Exemple #1
 def test_fitsInTrue(self):
     subTasksPerChunk = 5
     task = newTaskChunk(self.slave_id, subTasks=self.new_tasks(subTasksPerChunk))
     self.add_resources(task, 10, 2)
     offer = mesos_pb2.Offer()
     self.add_resources(offer, 5, 2)
     self.assertFalse(steal_utils.fitsIn(task, offer))
  def resourceOffers(self, driver, offers):
    print "Got %d resource offers" % len(offers)
    for offer in offers:

      tasks = []
      print "Got resource offer %s" % offer.id.value
      while self.tasksLaunched < TOTAL_TASKS:
        tid = self.tasksLaunched

        task = mesos_pb2.TaskInfo()
        task.task_id.value = str(tid)
        task.name = "task %d" % tid

        cpus = task.resources.add()
        cpus.name = "cpus"
        cpus.type = mesos_pb2.Value.SCALAR
        cpus.scalar.value = TASK_CPUS

        mem = task.resources.add()
        mem.name = "mem"
        mem.type = mesos_pb2.Value.SCALAR
        mem.scalar.value = TASK_MEM

        if not steal_utils.fitsIn(task, offer):
            print "Offer isn't enough to run task. Ignoring."

        self.tasksLaunched += 1
        print "Adding subtask %d to chunk" % tid

        if len(tasks) > TOTAL_TASKS / 2:

      if tasks:
        taskChunk = chunk_utils.newTaskChunk(offer.slave_id,
                executor=self.executor, subTasks=tasks)
        taskChunk.task_id.value = "chunk_id_{0}".format(self.tasksLaunched)
        taskChunk.name = "taskChunk"
        self.taskChunkId = taskChunk.task_id

        print "Accepting offer on %s to start task chunk" % offer.hostname
        driver.launchTasks(offer.id, [taskChunk])
        print "Rejecting offer {0}".format(offer.id.value)
        driver.launchTasks(offer.id, [])