Exemple #1
 def test_download_nonexistent(self):
     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
         tmpdir = pathlib.Path(tmpdir)
         input_filename = tmpdir / "nonexistant"
         output_filename = tmpdir / "output.foo"
         for url in (
                 input_filename.resolve().as_uri(),  # local file
                 "http://example.com/nonexistant",  # remote file
             with self.assertRaises(OSError):
                 utils.download(url, output_filename)
Exemple #2
 def test_download_local_file(self):
     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
         tmpdir = pathlib.Path(tmpdir)
         input_filename = tmpdir / "input.foo"
         output_filename = tmpdir / "output.foo"
         with open(input_filename, "w") as f:
             print("foofoofoo", file=f)
         url = input_filename.resolve().as_uri()
         utils.download(url, output_filename)
         with open(output_filename) as f:
             contents = f.read()
         self.assertEqual(contents.strip(), "foofoofoo")
Exemple #3
def setUpModule():
    destination = pathlib.Path("_test_cache/zipfiles/")
    for an in stdpopsim.all_annotations():
        key = an._cache.cache_path
        local_file = destination / key
        if not local_file.exists():
            cache_dir = local_file.parent
            cache_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
            print("Downloading", an.zarr_url)
            utils.download(an.zarr_url, local_file)
        # This assertion could fail if we update a file on AWS,
        # or a developer creates a new annotation with the wrong checksum
        # (in the latter case, this should at least be caught during CI tests).
        assert utils.sha256(local_file) == an.zarr_sha256, (
            f"SHA256 for {local_file} doesn't match the SHA256 for "
            f"{an.id}. If you didn't add this SHA256 yourself, "
            f"try deleting {local_file} and restarting the tests.")
        saved_urls[key] = an.zarr_url
        an.zarr_url = local_file.resolve().as_uri()
        an._cache.url = an.zarr_url
def setUpModule():
    destination = pathlib.Path("_test_cache/tarballs")
    for genetic_map in stdpopsim.all_genetic_maps():
        key = genetic_map.id
        local_file = destination / (key + ".tar.gz")
        if not local_file.exists():
            cache_dir = local_file.parent
            cache_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
            print("Downloading", genetic_map.url)
            utils.download(genetic_map.url, local_file)
        # This assertion could fail if we update a file on AWS,
        # or a developer creates a new genetic map with the wrong checksum
        # (in the latter case, this should at least be caught during CI tests).
        assert utils.sha256(local_file) == genetic_map.sha256, (
            f"SHA256 for {local_file} doesn't match the SHA256 for "
            f"{genetic_map.id}. If you didn't add this SHA256 yourself, "
            f"try deleting {local_file} and restarting the tests.")
        saved_urls[key] = genetic_map.url
        genetic_map.url = local_file.resolve().as_uri()
        genetic_map._cache.url = genetic_map.url