Exemple #1
    def _games_howell_test(self):
        combs = list(combinations(np.unique(self.group), 2))
        sample_stats = self._group_sample_statistics()

        means_d = dict(sample_stats['Group Means'])
        obs_d = dict(sample_stats['Group Observations'])
        var_d = dict(sample_stats['Group Variance'])

        group_comps = []
        mean_differences = []
        degrees_freedom = []
        t_values = []
        p_values = []
        std_err = []
        up_conf = []
        low_conf = []

        for comb in combs:

            diff = means_d[comb[1]] - means_d[comb[0]]

            t_val = np.absolute(diff) / np.sqrt((var_d[comb[0]] / obs_d[comb[0]]) + (var_d[comb[1]] / obs_d[comb[1]]))

            df_num = (var_d[comb[0]] / obs_d[comb[0]] + var_d[comb[1]] / obs_d[comb[1]]) ** 2
            df_denom = ((var_d[comb[0]] / obs_d[comb[0]]) ** 2 / (obs_d[comb[0]] - 1) +
                        (var_d[comb[1]] / obs_d[comb[1]]) ** 2 / (obs_d[comb[1]] - 1))

            df = df_num / df_denom

            p_val = psturng(t_val * np.sqrt(2), sample_stats['Number of Groups'], df)

            se = np.sqrt(0.5 * (var_d[comb[0]] / obs_d[comb[0]] + var_d[comb[1]] / obs_d[comb[1]]))

            upper_conf = diff + qsturng(1 - self.alpha, sample_stats['Number of Groups'], df)
            lower_conf = diff - qsturng(1 - self.alpha, sample_stats['Number of Groups'], df)

            group_comps.append(str(comb[0]) + ' : ' + str(comb[1]))

        result_df = pd.DataFrame({'groups': group_comps,
                                  'mean_difference': mean_differences,
                                  'std_error': std_err,
                                  't_value': t_values,
                                  'p_value': p_values,
                                  'upper_limit': up_conf,
                                  'lower limit': low_conf})

        return result_df
def test_qstrung():
    rows = [   5,    6,    7,    8,    9,   10,   11,   12,   13,   14,   15,
              16,   17,   18,   19,   20,   24,   30,   40,   60,  120, 9999]
    cols = np.arange(2,11)

    for alpha in [0.01, 0.05]:
        for k in cols:
            c1 = get_tukeyQcrit(k, rows, alpha=alpha)
            c2 = qsturng(1-alpha, k, rows)
            assert_almost_equal(c1, c2, decimal=2)
            assert_almost_equal(psturng(qsturng(1-alpha, k, rows), k, rows), alpha, 5)
def test_qstrung(alpha, k):
    rows = [
        5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 30, 40,
        60, 120, 9999

    c1 = get_tukeyQcrit(k, rows, alpha=alpha)
    c2 = qsturng(1 - alpha, k, rows)
    assert_almost_equal(c1, c2, decimal=2)
    # roundtrip
    assert_almost_equal(psturng(qsturng(1 - alpha, k, rows), k, rows), alpha,
Exemple #4
def test_qstrung():
    rows = [
        5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 30, 40,
        60, 120, 9999
    cols = np.arange(2, 11)

    for alpha in [0.01, 0.05]:
        for k in cols:
            c1 = get_tukeyQcrit(k, rows, alpha=alpha)
            c2 = qsturng(1 - alpha, k, rows)
            assert_almost_equal(c1, c2, decimal=2)
            assert_almost_equal(psturng(qsturng(1 - alpha, k, rows), k, rows),
                                alpha, 5)
Exemple #5
    def _qvalue(self):
        Computes the q-value.

        q : float
            The q-value

        :math:`q` can be found similarly to the t-statistic:

        .. math::


        The studentized range distribution of :math:`q` is defined as:

        .. math::

            q_s = \frac{Y_{max} - Y_{min}}{SE}

        Where :math:`Y_{max}` and :math:`Y_{min}` are the larger and smaller means of the two groups being compared.
        :math:`SE` is defined as the standard error of the entire design.

        q = qsturng(self.alpha, self.k, self.n - self.k)

        return q
    def test_handful_to_tbl(self):
        cases = [
            (0.75, 30.0, 12.0, 5.01973488482),
            (0.975, 15.0, 18.0, 6.00428263999),
            (0.1, 8.0, 11.0, 1.76248712658),
            (0.995, 6.0, 17.0, 6.13684839819),
            (0.85, 15.0, 18.0, 4.65007986215),
            (0.75, 17.0, 18.0, 4.33179650607),
            (0.75, 60.0, 16.0, 5.50520795792),
            (0.99, 100.0, 2.0, 50.3860723433),
            (0.9, 2.0, 40.0, 2.38132493732),
            (0.8, 12.0, 20.0, 4.15361239056),
            (0.675, 8.0, 14.0, 3.35011529943),
            (0.75, 30.0, 24.0, 4.77976803574),
            (0.75, 2.0, 18.0, 1.68109190167),
            (0.99, 7.0, 120.0, 5.00525918406),
            (0.8, 19.0, 15.0, 4.70694373713),
            (0.8, 15.0, 8.0, 4.80392205906),
            (0.5, 12.0, 11.0, 3.31672775449),
            (0.85, 30.0, 2.0, 10.2308503607),
            (0.675, 20.0, 18.0, 4.23706426096),
            (0.1, 60.0, 60.0, 3.69215469278),

        for p, r, v, q in cases:
            assert_almost_equal(q, qsturng(p, r, v), 5)
    def test_handful_to_ch(self):
        cases = [
            (0.8699908, 10.0, 465.4956, 3.997799075635331),
            (0.8559087, 43.0, 211.7474, 5.1348419692951675),
            (0.6019187, 11.0, 386.5556, 3.3383101487698821),
            (0.658888, 51.0, 74.652, 4.8108880483153733),
            (0.6183604, 77.0, 479.8493, 4.9864059321732874),
            (0.9238978, 77.0, 787.5278, 5.7871053003022936),
            (0.8408322, 7.0, 227.3483, 3.5555798311413578),
            (0.5930279, 60.0, 325.3461, 4.7658023123882396),
            (0.6236158, 61.0, 657.5285, 4.8207812755987867),
            (0.9344575, 72.0, 846.4138, 5.8014341329259107),
            (0.8761198, 56.0, 677.8171, 5.362460718311719),
            (0.7901517, 41.0, 131.525, 4.9222831341950544),
            (0.6396423, 44.0, 624.3828, 4.6015127250083152),
            (0.8085966, 14.0, 251.4224, 4.0793058424719746),
            (0.716179, 45.0, 136.7055, 4.8055498089340087),
            (0.8204, 6.0, 290.9876, 3.3158771384085597),
            (0.8705345, 83.0, 759.6216, 5.5969334564485376),
            (0.8249085, 18.0, 661.9321, 4.3283725986180395),
            (0.9503, 2.0, 4.434, 3.7871158594867262),
            (0.7276132, 95.0, 91.43983, 5.4100384868499889),

        for p, r, v, q in cases:
            assert_almost_equal(q, qsturng(p, r, v), 5)
 def test_10000_to_ch(self):
     import os
     curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     ps, rs, vs, qs = read_ch(curdir + '/bootleg.dat') # <- generated by qtukey in R
     qs = np.array(qs)
     errors = np.abs(qs-qsturng(ps,rs,vs))/qs
     assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > .03)[0])
Exemple #9
def get_critical_distance(x, level=0.95):

    n_rows, n_cols = x.shape

    a = qsturng(level, n_cols, np.inf)
    b = np.sqrt((n_cols * (n_cols + 1)) / (12 * n_rows))

    return a * b
Exemple #10
 def test_10000_to_ch(self):
     import os
     curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     ps, rs, vs, qs = read_ch(curdir +
                              '/bootleg.dat')  # <- generated by qtukey in R
     qs = np.array(qs)
     errors = np.abs(qs - qsturng(ps, rs, vs)) / qs
     assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > .03)[0])
Exemple #11
 def studentized_range(alpha=0.05, samples=10, df=140):
     Get critical value from a studentized range distribution. Used in Tukey posthoc tests etc.
     :param alpha:   alpha in [0,1]
     :param samples: number of samples(groups)
     :param df:  degrees of freedom
     return float(qsturng(1 - alpha, samples, df))
Exemple #12
 def test_vector(self):
     # vector input -> vector output
                               qsturng([.8932, .9345,.9827],
                                       [4, 4, 4],
                                       [6, 6, 6]),
Exemple #13
 def test_vector(self):
     "vector input -> vector output"
                               qsturng([.8932, .9345,.9827],
                                       [4, 4, 4],
                                       [6, 6, 6]),
Exemple #14
 def test_10000_to_ch(self):
     import os
     curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     #ps, rs, vs, qs = read_ch(curdir + '/bootleg.dat') # <- generated by qtukey in R
     # work around problem getting libqsturng.tests.bootleg.dat installed
     ps, rs, vs, qs = read_ch(os.path.split(os.path.split(curdir)[0])[0]
                              + '/tests/results/bootleg.csv')
     qs = np.array(qs)
     errors = np.abs(qs-qsturng(ps,rs,vs))/qs
     assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > .03)[0])
def get_thsd(mci):
    var_ = np.var(mci.groupstats.groupdemean(), ddof=len(mci.groupsunique))
    means = mci.groupstats.groupmean
    nobs = mci.groupstats.groupnobs
    resi = tukeyhsd(means, nobs, var_, df=None, alpha=0.05, q_crit=qsturng(0.95, len(means), (nobs-1).sum()))
    var2 = (mci.groupstats.groupvarwithin() * (nobs - 1)).sum() \
                                                        / (nobs - 1).sum()
    assert_almost_equal(var_, var2, decimal=14)
    return resi
 def test_10000_to_ch(self):
     import os
     curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     #ps, rs, vs, qs = read_ch(curdir + '/bootleg.dat') # <- generated by qtukey in R
     # work around problem getting libqsturng.tests.bootleg.dat installed
     ps, rs, vs, qs = read_ch(os.path.split(os.path.split(curdir)[0])[0]
                              + '/tests/results/bootleg.csv')
     qs = np.array(qs)
     errors = np.abs(qs-qsturng(ps,rs,vs))/qs
     assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > .03)[0])
def nemenyi(k, n, critical=0.05):
    """I cannot find pdf of studentized range distribution. So we must use quantile function.
    studentized_range_statistics = qsturng(1 - critical, k, 1e5)
    q_alpha = studentized_range_statistics / np.sqrt(
        2)  # 1e5 is close to infinity
    # print r'$q_\alpha$ in Nemenyi test: {}'.format(q_alpha)
    nemenyi_range = np.sqrt(1. * k * (k + 1) / (6 * n)) * q_alpha
    return nemenyi_range
Exemple #18
def create_turkey_intervals(
    row_mean, row_var, mse, alpha, k, b, df, pairs
):  # Which treatment means are significantly different from each other ? (small sample)
    Q = qsturng(1 - alpha, k, df)
    L = Q * numpy.sqrt(mse / b)

    return tuple(
            lambda pair: ANOVATreatmentInterval(
                row_mean[pair[0]] - row_mean[pair[1]], L, pair), pairs))
Exemple #19
    def test_100_random_values(self):
        n = 100
        ps = np.random.random(n)*(.999 - .1) + .1
        rs = np.random.random_integers(2, 100, n)
        vs = np.random.random(n)*998. + 2.
        qs = qsturng(ps, rs, vs)
        estimates = psturng(qs, rs, vs)
        actuals = 1. - ps
        errors = estimates - actuals

        assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > 1e-5)[0])
Exemple #20
def get_thsd(mci, alpha=0.05):
    var_ = np.var(mci.groupstats.groupdemean(), ddof=len(mci.groupsunique))
    means = mci.groupstats.groupmean
    nobs = mci.groupstats.groupnobs
    resi = tukeyhsd(means, nobs, var_, df=None, alpha=alpha,
                    q_crit=qsturng(1-alpha, len(means), (nobs-1).sum()))
    #print resi[4]
    var2 = (mci.groupstats.groupvarwithin() * (nobs - 1)).sum() \
                                                        / (nobs - 1).sum()
    assert_almost_equal(var_, var2, decimal=14)
    return resi
Exemple #21
    def test_1000_random_values(self):
        n = 1000
        ps = np.random.random(n) * (.999 - .1) + .1
        rs = np.random.random_integers(2, 100, n)
        vs = np.random.random(n) * 998. + 2.
        qs = qsturng(ps, rs, vs)
        estimates = psturng(qs, rs, vs)
        actuals = 1. - ps
        errors = estimates - actuals

        assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > 1e-5)[0])
Exemple #22
    def test_100_random_values(self, reset_randomstate):
        n = 100
        random_state = np.random.RandomState(12345)
        ps = random_state.random_sample(n)*(.999 - .1) + .1
        rs = random_state.randint(2, 101, n)
        vs = random_state.random_sample(n)*998. + 2.
        qs = qsturng(ps, rs, vs)
        estimates = psturng(qs, rs, vs)
        actuals = 1. - ps
        errors = estimates - actuals

        assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > 1e-5)[0])
Exemple #23
    def test_100_random_values(self, reset_randomstate):
        n = 100
        random_state = np.random.RandomState(12345)
        ps = random_state.random_sample(n) * (.999 - .1) + .1
        rs = random_state.randint(2, 101, n)
        vs = random_state.random_sample(n) * 998. + 2.
        qs = qsturng(ps, rs, vs)
        estimates = psturng(qs, rs, vs)
        actuals = 1. - ps
        errors = estimates - actuals

        assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > 1e-5)[0])
    def test_all_to_tbl(self):
        ps, rs, vs, qs = [], [], [], []
        for p in T:
            for v in T[p]:
                for r in R.keys():

        qs = np.array(qs)
        errors = np.abs(qs-qsturng(ps,rs,vs))/qs
        assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > .03)[0])
Exemple #25
    def test_all_to_tbl(self):
        ps, rs, vs, qs = [], [], [], []
        for p in T:
            for v in T[p]:
                for r in R.keys():

        qs = np.array(qs)
        errors = np.abs(qs - qsturng(ps, rs, vs)) / qs
        assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > .03)[0])
Exemple #26
    def t_est_all_to_tbl(self):
        from statsmodels.stats.libqsturng.make_tbls import T,R
        ps, rs, vs, qs = [], [], [], []
        for p in T:
            for v in T[p]:
                for r in R.keys():

        qs = np.array(qs)
        errors = np.abs(qs-qsturng(ps,rs,vs))/qs
        assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > .03)[0])
Exemple #27
    def t_est_all_to_tbl(self):
        from statsmodels.stats.libqsturng.make_tbls import T,R
        ps, rs, vs, qs = [], [], [], []
        for p in T:
            for v in T[p]:
                for r in iterkeys(R):

        qs = np.array(qs)
        errors = np.abs(qs-qsturng(ps,rs,vs))/qs
        assert_equal(np.array([]), np.where(errors > .03)[0])
Exemple #28
def NemenyiCD(alpha: float, num_alg, num_dataset):
    """ Computes Nemenyi's critical difference:
    * CD = q_alpha * sqrt(num_alg*(num_alg + 1)/(6*num_prob))
    where q_alpha is the critical value, of the Studentized range statistic divided by sqrt(2).
    :param alpha: {0.1, 0.999}. Significance level.
    :param num_alg: number of tested algorithms.
    :param num_dataset: Number of problems/datasets where the algorithms have been tested.

    # get critical value
    q_alpha = qsturng(p=1 - alpha, r=num_alg, v=num_alg * (num_dataset - 1)) / np.sqrt(2)

    # compute the critical difference
    cd = q_alpha * np.sqrt(num_alg * (num_alg + 1) / (6.0 * num_dataset))

    return cd
Exemple #29
def pairwise_difference_nemenyi(
    avg_ranks: Dict[Method, float], n_datasets: int, alpha=0.05
    """Compute the Nemenyi test on all pairwise differences"""
    N = n_datasets
    k = len(avg_ranks)
    q_alpha = qsturng(1 - alpha, k, np.inf) / np.sqrt(2)
    CD = q_alpha * np.sqrt(k * (k + 1) / (6 * N))

    sigdiff = {}
    for method in avg_ranks:
        sigdiff[method] = {}
        for other in avg_ranks:
            if method == other:
            rank_diff = abs(avg_ranks[method] - avg_ranks[other])
            sigdiff[method][other] = rank_diff >= CD
    return sigdiff, CD
Exemple #30
class Generator:
    enabled = False
    display_name = "statsmodel"

    def init_parser(parser):
        parser.add_argument('--statsmodel', action="store_true")

    def init_args(cls, arg):
        cls.enabled = arg.statsmodel

    def process(case, dop):
        p, k, nu = case.p, case.k, case.v
        res = qsturng(p, k, nu)
        return res
Exemple #31
    def test_handful_to_ch(self):
        cases = [(0.8699908, 10.0, 465.4956, 3.997799075635331),
                 (0.8559087, 43.0, 211.7474, 5.1348419692951675),
                 (0.6019187, 11.0, 386.5556, 3.3383101487698821),
                 (0.658888, 51.0, 74.652, 4.8108880483153733),
                 (0.6183604, 77.0, 479.8493, 4.9864059321732874),
                 (0.9238978, 77.0, 787.5278, 5.7871053003022936),
                 (0.8408322, 7.0, 227.3483, 3.5555798311413578),
                 (0.5930279, 60.0, 325.3461, 4.7658023123882396),
                 (0.6236158, 61.0, 657.5285, 4.8207812755987867),
                 (0.9344575, 72.0, 846.4138, 5.8014341329259107),
                 (0.8761198, 56.0, 677.8171, 5.362460718311719),
                 (0.7901517, 41.0, 131.525, 4.9222831341950544),
                 (0.6396423, 44.0, 624.3828, 4.6015127250083152),
                 (0.8085966, 14.0, 251.4224, 4.0793058424719746),
                 (0.716179, 45.0, 136.7055, 4.8055498089340087),
                 (0.8204, 6.0, 290.9876, 3.3158771384085597),
                 (0.8705345, 83.0, 759.6216, 5.5969334564485376),
                 (0.8249085, 18.0, 661.9321, 4.3283725986180395),
                 (0.9503, 2.0, 4.434, 3.7871158594867262),
                 (0.7276132, 95.0, 91.43983, 5.4100384868499889)]

        for p, r, v, q in cases:
            assert_almost_equal(q, qsturng(p, r, v), 5)
Exemple #32
    def test_handful_to_tbl(self):
        cases = [(0.75, 30.0, 12.0, 5.01973488482),
                 (0.975, 15.0, 18.0, 6.00428263999),
                 (0.1, 8.0, 11.0, 1.76248712658),
                 (0.995, 6.0, 17.0, 6.13684839819),
                 (0.85, 15.0, 18.0, 4.65007986215),
                 (0.75, 17.0, 18.0, 4.33179650607),
                 (0.75, 60.0, 16.0, 5.50520795792),
                 (0.99, 100.0, 2.0, 50.3860723433),
                 (0.9, 2.0, 40.0, 2.38132493732),
                 (0.8, 12.0, 20.0, 4.15361239056),
                 (0.675, 8.0, 14.0, 3.35011529943),
                 (0.75, 30.0, 24.0, 4.77976803574),
                 (0.75, 2.0, 18.0, 1.68109190167),
                 (0.99, 7.0, 120.0, 5.00525918406),
                 (0.8, 19.0, 15.0, 4.70694373713),
                 (0.8, 15.0, 8.0, 4.80392205906),
                 (0.5, 12.0, 11.0, 3.31672775449),
                 (0.85, 30.0, 2.0, 10.2308503607),
                 (0.675, 20.0, 18.0, 4.23706426096),
                 (0.1, 60.0, 60.0, 3.69215469278)]

        for p, r, v, q in cases:
            assert_almost_equal(q, qsturng(p, r, v), 5)
Exemple #33
def _critical_distance(alpha, k, n):
    Determines the critical distance for the Nemenyi test with infinite degrees of freedom.
    return qsturng(1 - alpha, k, np.inf) * np.sqrt(k * (k + 1) / (12 * n))
Exemple #34
def _duncan_test(table, response_cols, factor_col, alpha=0.05):
    result = dict()
    rb = BrtcReprBuilder()
    rb.addMD("""## Duncan test Result""")
    for response_col in response_cols:
        mean_by_factor = table.groupby(factor_col).mean()[response_col].sort_values(ascending=False)
        count_by_factor = table.groupby(factor_col).count()[response_col]
        columns = list(table.columns)
        sse = np.sum([np.square(row[columns.index(response_col)] - mean_by_factor[row[columns.index(factor_col)]]) for row in table.values])
        df = table.shape[0] - count_by_factor.shape[0]
        mse = sse / df
        n = harmonic_mean(count_by_factor)
        sigma_d = np.sqrt(mse / n)
        classes = table[factor_col].unique()
        classes_cnt = len(classes)
        critical_val = dict()
        critical_val['p'] = range(2, classes_cnt + 1)
        critical_val['critical_value'] = []
        p = 1 - alpha
        for i in range(1, classes_cnt):
            if p < 0.1 or p > 0.999:
                critical_val['critical_value'].append('Not statistically meaningful')
                critical_val['critical_value'].append(sigma_d * qsturng(p, i + 1, df))
            p = p * (1 - alpha)
        comp_by_factor = dict()
        comp_by_factor['compared_factors'] = []
        comp_by_factor['difference'] = []
        comp_by_factor['critical_value'] = []
        comp_by_factor['significant'] = []
        titles = mean_by_factor.index
        for i in range(classes_cnt):
            for j in range(i + 1, classes_cnt):
                title = str(titles[i]) + ' - ' + str(titles[j])
                difference = abs(mean_by_factor[titles[i]] - mean_by_factor[titles[j]])
                critical_value = critical_val['critical_value'][critical_val['p'].index(j - i + 1)]
                if isinstance(critical_value, (float, int)):
                    if difference > critical_value:
        critical_val = pd.DataFrame(critical_val)
        mean_by_factor = pd.DataFrame(mean_by_factor).reset_index()
        comp_by_factor = pd.DataFrame(comp_by_factor)
        | ## {response_col} by {factor_col}
        | ### Critical value
        | {critical_val}
        | ### Mean value by factor
        | {mean_by_factor}
        | ### Difference by factor
        | {comp_by_factor}
        """.format(response_col=response_col, factor_col=factor_col,
            critical_val=pandasDF2MD(critical_val, num_rows=critical_val.shape[0]),
            mean_by_factor=pandasDF2MD(mean_by_factor, num_rows=mean_by_factor.shape[0]),
            comp_by_factor=pandasDF2MD(comp_by_factor, num_rows=comp_by_factor.shape[0]))))
        group = response_col + '_' + factor_col
        result[group] = dict()
        result[group]['critical_val'] = critical_val
        result[group]['mean_by_factor'] = mean_by_factor
        result[group]['comp_by_factor'] = comp_by_factor
    result['_repr_brtc_'] = rb.get()
    return {'result': result}
Exemple #35
def q_inv(m, phi, P):
    return libqsturng.qsturng(P, m, phi)
n_T = sum(n_list)
k = len(mean_list)
sum_square = 22829.14

SST = sum_square - n_T * np.square(mean_total)
SSTr = sum(n_list[i] * np.square(mean_list[i])
           for i in range(k)) - n_T * np.square(mean_total)

# The mean squares for treatments
MSTr = SSTr / (k - 1)
# The mean square error
MSE = SSE / (n_T - k)
F_stat = MSTr / MSE
p = f.sf(F_stat, dfn=k - 1, dfd=n_T - k)
# H0: all means are equal

# q (alpha, k, v)
s = np.sqrt(MSE)
q = qsturng(p=1 - alpha, r=k, v=n_T - k)
for i1 in range(k - 1):
    for i2 in range(i1 + 1, k):
        diff = mean_list[i1] - mean_list[i2]
        lower_bd = diff - s * q * np.sqrt(0.5 / n_list[i1] + 0.5 / n_list[i2])
        upper_bd = diff + s * q * np.sqrt(0.5 / n_list[i1] + 0.5 / n_list[i2])
        print('({}, {}): ({}, {})'.format(i1 + 1, i2 + 1, lower_bd, upper_bd))

# when all ni are equal (= n), L = 2 * s * q * np.sqrt(1 / n)
# required length
L0 = 2
n0 = 4 * np.square(s * q / L0)
Exemple #37
def gamesHowellTest(df, target, hue):
    alpha = 0.05
    k = len(np.unique(df[target]))

    group_means = dict(df.groupby(hue)[target].mean())
    group_obs = dict(df.groupby(hue)[target].size())
    group_variance = dict(df.groupby(hue)[target].var())

    combs = list(combinations(np.unique(df[hue]), 2))

    group_comps = []
    mean_differences = []
    degrees_freedom = []
    t_values = []
    p_values = []
    std_err = []
    up_conf = []
    low_conf = []

    for comb in combs:
        # Mean differences of each group combination
        diff = group_means[comb[1]] - group_means[comb[0]]

        # t-value of each group combination
        t_val = np.abs(diff) / np.sqrt((group_variance[comb[0]] / group_obs[comb[0]]) +
                                       (group_variance[comb[1]] / group_obs[comb[1]]))

        # Numerator of the Welch-Satterthwaite equation
        df_num = (group_variance[comb[0]] / group_obs[comb[0]] + group_variance[comb[1]] / group_obs[comb[1]]) ** 2

        # Denominator of the Welch-Satterthwaite equation
        df_denom = ((group_variance[comb[0]] / group_obs[comb[0]]) ** 2 / (group_obs[comb[0]] - 1) +
                    (group_variance[comb[1]] / group_obs[comb[1]]) ** 2 / (group_obs[comb[1]] - 1))

        # Degrees of freedom
        df = df_num / df_denom

        # p-value of the group comparison
        p_val = psturng(t_val * np.sqrt(2), k, df)

        # Standard error of each group combination
        se = np.sqrt(0.5 * (group_variance[comb[0]] / group_obs[comb[0]] +
                            group_variance[comb[1]] / group_obs[comb[1]]))

        # Upper and lower confidence intervals
        upper_conf = diff + qsturng(1 - alpha, k, df)
        lower_conf = diff - qsturng(1 - alpha, k, df)

        # Append the computed values to their respective lists.
        group_comps.append(str(comb[0]) + ' : ' + str(comb[1]))

    result_df = pd.DataFrame({'groups': group_comps,
                          'mean_difference': mean_differences,
                          'std_error': std_err,
                          't_value': t_values,
                          'p_value': p_values,
                          'upper_limit': up_conf,
                          'lower limit': low_conf})

    return result_df
Exemple #38
 def test_scalar(self):
     "scalar input -> scalar output"
     assert_almost_equal(4.43645545899562, qsturng(.9, 5, 6), 5)
def cal_f(*args, alpha_level=0.05):
  """execute one-way ANOVA
     execute post-hoc Tukey's HSD test if AVONA result 
     statistically significant

  Args: a series of sample arrays
      alpha_level (float, optional): confidence level. Defaults to 0.05.
    # Store mean of each sample
    group_means = []
    # Concatenate all sample as a 1D numpy array
    concate_np = []
    # Store the size of each sample
    sample_sizes = []
    # Sum of squared deviation
    ss_within = 0
    # number of samples collected
    num_groups = 0
    # Iterate each sample and calculate its descriptive statisstics
    for sample in args:
        num_groups += 1
        sample_sizes = np.append(sample_sizes, len(sample))
        single_mean = np.mean(sample)
        group_means = np.append(group_means, single_mean)
        concate_np = np.concatenate([concate_np, sample])
        ss_within += np.sum((np.subtract(sample, single_mean))**2)
    # Calc degree of freedom for between-subject
    dof_between = num_groups - 1
    # Calc degree of freedom for within-subject
    dof_within = np.size(concate_np) - num_groups
    # Calc grand mean of combined samples
    grand_mean = np.mean(concate_np)
    # Calc sum of squares for between-subject and the total SS
    ss_between = np.sum(sample_sizes*(group_means - grand_mean)**2)
    ss_total = ss_between + ss_within
    # Mean of SS for between and within subject respectively
    ms_between = ss_between/dof_between
    ms_within = ss_within/dof_within
    # Calc f statistic
    f_statistic = ms_between/ms_within
    # Look up f critical on given alpha level and dof
    f_critical = f.ppf(1-alpha_level, dof_between, dof_within)
    # Look up probability on calculated f statistic and dof
    p_value = f.sf(f_statistic, dof_between, dof_within)
    # Calculate effect size (eta2)
    explained_var = ss_between/ss_total
    # Rounded group means with precision=2
    group_means_ = np.around(group_means, 2)
    # Define hypothesis test result
    conclusions = ['Reject the Null as statistically significant.', 'Fail to reject the Null.']
    # Judge the result
    res = conclusions[0] if f_statistic >= f_critical else conclusions[1]
    # Report contents
    print_out = """
    ================= ONE-WAY ANOVA TEST REPORT =================
      Size in Each Sample: {0}
      Mean in Each Sample: {1}
      Grand Mean: {2: .2f}
      Total Sum of Squares: {14: .4f}
        Sum of Squares: {3: .4f}
        Degree of Freedom: {4}
        Mean Squares: {5: .4f}
        Sum of Squares: {6: .4f}
        Degree of Freedom: {7}
        Mean Squares: {8: .4f}
      F Statistic: {9: .4f}
      P Value: {10: .4f}
      F Critical: {11: .4f}
      Explained Variance (eta_sqd): {12: .4f}
      Conclusion: {13}
    ==================== ONE-WAY ANOAVA END =======================   
    # Get rid of indentation of in report
    formatted_print = textwrap.dedent(print_out)
    # Print the result
    # -------- Multiple Comparison Test Part ----------- #
    if res == conclusions[1]:
        print("No Need for Tukey's HSD as non-statistically significant from Aone-way ANOVA.")
        # Check each sample size is the same or not
        flag = True
        first = sample_sizes[0]
        for i in sample_sizes:
            if first != i:
                flag = False
        # Construct labels for multiple comparison results    
        if flag == True:
            labels_choices = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']
            labels_collections = []
            for i in range(len(sample_sizes)):
                label = labels_choices.pop(0)
            group_labels = np.repeat(labels_collections, repeats=sample_sizes[0])
            # Use statsmodels.stats.libqsturng.qsturng() to calculate q value
            # studentized range statistic table:
            # https://www2.stat.duke.edu/courses/Spring98/sta110c/qtable.html
            q_cirtical = qsturng(1-alpha_level, len(group_means), dof_within)
            # Calculate Tukey's hsd value
            hsd_value = q_cirtical*np.sqrt(ms_within/sample_sizes[0])
            # Generate tukey's hsd result table
            tukey_hsd = pairwise_tukeyhsd(concate_np, group_labels)
            # Report format
            hsd_res = """
            =============== Multiple Comparison Test REPORT ===============
            Critical Q Value: {0:.2f}
            Critical Tukey's HSD: {1:.2f}
            ================= Multiple Comparison Test END ================
            # Get rid of indentation in the report
            formatted_res = textwrap.dedent(hsd_res)
            print(formatted_res.format(q_cirtical, hsd_value, tukey_hsd))
            print("This version does not support Tukey's HSD analysis if sample sizes are different.")
Exemple #40
 def test_scalar(self):
     "scalar input -> scalar output"
     assert_almost_equal(4.43645545899562, qsturng(.9,5,6), 5)
names = list(ranks_per_technique.keys())

print(avg_ranks, len(ranks_per_technique['GENDIS']) )

from statsmodels.stats.libqsturng import qsturng

# Sources for the formula for cd:
# https://mlr.mlr-org.com/reference/generateCritDifferencesData.html
# https://scikit-learn-general.narkive.com/ebgsIj5T/critical-difference-diagram

alpha = 0.1
n_methods = len(avg_ranks)
n_datasets = len(ranks_per_technique['GENDIS'])
q_alpha = qsturng(1 - alpha, n_methods, np.inf) / np.sqrt(2)
cd = q_alpha * np.sqrt(n_methods * (n_methods + 1) / (6 * n_datasets))
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avg_ranks, names, cd=cd, highv=n_methods - 1)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 3)
plt.savefig('results/cd_diagram_1.svg', format='svg')

alpha = 0.05
n_methods = len(avg_ranks)
n_datasets = len(ranks_per_technique['GENDIS'])
q_alpha = qsturng(1 - alpha, n_methods, np.inf) / np.sqrt(2)
cd = q_alpha * np.sqrt(n_methods * (n_methods + 1) / (6 * n_datasets))
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avg_ranks, names, cd=cd, highv=n_methods - 1)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 3)
Exemple #42
def get_q_crit(k, df, alpha=0.05):
    return qsturng(1 - alpha, k, df)