def callback(self, data): try: cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) center_dict = {'blue': 'None', 'red': 'None', 'green': 'None'} blue_center = Int64MultiArray() red_center = Int64MultiArray() green_center = Int64MultiArray() image, center_dict, blue_center, red_center, green_center = self.image_centers( cv_image, center_dict, blue_center, red_center, green_center) try: blue_direction = direction(blue_center, self.data_K, "blue") except: pass try: red_direction = direction(red_center, self.data_K, "red") except: pass try: green_direction = direction(green_center, self.data_K, "green") except: pass try: self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, "bgr8")) if blue_direction.layout.dim[0].size != 0: self.marker_blue.publish(blue_direction) if red_direction.layout.dim[0].size != 0: self.marker_red.publish(red_direction) if green_direction.layout.dim[0].size != 0: self.marker_green.publish(green_direction) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e)
def publisher(): sensor1 = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 57600) voc_pub = rospy.Publisher('VOC', Int64, queue_size=10) coo_pub = rospy.Publisher('CO2', Int64, queue_size=10) pm2_5_pub = rospy.Publisher('pm2_5', Int64, queue_size=10) pm10_pub = rospy.Publisher('pm10', Int64, queue_size=10) sensors_pub = rospy.Publisher('sensors', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('air_sensors_publisher', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(0.5) print "CO2 and VOC publisher started" sensors_data = Int64MultiArray() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: voc = sensor1.readline() voc_pub.publish(int(voc)) co2 = sensor1.readline() coo_pub.publish(int(co2)) pm2_5 = sensor1.readline() pm2_5_pub.publish(int(pm2_5)) pm10 = sensor1.readline() pm10_pub.publish(int(pm10)) = [int(voc), int(co2), int(pm2_5), int(pm10)] sensors_pub.publish(sensors_data) except ValueError: print "error type" rate.sleep()
def execute(self, userdata): time.sleep(5) rospy.loginfo('Executing state NORMAL') userdata.normal_counter_out = userdata.normal_counter_in + 1 ## The robot moves randomly for i in range(0, 3): x = np.random.randint(0, 50, 1) y = np.random.randint(0, 50, 1) move_random = Int64MultiArray() = np.array([x, y]) ## Publish random position on topic '/target_point' target_pub.publish(move_random) time.sleep(8) ## Subscribe to the topic '/vocal_comand' and '/pointed_comand' rospy.Subscriber("/pointed_comand", Int64MultiArray, callback_pointed_comand) rospy.Subscriber("/vocal_comand", String, callback_vocal_comand) if (vocal_data == 'go_to_home'): ## Check on user's vocal comands return 'go_to_sleep' rospy.loginfo('User decides to go to home') if (vocal_data == 'play'): rospy.loginfo('User decides to go to play') return 'go_to_play' time.sleep(4) ## Change state randomly: from 'NORMAL' to 'SLEEP' or 'PLAY' return random.choice(['go_to_sleep', 'go_to_play'])
def execute(self, userdata): time.sleep(5) rospy.loginfo('Executing state PLAY') userdata.play_counter_out = userdata.play_counter_in + 1 person_position = Int64MultiArray() ## Define random person position x = np.random.randint(0, 50, 1) y = np.random.randint(0, 50, 1) = np.array([x, y]) ## Publish person position randomly on topic '/target_point' target_pub.publish(person_position) rospy.loginfo('The robot is reaching person position') time.sleep(5) rospy.loginfo('The robot is waiting for a pointing gesture') time.sleep(10) while True: ## Subscribe to the topic '/vocal_comand' rospy.Subscriber("/vocal_comand", String, callback_vocal_comand) if (vocal_data == 'go_to_home' or vocal_data == 'play'): rospy.loginfo('ERROR: I am waiting for a pointing gesture') time.sleep(5) ## Subscribe to the topic '/pointed_comand' rospy.Subscriber("/pointed_comand", Int64MultiArray, callback_pointed_comand) time.sleep(5) break time.sleep(5) ## Change state randomly: from 'PLAY' to 'NORMAL' return 'go_to_normal'
def callback(data): global mode global counter global last led_msg = Int64MultiArray() y = data.axes[1] x = data.axes[0] x1 = data.axes[3] rt = data.axes[2] dpad = data.buttons[11:] if 1 in dpad: mode = dpad.index(1) now = time.time() = [mode,1] if now - last > 0.75: counter +=1 else: counter = 0 if counter > 3: = [mode,0] last = time.time() led_pub.publish(led_msg) #cmd = cartesian2polar_45(x,y) cmd = two_joy(x1,y,rt) joy_out = Twist() joy_out.linear.x = cmd[0] joy_out.angular.z = cmd[1] pub.publish(joy_out)
def pub_values(self): '''! Функция публикации вершин @return: null ''' msg = Int64MultiArray() = self.coordinates self.publisher.publish(msg)
def determine_vision_mask(self, robot_pos): # first determine the index position of robot_pos robot_y_index, robot_x_index = self.index_pos(robot_pos) #rospy.loginfo("Vision_Determiner: The robot x,y position is: %f, %f", robot_pos.pose.position.x, robot_pos.pose.position.y) #rospy.loginfo("Vision_Determiner: The robot x, y index position is: %i, %i", robot_x_index, robot_y_index) cols = rows = # create correct mask mask = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.int64) tested = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.int64) # Vision Pattern needs to be odd number of cells height = (self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[0].size - 1) / 2 width = (self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[1].size - 1) / 2 if (np.round(width) != width or np.round(height) != height): rospy.loginfo('ERROR: Vision Patter is not odd height or length') vp_width = self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[0].size for i in range(-height, height + 1, 1): for j in range(-width, width + 1, 1): if[(i + height) * vp_width + (j + width)] == 1: #[i + height][j + width] == 1: new_i = i + robot_y_index new_j = j + robot_x_index # check if index is out of bounds if new_i >= 0 and new_i < mask.shape[0] and new_j >= 0 and new_j < mask.shape[1]: # check that not occupied by wall if[new_i * cols + new_j] == 0: # (new_i -1) if tested[new_i][new_j] == 0: # has not been tested # determine indeces along line indeces = self.line_indeces(robot_x_index, robot_y_index, new_j, new_i) vision_flag = True for k in range(0,len(indeces)): [v_x,v_y] = indeces[k] tested[v_y][v_x] = 1 if[v_y * cols + v_x] != 0: vision_flag = False elif vision_flag == True: mask[v_y][v_x] = 1 if vision_flag == False: mask[v_y][v_x] = 0 multi_array = Int64MultiArray() = mask.flatten() multi_array.layout.dim.append(MultiArrayDimension()) multi_array.layout.dim.append(MultiArrayDimension()) multi_array.layout.dim[0].size = cols multi_array.layout.dim[0].label = "cols" multi_array.layout.dim[1].size = rows multi_array.layout.dim[1].label = "rows" multi_array.layout.data_offset = 0 return multi_array
def numpy_to_multiarray(A): strides = np.cumprod(A.shape[::-1])[::-1] # unused, but conforms to the ROS spec layout = MultiArrayLayout(dim=[MultiArrayDimension(size=d, stride=s) for d, s in zip(A.shape, strides)]) if A.dtype == np.float32: return Float32MultiArray(layout, A.reshape(-1).tolist()) elif A.dtype == np.float64: return Float64MultiArray(layout, A.reshape(-1).tolist()) elif A.dtype == np.int32: return Int32MultiArray(layout, A.reshape(-1).tolist()) elif A.dtype == np.int64: return Int64MultiArray(layout, A.reshape(-1).tolist()) else: raise TypeError
def publisher(value): """ Publisher """ pub = rospy.Publisher('tquad/arm', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('tquad_arm', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 1hz arm = Int64MultiArray() = [] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): = [value["q_1"], value["q_2"], value["q_3"], 1] pub.publish(arm) rate.sleep()
def publish_params(): pub_point = rospy.Publisher("point", Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) # point topic을 통해 point 값 전달 rospy.init_node('param_pub', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): x = random.randint(0, 300) # xmin y = random.randint(0, 400) # ymin w = random.randint(100, 150) # xmax = x + w h = random.randint(100, 150) # ymax = y + h point = (int((x + w) / 2), int((y + h) / 2)) array = [point[0], point[1]] # point 값을 배열로 저장 point = Int64MultiArray(data=array) rospy.loginfo('publishing params') rospy.loginfo(point) pub_point.publish(point) rate.sleep()
def talker(): ##TODO: Define a publisher pub = rospy.Publisher('chatter', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=1000) rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz count = 0 my_array = [] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): ##TODO: For every loop, keep appending the array with the variable 'count' (If count = 4, an output array should be [1, 2, 3, 4]) my_array = np.append(my_array, count) array_for_publish = Int64MultiArray(data=my_array) ##TODO: publish the message pub.publish(array_for_publish) rate.sleep() count += 1
def send_to_face_detector(self, image): try: cv_image = self.cvb.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) print("\nSTART HERE!!\n") send_data = cv_image.tolist() self.client.send(send_data) recv_data = self.client.recv() recv_data = msgpack.unpackb(recv_data) print("recv_data [p1, p2] : ", recv_data) face_points = Int64MultiArray(data=recv_data[0]+recv_data[1]) self.pub_face_point.publish(face_points) self.rate.sleep()
def Simulator(): global user_comand while not rospy.is_shutdown(): ## 2D coordinates generation (pointed gestures) x = np.random.randint(0, 50, 1) y = np.random.randint(0, 50, 1) array_point = np.array([x, y]) ## User comands (speak interaction and pointed gestures) user_comand = random.choice(['go_to_home', 'play', array_point]) print(user_comand) ## Declare Publisher vocal_comand_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vocal_comand', String, queue_size=10) pointed_comand_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pointed_comand', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) ## Inizialize the node rospy.init_node('sim_perception', anonymous=True) ## Inizialize the variable which contains the 2D point pointed_comand = Int64MultiArray() ## Check if "user_comand" is a string or an array if type(user_comand) == str: rospy.loginfo(user_comand) ## Publish 'user_comand' on the topic '/vocal_comand' vocal_comand_pub.publish(user_comand) time.sleep(25) else: = user_comand rospy.loginfo(pointed_comand) ## Publish 'user_comand' on the topic '/pointed_comand' pointed_comand_pub.publish(pointed_comand) time.sleep(25)
def callback(self, data): global tick tick = tick + 1 if tick % 43 == 0: tick = 0 cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") im = PImage.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) im = im.convert('RGB') results = face_recognition.face_locations(np.array(im), 2) #print(results) if len(results) > 0: x1 = results[0][0] y1 = results[0][1] x2 = results[0][2] y2 = results[0][3] msg = Int64MultiArray() = [x1, y1, x2, y2] pub.publish(msg) cv2.rectangle(cv_image, (y1, x1), (y2, x2), (0, 255, 0), 5) cv2.imshow("Locate face", cv_image) cv2.waitKey(3)
def pub_center(self, img, cx, cy, corners2D): if corners2D is not None: wp = PoseStamped() wp.header.stamp = wp.header.frame_id = "" wp.pose.position.x = cx wp.pose.position.y = cy self.wp_pub.publish(wp) size = Int64MultiArray() px = corners2D[3][0] - corners2D[1][0] py = corners2D[3][1] - corners2D[1][1] self.size_pub.publish(size), (px, py), 3, (0, 255, 0), 3) imgmsg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, "rgb8") self.img_with_det.publish(imgmsg)
def callback(data): global mode global counter global last led_msg = Int64MultiArray() joy_out = Joystick() y = data.axes[1] x = -data.axes[0] x1 =-data.axes[3] rt = data.axes[2] cmd = two_joy(x1,y,rt) dpad = data.buttons[11:] if 1 in dpad: mode = dpad.index(1) now = time.time() = [mode,1] if now - last > 0.75: counter +=1 else: counter = 0 if counter > 3: = [mode,0] last = time.time() led_pub.publish(led_msg) #cmd = cartesian2polar_45(x,y) cmd = two_joy(x1,y,rt) joy_out = Joystick() joy_out.vel = cmd[0] joy_out.steering = cmd[1] joy_out.mode = mode joy_out.connected = True pub.publish(joy_out)
def execute(self, userdata): time.sleep(5) rospy.loginfo('Executing state SLEEP') userdata.sleep_counter_out = userdata.sleep_counter_in + 1 ## Comand that let the robot go home home_comand = Int64MultiArray() ## Define home position = np.array([0, 0]) ## Publish home position on topic '/target_point' target_pub.publish(home_comand) rospy.loginfo('The robot is reaching home position') time.sleep(15) ## Subscribe to the topic '/vocal_comand' rospy.Subscriber("/vocal_comand", String, callback_vocal_comand) if vocal_data == 'go_to_home': time.sleep(5) rospy.loginfo('The robot is already at home') else: time.sleep(4) ## Change state: from 'SLEEP' to 'NORMAL' return 'wake_up'
def test_talker(): rospy.init_node('test_talker') #obstacles_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/obstacles', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) number_obstacles_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/number_obstacles', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) lim_obstacles_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/lim_obstacles', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) path_planing_param_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/planing_param', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) start_point_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/start_point/position', Point, queue_size=10) goal_point_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/goal_point/position', Point, queue_size=10) #max_iter_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/max_iter', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) #step_size_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/step_size', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) #goal_reach_thresh_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/goal_reach_thresh', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) #drone_radius_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/drone_radius', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) #obstacles = Int64MultiArray() number_obstacles = Int64MultiArray() lim_obstacles = Int64MultiArray() path_planing_param = Int64MultiArray() start_point = Point() goal_point = Point() number_obstacles = 0 start_point.x = -5001.787385427393 start_point.y = 9526.705177228898 goal_point.x = -2833 goal_point.y = 4969 _xlim = -6000 xlim = -1000 _ylim = 4000 ylim = 10000 max_iter = 50000 step_size = 400 goal_reach_thresh = 1000 drone_radius = 2 = [_xlim, xlim, _ylim, ylim] = [ max_iter, step_size, goal_reach_thresh, drone_radius ] #max_iter = Int64MultiArray() #step_size = Int64MultiArray() #goal_reach_thresh = Int64MultiArray #drone_radius = Int64MultiArray() #rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz #while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #connections = goal_point.publish.get_num_connections() #rospy.loginfo('Connections: %d', connections) #if connections > 0: lim_obstacles_publisher.publish(lim_obstacles) path_planing_param_publisher.publish(path_planing_param) goal_point_publisher.publish(goal_point) start_point_publisher.publish(start_point)
class Vision_Determiner: # Subscribers r0_pos_topic = "/tb3_0/amcl_pose" r1_pos_topic = "/tb3_1/amcl_pose" occ_grid_topic = "/modified_occupancy_grid" vision_pattern_topic = "/vision_pattern" # Containers for Subscribed content r0_pos = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() r1_pos = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() occ_grid = OccupancyGrid() vision_pattern = Int64MultiArray() # Published content r0_current_vision = Int64MultiArray() #np.zeros((1,1)) r1_current_vision = Int64MultiArray() #np.zeros((1,1)) # Publisher r0_current_vision_topic = "/tb3_0/current_vision" r1_current_vision_topic = "/tb3_1/current_vision" pub_r0_current_vision = rospy.Publisher(r0_current_vision_topic, Int64MultiArray, queue_size = 100) pub_r1_current_vision = rospy.Publisher(r1_current_vision_topic, Int64MultiArray, queue_size = 100) def print_map(self): # Only for testing issues: prints new_map # reverse the list for a second view on the map: # copy list without reference to old one reverse_map = [] for i in range(len( reverse_map.append([i]) reverse_map.reverse() rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id( ) + "\tThe current transformed occupancy grid is the following one (free = ':' [0], occupied = 'X' [100 or -1]):") string = "" string_rev = "" # cannot use "i in new_map" because I need the real index for the line break for index in range(0, len( if index % 20 == 0: string += "\n" string_rev += "\n" if[index] == 0: string += ": " else: string += "X " if reverse_map[index] == 0: string_rev += ": " else: string_rev += "X " print("\nPerspective with (-5/-5) in the upper left corner (actual order of the map):" + string) print("\nPerspective with (5/5) in the upper left corner (standard perspective in simulation):" + string_rev + "\n") def r0_pos_call_back(self, msg): self.r0_pos = msg def r1_pos_call_back(self, msg): self.r1_pos = msg def occ_grid_call_back(self, msg): self.occ_grid = msg def vision_pattern_call_back(self, msg): self.vision_pattern = msg def subscribe_to_topics(self): rospy.Subscriber(self.r0_pos_topic, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.r0_pos_call_back) rospy.Subscriber(self.r1_pos_topic, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.r1_pos_call_back) rospy.Subscriber(self.occ_grid_topic, OccupancyGrid, self.occ_grid_call_back) rospy.Subscriber(self.vision_pattern_topic, Int64MultiArray, self.vision_pattern_call_back) def publish_to_topics(self): self.pub_r0_current_vision.publish(self.r0_current_vision) self.pub_r1_current_vision.publish(self.r1_current_vision) def index_pos(self, robot_pos): resolution = origin = width_distance = robot_pos.pose.position.y - origin.position.y width_index = int(width_distance / resolution) height_distance = robot_pos.pose.position.x - origin.position.x height_index = int(height_distance / resolution) return height_index, width_index def line_indeces(self, r_x, r_y, i_x, i_y): indeces = [] x_diff = i_x - r_x y_diff = i_y - r_y if x_diff == 0 and y_diff == 0: indeces.append([r_x, r_y]) elif x_diff == 0: for i in range(r_y, i_y + np.sign(y_diff), np.sign(y_diff)): indeces.append([r_x, i]) elif y_diff == 0: for i in range(r_x, i_x + np.sign(x_diff), np.sign(x_diff)): indeces.append([i,r_y]) else: m = float(y_diff) / x_diff c = r_y - m * r_x if np.abs(m) > 1: step_size = np.abs(1 / m) num_steps = np.abs(y_diff) for i in range(1, num_steps + 1): x = step_size * i * np.sign(x_diff) + r_x y = m * x + c indeces.append([int(x), int(y)]) else: step_size = np.abs(m) num_steps = np.abs(x_diff) for i in range(1, num_steps + 1): y = step_size * i * np.sign(y_diff) + r_y x = (y - c) / m indeces.append([int(x), int(y)]) return indeces def determine_vision_mask(self, robot_pos): # first determine the index position of robot_pos robot_y_index, robot_x_index = self.index_pos(robot_pos) #rospy.loginfo("Vision_Determiner: The robot x,y position is: %f, %f", robot_pos.pose.position.x, robot_pos.pose.position.y) #rospy.loginfo("Vision_Determiner: The robot x, y index position is: %i, %i", robot_x_index, robot_y_index) cols = rows = # create correct mask mask = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.int64) tested = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.int64) # Vision Pattern needs to be odd number of cells height = (self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[0].size - 1) / 2 width = (self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[1].size - 1) / 2 if (np.round(width) != width or np.round(height) != height): rospy.loginfo('ERROR: Vision Patter is not odd height or length') vp_width = self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[0].size for i in range(-height, height + 1, 1): for j in range(-width, width + 1, 1): if[(i + height) * vp_width + (j + width)] == 1: #[i + height][j + width] == 1: new_i = i + robot_y_index new_j = j + robot_x_index # check if index is out of bounds if new_i >= 0 and new_i < mask.shape[0] and new_j >= 0 and new_j < mask.shape[1]: # check that not occupied by wall if[new_i * cols + new_j] == 0: # (new_i -1) if tested[new_i][new_j] == 0: # has not been tested # determine indeces along line indeces = self.line_indeces(robot_x_index, robot_y_index, new_j, new_i) vision_flag = True for k in range(0,len(indeces)): [v_x,v_y] = indeces[k] tested[v_y][v_x] = 1 if[v_y * cols + v_x] != 0: vision_flag = False elif vision_flag == True: mask[v_y][v_x] = 1 if vision_flag == False: mask[v_y][v_x] = 0 multi_array = Int64MultiArray() = mask.flatten() multi_array.layout.dim.append(MultiArrayDimension()) multi_array.layout.dim.append(MultiArrayDimension()) multi_array.layout.dim[0].size = cols multi_array.layout.dim[0].label = "cols" multi_array.layout.dim[1].size = rows multi_array.layout.dim[1].label = "rows" multi_array.layout.data_offset = 0 return multi_array def spin(self): r = rospy.Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #rospy.spin() self.r0_current_vision = self.determine_vision_mask(self.r0_pos.pose) self.r1_current_vision = self.determine_vision_mask(self.r1_pos.pose) # rospy.loginfo("Vision_Determiner: Publishing to topics") self.publish_to_topics() #self.print_map() r.sleep()
class Vision_Discretizer: # Subscribers sensor_topic = 'tb3_0/scan' occ_grid_topic = 'modified_occupancy_grid' # Containers for Subscribed content occ_grid = OccupancyGrid() sensor = LaserScan() # Published content vision_pattern = Int64MultiArray() # Publisher vision_pattern_topic = "vision_pattern" pub_vision_pattern = rospy.Publisher(vision_pattern_topic, Int64MultiArray, queue_size=100) def occ_grid_call_back(self, msg): self.occ_grid = msg def sensor_call_back(self, msg): self.sensor = msg def subscribe_to_topics(self): rospy.Subscriber(self.sensor_topic, LaserScan, self.sensor_call_back) rospy.Subscriber(self.occ_grid_topic, OccupancyGrid, self.occ_grid_call_back) def publish_to_topics(self): self.pub_vision_pattern.publish(self.vision_pattern) def determine_vision_pattern(self): resolution = sensor_range = self.sensor.range_max dimension = 2 * int( np.round(math.ceil((sensor_range) / resolution - 0.5))) + 1 = [] self.vision_pattern.layout.dim.append(MultiArrayDimension()) self.vision_pattern.layout.dim.append(MultiArrayDimension()) self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[0].size = dimension self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[1].size = dimension self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[0].label = "rows" self.vision_pattern.layout.dim[1].label = "cols" self.vision_pattern.layout.data_offset = 0 centre_index = (dimension + 1) / 2 - 1 # -1 since index starts at 0 for i in range(0, dimension): for j in range(0, dimension): distance = resolution * np.sqrt((i - centre_index)**2 + (j - centre_index)**2) if distance <= sensor_range: else: def spin(self): rospy.loginfo("Vision_Discretizer: Now discretizing vision") self.determine_vision_pattern() print(self.vision_pattern) rospy.loginfo( "Vision_Discretizer: Publishing vision every second from now on") r = rospy.Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.publish_to_topics() r.sleep()
def extract_data(all_data): '''Read an ensemble of ADCP data. Publish with the adcp_pub on topic /adcp/pub Args: all_data (bytestring): an bytestring that contains an ensemble (one package) of adcp data Return: float list: essential adcp measurements [heading, roll, pitch, transducer_depth, bt_ranges, bt_velocities, surface_vel] bt_ranges, bt_velocities, surface vel is floats long''' num_types = all_data[5] # OFFSETS # 1. Fix Leader # 2. Variable Leader # 3. Velocity Profile # 6. Bottom Track # 9. Vertical Beam Range # 10-13. GPS offsets = [] for i in range(int(num_types.encode('hex'), 16)): offset = all_data[6 + 2 * i:8 + 2 * i] offset_int = int(''.join(reversed(offset)).encode('hex'), 16) offsets.append(offset_int) # print('Offsets: ', offsets) # print('Data IDs: ', [all_data[x:x+2] for x in offsets]) # python3 way of extracting hex value int.from_bytes(data, byteorder='little') # python2 way of extracting int(''.join(reversed(data)).encode('hex'), 16) # reference # FIXED LEADER fixed_offset = offsets[0] num_beams = all_data[fixed_offset + 8] num_cells = all_data[fixed_offset + 9] pings_per_ensemble = int( ''.join(reversed(all_data[fixed_offset + 10:fixed_offset + 12])).encode('hex'), 16) depth_cell_length = int( ''.join(reversed(all_data[fixed_offset + 12:fixed_offset + 14])).encode('hex'), 16) coord_transform = all_data[fixed_offset + 25] heading_alignment = int( ''.join(reversed(all_data[fixed_offset + 26:fixed_offset + 28])).encode('hex'), 16) # print('Heading alignment: ', heading_alignment) # VARIABLE LEADER variable_offset = offsets[1] transducer_depth = int(''.join( reversed(all_data[variable_offset + 14:variable_offset + 16])).encode('hex'), 16) #1 dm heading = s16( int( ''.join( reversed(all_data[variable_offset + 18:variable_offset + 20])).encode('hex'), 16)) # degree pitch = s16( int( ''.join( reversed(all_data[variable_offset + 22:variable_offset + 24])).encode('hex'), 16)) # degree roll = s16( int( ''.join( reversed(all_data[variable_offset + 20:variable_offset + 22])).encode('hex'), 16)) # degree salinity = int(''.join( reversed(all_data[variable_offset + 24:variable_offset + 26])).encode('hex'), 16) # 0 to 40 ppm temperature = int(''.join( reversed(all_data[variable_offset + 26:variable_offset + 28])).encode('hex'), 16) # degree # print('HEADING', heading) # VELOCITY PROFILE velocity_profile_offset = offsets[2] relative_velocities = [] # TODO: figure out coordinate transform once more for i in range(int(num_cells.encode('hex'), 16)): start_offset = velocity_profile_offset + 2 + 8 * i # Average over beams vel = [] for j in range(int(num_beams.encode('hex'), 16)): curVel = s16( int( ''.join( reversed(all_data[start_offset + 2 * j:start_offset + 2 + 2 * j])).encode('hex'), 16)) # curVel = int.from_bytes(all_data[start_offset + 2*j: start_offset + 2 + 2*j], byteorder='little', signed=True) vel.append(curVel) relative_velocities.append(vel) # BOTTOM TRACK (abbr. bt) (see page 154) # Coordinate system for velocity: # 1. Earth Axis (default): East, North, Up (right hand orthogonal) # need to set heading alignment (EA), heading bias (EB) correctly # make sure heading sensors are active (EZ) # 2. Radial Beam Coordinates: "raw beam measurements" (not orthogonal) # 3. Instrument coordinates: X, Y, UP, X is directon of beam 2, Y is beam 3. Compass # measures the offset of Y from magnetic north # 4. Ship coordinates: starboard, forward, mast (pitch, roll, yaw) bt_offset = offsets[5] bt_pings_per_ensemble = int( ''.join(reversed(all_data[bt_offset + 2:bt_offset + 4])).encode('hex'), 16) bt_ranges = [ ] # ranges measurement for each beam (bt = 0 is bad data) # cm bt_velocities = [ ] # there are one more velocity data.. though not sure what it's for? beam_percent_good = [] max_tracking_depth = int( ''.join(reversed(all_data[bt_offset + 70:bt_offset + 72])).encode('hex'), 16) for i in range(4): bt_ranges.append( int( ''.join( reversed(all_data[bt_offset + 16 + i * 2:bt_offset + 18 + i * 2])).encode('hex'), 16)) bt_velocities.append( s16( int( ''.join( reversed(all_data[bt_offset + 24 + i * 2:bt_offset + 26 + i * 2])).encode('hex'), 16))) beam_percent_good.append(all_data[bt_offset + 40 + i]) # VERTICAL BEAM RANGE vb_offset = offsets[8] vb_range = int(''.join(reversed(all_data[vb_offset + 4:vb_offset + 8])).encode('hex'), 16) # in millimeter # GPS Data GPS_offsets = offsets[9:13] msg_types = [] msg_sizes = [] delta_times_bytes = [] delta_times_double = [] # difference between GPS message and ensemble GPS_msg = [] for g_offset in GPS_offsets: msg_size = int( ''.join(reversed(all_data[g_offset + 4:g_offset + 6])).encode('hex'), 16) msg_types.append( int( ''.join(reversed(all_data[g_offset + 2:g_offset + 4])).encode('hex'), 16)) msg_sizes.append(msg_size) delta_times_bytes.append(all_data[g_offset + 6:g_offset + 14]) GPS_msg.append(all_data[g_offset + 15:g_offset + 15 + msg_size]) delta_times_double = [struct.unpack('d', b)[0] for b in delta_times_bytes] # convert to double surface_vel = relative_velocities[0] essential = [heading, roll, pitch, transducer_depth] essential = essential + bt_ranges essential = essential + bt_velocities essential = essential + surface_vel message = Int64MultiArray() = essential adcp_pub.publish(message) return essential
def field_cv_pub(): # initialize ros node rospy.init_node("field_cv") # Defining ARUCO libraries arucoDict = cv2.aruco.Dictionary_get(cv2.aruco.DICT_5X5_100) arucoParams = cv2.aruco.DetectorParameters_create() # Starting system timer start = timeit.default_timer() # Setting up camera capture parameters capture = cv2.VideoCapture(2) capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1920) capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 1080) check, img = fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V') fvid = cv2.VideoWriter('NavigationTest.mp4', fourcc, 10.0, (1420, 1080)) # img = cv2.imread('Field2.jpg') # Use if no camera # Grabs defishing variables and resizes the image fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "camParams.txt") K, D, w, h = get_params_from_file(fpath) img = cv2.resize(img, (w, h)) newcammtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(K, D, (w, h), 0, (w, h)) img_new = cv2.undistort(img, K, D, None, newcammtx) x, y, w, h = [265, 0, 1420, h] img_new = img_new[y:y + h, x:x + w] # get shape of image shape = img_new.shape # calculate inches per pixel ippx = 144.0 / shape[1] ippy = 94.0 / shape[0] # convert to grayscale gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_new, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # apply gaussian blur blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (3, 3), 0) # cv2.imwrite('blur.jpg', blur) # apply canny edge detection and save edges = cv2.Canny(blur, 80, 240, apertureSize=3) # cv2.imwrite('edges.jpg', edges) # set parameters for hough lines and generate world lines minLL = 200 maxLG = 5 lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, 1, np.pi / 180, 20, minLL, maxLG) wrld_lines = np.empty([len(lines), 4], dtype=float) for i in range(len(lines) - 1): for x1, y1, x2, y2 in lines[i]: cv2.line(img_new, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 2) wrld_lines[i] = np.array([(((x1 * 2) - shape[1]) * ippx) / 2, ((shape[0] - y1 * 2) * ippy) / 2, ((x2 * 2 - shape[1]) * ippx) / 2, ((shape[0] - y2 * 2) * ippy) / 2], dtype=float) # Store world lines to text file f = open('world_lines.txt', 'w') for i in range(len(wrld_lines) - 1): for j in range(4): f.write(str(wrld_lines[i][j]) + ' ') f.write('\n') # Detect ARUCO markers (corners, ids, rejected) = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(gray, arucoDict, parameters=arucoParams) #cv2.imshow("disp gray", gray) print(ids) id_pub = rospy.Publisher("ids", Int64MultiArray, queue_size=1) ids_msg = Int64MultiArray() ids_2 = [] for item in ids: ids_2.append(item[0]) = ids_2 id_pub.publish(ids_msg) publishers = [] goal_publishers = [] avs = [] publisher_ids = [] # Plot avs if they are found if ids is not None: av1 = AV(img_new, corners[0][0], ippx, ippy, shape, ids[0]) print(av1.get_pos()) # Prints the coords and heading angle for av1 publisher_ids.append(ids[0]) av1.plot() # Plots the coords and heading angle for av1 pub = rospy.Publisher("pose{}".format(ids[0][0]), Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1) goal_pub = rospy.Publisher("goals{}".format(ids[0][0]), Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1) publishers.append(pub) goal_publishers.append(goal_pub) avs.append(av1) if len(corners) > 1: av2 = AV(img_new, corners[1][0], ippx, ippy, shape, ids[1]) publisher_ids.append(ids[1]) pub = rospy.Publisher("pose{}".format(ids[1][0]), Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1) goal_pub = rospy.Publisher("goals{}".format(ids[1][0]), Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1) goal_publishers.append(goal_pub) print(av2.get_pos()) # Prints the coords and heading angle for av2 av2.plot() # Plots the coords and heading angle for av2 publishers.append(pub) avs.append(av2) # Plots figure with dimensions of the field plt.figure() plt.title('Field plot') ext = [-72.0, 72.0, -47.00, 47.0] plt.imshow(img_new, zorder=0, extent=ext) goals = [] goals.append(np.array([-4 * 12, 1 * 12])) goals.append(np.array([4 * 12, -1 * 12])) paths = [] if len(publishers) > 0: for i, pub in enumerate(publishers): pose = avs[i].get_pos() msg = Float64MultiArray() = [pose[0], pose[1], pose[2]] pub.publish(msg) if ids[i] == 0: goals_car = traj_plan(pose[0:2], goals[0]) else: goals_car = traj_plan(pose[0:2], goals[1]) msg = Float64MultiArray() = goals_car paths.append(msg) for i, path in enumerate(paths): goal_publishers[i].publish(path) #agent_poses = [] #agent_pose = avs[0].get_pos() #agent_poses.append(agent_pose[0:2]) #goals = [] #goals.append(traj_plan(agent_pose, np.array([4*12, -1*12]))) # Stops initiation timer stop = timeit.default_timer() print('Time: ', stop - start) if ids is not None: while True: start = timeit.default_timer() ret, frame = frame_dst = cv2.undistort(frame, K, D, None, newcammtx) x, y, w, h = [265, 0, 1420, 1080] frame_dst = frame_dst[y:y + h, x:x + w] grey = cv2.cvtColor(frame_dst, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) (corners, ids, rejected) = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(grey, arucoDict, parameters=arucoParams) if ids is not None: frame_test = cv2.aruco.drawDetectedMarkers( frame_dst, corners, ids) car1 = AV(frame_dst, corners[0][0], ippx, ippy, shape, ids[0]) pose = car1.get_pos() msg = Float64MultiArray() = [pose[0], pose[1], pose[2]] if ids[0] == publisher_ids[0]: publishers[0].publish(msg) elif ids[0] == publisher_ids[1]: publishers[1].publish(msg) print(car1.get_pos()) car1.plot() if len(corners) > 1: car2 = AV(frame_dst, corners[1][0], ippx, ippy, shape, ids[1]) print(car2.get_pos()) pose = car2.get_pos() msg = Float64MultiArray() = [pose[0], pose[1], pose[2]] if ids[1] == publisher_ids[0]: publishers[0].publish(msg) elif ids[1] == publisher_ids[1]: publishers[1].publish(msg) car2.plot() del ids, corners cv2.imshow('pls wrk', frame_dst) if ret == True: fvid.write(frame_dst) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break time.sleep(.04) stop = timeit.default_timer() print('Time: ', stop - start) fvid.release() capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def CAN_recv(): # Set up node rospy.init_node('CAN_broadcaster', anonymous=True) # Set CAN interface can_interface = 'can0' bus = can.interface.Bus(can_interface, bustype='socketcan') # Publisher pub = rospy.Publisher('CAN_bus', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) pub_bc = rospy.Publisher('CAN_bus/battery_current', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) pub_cc = rospy.Publisher('CAN_bus/charge_current', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) pub_bv = rospy.Publisher('CAN_bus/battery_voltage', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) # Create new msgs can_msg_bat_curr = Int64MultiArray() = [0, 0] can_msg_chrg_curr = Int64MultiArray() = [0, 0] can_msg_batt_volt = Int64MultiArray() = [0, 0] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): message = bus.recv() # Wait for new CAN message # Publish msgs if message is not None: if message.arbitration_id is 16: # Battery current[0] = message.arbitration_id try: res = struct.unpack('<i', except: pass else:[1] = res[0] pub.publish(can_msg_bat_curr) pub_bc.publish(can_msg_bat_curr) if message.arbitration_id is 17: # Charger current[0] = message.arbitration_id try: res = struct.unpack('<i', except: pass else:[1] = res[0] pub_cc.publish(can_msg_chrg_curr) if message.arbitration_id is 18: # Battery voltage[0] = message.arbitration_id try: res = struct.unpack('<i', except: pass else:[1] = res[0] pub_bv.publish(can_msg_batt_volt) bus.shutdown()
def main(): windup=20 sampletime=0.01 mpfh=MobilePlatFormHoming() mpfh.Init_mobile_platform() # mpfh.Init_Pid_Control(P,I,D,windup,sampletime) mpfh.Init_Ros_Node() P=mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['Pid_parameter']['P'] I=mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['Pid_parameter']['I'] D=mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['Pid_parameter']['D'] count=1 flag=0 recevenum=0 flag_1=1 count_num_fl=0 count_num_fr=0 count_num_rl=0 count_num_rr=0 flag_fl = 'fl' flag_fr= 'fr' flag_rl= 'rl' flag_rr= 'rr' END=100 ratet=1 homing_ok_dic={} ######fl output_fl=[] output_fr=[] output_rl=[] output_rr=[] feedback_fl=0 feedback_list_fl = [] time_list_fl = [] setpoint_list_fl = [] status_ok_fl=0 #####fr feedback_fr=0 feedback_list_fr = [] time_list_fr = [] setpoint_list_fr = [] status_ok_fr=0 #####rl feedback_rl=0 feedback_list_rl = [] time_list_rl = [] setpoint_list_rl = [] status_ok_rl=0 #######rr feedback_rr=0 feedback_list_rr = [] time_list_rr = [] setpoint_list_rr = [] status_ok_rr=0 ####### rate = rospy.Rate(ratet) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # print "haha" recevenum=mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.Can_GetReceiveNum(0) # print recevenum # mpfh.New_Read_Encoder_data_From_ABS_Encoder(recevenum) if recevenum!=None: if mpfh.Abs_Encoder_fr_id2_oct!=0 and mpfh.Abs_Encoder_fl_id1_oct!=0 and mpfh.Abs_Encoder_rr_id4_oct!=0 and mpfh.Abs_Encoder_rl_id3_oct!=0: mpfh.New_Read_Encoder_data_From_ABS_Encoder(recevenum) print "-----Abs_Encoder_fr_id2_oct",mpfh.Abs_Encoder_fr_id2_oct print "-----Abs_Encoder_fl_id1_oct",mpfh.Abs_Encoder_fl_id1_oct print "-----Abs_Encoder_rl_id3_oct",mpfh.Abs_Encoder_rl_id3_oct print "-----Abs_Encoder_rr_id4_oct",mpfh.Abs_Encoder_rr_id4_oct if flag_1==1: if flag_fl == 'fl': fl_error=mpfh.fl_abs_encode-mpfh.Abs_Encoder_fl_id1_oct print "-----fl error----",fl_error output_fl.append(fl_error) if len(output_fl)>3: velocity_control=P*(output_fl[count_num_fl]-output_fl[count_num_fl-1])+I*output_fl[count_num_fl]+D*(output_fl[count_num_fl]-2*output_fl[count_num_fl-1]+output_fl[count_num_fl-2]) out_vel=(velocity_control*60*50)/1024 print "out_vel-----fl",out_vel if abs(out_vel)>800 and out_vel<0: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(-1500),'left',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn1']) print "count num",count_num_fl elif abs(out_vel)>800 and out_vel>0: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(1500),'left',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn1']) print "count num",count_num_fl else: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(out_vel),'left',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn1']) print "count num",count_num_fl if abs(fl_error)<=mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['Homing_error_limit']: status_ok_fl+=1 if status_ok_fl>=3: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(0,'left',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn1']) flag_fl=0 # count_num_fl=0 output_fl=[] homing_ok_dic.update({'fl':1}) count_num_fl+=1 if flag_fr == 'fr': fr_error=mpfh.fr_abs_encode-mpfh.Abs_Encoder_fr_id2_oct print "-----fr error----",fr_error output_fr.append(fr_error) if len(output_fr)>3: velocity_control=P*(output_fr[count_num_fr]-output_fr[count_num_fr-1])+I*output_fr[count_num_fr]+D*(output_fr[count_num_fr]-2*output_fr[count_num_fr-1]+output_fr[count_num_fr-2]) out_vel=(velocity_control*60*50)/1024 print "out_vel-----fr",out_vel if abs(out_vel)>800 and out_vel<0: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(-1500),'right',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn1']) print "count num",count_num_fr elif abs(out_vel)>800 and out_vel>0: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(1500),'right',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn1']) print "count num",count_num_fr else: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(out_vel),'right',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn1']) print "count num",count_num_fr if abs(fr_error)<=mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['Homing_error_limit']: status_ok_fr+=1 if status_ok_fr>=3: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(0,'right',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn1']) flag_fr=0 # count_num_fr=0 output_fr=[] homing_ok_dic.update({'fr':1}) count_num_fr+=1 if flag_rl == 'rl': rl_error=mpfh.rl_abs_encode-mpfh.Abs_Encoder_rl_id3_oct print "-----rl error----",rl_error output_rl.append(rl_error) if len(output_rl)>3: velocity_control=P*(output_rl[count_num_rl]-output_rl[count_num_rl-1])+I*output_rl[count_num_rl]+D*(output_rl[count_num_rl]-2*output_rl[count_num_rl-1]+output_rl[count_num_rl-2]) out_vel=(velocity_control*60*50)/1024 print "out_vel-----rl",out_vel if abs(out_vel)>800 and out_vel<0: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(-1500),'left',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn2']) print "count num",count_num_rl elif abs(out_vel)>800 and out_vel>0: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(1500),'left',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn2']) print "count num",count_num_rl else: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(out_vel),'left',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn2']) print "count num",count_num_rl if abs(rl_error)<=mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['Homing_error_limit']: status_ok_rl+=1 if status_ok_rl>=3: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(0,'left',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn2']) flag_rl=0 # count_num_rl=0 output_rl=[] homing_ok_dic.update({'rl':1}) count_num_rl+=1 if flag_rr == 'rr': rr_error=mpfh.rr_abs_encode-mpfh.Abs_Encoder_rr_id4_oct print "-----rr error----",rr_error output_rr.append(rr_error) if len(output_rr)>3: velocity_control=P*(output_rr[count_num_rr]-output_rr[count_num_rr-1])+I*output_rr[count_num_rr]+D*(output_rr[count_num_rr]-2*output_rr[count_num_rr-1]+output_rr[count_num_rr-2]) out_vel=(velocity_control*60*50)/1024 print "out_vel-----rr",out_vel if abs(out_vel)>800 and out_vel<0: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(-1500),'right',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn2']) print "count num",count_num_rr elif abs(out_vel)>800 and out_vel>0: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(1500),'right',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn2']) print "count num",count_num_rr else: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(int(out_vel),'right',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn2']) print "count num",count_num_rr if abs(rr_error)<=mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['Homing_error_limit']+1: status_ok_rr+=1 if status_ok_rr>=3: mpfh.MobileControl.Send_Velocity_Driver(0,'right',mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.yamlDic['steering_channel']['chn2']) flag_rr=0 # count_num_rr=0 output_rr=[] homing_ok_dic.update({'rr':1}) count_num_rr+=1 if homing_ok_dic.has_key('fl') and homing_ok_dic.has_key('fr') and homing_ok_dic.has_key('rl') and homing_ok_dic.has_key('rr'): if homing_ok_dic['fl']==1 and homing_ok_dic['fr']==1 and homing_ok_dic['rl']==1 and homing_ok_dic['rr']==1: flag_1=0 mpfh.MobileControl.Save_Parameter(1) mpfh.MobileControl.Disable_ALL_Motor_Controller() print "---------------homing is ok------------------------" time.sleep(3) mpfh.MobileControl.Save_Parameter(1) mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.Can_VCICloseDevice() print "---------------homing is ok------------------------" status_ok_fl=0 status_ok_fr=0 status_ok_rl=0 status_ok_rr=0 # if mpfh.close_homing_flag: # mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.Can_VCICloseDevice() # pubarray=[mpfh.Driver_steer_encode_fl,mpfh.Driver_steer_encode_fr,mpfh.Driver_steer_encode_rl,mpfh.Driver_steer_encode_rr] # positiondata_array_for_publishing = Int64MultiArray(data=pubarray) # mpfh.homing_ok_pub.publish(True) # mpfh.driver_position_feedback_pub.publish(positiondata_array_for_publishing) else: mpfh.New_Read_Encoder_data_From_ABS_Encoder(recevenum) print "read data" if homing_ok_dic.has_key('fl') and homing_ok_dic.has_key('fr') and homing_ok_dic.has_key('rl') and homing_ok_dic.has_key('rr'): if homing_ok_dic['fl']==1 and homing_ok_dic['fr']==1 and homing_ok_dic['rl']==1 and homing_ok_dic['rr']==1: if mpfh.close_homing_flag: # print "---------------homing is ok------------------------" # rospy.logerr("---------------homing is ok------------------------") # mpfh.MobileControl.CanAnalysis.Can_VCICloseDevice() pubarray=[mpfh.Driver_steer_encode_fl,mpfh.Driver_steer_encode_fr,mpfh.Driver_steer_encode_rl,mpfh.Driver_steer_encode_rr] positiondata_array_for_publishing = Int64MultiArray(data=pubarray) mpfh.homing_ok_pub.publish(True) mpfh.driver_position_feedback_pub.publish(positiondata_array_for_publishing) # time.sleep(0.1) elif mpfh.close_homing_flag==False: print "close uploading data to topics-------------" else: pass rate.sleep()
def obstacles_talker(): rospy.init_node('obstacles_talker') obstacles_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/obstacles', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) number_obstacles_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/number_obstacles', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) lim_obstacles_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/lim_obstacles', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) path_planing_param_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/planing_param', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) start_point_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/start_point/position', Point, queue_size=10) goal_point_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/goal_point/position', Point, queue_size=10) #max_iter_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/max_iter', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) #step_size_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/step_size', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) #goal_reach_thresh_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/goal_reach_thresh', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) #drone_radius_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path/drone_radius', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) obstacles = Int64MultiArray() number_obstacles = Int64MultiArray() lim_obstacles = Int64MultiArray() path_planing_param = Int64MultiArray() start_point = Point() goal_point = Point() #max_iter = Int64MultiArray() #step_size = Int64MultiArray() #goal_reach_thresh = Int64MultiArray #drone_radius = Int64MultiArray() rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): start_point.x = input("Input start x point: ") start_point.y = input("Input start y point: ") goal_point.x = input("Input goal x point: ") goal_point.y = input("Input goal y point: ") number = input("Input number obstacles: ") print("Input plot limit") _xlim = input("Input -x: ") xlim = input("Input +x: ") _ylim = input("Input -y: ") ylim = input("Input +y: ") = [number] number_obstacles_publisher.publish(number_obstacles) = [_xlim, xlim, _ylim, ylim] lim_obstacles_publisher.publish(lim_obstacles) s_aria = (abs(_xlim) + abs(xlim)) * (abs(_ylim) + abs(ylim)) max_iter = 50000 step_size = 400 goal_reach_thresh = 1000 #goal_reach_thresh = math.sqrt(s_aria)*0.25 drone_radius = 2 = [ max_iter, step_size, goal_reach_thresh, drone_radius ] path_planing_param_publisher.publish(path_planing_param) start_point_publisher.publish(start_point) goal_point_publisher.publish(goal_point) for i in range(number): x = input("Input x coor: ") y = input("Input y coor: ") z = input("Input radius coor: ") = [x, y, z] obstacles_publisher.publish(obstacles) rate.sleep()
#!/usr/bin/env python # @file # @brief This node transforms a command into two x,y coordinates. import numpy as np import random import rospy import numpy as np from std_msgs.msg import String from std_msgs.msg import Int64MultiArray pub = rospy.Publisher('target_pos', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) pos_to_send = Int64MultiArray() = [] # Callback function for the user command. # If the command is a "go to x y" command, it sets the target position as x,y. # If the command is a "go home" command, it sets the target postion as home_posx,home_posy. # If the command is a "go rand" command, it sets the target position as random coordinates. # It then publishes the target position. def callback(data): input_string = str( # Save positions in the command, if any my_command = [int(s) for s in input_string.split() if s.isdigit()]
def spool_angle_publisher(): global entry_array pub = rospy.Publisher('spool_encoder', Int64MultiArray, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('publisher', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(1000) entry_array = Int64MultiArray() = [] GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup((0, 3), GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup((5, 7), GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(1, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(6, GPIO.IN) init_spool_encoders() sleep(0.2) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): entry = np.array([0]) init_spool_encoders() sleep(0.0000005) start_read() sleep(5 / 1000000.0) for i in range(0, 12): GPIO.output(3, 1) GPIO.output(7, 1) sleep(0.000000375) a = GPIO.input(1) b = GPIO.input(6) sleep(0.000000125) GPIO.output(3, 0) GPIO.output(7, 0) sleep(0.0000005) if i == 0: #entry[0] = a entry_a = str(a) entry_b = str(b) else: #entry = np.append(entry, a) entry_a = entry_a + str(a) entry_b = entry_b + str(b) entry_a = int(entry_a, 2) entry_b = int(entry_b, 2) rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "spool_val_a: " + str(entry_a)) rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "spool_val_b: " + str(entry_b)) = [entry_a, entry_b] pub.publish(entry_array) #rate.sleep() GPIO.cleanup() return
class Prob_Updater: # Subscribers prob_grids_topic = "/prob_grids" dirt_grid_topic = "/dirt_occ_grid" r0_current_vision_topic = "/tb3_0/current_vision" r1_current_vision_topic = "/tb3_1/current_vision" # Containers for Subscriber content # 3D array containing [P,CP,Ex] in the first dimension prob_grids = Float64MultiArray() dirt_grid = Int64MultiArray() r0_current_vision = Int64MultiArray() r1_current_vision = Int64MultiArray() # Publisher pub = rospy.Publisher(prob_grids_topic, Float64MultiArray, queue_size=100) # time of last update last_update_time = 0.0 current_time = 0.0 first_time = True def prob_grid_call_back(self, msg): self.prob_grids = msg # rospy.loginfo("Prob_Grid_Updater: New prob grid with dims: %i", len(self.prob_grids.layout.dim)) def dirt_grid_call_back(self, msg): self.dirt_grid = msg def r0_current_vision_call_back(self, msg): self.r0_current_vision = msg def r1_current_vision_call_back(self, msg): self.r1_current_vision = msg def subscribe_to_topics(self): rospy.Subscriber(self.prob_grids_topic, Float64MultiArray, self.prob_grid_call_back) rospy.Subscriber(self.dirt_grid_topic, Int64MultiArray, self.dirt_grid_call_back) rospy.Subscriber(self.r0_current_vision_topic, Int64MultiArray, self.r0_current_vision_call_back) rospy.Subscriber(self.r1_current_vision_topic, Int64MultiArray, self.r1_current_vision_call_back) def publish_to_topics(self, grid): def prob_index(self, grid, row, col): pg_rows = self.prob_grids.layout.dim[1].size pg_cols = self.prob_grids.layout.dim[2].size return grid * pg_rows * pg_cols + row * pg_cols + col def update_prob_grid(self): # Should be executed second # Executed only for gridpoints in vision new_list = [] for i in range(0, self.prob_grids.layout.dim[1].size): for j in range(0, self.prob_grids.layout.dim[2].size): # if in vision if ([ i * self.r0_current_vision.layout.dim[0].size + j] == 1 or[ i * self.r1_current_vision.layout.dim[0].size + j] == 1): # if dirt if[ i * self.dirt_grid.layout.dim[0].size + j] != 0: new_list.append([ i * self.dirt_grid.layout.dim[0].size + j] / (self.current_time)) # + 1000*10)) else: if[self.prob_index(2, i, j)] > 1.0: new_list.append([self.prob_index(0, i, j)] / 2) else: new_list.append([self.prob_index(0, i, j)]) else: new_list.append([self.prob_index( 0, i, j)]) return new_list def update_cp_grid(self): # Should be executed last # Executed only for gridpoints in vision new_list = [] for i in range(0, self.prob_grids.layout.dim[1].size): for j in range(0, self.prob_grids.layout.dim[2].size): if ([ i * self.r0_current_vision.layout.dim[0].size + j] == 1 or[ i * self.r1_current_vision.layout.dim[0].size + j] == 1): new_list.append(0) else: new_list.append( 1 - (1 -[self.prob_index(0, i, j)]) * (1 -[self.prob_index(1, i, j)])) return new_list def update_exp_grid(self): # Should be executed first # Executed for all gridpoints new_list = [] diff = self.current_time - self.last_update_time for i in range(0, self.r0_current_vision.layout.dim[0].size): for j in range(0, self.r0_current_vision.layout.dim[1].size): # if inside vision if ([ i * self.r0_current_vision.layout.dim[0].size + j] == 1 or[ i * self.r1_current_vision.layout.dim[0].size + j] == 1): # if expectation greater than 1 if ([self.prob_index(2, i, j)]) > 1.: new_list.append(0) else: new_list.append([self.prob_index( 2, i, j)]) else: new_list.append([self.prob_index(2, i, j)] +[self.prob_index(0, i, j)] * diff) return new_list def spin(self): # Prob. Grid initialisation constant prob_init_const = 0.01 rospy.loginfo("Prob_Grid_Updater: Starting Spin function") r = rospy.Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): cv_xdim = self.r0_current_vision.layout.dim[1].size cv_ydim = self.r0_current_vision.layout.dim[0].size new_prob_grids = Float64MultiArray() new_prob_grids.layout.dim.extend([ MultiArrayDimension(), MultiArrayDimension(), MultiArrayDimension() ]) new_prob_grids.layout.dim[0].size = 3 new_prob_grids.layout.dim[0].label = "grids" new_prob_grids.layout.dim[1].label = "rows" new_prob_grids.layout.dim[1].size = cv_ydim new_prob_grids.layout.dim[2].label = "cols" new_prob_grids.layout.dim[2].size = cv_xdim = [] # Assign new / old times if self.first_time == True: rospy.loginfo( "Prob_Grid_Updater: First time so initialising prob grids") self.last_update_time = rospy.get_time() # init the CP grids # data initialisations # Expected and CP grid uniformly as 0 for i in range(0, 3): for j in range(0, cv_ydim): for k in range(0, cv_xdim): if (i == 0): else: self.first_time = False else: self.current_time = rospy.get_time() # rospy.loginfo("Prob_Grid_Updater: Current Time = %i", self.current_time) expected_list = self.update_exp_grid() prob_list = self.update_prob_grid() cp_list = self.update_cp_grid() # self.print_list(prob_list,20) # print(" ") # self.print_list(expected_list, 20) # print(" ") # self.print_list(cp_list, 20) self.publish_to_topics(new_prob_grids) self.last_update_time = self.current_time # rospy.loginfo('Updated Prob_Grids') r.sleep() def print_list(self, some_list, width): np.set_printoptions(precision=3) for i in range(0, len(some_list) / width): a = [ round(n + 0.001, 3) for n in some_list[i * width:(i + 1) * width] ] print(a)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #======= Import ================ import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Float64MultiArray from std_msgs.msg import Int64MultiArray from sensor_msgs.msg import Range from sensor_msgs.msg import BatteryState from tquad.msg import LineSensor lineSensor = LineSensor() ultrasound = Range() battery = BatteryState() encoders = Int64MultiArray() def publishRange(value): """ Fonction pour publier la valeur renvoyée par le capteur ultrason """ ultrasound.header.stamp = ultrasound.header.frame_id = "/ultrasound" ultrasound.radiation_type = 0 ultrasound.field_of_view = 0.1 ultrasound.min_range = 0 ultrasound.max_range = 2 ultrasound.range = value ultrasound_pub.publish(ultrasound)