Exemple #1
    async def findOptionChain(self, ctx, stock=None, type=None, expir=None):
        """Takes in a stock ticker, an optional expiration date (defaulted to friday expiration [if applicable]),
        a type (defaulted to call) and prints the information (Strike, price, volume, OI) on 1 ITM strike and 3
        OTM strikes to discord.

        :param ctx:
        :param stock: {1-5} character stock-ticker.
        :param type: Defaulted to 'call'. Can be either 'call' or 'put'.
        :param expir: Defaulted to 'None'. Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
        if stock and s.validateTicker(stock):
            price = s.tickerPrice(stock)
            if price >= 5:
                res = o.pcOptionChain(stock, type, expir, price)
                await ctx.send("```" + res + "```")
                await ctx.send("```" + stock.upper() + " is not a valid ticker for options.\n" + "```")
        elif stock:
            await ctx.send("```" + stock.upper() + " is not a valid ticker.\n" + "```")
            res = "Option chain: Displays stock option chain information based on ticker, type (call or put), " \
                  "and expiration.\n" + \
                  "Ex: .f [stock]\n" + \
                  "Ex: .f [stock], [type]\n" + \
                  "Ex: .f [stock], [type], [expiration]\n"
            await ctx.send("```" + res + "```")
Exemple #2
    async def readOptionChain(self, ctx, stock=None):
        """Takes a stock ticker as the parameter to parse multiple option chains for multiple dynamically generated
         expirations (currently set to next 3 monthly expirations) and prints out information regarding a stock option's
         volume * current price. The printout takes the 5 best results and showcases it, as well as the entire OCs
         tallied up to show a preferred side.

        :param ctx:
        :param stock:
        if stock and s.validateTicker(stock):
            price = s.tickerPrice(stock)
            if price >= 10:
                junk = await ctx.send("```" + "Loading the option chain for " + str(stock).upper() + "..." + "```")
                    res = flow.mostExpensive(stock)
                    if res:
                        await ctx.send("```" + res + "```")
                    await ctx.send("```" + "Failed to load the option chain for " + str(stock).upper() + "\n"
                                            "This may be due to low activity in the option chain, Robinhood API, "
                                            "or other abnormal activity." + "```")
                    await junk.delete()
                await ctx.send("```" + stock.upper() + " is not a valid ticker for options.\n" + "```")
        elif stock:
            await ctx.send("```" + stock.upper() + " is not a valid ticker.\n" + "```")
            res = "Read Option Info: Displays closest valued options for a ticker with which side is dominating and " \
                  "top 5 most valued strikes.\n" + \
                  "Ex. .read [stock]\n"
            await ctx.send("```" + res + "```")
Exemple #3
    async def background_loop(self, bot):
        """Runs on startup and every minute that the bot is running. [Specified in EST, but made in UTC]
        Task 1: If the US market is open (9AM[pre-market] - 8PM[after-hours] and not holiday), print a SPY chart``
         every 15 minutes.
        Task 2: Every 10 minutes (global time) write the stocks mentioned to 'stocks_mentioned.csv'.
        Task 3: If the US market is pre-market (9AM and weekday), but it's a holiday - make an announcement.

        await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
        channel = self.bot.get_channel(int(os.getenv('DISCORD_CHANNEL')))
        altchannel = self.bot.get_channel(int(
        holidayDate = cal.getHolidays()

        if cal.getDay() < 5 and not self.bot.is_closed() and cal.getCurrentDay() not in holidayDate and \
                (12 <= cal.getHour() <= 23):
            if cal.getMinute() % 15 == 0:
                res = s.autoPull()
                await channel.send("```" + res + "```")
            if cal.getMinute() % 5 == 0:
                if not s.validateTicker('SPY'):
                    user = await bot.fetch_user(
                    await channel.send(user.mention + " API key expired.")
                    if r.login(username=os.getenv('RH_USER'),
                        await channel.send(
                            "```" +
                            'Restarted Robinhood instance successfully.' +
                        print("Restarted Robinhood instance successfully.")
                        await channel.send(
                            "```" +
                            'Failed to create Robinhood instance. Bot owner has been sent an SMS.'
                            + "```")
                        print("Failed to create Robinhood instance.")
                s.stocks_mentioned['SPY'] = s.stocks_mentioned.get('SPY',
                                                                   0) - 1
            if cal.getMinute() % 1 == 0:
                msg, found = sweepcast()
                if found:
                    print('Option whales spotted')
                    await channel.send("```" + msg + "```")
                    await altchannel.send("```" + msg + "```")

        if cal.getMinute() % 10 == 0:
        if cal.getCurrentDay() in holidayDate and cal.getHour(
        ) == 14 and cal.getMinute() == 0:
            await channel.send("Today is " + holidayDate[cal.getCurrentDay()] +
                               " the market is closed. Enjoy your holiday!")
Exemple #4
def trending():
        result = requests.get("https://api.stocktwits.com/api/2/trending/symbols.json")
        if result.status_code == 200:
            res = ''
            found = 0
            for symbol in result.json()["symbols"]:
                stock = symbol["symbol"]
                if stock.find('.') == -1 and found <= 10 and s.validateTicker(stock):
                    pc, _ = s.WLpc(stock)
                    res += pc
                    found += 1
            return res
            print("Failure to pull Stocktwits trending.")
    except Exception as e:
Exemple #5
 async def createWL(self, ctx, *args):
     author = args[0]
     wlKeywords = ['refresh', 'reset', 'rm', 'remove']
     if args and ctx.message.author.id == 247095523197190154:
         if not args[0].lower() in wlKeywords:
             stockWPrice = {}
             stockInArgs = False
             for stock in args:
                 stock = stock[1:-2]
                 if s.validateTicker(stock) and stock not in stockWPrice:
                     stockInArgs = True
                     stockWPrice[stock] = s.grabSimplePrice(stock)
             if stockInArgs:
                 self.wl_dict[author] = stockWPrice
                 await ctx.send(
                     "```" + "Watchlist instance successfully created\n" +
Exemple #6
    async def priceCheck(self, ctx, *args):
        """Takes in any amount of arguments for a price check on each ticker.

        :param ctx:
        :param args: (arg1), (arg2), ... (argN) Takes one to multiple stock tickers.
        res = ""
        stocksRequested = []
        for stock in args:
            if s.validateTicker(stock) and stock not in stocksRequested:
                pcList, perc = s.pc(
                )  # currently not using perc return - maybe in future?
                res += pcList
            elif stock in stocksRequested:
                res += stock.upper() + " is not a valid ticker.\n"
        await ctx.send("```" + res + "```")
Exemple #7
    async def pullWL(self, ctx, *args):
        author = str(ctx.message.author.id)
        initiatedUser = True
        sudoUser = False
        wlKeywords = ['refresh', 'reset', 'rm', 'remove']

        if not self.wl_dict:
        responseRet = ""

        if args and args[0][:3] == '<@!':
            sudoUser = True
            author = args[0][3:-1]
        elif args and args[0][:2] == '<@':
            sudoUser = True
            author = args[0][2:-1]

        if self.wl_dict.get(author) is None and not sudoUser:
            if args:
                if not args[0].lower() in wlKeywords:
                    stockWPrice = {}
                    stockInArgs = False
                    for stock in args:
                        if s.validateTicker(
                                stock) and stock not in stockWPrice:
                            stockInArgs = True
                            stockWPrice[stock.upper()] = s.grabSimplePrice(
                    if stockInArgs:
                        self.wl_dict[author] = stockWPrice
                        responseRet += "Watchlist instance successfully created\n"
                initiatedUser = False
                await ctx.send(
                    "```" +
                    "To create a personal watchlist use the command \".wl\" followed by stock "
                    "Example: .wl estc net\n"
                    "To view other user's watchlists use the command \".wl @user\"\n"
                    "To remove a stock use the command \".wl rm\"\n"
                    "To remove watchlist use the command \".wl refresh\"\n" +
        elif not sudoUser:
            if args:
                if args[0].lower() == 'refresh' or args[0].lower() == 'reset':
                    self.wl_dict.pop(author, None)
                    await ctx.send(
                        "```" +
                        "Watchlist instance successfully removed for " +
                        str(ctx.message.author) + "```")
                    stockWPrice = self.wl_dict.get(author)
                    old_wl = []
                    updatedList = False
                    for stock in self.wl_dict[author]:
                    if args[0].lower() == 'rm' or args[0].lower() == 'remove':
                        for stock in args:
                            if s.validateTicker(
                                    stock) and stock.upper() in old_wl:
                                updatedList = True
                        for stock in args:
                            if s.validateTicker(stock) and stock not in old_wl:
                                updatedList = True
                                stockWPrice[stock.upper()] = s.grabSimplePrice(
                    if updatedList:
                        self.wl_dict[author] = stockWPrice
                        responseRet += "Watchlist instance successfully updated\n"
                        responseRet += "Watchlist had no unique stock tickers to add\n"
        if initiatedUser and self.wl_dict.get(author) is not None:
            res = ""
            stockList = {}
            stockPercent = {}
            netPercentDAY = 0
            countDay = 0
            netPercentAH = 0
            countAH = 0
            stockWPrice = self.wl_dict.get(author)
            for stock in stockWPrice:
                pcList, perc = s.WLpc(stock)
                stockList[stock] = pcList
                netPercentDAY += perc[0]
                countDay += 1
                if len(perc) == 1:
                    stockPercent[stock] = perc[0]
                    stockPercent[stock] = perc[1]
                    netPercentAH += perc[1]
                    countAH += 1

            highestStock = s.checkMostMentioned(stockPercent,
            for val in highestStock:
                res += stockList[val]

            if countAH > 1:
                totalPercent = '{:<6}{:>15}{:>2}{:>4}{:>15}'.format(
                    'NET: ',
                    s.validateUporDown(round(netPercentDAY / countDay, 2)) +
                    '%', '|', 'AH: ',
                    s.validateUporDown(round(netPercentAH / countAH, 2)) + '%')
                totalPercent = '{:<6}{:>15}'.format(
                    'NET: ',
                    s.validateUporDown(round(netPercentDAY / countDay, 2)) +

            authorName = str(await self.bot.fetch_user(author)).split('#')
            await ctx.send("```" + responseRet + '------\n' + authorName[0] +
                           "'s Watchlist\n" +
                           '---------------------------------\n' + res +
                           '---------------------------------\n' +
                           totalPercent + "```")