb	Output: 554 Kb
eth0: Input: 0 Kb	Output: 0 Kb
Exemple #4
                   mem_total=mem['total'] / mb,
                   mem_free=(mem['cache'] + mem['free']) / mb,
                   mem_used=mem['used'] / mb)
    ### FS data ###

    filesystems = statgrab.sg_get_fs_stats()
    for fs in filesystems:
        fs_stat = FilesystemStats(
            used_perc=str(float(fs['used']) / float(fs['size']) * 100.0),
            size=fs['size'] / mb,
            used=fs['used'] / mb,
            avail=fs['avail'] / mb,
    ### Network data ###
    time.sleep(1)  # Collect data over 1 second
    diff = statgrab.sg_get_network_io_stats_diff()
    netstats = statgrab.sg_get_network_iface_stats()
    for iface in diff:
        for netstat in netstats:
            if iface['interface_name'] == netstat['interface_name']:
                ns = NetworkStats(interface=iface['interface_name'],
                                  tx=iface['tx'] / kb,
                                  rx=iface['rx'] / kb)
kb = 1024
mb = kb * kb

while True:
    ### Host data ###

    cpu = statgrab.sg_get_cpu_percents()
    load = statgrab.sg_get_load_stats()
    host = statgrab.sg_get_host_info()
    mem = statgrab.sg_get_mem_stats()
    hs = HostStats(hostname = host['hostname'], uptime = host['uptime'], arch = host['platform'], min1 = str(load['min1']), min5 = str(load['min5']), min15 = str(load['min15']), mem_total = mem['total'] / mb, mem_free = (mem['cache'] + mem['free']) / mb, mem_used = mem['used'] / mb)
    ### FS data ###

    filesystems = statgrab.sg_get_fs_stats()
    for fs in filesystems:
        fs_stat = FilesystemStats(device = fs['device_name'], used_perc = str(float(fs['used']) / float(fs['size']) * 100.0), size = fs['size'] / mb, used = fs['used'] / mb,  avail = fs['avail'] / mb, fs_type = fs['fs_type'])
    ### Network data ###
    time.sleep(1) # Collect data over 1 second
    diff = statgrab.sg_get_network_io_stats_diff()
    netstats = statgrab.sg_get_network_iface_stats()
    for iface in diff:
        for netstat in netstats:
            if iface['interface_name'] == netstat['interface_name']:
                ns = NetworkStats(interface = iface['interface_name'], up = netstat['up'], tx = iface['tx'] / kb, rx = iface['rx'] / kb)