def interact(): stat = Statistics() black = BlackList() while True: print("Объяснение: ") word = explanator.get_random_word() explanation = explanator.explain(word) print(explanation) input("Нажмите enter, чтобы узнать ответ") print("Ответ: " + word) result = input("Угадали? Если объяснение некорректно, введите i. (y/n/i) ") while result != "y" and result != "n" and result != "i": result = input("Некорректный ввод. Введите y/n/i ") if result == 'i': black.blame(explanation) else: stat.update(explanation, 'SUCCESS' if result == 'y' else 'FAIL') result = input("Продолжить? (y/n) ") while result != "y" and result != "n": result = input("Некорректный ввод. Введите y/n ") if result == "n": print("Спасибо!") break
def __init__(self): self._undo = UndoController() self._stud = StudentController(Repository(), StudentValidator(), self._undo) self._assign = AssignmnetController(Repository(), AssignmentValidator(), self._undo) self._grade = GradeController(Repository(), GradeValidator(), self._stud, self._assign, self._undo) self._stat = Statistics(self._grade)
class Goals: def __init__(self, user: User) -> None: self.user = user self.statistics = Statistics(user) def set(self, name: str, volume: int) -> None: models.Goal.objects.update_or_create(user=self.user, name=name, defaults={'volume': volume}) def delete(self, name: str) -> None: models.Goal.objects.filter(user=self.user, name=name).delete() def get(self, name) -> Goal: for goal in self.all(): if == name: return goal return None def _has_goal(self, name: str) -> bool: return True if self.get(name) else False def workouts_not_having_goal(self): workouts = self.statistics.most_popular_workouts() return [ for workout in workouts if not self._has_goal(] def all(self, -> List[Goal]: volumes = { f.volume for f in self.statistics.favourites_this_month()} def calculate_forecast(percent): date_progress = dates.this_month(now=now).progress(now) if percent >= 100: return Forecast.DONE if percent > date_progress + 10: return Forecast.AHEAD if percent < date_progress - 10: return Forecast.BEHIND return Forecast.ON_TRACK def make_goal(goal): current = volumes.get(, units.Volume(0)) percent = 0 if goal.volume > 0: percent = round(current.number() / goal.volume * 100) return Goal(, volume=goal.volume, progress=current, percent=percent, forecast=calculate_forecast(percent), left=current.left_to(goal.volume)) return [make_goal(g) for g in models.Goal.objects.filter(user=self.user)]
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: seed(5) self.testData = randint(0, 10, 20) self.statistics = Statistics() def test_instantiate_calculator(self): self.assertIsInstance(self.statistics, Statistics) def test_mean_calculator(self): mean = self.statistics.mean(self.testData) self.assertEqual(mean, 4.25)
grRepo = BinRepository("data\\" + sets.repoGr, Grade) elif sets.repo == "json_file": stRepo = JsonRepository("data\\" + sets.repoSt, Student) asRepo = JsonRepository("data\\" + sets.repoAs, Assignment) grRepo = JsonRepository("data\\" + sets.repoGr, Grade) elif sets.repo == "mongoDB": stRepo = MongoRepository(Student) asRepo = MongoRepository(Assignment) grRepo = MongoRepository(Grade) else: raise ValueError("Repo must be from memory/text_file/binary_file/json_file/mongoDB") stCtr = StudentController(stRepo, StudentValidator(), undoCtr) asCtr = AssignmnetController(asRepo, AssignmentValidator(), undoCtr) grCtr = GradeController(grRepo, GradeValidator(), stCtr, asCtr, undoCtr) stat = Statistics(grCtr) if sets.ui == "cli": menu = CliMenu(undoCtr, stCtr, asCtr, grCtr, stat) menu.mainMenu() elif sets.ui == "gui": import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) StudentsManagement = QtWidgets.QMainWindow() ui = Ui_StudentsManagement(undoCtr, stCtr, asCtr, grCtr, stat) ui.setupUi(StudentsManagement) sys.exit(app.exec_()) else: raise ValueError("UI must be cli/gui!")
def __init__(self, user: User) -> None: self.user = user self.statistics = Statistics(user)
class Menu: def __init__(self): self._undo = UndoController() self._stud = StudentController(Repository(), StudentValidator(), self._undo) self._assign = AssignmnetController(Repository(), AssignmentValidator(), self._undo) self._grade = GradeController(Repository(), GradeValidator(), self._stud, self._assign, self._undo) self._stat = Statistics(self._grade) @staticmethod def printMenu(): men = "\nAvailable commands:\n" men += "\t 1 - Add student\n" men += "\t 2 - Remove student\n" men += "\t 3 - Update student infos\n" men += "\t 4 - List students\n" men += "\t 5 - Add assignment\n" men += "\t 6 - Remove assignment\n" men += "\t 7 - Update assignment infos\n" men += "\t 8 - List assignments\n" men += "\t 9 - Add assignment to student/group\n" men += "\t10 - List grades\n" men += "\t11 - Set grade\n" men += "\t12 - All students who received a given assignment, ordered alphabetically or by average grade for that assignment\n" men += "\t13 - All students who are late in handing in at least one assignment. These are all the students who have an ungraded assignment for which the deadline has passed\n" men += "\t14 - Students with the best school situation, sorted in descending order of the average grade received for all assignments\n" men += "\t15 - All assignments for which there is at least one grade, sorted in descending order of the average grade received by all students who received that assignment\n" men += "\t16 - Undo\n" men += "\t17 - Redo\n" men += "\t18 - Help\n" men += "\t 0 - Exit\n" print(men) def mainMenu(self): Menu.printMenu() populateStCtrDYN(self._stud, 100) populateAsCtrDYN(self._assign, 100) populateGrCtrDYN(self._grade, 100) #populateStCtrSTATIC(self._stud) #populateAsCtrSTATIC(self._assign) #populateGrCtrSTATIC(self._grade) while True: try: cmd = input("Enter command: ").strip() if cmd == '0': print( "Thank you for using grading system! Have a great day! :)" ) return 0 elif cmd == '1': self.uiAddStud() elif cmd == '2': self.uiRmvStud() elif cmd == '3': self.uiUpdateStud() elif cmd == '4': self.uiListStud() elif cmd == '5': self.uiAddAssig() elif cmd == '6': self.uiRmvAssig() elif cmd == '7': self.uiUpdateAssig() elif cmd == '8': self.uiListAssig() elif cmd == '9': self.uiAddAssigToStGr() elif cmd == '10': self.uiListGrades() elif cmd == '11': self.uiGradeStud() elif cmd == '12': self.uiStat1() elif cmd == '13': self.uiStat2() elif cmd == '14': self.uiStat3() elif cmd == '15': self.uiStat4() elif cmd == '16': self._undo.undo() elif cmd == '17': self._undo.redo() elif cmd == '18': Menu.printMenu() else: print("Invalid CMD!") except Exception as er: print("Error: " + str(er)) def uiAddStud(self): sID = (input("Student ID: ")) if sID.isnumeric(): sID = int(sID) else: raise TypeError("ID must be an int!") sName = input("Student name: ") sGroup = input("Student group: ") stu = Student(sID, sName, sGroup) self._stud.add(stu) return True def uiRmvStud(self): sID = input("ID of student you want to delete: ") if sID.isnumeric(): sID = int(sID) else: raise TypeError("ID must be an int!") self._grade.removeStud(sID) def uiUpdateStud(self): cmd = input( "To update a student specific info type 1\n or 0 for complete infos:" ).strip() s = Student(-1, -1, -1) if cmd == '1': info = input("To modify: Name type 1, Group type 2: ").strip() if info == '1': = int(input("Students ID you want to update: ")) = input("Enter new name: ") = self._stud.findByID( StudentValidator().validate(s) self._stud.update(s) return True elif info == '2': = int(input("Students ID you want to update: ")) = input("Enter new grop: ") = self._stud.findByID( StudentValidator().validate(s) self._stud.update(s) return True else: print("Invalid command!") elif cmd == '0': = int(input("Students ID you want to update: ")) = input("Enter new name: ") = input("Enter new grop: ") StudentValidator().validate(s) self._stud.update(s) return True else: print("Invalid command!") def uiListStud(self): print(self._stud) def uiAddAssig(self): aID = input("Assignment ID: ") if aID.isnumeric(): aID = int(aID) else: raise TypeError("ID must be an int!") aDesc = input("Assignment description: ") aDeadline = input("Assignment deadline: ") assig = Assignment(aID, aDesc, aDeadline) self._assign.add(assig) return True def uiRmvAssig(self): aID = input("ID of assignment you want to delete: ") if aID.isnumeric(): aID = int(aID) else: raise TypeError("ID must be an int!") self._grade.removeAssign(aID) def uiUpdateAssig(self): cmd = input( "To update an assignment specific info type 1\nor 2 for complete infos:" ).strip() assign = Assignment(-1, -1, -1) if cmd == '1': info = input( "To modify: Description type 1, Deadline type 2: ").strip() if info == '1': = int(input("Assignments ID you want to update: ")) newDesc = input("Enter new description: ") assign.description = newDesc assign.deadline = self._assign.findByID( AssignmentValidator().validate(assign) self._assign.update(assign) return True elif info == '2': = int(input("Assignments ID you want to update: ")) newDeadline = input("Enter new deadline: ") assign.deadline = newDeadline assign.description = self._assign.findByID( AssignmentValidator().validate(assign) self._assign.update(assign) return True else: print("Invalid command!") elif cmd == '2': = int(input("Assignment ID you are looking to update: ")) assign.description = input("Enter new description: ") assign.deadline = input("Enter new deadline: ") AssignmentValidator().validate(assign) self._assign.update(assign) return True else: print("Invalid command!") def uiListAssig(self): print(self._assign) def uiListGrades(self): print(self._grade) def uiAddAssigToStGr(self): cmd = input( "Type 1 for setting an assignment to a student or 2 to set it to a group: " ).strip() if (cmd == '1'): aID = input("Assignment ID: ") sID = input("Student ID: ") if aID.isnumeric() and sID.isnumeric(): aID = int(aID) sID = int(sID) else: raise TypeError("ID must be an int!") self._grade.setAssigStud(aID, sID) elif (cmd == '2'): gr = input("Group: ") aID = input("Assignment ID: ") if aID.isnumeric(): aID = int(aID) else: raise TypeError("ID must be an int!") self._grade.giveAssigToGroup(aID, gr) else: print("Invalid command!") def uiGradeStud(self): sID = input("Write the id of student you want to grade: ") if not sID.isnumeric(): raise Exception("Student id must be a positive int") sID = int(sID) if type(self._stud.findByID(sID)) != Student: raise ValueError("No student with such an id!") x = self._grade.getStudUngrade(sID) if len(x) == 0: raise Exception("No assignments to grade!") assigIDs = [] for i in x: assigIDs.append(i.assignID) print("\t" + str(i)) aID = input("Write the assignment id from the above list: ") if not aID.isnumeric(): raise Exception("Assignment id must be a positive int") aID = int(aID) if aID not in assigIDs: raise ValueError("Assignment id must be from the above list!") grade = float(input("Write the grade:")) x = self._grade.setGrade(sID, aID, grade) print(x) def uiStat1(self): aID = input("Write the assignment id for the statistic: ") if not aID.isnumeric(): raise Exception("Assignment id must be a positive int") aID = int(aID) x = self._stat.getStudGivenAssig(aID) if len(x) > 0: print( "All students who received a given assignment, ordered alphabetically or by average grade for that assignment" ) for i in x: print(str(i)) else: print("No student satisffies this condition!") def uiStat2(self): x = self._stat.getLateStuds() if len(x) > 0: print( "All students who are late in handing in at least one assignment.\nThese are all the students who have an ungraded assignment for which the deadline has passed" ) for i in x: print(str(i)) else: print("No student satisffies this condition!") def uiStat3(self): x = self._stat.getStudBestGrSchool() if len(x) > 0: print( "Students with the best school situation, sorted in descending order of the average grade received for all assignments" ) for i in x: print(i) else: print("No student satisffies this condition!") def uiStat4(self): x = self._stat.getAssigByGrade() if len(x) > 0: print( "All assignments for which there is at least one grade, sorted in descending order of the average grade received by all students who received that assignment" ) for i in x: print(i) else: print("No assignmnet satisffies this condition!")
def setUp(self) -> None: seed(5) self.testData = randint(0, 10, 20) self.statistics = Statistics()
from portfolio_handler import PortfolioHandler from order_sizing.order_sizer import OrderSizer from strategy import Test from prices import FetchCassPrices from risk_management.risk_manager import RiskManager from statistics.statistics import Statistics if __name__ == "__main__": instruments = ['brent', "wti"] dates = {'start_date': "2016-01-01", "end_date": "2016-01-08"} strategy_params = {"division": 5} backtest = Backtest( instruments=instruments, data_handler=FetchCassPrices, dates=dates, strategy=Test, strategy_params=strategy_params, portfolio_handler=PortfolioHandler, execution=SimExecution, order_sizer=OrderSizer, risk_manager=RiskManager, ) backtest.start_backtest() stats = Statistics() stats.generate_results() stats.plot_results()