def deleteDocument(self, docmodel = None): """ Delete the source document from the central repository. """ if not docmodel is None: #Build the path from the model variable values. fileName, fileExt = guess_extension(docmodel.file_name) #Qt always expects the file separator be be "/" regardless of platform. absPath = self.networkPath + "/" + "%d"%(docmodel.doc_type) + "/" +\ docmodel.doc_identifier + fileExt return QFile.remove(absPath) else: return QFile.remove(self.destinationPath)
def absolute_document_path(self, document_widget): """ Build the absolute document path using info from the document widget. :param document_widget: Instance of document widget. :return: Absolute path of the supporting document. :rtype: str """ abs_path = "" file_manager = document_widget.fileManager if not file_manager is None: network_repository = file_manager.networkPath file_id = document_widget.file_identifier() doc_type = document_widget.documentType() file_name, file_extension = guess_extension(document_widget.displayName()) abs_path = network_repository + "/" + doc_type + "/" + file_id + file_extension return abs_path