class WidgetAuthToken(models.Model):
    """ Authentication token for each user per widget per report """

    token = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    user = models.ForeignKey(AppfwkUser)
    pre_url = models.CharField(max_length=200, verbose_name='URL')
    criteria = PickledObjectField()
    edit_fields = SeparatedValuesField(null=True)
    touched = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True,
                                   verbose_name='Last Time used')

    def __unicode__(self):
        return ("<Token %s, User %s, pre_url %s>" %
                (self.token, self.user, self.pre_url))
Exemple #2
class TableField(models.Model):
    Defines a single field associated with a table.

    TableFields define the the parameters that are used by a Table
    at run time.  The Table.fields attribute associates one
    or more fields with the table.

    At run time, a Criteria object binds values to each field.  The
    Criteria object has an attribute matching each associated TableField

    When defining a TableField, the following model attributes
    may be specified:

    :param keyword: short identifier used like a variable name, this must
        be unique per table

    :param label: text label displayed in user interfaces

    :param help_text: descriptive help text associated with this field

    :param initial: starting or default value to use in user interfaces

    :param required: boolean indicating if a non-null values must be provided

    :param hidden: boolean indicating if this field should be hidden in
        user interfaces, usually true when the value is computed from
        other fields via post_process_func or post_process_template

    :param field_cls: Django Form Field class to use for rendering.
        If not specified, this defaults to CharField

    :param field_kwargs: Dictionary of additional field specific
        kwargs to pass to the field_cls constructor.

    :param parents: List of parent keywords that this field depends on
        for a final value.  Used in conjunction with either
        post_process_func or post_process_template.

    :param pre_process_func: Function to call to perform any necessary
        preprocessing before rendering a form field or accepting
        user input.

    :param post_process_func: Function to call to perform any post
        submit processing.  This may be additional value cleanup
        or computation based on other form data.

    :param post_process_template: Simple string format style template
        to fill in based on other form criteria.
    keyword = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    label = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, default=None)
    help_text = models.CharField(blank=True,
    initial = PickledObjectField(blank=True, null=True)
    required = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    field_cls = PickledObjectField(null=True)
    field_kwargs = PickledObjectField(blank=True, null=True)

    parent_keywords = SeparatedValuesField(null=True)

    pre_process_func = FunctionField(null=True)
    dynamic = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    post_process_func = FunctionField(null=True)
    post_process_template = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=500)

    def create(cls, keyword, label=None, obj=None, **kwargs):
        parent_keywords = kwargs.pop('parent_keywords', None)
        if parent_keywords is None:
            parent_keywords = []

        field = cls(keyword=keyword, label=label, **kwargs)

        if field.post_process_template is not None:
            f = string.Formatter()
            for (_, parent_keyword, _,
                 _) in f.parse(field.post_process_template):
                if parent_keyword is not None:

        field.parent_keywords = parent_keywords

        if obj is not None:
        return field

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "<TableField %s (%s)>" % (self.keyword,

    def __repr__(self):
        return unicode(self)

    def is_report_criteria(self, table):
        """ Runs through intersections of widgets to determine if this criteria
            is applicable to the passed table

            report  <-->  widgets  <-->  table
                L- TableField (self)
        wset = set(table.widget_set.all())
        rset = set(self.report_set.all())
        return any(
            wset.intersection(set(rwset.widget_set.all())) for rwset in rset)

    def find_instance(cls, key):
        """ Return instance given a keyword. """
        params = TableField.objects.filter(keyword=key)
        if len(params) == 0:
            return None
        elif len(params) > 1:
            raise KeyError("Multiple TableField matches found for %s" % key)
        param = params[0]
        return param
class Report(models.Model):
    """ Defines a Report as a collection of Sections and their Widgets. """
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    description = models.TextField(null=True)
    position = models.DecimalField(max_digits=7, decimal_places=3, default=10)
    enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True)

    slug = models.SlugField(unique=True, max_length=100)
    namespace = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    sourcefile = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    filepath = models.FilePathField(max_length=200, path=settings.REPORTS_DIR)

    fields = models.ManyToManyField(TableField, null=True, blank=True)
    field_order = SeparatedValuesField(
        default=['starttime', 'endtime', 'duration', 'filterexpr'],
    hidden_fields = SeparatedValuesField(null=True, blank=True)

    # create an 'auto-load'-type report which uses default criteria
    # values only, and optionally set a refresh timer
    hide_criteria = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    reload_minutes = models.IntegerField(default=0)  # 0 means no reloads

    def create(cls, title, **kwargs):
        """Create a new Report object and save it to the database.

        :param str title: Title for the report

        :param float position: Position in the menu for this report.
            By default, all system reports have a ``position`` of 9 or

        :param list field_order: List declaring the order to display
            criteria fields.  Any fields not list are displayed after
            all listed fields.

        :param list hidden_fields: List of criteria fields to hide from UI

        :param bool hide_criteria: Set to true to hide criteria and run on load
        :param int reload_minutes: If non-zero, report will be reloaded
            automatically at the given duration in minutes


        logger.debug('Creating report %s' % title)
        r = cls(title=title, **kwargs)
        return r

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Report, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._sections = []

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Apply sourcefile and namespaces to newly created Reports.

        sourcefiles will be parsed into the following namespaces:
        'config.reports.1_overall' --> 'default'
        'steelscript.netshark.appfwk.reports.3_shark' --> 'netshark'
        'steelscript.appfwk.business_hours.reports.x_rpt' --> 'business_hours'
        if not self.sourcefile:
            mod = get_module()
            self.filepath = mod.__file__
            modname = get_module_name(mod)
            self.sourcefile = get_sourcefile(modname)

        if not self.namespace:
            self.namespace = get_namespace(self.sourcefile)

        if not self.slug:
            self.slug = slugify(self.sourcefile.split('.')[-1])

        super(Report, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "<Report %s (%s)>" % (self.title,

    def __repr__(self):
        return unicode(self)

    def add_section(self, title=None, **kwargs):
        """Create a new section associated with this report.

        :param str title: Title for the section.  Defaults to

        See :py:meth:`Section.create` for a complete description
        and a list of valid ``kwargs``.

        if title is None:
            title = 'section%d' % len(self._sections)
        s = Section.create(report=self, title=title, **kwargs)
        return s

    def add_widget(self, cls, table, title, **kwargs):
        """Create a new widget associated with the last section added.

        :param cls: UI class that will be used to render this widget
        :param table: Table providing data for this widget
        :param str title: Display title for this widget

        See the specific ``cls.create()`` method for additional kwargs.


        if len(self._sections) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Widgets can only be added to Sections. '
                             'Add section using "add_section" method first.')
        s = kwargs.pop('section', self._sections[-1])
        return cls.create(s, table, title, **kwargs)

    def collect_fields_by_section(self):
        """ Return a dict of all fields related to this report by section id.

        # map of section id to field dict
        fields_by_section = SortedDict()

        # section id=0 is the "common" section
        # fields attached directly to the Report object are always added
        # to the common section
        fields_by_section[0] = SortedDict()
        if self.fields:
            report_fields = {}
            for f in self.fields.all():
                report_fields[f.keyword] = f


        # Pull in fields from each section (which may add fields to
        # the common as well)
        for s in Section.objects.filter(report=self):
            for secid, fields in s.collect_fields_by_section().iteritems():
                if secid not in fields_by_section:
                    fields_by_section[secid] = fields
                    # update fields from fields_by_section so that the
                    # first definition of a field takes precedence.
                    # For example, if 'start' is defined at the report
                    # 'common' level, it's field will be used rather
                    # than that defined in the section.  This is useful
                    # for custimizing the appearance/label/defaults of
                    # fields pulled in from tables
                    fields_by_section[secid] = fields

        # Reorder fields in each section according to the field_order list
        new_fields_by_section = {}
        for i, fields in fields_by_section.iteritems():
            # collect all field names
            section_fields = fields_by_section[i]
            section_field_names = set(section_fields.keys())

            ordered_field_names = SortedDict()
            # Iterate over the defined order list, which may not
            # address all fields
            for name in (self.field_order or []):
                if name in section_field_names:
                    ordered_field_names[name] = section_fields[name]

            # Preserve the order of any fields left
            for name in section_field_names:
                ordered_field_names[name] = section_fields[name]

            new_fields_by_section[i] = ordered_field_names

        return new_fields_by_section

    def widgets(self):
        return Widget.objects.filter(section__in=Section.objects.filter(

    def tables(self, order_by='id'):
        """Return all tables from this report, ordered by `order_by`."""
        return (Table.objects.filter(widget__in=Widget.objects.filter(

    def widget_definitions(self, criteria):
        """Return list of widget definitions suitable for a JSON response.
        definitions = []

        for w in self.widgets().order_by('row', 'col'):
            widget_def = w.get_definition(criteria)

        return definitions
Exemple #4
class Table(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)

    # Table data is produced by a queryclassname defined within the
    # named module
    module = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    queryclassname = models.CharField(max_length=200)

    namespace = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    sourcefile = models.CharField(max_length=200)

    # list of column names
    sortcols = SeparatedValuesField(null=True)

    # list of asc/desc - must match len of sortcols
    sortdir = SeparatedValuesField(null=True)
    # Valid values for sort kwarg
    SORT_NONE = None
    SORT_ASC = 'asc'
    SORT_DESC = 'desc'

    rows = models.IntegerField(default=-1)
    filterexpr = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=400)

    # resample flag -- resample to the criteria.resolution
    # - this requires a "time" column
    resample = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    # options are typically fixed attributes defined at Table creation
    options = PickledObjectField()

    # list of fields that must be bound to values in criteria
    # that this table needs to run
    fields = models.ManyToManyField(TableField)

    # Default values for fields associated with this table, these
    # may be overridden by user criteria at run time
    criteria = PickledObjectField()

    # Function to call to tweak criteria for computing a job handle.
    # This must return a dictionary of key/value pairs of values
    # to use for computing a determining when a job must be rerun.
    criteria_handle_func = FunctionField(null=True)

    # Indicates if data can be cached
    cacheable = models.BooleanField(default=True)

    def to_ref(cls, arg):
        """ Generate a table reference.

        :param arg: may be either a Table object, table id,
            or dictionary reference.


        if isinstance(arg, dict):
            if 'namespace' not in arg or 'name' not in arg:
                msg = 'Invalid table ref as dict, expected namespace/name'
                raise KeyError(msg)
            return arg

        if isinstance(arg, Table):
            table = arg
        elif hasattr(arg, 'table'):
            # Datasource table
            table = arg.table
        elif isinstance(arg, int):
            table = Table.objects.get(id=arg)
            raise ValueError('No way to handle Table arg of type %s' %
        return {
            'sourcefile': table.sourcefile,
            'namespace': table.namespace,

    def from_ref(cls, ref):
            return Table.objects.get(sourcefile=ref['sourcefile'],
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                'Failed to resolve table ref: %s/%s/%s' %
                (ref['sourcefile'], ref['namespace'], ref['name']))

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "<Table %s (%s)>" % (str(,

    def __repr__(self):
        return unicode(self)

    def queryclass(self):
        # Lookup the query class for the table associated with this task
            i = importlib.import_module(self.module)
            queryclass = i.__dict__[self.queryclassname]
            raise DatasourceException(
                "Could not lookup queryclass %s in module %s" %
                (self.queryclassname, self.module))

        return queryclass

    def get_columns(self, synthetic=None, ephemeral=None, iskey=None):
        Return the list of columns for this table.

        `synthetic` is tri-state: None (default) is don't care,
            True means only synthetic columns, False means
            only non-synthetic columns

        `ephemeral` is a job reference.  If specified, include
            ephemeral columns related to this job

        `iskey` is tri-state: None (default) is don't care,
            True means only key columns, False means
            only non-key columns


        filtered = []
        for c in Column.objects.filter(table=self).order_by(
                'position', 'name'):
            if synthetic is not None and c.synthetic != synthetic:
            if c.ephemeral is not None and c.ephemeral != ephemeral:
            if iskey is not None and c.iskey != iskey:

        return filtered

    def copy_columns(self,
        """ Copy the columns from `table` into this table.

        This method will copy all the columns from another table, including
        all attributes as well as sorting.


        if not isinstance(table, Table):
            table = Table.from_ref(table)

        sortcols = []
        sortdir = []
        for c in table.get_columns(synthetic=synthetic, ephemeral=ephemeral):
            if columns is not None and not in columns:
            if except_columns is not None and in except_columns:

            if table.sortcols and ( in table.sortcols):

   = None
            c.table = self


            # Allocate an id, use that as the position
            c.position =

        if sortcols:
            self.sortcols = sortcols
            self.sortdir = sortdir

    def compute_synthetic(self, job, df):
        """ Compute the synthetic columns from DF a two-dimensional array
            of the non-synthetic columns.

            Synthesis occurs as follows:

            1. Compute all synthetic columns where compute_post_resample
               is False

            2. If the table is a time-based table with a defined resolution,
               the result is resampled.

            3. Any remaining columns are computed.
        if df is None:
            return None

        all_columns = job.get_columns()
        all_col_names = [ for c in all_columns]

        def compute(df, syncols):
            for syncol in syncols:
                expr = syncol.compute_expression
                g = tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO(expr).readline)
                newexpr = ""
                getvalue = False
                getclose = False
                for ttype, tvalue, _, _, _ in g:
                    if getvalue:
                        if ttype != tokenize.NAME:
                            msg = "Invalid syntax, expected {name}: %s" % tvalue
                            raise ValueError(msg)
                        elif tvalue in all_col_names:
                            newexpr += "df['%s']" % tvalue
                        elif tvalue in job.criteria:
                            newexpr += '"%s"' % str(job.criteria.get(tvalue))
                            raise ValueError("Invalid variable name: %s" %

                        getclose = True
                        getvalue = False
                    elif getclose:
                        if ttype != tokenize.OP and tvalue != "}":
                            msg = "Invalid syntax, expected {name}: %s" % tvalue
                            raise ValueError(msg)
                        getclose = False
                    elif ttype == tokenize.OP and tvalue == "{":
                        getvalue = True
                        newexpr += tvalue
                    newexpr += ' '
                    df[] = eval(newexpr)
                except NameError as e:
                    m = (('%s: expression failed: %s, check '
                          'APPFWK_SYNTHETIC_MODULES: %s') %
                         (self, newexpr, str(e)))
                    raise TableComputeSyntheticError(m)

        # 1. Compute synthetic columns where post_resample is False
        compute(df, [
            col for col in all_columns
            if (col.synthetic and col.compute_post_resample is False)

        # 2. Resample
        colmap = {}
        timecol = None
        for col in all_columns:
            colmap[] = col
            if col.istime():
                timecol =

        if self.resample:
            if timecol is None:
                raise (TableComputeSyntheticError(
                    "%s: 'resample' is set but no 'time' column'" % self))

            if (('resolution' not in job.criteria)
                    and ('resample_resolution' not in job.criteria)):
                raise (TableComputeSyntheticError(
                    ("%s: 'resample' is set but criteria missing " +
                     "'resolution' or 'resample_resolution'") % self))

            how = {}
            for k in df.keys():
                if k == timecol or k not in colmap:

                how[k] = colmap[k].resample_operation

            if 'resample_resolution' in job.criteria:
                resolution = job.criteria.resample_resolution
                resolution = job.criteria.resolution

            resolution = timedelta_total_seconds(resolution)
            if resolution < 1:
                raise (TableComputeSyntheticError(
                    ("Table %s cannot resample at a resolution " +
                     "less than 1 second") % self))

            logger.debug('%s: resampling to %ss' % (self, int(resolution)))

            indexed = df.set_index(timecol)

            resampled = indexed.resample('%ss' % int(resolution),
            df = resampled

        # 3. Compute remaining synthetic columns (post_resample is True)
        compute(df, [
            c for c in all_columns
            if (c.synthetic and c.compute_post_resample is True)

        return df