Exemple #1
    def fit(self, norm="zscore"):
        """ Calculate the regression parameters and statistics. """

        bold = self.bold.copy()
        dm = self.dm.copy()

        # Normalize both the bold and dm
        if norm != None:
            bold = self._normalize_array(bold, norm)
            dm = self._normalize_array(dm, norm)

        # Add movement regressors... if present
            dm_movement = self.data["movement"]
            dm = np.vstack((dm, dm_movement))
        except KeyError:

        # Append a dummy predictor and run the regression
        # Dummy is added at the last minute so it does not
        # interact with normalization or smoothing routines.
        dm_dummy = np.ones((dm.shape[0], dm.shape[1] + 1))
        dm_dummy[0:dm.shape[0], 0:dm.shape[1]] = dm

        # Truncate bold or dm_dummy if needed, and Go!
            bold = bold[0:dm_dummy.shape[0]]
            dm_dummy = dm_dummy[0:len(bold), :]
        except IndexError:

        self.glm = GLS(bold, dm_dummy).fit()
Exemple #2
    def _orth_dm(self):
        """ Orthgonalize (by regression) each col in self.dm with respect to 
        its left neighbor. """

        dm = self.dm
        ## Rename for brevity

        # Make sure conds and ncol dm
        # are divisors
        conds = list(set(self.trials))
        nconds = len(conds) - 1  ## Drop baseline
        ncols = dm.shape[1] - 1
        if ncols % nconds:
            raise ValueError(
                "The number of condtions and shape of the dm are incompatible."

        # If these are the same size there is nothing to
        # orthgonalize.
        if ncols != nconds:
            orth_dm = np.zeros_like(dm)
            orth_dm[:, 0] = dm[:, 0]
            ## Move baseline data over

            # Use num_col_per_cond, along with nconds
            # to find the strides we need to take along
            # the DM to orthgonalize each set of col(s)
            # belonging to each cond.
            num_col_per_cond = ncols / nconds
            for cond in conds:
                # Skip baseline
                if cond == 0:

                left = cond
                right = cond + nconds

                # Rolling loop over the cols_per_cond
                # orthgonalizing as we go.
                # Note: we never use cnt directly...
                for cnt in range(num_col_per_cond - 1):
                    # Orthgonalize left col to right....
                    glm = GLS(dm[:, right], dm[:, left]).fit()  ## GLS(y, x)
                    orth_dm[:, right] = glm.resid
                    orth_dm[:, left] = dm[:, left]

                    # Shift indices for next iteration.
                    left = deepcopy(right)
                    right = right + nconds

            self.dm = orth_dm
            print("Nothing to orthgonalize.")
Exemple #3
def gls_model(X, y, test_size=0.25):

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,

    gls = GLS(y_train, X_train).fit(cov_type='HC1')

    coeffs = (gls.params.to_frame().rename(columns={
        0: "coeff"
        gls.pvalues.to_frame().rename(columns={0: "p-value"}),
    ).assign(coeff=lambda df: df.apply(
        lambda r: r["coeff"] if r["p-value"] < 0.05 else np.nan, axis=1))[[

    mse = gls.predict(X_test).pipe(lambda s: (s - y_test)**2).mean()

    return {"model": gls, "coeffs": coeffs, "mse": mse}