def setup_class(self):
        XLISTEXOG2 = 'aget aget2 educyr actlim totchr'.split()

        endog_name = 'docvis'
        exog_names = 'private medicaid'.split() + XLISTEXOG2 + ['const']
        instrument_names = 'income ssiratio'.split() + XLISTEXOG2 + ['const']

        endog = DATA[endog_name]
        exog = DATA[exog_names]
        instrument = DATA[instrument_names]

        asarray = lambda x: np.asarray(x, float)
        endog, exog, instrument = map(asarray, [endog, exog, instrument])

        self.bse_tol = [5e-6, 5e-7]
        # compare to Stata default options, iterative GMM
        # with const at end
        start = OLS(endog, exog).fit().params
        nobs, k_instr = instrument.shape
        w0inv =, instrument) / nobs

        mod = gmm.NonlinearIVGMM(endog, exog, instrument,
        res0 =,
                       optim_args={'gtol': 1e-8},
                       wargs={'centered': False},
        self.res1 = res0

        from results_gmm_poisson import results_addtwostep as results
        self.res2 = results
    def setup_class(cls):
        # compare to Stata default options, twostep GMM
        XLISTEXOG2 = 'aget aget2 educyr actlim totchr'.split()

        endog_name = 'docvis'
        exog_names = 'private medicaid'.split() + XLISTEXOG2 + ['const']
        instrument_names = 'income medicaid ssiratio'.split() + XLISTEXOG2 + ['const']

        endog = DATA[endog_name]
        exog = DATA[exog_names]
        instrument = DATA[instrument_names]

        asarray = lambda x: np.asarray(x, float)
        endog, exog, instrument = lmap(asarray, [endog, exog, instrument])

        # Need to add all data into exog
        endog_ = np.zeros(len(endog))
        exog_ = np.column_stack((endog, exog))

        cls.bse_tol = [5e-6, 5e-7]
        # compare to Stata default options, iterative GMM
        # with const at end
        start = OLS(endog, exog).fit().params
        nobs, k_instr = instrument.shape
        w0inv =, instrument) / nobs

        mod = gmm.NonlinearIVGMM(endog_, exog_, instrument, moment_exponential_mult)
        res0 =, maxiter=2, inv_weights=w0inv,
                        optim_method='bfgs', optim_args={'gtol':1e-8, 'disp': 0},
                        wargs={'centered':False}, has_optimal_weights=False)
        cls.res1 = res0

        from .results_gmm_poisson import results_multtwostep as results
        cls.res2 = results
    def setup_class(cls):
        # compare to Stata default options, onestep GMM
        # this uses maxiter=1, one iteration in loop
        cls.params_tol = [5e-5, 5e-6]
        cls.bse_tol = [5e-6, 1e-1]
        exog = exog_st  # with const at end
        start = OLS(endog, exog).fit().params
        nobs, k_instr = instrument.shape
        w0inv =, instrument) / nobs
        #w0 = np.linalg.inv(w0inv)

        def func(params, exog):
            return, params)

        mod = gmm.NonlinearIVGMM(endog, exog, instrument, func)
        res =, maxiter=1, inv_weights=w0inv,
                        optim_method='bfgs', optim_args={'gtol':1e-8, 'disp': 0},
                        wargs={'centered':False}, has_optimal_weights=False)
        cls.res1 = res

        mod = gmm.IVGMM(endog, exog, instrument)
        res =, maxiter=1, inv_weights=w0inv,
                        optim_method='bfgs', optim_args={'gtol':1e-6, 'disp': 0},
                        wargs={'centered':False}, has_optimal_weights=False)
        cls.res3 = res

        from .results_gmm_griliches import results_onestep as results
        cls.res2 = results
Exemple #4

# Currently statsmodels has two ways of specifying moment conditions.
# The first uses general non-linear functions for the (unconditional) moment condition
# The second version uses an instrumental variables approach with additive error structure

def moment_consumption1(params, exog):
    beta, gamma = params
    r_forw1, c_forw1, c = exog.T  # unwrap iterable (ndarray)

    # moment condition without instrument
    err = 1 - beta * (1 + r_forw1) * np.power(c_forw1 / c, -gamma)
    return -err

endog1 = np.zeros(exog.shape[0])
mod1 = gmm.NonlinearIVGMM(endog1, exog, instrument, moment_consumption1, k_moms=4)
w0inv =, instrument) / len(endog1)
res1 =[1,-1], maxiter=2, inv_weights=w0inv)

print(res1.summary(yname='Euler Eq', xname=['discount', 'CRRA']))

# We don't need Nelder-Mead in this case, we can use bfgs default directly
# res1_ =[1,-1], maxiter=0, inv_weights=w0inv, opt_method='nm')

res1_hac4_2s =[1, -1], maxiter=2, inv_weights=w0inv, weights_method='hac', wargs={'maxlag':4})
print(res1_hac4_2s.summary(yname='Euler Eq', xname=['discount', 'CRRA']))

def moment_consumption2(params, exog):
    beta, gamma = params