class StatsdStatsLogger(BaseStatsLogger): def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=8125, prefix='superset', statsd_client=None): """ Initializes from either params or a supplied, pre-constructed statsd client. If statsd_client argument is given, all other arguments are ignored and the supplied client will be used to emit metrics. """ if statsd_client: self.client = statsd_client else: self.client = StatsClient(host=host, port=port, prefix=prefix) def incr(self, key): self.client.incr(key) def decr(self, key): self.client.decr(key) def timing(self, key, value): self.client.timing(key, value) def gauge(self, key): # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter self.client.gauge(key)
class StatsdStatsLogger(BaseStatsLogger): def __init__( # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self, host: str = "localhost", port: int = 8125, prefix: str = "superset", statsd_client: Optional[StatsClient] = None, ) -> None: """ Initializes from either params or a supplied, pre-constructed statsd client. If statsd_client argument is given, all other arguments are ignored and the supplied client will be used to emit metrics. """ if statsd_client: self.client = statsd_client else: self.client = StatsClient(host=host, port=port, prefix=prefix) def incr(self, key: str) -> None: self.client.incr(key) def decr(self, key: str) -> None: self.client.decr(key) def timing(self, key: str, value: float) -> None: self.client.timing(key, value) def gauge(self, key: str, value: float) -> None: self.client.gauge(key, value)
class StaticticStatsD(object): """ Send stats to statsd. """ def __init__(self, hostname, host, port, prefix=None): self.client = StatsClient(host, port, prefix=prefix) self.hostname = hostname def incr(self, metric, value=1, prefix=None): """ Increment 'metric' counter with 'value'. """ if prefix is not None: metric = '%s.%s' % (prefix, metric) self.client.incr(metric, value) # separate metric for hostname if self.hostname is not None: metric = '%s.%s' % (self.hostname, metric) self.client.incr(metric, value) def timing(self, metric, value, prefix=None): """ Send 'metric' timing. """ if prefix is not None: metric = '%s.%s' % (prefix, metric) self.client.timing(metric, value) # separate metric for hostname if self.hostname is not None: metric = '%s.%s' % (self.hostname, metric) self.client.timing(metric, value)
class StatsdClient(): def __init__(self): self.statsd_client = None def init_app(self, app, *args, **kwargs): = app.config.get('STATSD_ENABLED') self.namespace = "{}.notifications.{}.".format( app.config.get('NOTIFY_ENVIRONMENT'), app.config.get('NOTIFY_APP_NAME')) if self.statsd_client = StatsClient( app.config.get('STATSD_HOST'), app.config.get('STATSD_PORT'), prefix=app.config.get('STATSD_PREFIX')) def format_stat_name(self, stat): return self.namespace + stat def incr(self, stat, count=1, rate=1): if self.statsd_client.incr(self.format_stat_name(stat), count, rate) def gauge(self, stat, count): if self.statsd_client.gauge(self.format_stat_name(stat), count) def timing(self, stat, delta, rate=1): if self.statsd_client.timing(self.format_stat_name(stat), delta, rate) def timing_with_dates(self, stat, start, end, rate=1): if delta = (start - end).total_seconds() self.statsd_client.timing(self.format_stat_name(stat), delta, rate)
class StatsdWrapper: """Simple wrapper around the statsd client.""" statsd = None def __init__(self, host, port, prefix): if host: self.statsd = StatsClient( host=host, port=port, prefix=prefix, ) def incr(self, *args): if self.statsd: self.statsd.incr(*args) def decr(self, *args): if self.statsd: self.statsd.decr(*args) def gauge(self, *args): if self.statsd: self.statsd.gauge(*args) def timing(self, *args): if self.statsd: self.statsd.timing(*args) def timer(self, *args): if self.statsd: self.statsd.timer(*args) def set(self, *args): if self.statsd: self.statsd.set(*args)
class StatsdStatsLogger(BaseStatsLogger): def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=8125, prefix="superset", statsd_client=None): """ Initializes from either params or a supplied, pre-constructed statsd client. If statsd_client argument is given, all other arguments are ignored and the supplied client will be used to emit metrics. """ if statsd_client: self.client = statsd_client else: self.client = StatsClient(host=host, port=port, prefix=prefix) def incr(self, key): self.client.incr(key) def decr(self, key): self.client.decr(key) def timing(self, key, value): self.client.timing(key, value) def gauge(self, key): # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter self.client.gauge(key)
class StatsDBackend(BaseBackend): name = 'statsd' def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.config.setdefault('STATSD_HOST', 'localhost') self.config.setdefault('STATSD_PORT', 8125) self.config.setdefault('STATSD_PREFIX', None) self.statsd = StatsClient(self.config['STATSD_HOST'], self.config['STATSD_PORT'], self.config['STATSD_PREFIX']) def timing(self, stat_name, delta): return self.statsd.timing(stat_name, delta, self.config['STATS_RATE']) def incr(self, stat_name, count=1): return self.statsd.incr(stat_name, count, self.config['STATS_RATE']) def decr(self, stat_name, count=1): return self.statsd.decr(stat_name, count, self.config['STATS_RATE']) def gauge(self, stat_name, value, delta=False): return self.statsd.gauge(stat_name, value, self.config['STATS_RATE'], delta)
class StatsdStatsLogger(BaseStatsLogger): def __init__(self, host, port, prefix='superset'): self.client = StatsClient(host=host, port=port, prefix=prefix) def incr(self, key): self.client.incr(key) def decr(self, key): self.client.decr(key) def timing(self, key, value): self.client.timing(key, value) def gauge(self, key): # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter self.client.gauge(key)
class StatsD(object): def __init__(self, app=None, config=None): self.config = None self.statsd = None if app is not None: self.init_app(app) else: = None def init_app(self, app, config=None): if config is not None: self.config = config elif self.config is None: self.config = app.config self.config.setdefault('STATSD_HOST', 'localhost') self.config.setdefault('STATSD_PORT', 8125) self.config.setdefault('STATSD_PREFIX', None) = app self.statsd = StatsClient(self.config['STATSD_HOST'], self.config['STATSD_PORT'], self.config['STATSD_PREFIX']) def timer(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.timer(*args, **kwargs) def timing(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.timing(*args, **kwargs) def incr(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.incr(*args, **kwargs) def decr(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.decr(*args, **kwargs) def gauge(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.gauge(*args, **kwargs) def set(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.set(*args, **kwargs)
class StatsD(object): def __init__(self, app=None, config=None): self.config = None self.statsd = None if app is not None: self.init_app(app) else: = None def init_app(self, app, config=None): if config is not None: self.config = config elif self.config is None: self.config = app.config self.config.setdefault("STATSD_HOST", "localhost") self.config.setdefault("STATSD_PORT", 8125) self.config.setdefault("STATSD_PREFIX", None) = app self.statsd = StatsClient( host=self.config["STATSD_HOST"], port=self.config["STATSD_PORT"], prefix=self.config["STATSD_PREFIX"] ) def timer(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.timer(*args, **kwargs) def timing(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.timing(*args, **kwargs) def incr(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.incr(*args, **kwargs) def decr(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.decr(*args, **kwargs) def gauge(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.gauge(*args, **kwargs)
bus = UART_Adapter('/dev/ttyUSB0') stats = StatsClient('statsd', 8125, 'readtemp') try: with open('/boot/id.txt', 'r') as f: sensor_id = f.readline().strip() except: sensor_id = 'unknown' stats.gauge('online.%s' % sensor_id, 1) led_toggle(1) for rom in get_roms(): read_temperature(rom) led_toggle(0) elapsed_time = timer() - start stats.timing('runtime.%s.elapsed' % sensor_id, int(1000 * elapsed_time)) stats.gauge('system.%s.cpu.temperature' % sensor_id, read_cpu_temperature()) sleep_interval = CYCLE_TIME_SECONDS - elapsed_time if sleep_interval > MIN_SLEEP_INTERVAL: # Sleep some time before docker restarts the container print('Sleeping for {0:.3f}s...'.format(sleep_interval)) time.sleep(sleep_interval) elapsed_total = timer() - start stats.timing('runtime.%s.total_elapsed' % sensor_id, int(1000 * elapsed_total))
#conn.commit() except: exceptioncount+=1 exceptionlist.append(sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.exception("Exception:") query2="update factual_duplicates_last_check set checked_on=now(),last_city_checked=%s" values=list() values.append(last_city_checked) cur.execute(query2,values) conn.commit() print("Completed:",cityname,statename)"Completed:%s %s",cityname,statename) print ("total rows:",rowcount) print ("duplicates:",duplicatecount) print(exceptionlist) print("total Exceptions:",exceptioncount) dt = int((time.time() - start) ) statsd.timing('slept', dt) print("total time taken (s):",dt)"Total Rows:%s",rowcount)"Duplicate Rows:%s",duplicatecount)"Total Exceptions:%s",exceptioncount)"Total time taken (s):%s",dt) cur.close() conn.close()
class Monitor(): def __init__(self, cliParam): ## 用作收集网络数据的worker self.pool = Pool(processes=3) ## self.cliParam = cliParam ##init influxdb statd influxdb_config = cliParam["influxdb_config"] self.sdc = StatsClient(host=check_format( influxdb_config.get('host', '')), port=influxdb_config.getint('port', 8120), prefix="icmpping", maxudpsize=512, ipv6=False) self.tmpdata = {} def start(self): fping_cmd = '%s %s' % (cliParam["fping_cmd"], " ".join( cliParam["ip_list"])) retry = 0 while retry < cliParam["fping_retry_max"]: runtime = str( status, out = commands.getstatusoutput(fping_cmd) if status == 0 or status == 256: break else: logger.error("status:%s,info:%s" % (status, out)) logger.warn('fping retry ..') time.sleep(cliParam["fping_retry_interval"]) retry += 1 if retry > cliParam["fping_retry_max"]: logger.error('fping retry count > retry_max') sys.exit() list_mtr_ips = [] for info in out.split('\n'): #print info cur_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) target = info.split(':')[0].strip() if self.tmpdata.get(target) == None: self.tmpdata[target] = {} self.tmpdata['time'] = int(time.time() * 1000) self.tmpdata[target]['hostname'] = check_format( cliParam["targets_info"].get(target)) try: self.tmpdata[target]['loss'] = int( info.split('=')[1].split('/')[2].split('%')[0]) except Exception as e: logger.error(self.tmpdata[target]['loss']) logger.error(e) if self.tmpdata[target].get('send_count') == None: self.tmpdata[target]['send_count'] = 0 if self.tmpdata[target].get('warn_startTime') == None: self.tmpdata[target]['warn_startTime'] = '' if self.tmpdata[target]['loss'] < 100: self.tmpdata[target]['max'] = Decimal( info.split('/')[-1]).quantize(Decimal('0.00')) self.tmpdata[target]['avg'] = Decimal( info.split('/')[-2]).quantize(Decimal('0.00')) self.tmpdata[target]['min'] = Decimal( info.split('/')[-3].split('=')[-1]).quantize( Decimal('0.00')) # 写入数据influxdb retry = 0 while retry < cliParam["retry_max"]: try: s_host = cliParam["my_name"] s_ip = cliParam["my_public_ip"].replace('.', '_') d_host = self.tmpdata[target]['hostname'] d_ip = target.replace('.', '_') loss = int(info.split('=')[1].split('/')[0]) - int( info.split('=')[1].split('/')[1]) data = '.'.join([s_host, s_ip, d_host, d_ip]) if self.tmpdata[target]['loss'] >= cliParam[ "send_data_loss_min"]: self.sdc.incr('.'.join(['loss', data]), loss) if self.tmpdata[target]['loss'] < 100: self.sdc.timing('.'.join(['delay.max', data]), self.tmpdata[target]['max']) self.sdc.timing('.'.join(['delay.min', data]), self.tmpdata[target]['min']) self.sdc.timing('.'.join(['delay.avg', data]), self.tmpdata[target]['avg']){ "s_host": s_host, "s_ip": s_ip, "d_host": d_host, "d_ip": d_ip, "loss": loss, "data": data }) break else:{ "s_host": s_host, "s_ip": s_ip, "d_host": d_host, "d_ip": d_ip, "loss": loss, "data": data, "info": "not send data to influxdb when cur_loss:%s < send_data_loss_min:%s" % (loss, self.send_data_loss_min) }) break except Exception as e: logger.error("get fping info err : %s" % e) time.sleep(cliParam["retry_interval"]) retry += 1 # 收集网络数据 if self.tmpdata[target]['loss'] >= cliParam["warn_loss"]\ and self.tmpdata[target]['send_count'] < cliParam["collect_max"] \ and cliParam["mtr_status"] == 'true': ## 延时发送mtr list_mtr_ips.append(target) if self.tmpdata[target]['loss'] < cliParam["warn_loss"]: self.tmpdata[target]['send_count'] = 0 self.tmpdata[target]['warn_startTime'] = '' if retry > cliParam["retry_max"]: logger.error('write influxdb retry count > retry_max') sys.exit() if list_mtr_ips != []: for target in list_mtr_ips: collectParam = { "target": target, "mtr_cmd": cliParam["mtr_cmd"], "ping_cmd": cliParam["ping_cmd"], "fping_cmd": cliParam["fping_cmd"], "my_name": cliParam["my_name"], "my_public_ip": cliParam["my_public_ip"], "mtr_logfile": cliParam["mtr_logfile"], "loss_value": self.tmpdata[target]['loss'], "runtime": runtime, "send_mail_status": cliParam["send_mail_status"], "target_hostname": cliParam["targets_info"].get(target) } if cliParam.get("admin_list", "") != "": collectParam["admin_list"] = cliParam["admin_list"] if self.tmpdata[target]['send_count'] < cliParam["collect_max"]: ## self.pool.apply_async(collect_network_data, [collectParam]) ## self.tmpdata[target]['send_count'] += 1 logger.warn(self.tmpdata[target]['send_count']) else: if self.tmpdata[target]['warn_startTime'] == '': self.tmpdata[target]['warn_startTime'] = cur_time def run(self): while True: try: self.start() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) sys.exit(2)
class StatsD(object): def __init__(self, app=None, config=None): self.config = None self.statsd = None if app is not None: self.init_app(app, config=config) else: = None def init_app(self, app, config=None): if config is not None: self.config = config elif self.config is None: self.config = app.config self.config.setdefault('STATSD_HOST', 'localhost') self.config.setdefault('STATSD_PORT', 8125) self.config.setdefault('STATSD_PREFIX', None) = app self.statsd = StatsClient(self.config['STATSD_HOST'], self.config['STATSD_PORT'], self.config['STATSD_PREFIX']) self.use_ms=self.config.get('STATSD_USEMS', True) # Configure any of our middleware self.setup_middleware() def timer(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.timer(*args, **kwargs) def timing(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.timing(*args, **kwargs) def incr(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.incr(*args, **kwargs) def decr(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.decr(*args, **kwargs) def gauge(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.statsd.gauge(*args, **kwargs) def setup_middleware(self): """Helper to configure/setup any Flask-StatsD middleware""" # Configure response time middleware (if desired) self.config.setdefault('STATSD_CONFIGURE_MIDDLEWARE', True) self.config.setdefault('STATSD_RESPONSE_METRIC_NAME', 'response.time') self.config.setdefault('STATSD_NUMBER_OF_REQUESTS_METRIC_NAME', 'request.api') self.config.setdefault('STATSD_RESPONSE_SAMPLE_RATE', 1) self.config.setdefault('STATSD_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG', True) self.config.setdefault('STATSD_RESPONSE_ENDPOINT_TAG_FORMAT', 'endpoint_{0}') self.config.setdefault('STATSD_RESPONSE_METHOD_TAG_FORMAT', 'method_{0}') if self.config['STATSD_CONFIGURE_MIDDLEWARE']: def before_request(self): """ statsd middleware handle for before each request """ # Set the request start time g.flask_statsd_start_time = time.time() g.flask_statsd_request_tags = [] # Add some default request tags if self.config['STATSD_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG']: self.add_request_tags([ # Endpoint tag self.config['STATSD_RESPONSE_ENDPOINT_TAG_FORMAT'].format(str(request.endpoint).lower()), # Method tag self.config['STATSD_RESPONSE_METHOD_TAG_FORMAT'].format(request.method.lower()), ]) # Send no of requests per second metric = '.'.join([self.config['STATSD_NUMBER_OF_REQUESTS_METRIC_NAME'], str(request.endpoint).lower(), request.method.lower()]) self.statsd.incr(metric, 1) def after_request(self, response): """ statsd middleware handler for after each request :param response: the response to be sent to the client :type response: ``flask.Response`` :rtype: ``flask.Response`` """ # Return early if we don't have the start time if not hasattr(g, 'flask_statsd_start_time'): return response # Get the response time for this request elapsed = time.time() - g.flask_statsd_start_time # Convert the elapsed time to milliseconds if they want them if self.use_ms: elapsed = int(round(1000 * elapsed)) # Add some additional response tags if self.config['STATSD_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG']: self.add_request_tags(['status_code_%s' % (response.status_code, )]) metric = self.config['STATSD_RESPONSE_METRIC_NAME'] tags = self.get_request_tags() if tags: metric = ".".join([metric] + tags) # Emit our timing metric self.statsd.timing(metric, elapsed, rate=self.config['STATSD_RESPONSE_SAMPLE_RATE']) # We ALWAYS have to return the original response return response def get_request_tags(self): """ Get the current list of tags set for this request :rtype: list """ return getattr(g, 'flask_statsd_request_tags', []) def add_request_tags(self, tags): """ Add the provided list of tags to the tags stored for this request :param tags: tags to add to this requests tags :type tags: list :rtype: list """ # Get the current list of tags to append to # DEV: We use this method since ``self.get_request_tags`` will ensure that we get a list back current_tags = self.get_request_tags() # Append our new tags, and return the new full list of tags for this request g.flask_statsd_request_tags = current_tags + tags return g.flask_statsd_request_tags
output = open('slow-{ts}.csv'.format(ts=ts[:10]), 'a') line = "{ts};{rt};{slugs}".format(ts=ts, rt=rt, slugs=";".join(slugs)) output.write(line) output.write('\n') print line if action == 'users': logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler('users.log', when='D', interval=1) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(handler) statsd = StatsClient('localhost', 8125) for a in TrackUsers(EventsHose(r, chan)): t = a[2] action = a[7] statsd.timing('action.%s' % action, int(t))" ".join([str(b) for b in a])) if action == 'errors': log = logging.getLogger('raven') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler('raven.log', when='D', interval=1) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log.addHandler(handler) hose = EventsHose(r, chan) dumper = yaml.Dumper for rq, query, message, ts, agent, source, body in TrackErrors(hose): status = message['status'] print status request = UNQUOTE.subn(r"\1", yaml.dump(query, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False).replace('!!python/unicode ', ''))[0] print request