def setUp(self): = InfoStatistics('foo', start_date=date(2014, 12, 16), end_date=date(2015, 01, 27))
class TestInfoStatistics(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = InfoStatistics('foo', start_date=date(2014, 12, 16), end_date=date(2015, 01, 27)) @responses.activate @patch('', new=mock_open()) def test_data_processing(self): searches = """ { "data": [ { "pagePath": "/academies-financial-returns", "searchUniques:sum": 10.0 }, { "pagePath": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€", "searchUniques:sum": 2.0 }, { "pagePath": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€/y", "searchUniques:sum": 1.0 } ] } """ page_contacts = """ { "data": [ { "pagePath": "/academies-financial-returns", "total:sum": 5.0 }, { "pagePath": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€", "total:sum": 3.0 }, { "pagePath": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€/y", "total:sum": 1.0 } ] } """ page_statistics = """ { "data": [ { "pagePath": "%s", "uniquePageviews:sum": %.01f } ] } """ expected_pageviews_calls = { "/academies-financial-returns": 1000, "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€": 2000, "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€/y": 500 } smart_answers = """ { "results": [ { "link": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€" } ] } """ url_re = re.compile( r'*?filter_by_prefix=pagePath%3A%2Fa' ) # pagePath:/a responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body=searches, status=200, content_type='application/json') url_re = re.compile( r'*?' ) responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body='[]', status=200, content_type='application/json') url_re = re.compile( r'*?filter_by_prefix=pagePath%3A%2Fa' ) # pagePath:/a responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body=page_contacts, status=200, content_type='application/json') url_re = re.compile( r'*?' ) responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body='[]', status=200, content_type='application/json') for path, pageview in expected_pageviews_calls.iteritems(): url_re = re.compile( r'*?' + urllib.quote("pagePath:" + path, "") + ".*?" ) responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body=page_statistics % (path, pageview), status=200, content_type='application/json') url_re = re.compile( r'\?filter_format=smart-answer&filter_format=simple_smart_answer.*?' ) responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body=smart_answers, status=200, content_type='application/json') responses.add(responses.POST, '', body='{}', content_type='application/json') # we're expecting: # - 26 GETs to PP: search terms (one for each letter of the alphabet) # - 26 GETs to PP: page contacts (one for each letter of the alphabet) # - 1 GET to PP: page statistics # - 1 GET to the GOV.UK content API # - 1 POST to PP: info-statistics self.assertEqual(len(responses.calls), 57) expectedAggregateReport = [ { u"_id": u"_am-i-getting-minimum-wag€", u"_timestamp": u"2015-01-27T00:00:00Z", u"_start_at": u"2014-12-16T00:00:00Z", u"_end_at": u"2015-01-27T00:00:00Z", u"searchesPer100kViews": 150.0, u"problemsPer100kViews": 200.0, u"pagePath": u"/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€", u"searchUniques": 3.0, u"problemReports": 4.0, u"uniquePageviews": 2000 }, { u"_id": u"_academies-financial-returns", u"_timestamp": u"2015-01-27T00:00:00Z", u"_start_at": u"2014-12-16T00:00:00Z", u"_end_at": u"2015-01-27T00:00:00Z", u"searchesPer100kViews": 1000.0, u"problemsPer100kViews": 500.0, u"pagePath": u"/academies-financial-returns", u"searchUniques": 10.0, u"problemReports": 5.0, u"uniquePageviews": 1000 } ] posted_body = json.loads(responses.calls[-1].request.body) self.assertEqual(posted_body, expectedAggregateReport)
class TestInfoStatistics(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = InfoStatistics('foo', start_date=date(2014, 12, 16), end_date=date(2015, 01, 27)) @responses.activate @patch('', new=mock_open()) def test_data_processing(self): searches = """ { "data": [ { "pagePath": "/academies-financial-returns", "searchUniques:sum": 10.0 }, { "pagePath": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€", "searchUniques:sum": 2.0 }, { "pagePath": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€/y", "searchUniques:sum": 1.0 } ] } """ page_contacts = """ { "data": [ { "pagePath": "/academies-financial-returns", "total:sum": 5.0 }, { "pagePath": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€", "total:sum": 3.0 }, { "pagePath": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€/y", "total:sum": 1.0 } ] } """ page_statistics = """ { "data": [ { "pagePath": "%s", "uniquePageviews:sum": %.01f } ] } """ expected_pageviews_calls = { "/academies-financial-returns": 1000, "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€": 2000, "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€/y": 500 } smart_answers = """ { "results": [ { "link": "/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€" } ] } """ url_re = re.compile( r'*?filter_by_prefix=pagePath%3A%2Fa' ) # pagePath:/a responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body=searches, status=200, content_type='application/json') url_re = re.compile( r'*?' ) responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body='[]', status=200, content_type='application/json') url_re = re.compile( r'*?filter_by_prefix=pagePath%3A%2Fa' ) # pagePath:/a responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body=page_contacts, status=200, content_type='application/json') url_re = re.compile( r'*?' ) responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body='[]', status=200, content_type='application/json') for path, pageview in expected_pageviews_calls.iteritems(): url_re = re.compile( r'*?' + urllib.quote("pagePath:" + path, "") + ".*?") responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body=page_statistics % (path, pageview), status=200, content_type='application/json') url_re = re.compile( r'\?filter_format=smart-answer&filter_format=simple_smart_answer.*?' ) responses.add(responses.GET, url_re, body=smart_answers, status=200, content_type='application/json') responses.add( responses.POST, '', body='{}', content_type='application/json') # we're expecting: # - 26 GETs to PP: search terms (one for each letter of the alphabet) # - 26 GETs to PP: page contacts (one for each letter of the alphabet) # - 1 GET to PP: page statistics # - 1 GET to the GOV.UK content API # - 1 POST to PP: info-statistics self.assertEqual(len(responses.calls), 57) expectedAggregateReport = [{ u"_id": u"_am-i-getting-minimum-wag€", u"_timestamp": u"2015-01-27T00:00:00Z", u"_start_at": u"2014-12-16T00:00:00Z", u"_end_at": u"2015-01-27T00:00:00Z", u"searchesPer100kViews": 150.0, u"problemsPer100kViews": 200.0, u"pagePath": u"/am-i-getting-minimum-wag€", u"searchUniques": 3.0, u"problemReports": 4.0, u"uniquePageviews": 2000 }, { u"_id": u"_academies-financial-returns", u"_timestamp": u"2015-01-27T00:00:00Z", u"_start_at": u"2014-12-16T00:00:00Z", u"_end_at": u"2015-01-27T00:00:00Z", u"searchesPer100kViews": 1000.0, u"problemsPer100kViews": 500.0, u"pagePath": u"/academies-financial-returns", u"searchUniques": 10.0, u"problemReports": 5.0, u"uniquePageviews": 1000 }] posted_body = json.loads(responses.calls[-1].request.body) self.assertEqual(posted_body, expectedAggregateReport)