Exemple #1
def anova2_lm_single(model, design_info, n_rows, test, pr_test, robust):
    ANOVA type II table for one fitted linear model.

    model : fitted linear model results instance
        A fitted linear model


    scale : float
        Estimate of variance, If None, will be estimated from the largest
    model. Default is None.
        test : str {"F", "Chisq", "Cp"} or None
        Test statistics to provide. Default is "F".

    Use of this function is discouraged. Use anova_lm instead.

    Type II
    Sum of Squares compares marginal contribution of terms. Thus, it is
    not particularly useful for models with significant interaction terms.
    terms_info = design_info.terms[:] # copy
    terms_info = _remove_intercept_patsy(terms_info)

    names = ['sum_sq', 'df', test, pr_test]

    table = DataFrame(np.zeros((n_rows, 4)), columns = names)
    cov = _get_covariance(model, None)
    robust_cov = _get_covariance(model, robust)
    col_order = []
    index = []
    for i, term in enumerate(terms_info):
        # grab all varaibles except interaction effects that contain term
        # need two hypotheses matrices L1 is most restrictive, ie., term==0
        # L2 is everything except term==0
        cols = design_info.slice(term)
        L1 = range(cols.start, cols.stop)
        L2 = []
        term_set = set(term.factors)
        for t in terms_info: # for the term you have
            other_set = set(t.factors)
            if term_set.issubset(other_set) and not term_set == other_set:
                col = design_info.slice(t)
                # on a higher order term containing current `term`
                L1.extend(range(col.start, col.stop))
                L2.extend(range(col.start, col.stop))

        L1 = np.eye(model.model.exog.shape[1])[L1]
        L2 = np.eye(model.model.exog.shape[1])[L2]

        if L2.size:
            LVL = np.dot(np.dot(L1,robust_cov),L2.T)
            from scipy import linalg
            orth_compl,_ = linalg.qr(LVL)
            r = L1.shape[0] - L2.shape[0]
            # L1|2
            # use the non-unique orthogonal completion since L12 is rank r
            L12 = np.dot(orth_compl[:,-r:].T, L1)
            L12 = L1
            r = L1.shape[0]
        #from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb; Pdb().set_trace()
        if test == 'F':
            f = model.f_test(L12, cov_p=robust_cov)
            table.ix[i][test] = test_value = f.fvalue
            table.ix[i][pr_test] = f.pvalue

        # need to back out SSR from f_test
        table.ix[i]['df'] = r

    table.index = Index(index + ['Residual'])
    table = table.ix[np.argsort(col_order + [model.model.exog.shape[1]+1])]
    # back out sum of squares from f_test
    ssr = table[test] * table['df'] * model.ssr/model.df_resid
    table['sum_sq'] = ssr
    # fill in residual
    table.ix['Residual'][['sum_sq','df', test, pr_test]] = (model.ssr,
                                                            np.nan, np.nan)

    return table
Exemple #2
def anova2_lm_single(model, design_info, n_rows, test, pr_test, robust):
    Anova type II table for one fitted linear model.

    model : fitted linear model results instance
        A fitted linear model


    scale : float
        Estimate of variance, If None, will be estimated from the largest
    model. Default is None.
        test : str {"F", "Chisq", "Cp"} or None
        Test statistics to provide. Default is "F".

    Use of this function is discouraged. Use anova_lm instead.

    Type II
    Sum of Squares compares marginal contribution of terms. Thus, it is
    not particularly useful for models with significant interaction terms.
    terms_info = design_info.terms[:] # copy
    terms_info = _remove_intercept_patsy(terms_info)

    names = ['sum_sq', 'df', test, pr_test]

    table = DataFrame(np.zeros((n_rows, 4)), columns = names)
    cov = _get_covariance(model, None)
    robust_cov = _get_covariance(model, robust)
    col_order = []
    index = []
    for i, term in enumerate(terms_info):
        # grab all varaibles except interaction effects that contain term
        # need two hypotheses matrices L1 is most restrictive, ie., term==0
        # L2 is everything except term==0
        cols = design_info.slice(term)
        L1 = lrange(cols.start, cols.stop)
        L2 = []
        term_set = set(term.factors)
        for t in terms_info: # for the term you have
            other_set = set(t.factors)
            if term_set.issubset(other_set) and not term_set == other_set:
                col = design_info.slice(t)
                # on a higher order term containing current `term`
                L1.extend(lrange(col.start, col.stop))
                L2.extend(lrange(col.start, col.stop))

        L1 = np.eye(model.model.exog.shape[1])[L1]
        L2 = np.eye(model.model.exog.shape[1])[L2]

        if L2.size:
            LVL = np.dot(np.dot(L1,robust_cov),L2.T)
            from scipy import linalg
            orth_compl,_ = linalg.qr(LVL)
            r = L1.shape[0] - L2.shape[0]
            # L1|2
            # use the non-unique orthogonal completion since L12 is rank r
            L12 = np.dot(orth_compl[:,-r:].T, L1)
            L12 = L1
            r = L1.shape[0]
        #from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb; Pdb().set_trace()
        if test == 'F':
            f = model.f_test(L12, cov_p=robust_cov)
            table.loc[table.index[i], test] = test_value = f.fvalue
            table.loc[table.index[i], pr_test] = f.pvalue

        # need to back out SSR from f_test
        table.loc[table.index[i], 'df'] = r

    table.index = Index(index + ['Residual'])
    table = table.iloc[np.argsort(col_order + [model.model.exog.shape[1]+1])]
    # back out sum of squares from f_test
    ssr = table[test] * table['df'] * model.ssr/model.df_resid
    table['sum_sq'] = ssr
    # fill in residual
    table.loc['Residual', ['sum_sq','df', test, pr_test]] = (model.ssr,
                                                            np.nan, np.nan)

    return table