Exemple #1
    def fixShadow(self):
        success = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.shadowfile):
            self.detailedresults += self.shadowfile + "does not exist. \
Will not perform fix on shadow file\n"
            return False
        if self.fixusers:
            contents = readFile(self.shadowfile, self.logger)

            if self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
                perms = [0, 42, 0o640]
                perms = [0, 0, 0o400]
            if not checkPerms(self.shadowfile, perms, self.logger) and \
               not checkPerms(self.shadowfile, [0, 0, 0], self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                setPerms(self.shadowfile, perms, self.logger,
                         self.statechglogger, myid)

            tmpdate = strftime("%Y%m%d")
            tmpdate = list(tmpdate)
            date = tmpdate[0] + tmpdate[1] + tmpdate[2] + tmpdate[3] + "-" + \
                tmpdate[4] + tmpdate[5] + "-" + tmpdate[6] + tmpdate[7]
            for user in self.fixusers:
                cmd = ["chage", "-d", date, "-m", "1", "-M", "180", "-W", "28",
                       "-I", "35", user]

            # We have to do some gymnastics here, because chage writes directly
            # to /etc/shadow, but statechglogger expects the new contents to
            # be in a temp file.
            newContents = readFile(self.shadowfile, self.logger)
            shadowTmp = "/tmp/shadow.stonixtmp"
            createFile(shadowTmp, self.logger)
            writeFile(shadowTmp, "".join(newContents) + "\n", self.logger)
            writeFile(self.shadowfile, "".join(contents) + "\n", self.logger)
            self.iditerator += 1
            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
            event = {'eventtype': 'conf',
                     'filepath': self.shadowfile}
            self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
            self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(self.shadowfile, shadowTmp,
            shutil.move(shadowTmp, self.shadowfile)
            os.chmod(self.shadowfile, perms[2])
            os.chown(self.shadowfile, perms[0], perms[1])
        return success
Exemple #2
    def reportsolaris(self):
        '''because solaris has to be different

        :returns: bool
        @author bemalmbe


        # set kve arguments for reportsolaris and fixsolaris
        compliant = True
        directive = {'permitrootlogin': '******'}
        kvpath = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
        kvtype = 'conf'
        kvtmppath = self.kvpath + '.stonixtmp'
        kvintent = 'present'
        kvconftype = 'space'

        if not checkPerms(kvpath, [0, 3, 420], self.logger):
            compliant = False

        self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                     kvtype, kvpath, kvtmppath, directive,
                                     kvintent, kvconftype)

        if not self.editor.report():
            compliant = False
        return compliant
Exemple #3
    def reportFreebsd1(self):
        '''Freebsd specific report method1 that ensures the items in the file
        exist in /etc/sysctl.conf.  Sets self.compliant to True if all items
        exist in the file.  Returns True if successful in updating the file

        :returns: bool

        compliant = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
            self.detailedresults += self.path + " does not exist\n"
            compliant = False
            ffc = {"net.inet.icmp.bmcastecho": "0",
                   "net.inet.ip.redirect": "0",
                   "net.inet.icmp.maskrepl": "0",
                   "net.inet.ip.sourceroute": "0",
                   "net.inet.ip.accept_sourceroute": "0",
                   "net.inet.tcp.syncookies": "1"}
            kvtype = "conf"
            intent = "present"
            self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                         kvtype, self.path, self.tmpPath, ffc,
                                         intent, "openeq")
            if not self.editor.report():
                compliant = False
            if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.detailedresults += "Permissions are incorrect on " + \
                    self.path + ": Expected 644, found " + \
                    str(getOctalPerms(self.path)) + "\n"
                compliant = False
        return compliant
Exemple #4
 def fixFreebsd(self):
     if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
         self.iditerator += 1
         myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
         if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                         self.statechglogger, myid):
             return False
     if self.networkTuning1.getcurrvalue() or \
         if self.editor.fixables:
             self.iditerator += 1
             myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
             if not self.editor.fix():
                 return False
             elif not self.editor.commit():
                 return False
             os.chown(self.path, 0, 0)
             os.chmod(self.path, 0o644)
             cmd = ["/usr/sbin/service", "sysctl", "restart"]
             if self.ch.getReturnCode() != 0:
                 self.detailedresults = "Unable to restart sysctl\n"
                 self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                 return False
                 return True
             return True
Exemple #5
    def reportFreebsd2(self):
        '''Freebsd specific report method1 that ensures the items in
        fileContents exist in /etc/sysctl.conf. Sets self.compliant to True
        if all items exist in the file. Returns True if successful in updating
        the file

        :returns: bool

        compliant = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
            self.detailedresults += self.path + " does not exist\n"
            compliant = False
            ffc = {"net.inet.ip.forwarding": "0",
                   "net.inet.ip.fastforwarding": "0"}
            if not self.networkTuning1.getcurrvalue():
                kvtype = "conf"
                intent = "present"
                self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                             kvtype, self.path, self.tmpPath,
                                             ffc, intent, "closedeq")
            if not self.editor.report():
                compliant = False
            if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.detailedresults += "Permissions are incorrect on " + \
                    self.path + ": Expected 644, found " + \
                    str(getOctalPerms(self.path)) + "\n"
                compliant = False
        return compliant
Exemple #6
    def check_security_limits(self):
        '''check the limits.conf file for the configuration line
        * hard core 0

        :returns: compliant

        :rtype: bool
@author: ???


        compliant = True
        securitylimits = "/etc/security/limits.conf"
        coresetting = "(^\*)\s+hard\s+core\s+0?"

        if os.path.exists(securitylimits):
            if not checkPerms(securitylimits, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.detailedresults += "Permissions incorrect on " + securitylimits + "\n"
                compliant = False
            contents = readFile(securitylimits, self.logger)
            if contents:
                found = False
                for line in contents:
                    if re.search(coresetting, line.strip()):
                        found = True
                if not found:
                    self.detailedresults += "Correct configuration line * hard core 0 " + \
                        "not found in /etc/security/limits.conf\n"
                    compliant = False
            self.detailedresults += securitylimits + " file doesn't exist\n"

        return compliant
Exemple #7
    def checklogindefs(self):
        '''report method for various distros of linux and solaris'''
        compliant = True
        debug = ""
        if not os.path.exists(self.logdeffile):
            compliant = False
            self.detailedresults += self.logdeffile + " file does not exist\n"
        elif not checkPerms(self.logdeffile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
            compliant = False
            self.detailedresults += self.logdeffile + " does not have " + \
                "the correct permissions. Expected 644, found " + \
                str(getOctalPerms(self.logdeffile)) + ".\n"
        tmpfile = self.logdeffile + ".tmp"
        self.editor1 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                      "conf", self.logdeffile, tmpfile,
                                      self.specs, "present", "space")
        if not self.editor1.report():
            self.detailedresults += self.logdeffile + " does not " + \
                "contain the correct contents\n"
            debug = self.logdeffile + " doesn't contain the correct " + \
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            compliant = False

        return compliant
Exemple #8
    def fixsolaris(self):
        '''because solaris has to be different
        @author bemalmbe


        if not checkPerms(self.editor.getPath(), [0, 3, 420], self.logger):
            self.iditerator += 1
            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)

            if not setPerms(self.editor.getPath(), [0, 3, 420], self.logger,
                                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                self.rulesuccess = False

        if self.editor.fixables or self.editor.removeables:
            self.iditerator += 1
            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)

            if not self.editor.fix():
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to run fix for kveditor\n"
                self.rulesuccess = False
                return False
            elif not self.editor.commit():
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to run commit for kveditor\n"
                self.rulesuccess = False
                return False

        return True
Exemple #9
    def checklogindefs(self):
        Method to check the password hash algorithm settings in

        :return: compliant
        :rtype: bool
        compliant = True
        if os.path.exists(self.logindefs):
            if not checkPerms(self.logindefs, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.detailedresults += "Permissions incorrect for " + \
                    self.logindefs + " file\n"
                compliant = False

        data = {"MD5_CRYPT_ENAB": "no",
                "ENCRYPT_METHOD": "SHA512",
                "PASS_MAX_DAYS": "180",
                "PASS_MIN_DAYS": "1",
                "PASS_WARN_AGE": "7",
                "FAIL_DELAY": "4"}
        tmppath = self.logindefs + ".stonixtmp"
        self.editor2 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                      "conf", self.logindefs, tmppath,
                                      data, "present", "space")
        if not self.editor2.report():
            debug = self.logindefs + " doesn't contain the correct " + \
            self.detailedresults += self.logindefs + " doesn't contain " + \
                "the correct contents\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            compliant = False
        return compliant
    def report(self):
        '''The report method examines the current configuration and determines
        whether or not it is correct. If the config is correct then the
        self.compliant, self.detailedresults and self.currstate properties are
        updated to reflect the system status. self.rulesuccess will be updated
        if the rule does not succeed.
        Perform a check to see if PROMPT has been set to 'no' or not

        :returns: bool
        @author bemalmbe
        @change: dwalker

            self.detailedresults = ""
            compliant = True
            self.perms = [0, 0, 420]
            self.helper = Pkghelper(self.logger, self.environ)
            if self.helper.manager == "portage":
                self.filepath = "/etc/conf.d/rc"
                keyval = {"RC_INTERACTIVE": "no"}
            elif self.helper.manager == "zypper":
                self.filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/boot"
                keyval = {"PROMPT_FOR_CONFIRM": "no"}
            elif self.helper.manager == "apt-get":
                self.filepath = "/etc/default/grub"
                keyval = {"GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY": '"true"'}
                self.restart = "/usr/sbin/update-grub"
            elif self.helper.manager == "yum" or self.helper.manager == "dnf":
                self.filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/init"
                keyval = {"PROMPT": "no"}
            tmpPath = self.filepath + ".tmp"
            if not os.path.exists(self.filepath):
                if createFile(self.filepath, self.logger):
                    self.created = True
            if not checkPerms(self.filepath, self.perms, self.logger):
                compliant = False
                self.detailedresults += "Permissions are not correct on " + \
                    self.filepath + "\n"
            self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                         "conf", self.filepath, tmpPath,
                                         keyval, "present", "closedeq")
            if os.path.exists(self.filepath):
                if not self.editor.report():
                    self.detailedresults += "Configuration for " + \
                        self.filepath + " is incorrect via kveditor report\n"
                    compliant = False
            self.compliant = compliant

        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.compliant
Exemple #11
    def fixMain(self, command):
        '''Entries that are found with an empty password field (2nd field)
        should have the blank field replaced with an !
        @author: dwalker

        :param command: 

        success = True
        if os.path.exists(self.shadow):
            if self.empty:
                for user in self.empty:
                        retval = call(command + user, stdout=None, shell=True)
                        if retval != 0:
                            self.detailedresults += "not able to lock the \
following account: " + user + "\n"
                            success = False
                    except OSError:
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += traceback.format_exc() + "\n"
                        self.detailedresults += " unable to run the account \
lock command\n"

            if self.ph:
                if self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
                    retval = getUserGroupName("/etc/shadow")
                    if retval[0] != "root" or retval[1] != "shadow":
                        uid = pwd.getpwnam("root").pw_uid
                        gid = grp.getgrnam("shadow").gr_gid
                        setPerms("/etc/shadow", [uid, gid, 416], self.logger)
                    if not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger) \
                       and not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 0], self.logger):
                        if not setPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger):
                            success = False
                if not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger) and \
                   not checkPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 0], self.logger):
                    if not setPerms(self.shadow, [0, 0, 256], self.logger):
                        success = False
            return success
            self.detailedresults += "/etc/shadow file or /etc/master.passwd \
file not present, cannot perform fix\n"

            return False
Exemple #12
    def reportSSHFile(self, sshfile, directives):
        Report configuration options of config files
        :param: sshfile - filepath string
        :param: directives - dictionary of desired directives
        :return: compliant
        :rtype: bool

        compliant = True
        debug = ""
        directives = dict(directives)
        tpath = sshfile + ".tmp"

        if os.path.exists(sshfile):
            if re.search("Ubuntu", self.environ.getostype()):
                if sshfile == "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
                    del (directives["GSSAPIAuthentication"])
                    del (directives["KerberosAuthentication"])
                elif sshfile == "/etc/ssh/ssh_config":
                    del (directives["GSSAPIAuthentication"])
            elif self.environ.getostype() == "Mac OS X" and self.mac_piv_auth_CI.getcurrvalue():
                if sshfile == "/private/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
                    directives["PasswordAuthentication"] = "no"
                    self.server = directives
            editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger,
                                      self.logger, "conf",
                                      sshfile, tpath,
                                      directives, "present",
            if not editor.report():
                self.detailedresults += "Did not find the correct " + \
                                        "contents in sshd_config\n"
                compliant = False

            # for ubuntu systems we want to make sure the following two
            # directives don't exist in the server file
            if re.search("Ubuntu", self.environ.getostype()):
                if sshfile == "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
                    directives = {"GSSAPIAuthentication": "",
                               "KerberosAuthentication": ""}
                elif sshfile == "/etc/ssh/ssh_config":
                    directives = {"GSSAPIAuthentication": ""}
                if not editor.report():
                    self.detailedresults += "didn't find the correct" + \
                            " contents in sshd_config\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    compliant = False
            if not checkPerms(sshfile, [0, 0, 0o644],
                self.detailedresults += "Incorrect permissions for " + \
                                        "file " + self.serverfile + "\n"
                compliant = False
            self.detailedresults += sshfile + " does not exist\n"
            compliant = False
        return compliant
Exemple #13
 def chkLogin(self):
     compliant = True
     if os.path.exists(self.loginfile):
         if not checkPerms(self.loginfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
             compliant = False
             self.detailedresults += self.libuserfile + " does not have " + \
                 "the correct permissions. Expected 644, found " + \
                 str(getOctalPerms(self.libuserfile)) + ".\n"
         contents = readFile(self.loginfile, self.logger)
         iterator1 = 0
         for line in contents:
             if re.search("^#", line) or re.match('^\s*$', line):
                 iterator1 += 1
             elif re.search('^default:\\\\$', line.strip()):
                 found = True
                 temp = contents[iterator1 + 1:]
                 length2 = len(temp) - 1
                 iterator2 = 0
                 for line2 in temp:
                     if re.search('^[^:][^:]*:\\\\$', line2):
                         contents2 = temp[:iterator2]
                     elif iterator2 < length2:
                         iterator2 += 1
                     elif iterator2 == length2:
                         contents2 = temp[:iterator2]
                 iterator1 += 1
         if contents2:
             for key in self.Fspecs:
                 found = False
                 for line in contents2:
                     if re.search("^#", line) or re.match('^\s*$', line):
                     elif re.search('^:' + key, line.strip()):
                         if re.search('=', line):
                             temp = line.split('=')
                             if re.search(str(self.Fspecs[key]) +
                                 found = True
                                 found = False
                 if not found:
                     compliant = False
         return compliant
         self.detailedresults += self.loginfile + "does not exist. " + \
             "Please note that the fix for this rule will not attempt " + \
             "to create this file.\n"
         compliant = False
     debug = "chkLogin method is returning " + (compliant) + " compliance\n"
     self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
     return compliant
Exemple #14
 def report(self):
         self.detailedresults = ""
         self.ph = Pkghelper(self.logger, self.environ)
         self.data1 = {
             "ddns-update-style": "none;",
             "deny": ["declines;", "bootp;"]
         self.data2 = [
             "domain-name", "domain-name-servers", "nis-domain",
             "nis-servers", "ntp-servers", "routers", "time-offset"
         if self.ph.manager == "zypper":
             self.path = "/etc/dhcpd.conf"
         elif self.ph.manager == "yum" or self.ph.manager == "dnf":
             self.path = "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf"
         elif self.ph.manager == "apt-get":
             self.path = "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf"
         self.tmppath = self.path + ".tmp"
         compliant = True
         if os.path.exists(self.path):
             if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                 self.detailedresults += "The permissions on " + \
                     self.path + " are incorrect\n"
                 compliant = False
             self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                          "conf", self.path, self.tmppath,
                                          self.data1, "present", "space")
             if not self.editor.report():
                 self.detailedresults += self.path + " doesn't contain " + \
                     "the correct contents\n"
                 compliant = False
             contents = readFile(self.path, self.logger)
             for line in contents:
                 if re.match('^#', line) or re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
                 if re.search("^option", line):
                     linesplit = line.split()
                     if len(linesplit) >= 2:
                         for item in self.data2:
                             if re.search(item, linesplit[1]):
                                 compliant = False
                                 self.detailedresults += "Unwanted " + \
                                     "option found in " + self.path + \
                                     ": " + line
         self.compliant = compliant
     except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
     except Exception:
         self.rulesuccess = False
         self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
         self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
     self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant,
     self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
     return self.compliant
Exemple #15
    def setaccountlockout(self, regex):
        configure the account lockout time in pam

        :param regex: string; regular expression
        :return: success
        :rtype: bool

        success = True
        pamfiles = []
        if self.ph.manager in ("yum", "dnf"):
            writecontents = self.auth + "\n" + self.acct + "\n" + \
                        self.password + "\n" + self.session
            writecontents = self.auth
        for pamfile in pamfiles:
            if not os.path.exists(pamfile):
                self.detailedresults += pamfile + " doesn't exist.\n" + \
                    "Stonix will not attempt to create this file " + \
                    "and the fix for the this rule will not continue\n"
                return False
        # """Check permissions on pam file(s)"""
        for pamfile in pamfiles:
            if not checkPerms(pamfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if not setPerms(pamfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger, self.statechglogger, myid):
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to set " + \
                        "correct permissions on " + pamfile + "\n"
            contents = readFile(pamfile, self.logger)
            found = False
            for line in contents:
                if re.search(regex, line.strip()):
                    found = True
            if not found:
                tmpfile = pamfile + ".stonixtmp"
                if writeFile(tmpfile, writecontents, self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    event = {'eventtype': 'conf',
                             'filepath': pamfile}
                    self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                    self.statechglogger.recordfilechange(pamfile, tmpfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tmpfile, pamfile)
                    os.chown(pamfile, 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(pamfile, 0o644)
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to write to " + pamfile + "\n"
                    success = False
        return success
Exemple #16
    def fix(self):
            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():

            results = ""
            success = True

            # Clear out event history so only the latest fix is recorded
            self.iditerator = 0
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:

            if os.path.exists(self.path):
                if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        results += "Could not set permissions on " + \
                            self.path + "\n"
                if self.editor.fixables or self.editor.removeables:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not self.editor.fix():
                        debug = "kveditor fix did not run successfully\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                    elif not self.editor.commit():
                        debug = "kveditor commit did not run  successfully\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                    os.chown(self.path, 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(self.path, 0o644)
                success = False
                results += "Could not find path to sshd_config\n"
            self.detailedresults = results
            self.rulesuccess = success
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            success = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", success, self.detailedresults)
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
Exemple #17
    def reportLinux1(self):
        '''Linux specific report method that ensures the items in fileContents
        exist in /etc/sysctl.conf.  Sets self.compliant to True if all items
        exist in the file.  Returns True if successful in updating the file

        :returns: bool

        compliant = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
            self.detailedresults += self.path + " does not exist\n"
            compliant = False
            lfc = {"net.ipv4.conf.all.secure_redirects": "0",
                   "net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects": "0",
                   "net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter": "1",
                   "net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians": "1",
                   "net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route": "0",
                   "net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects": "0",
                   "net.ipv4.conf.default.secure_redirects": "0",
                   "net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter": "1",
                   "net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route": "0",
                   "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies": "1",
                   "net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts": "1",
                   "net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog": "4096"}
            editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                    "conf", self.path, self.tmpPath, lfc,
                                    "present", "openeq")
            if not editor.report():
                self.detailedresults += self.path + " is not configured " + \
                    "correctly for configuration item 1\n"
                compliant = False
            if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.detailedresults += "Permissions are incorrect on " + \
                    self.path + "\n"
                compliant = False
        for key in lfc:
            self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl " + key)
            retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()

            if retcode != 0:
                self.detailedresults += "Failed to get value of core dumps configuration with sysctl command\n"
                errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)
                compliant = False
                output = self.ch.getOutputString()
                if output.strip() != key + " = " + lfc[key]:
                    compliant = False
                    self.detailedresults += "sysctl output has incorrect value: " + \
                        output + "\n"
        return compliant
Exemple #18
    def checklibuser(self):
        '''Private method to check the password hash algorithm settings in
        @author: dwalker

        :returns: bool

        compliant = True
        '''check if libuser is intalled'''
        if not self.ph.check("libuser"):
            '''if not, check if available'''
            if self.ph.checkAvailable("libuser"):
                self.detailedresults += "libuser available but not installed\n"
                return False
                '''not available, not a problem'''
                return True
        '''create a kveditor for file if it exists, if not, we do it in
        the setlibuser method inside the fix'''
        if os.path.exists(self.libuserfile):
            data = {"userdefaults": {"LU_SHADOWMAX": "",
                                     "LU_SHADOWMIN": "",
                                     "LU_SHADOWWARNING": "",
                                     "LU_UIDNUMBER": "",
                                     "LU_SHADOWINACTIVE": "",
                                     "LU_SHADOWEXPIRE": ""}}
            datatype = "tagconf"
            intent = "notpresent"
            tmppath = self.libuserfile + ".tmp"
            self.editor2 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                          datatype, self.libuserfile,
                                          tmppath, data, intent, "openeq")
            if not self.editor2.report():
                debug = "/etc/libuser.conf doesn't contain the correct " + \
                self.detailedresults += "/etc/libuser.conf doesn't " + \
                    "contain the correct contents\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                compliant = False
            if not checkPerms(self.libuserfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.detailedresults += "Permissions are incorrect on " + \
                    self.libuserfile + "\n"
                compliant = False
            self.detailedresults += "Libuser installed but libuser " + \
                "file doesn't exist\n"
            compliant = False
        return compliant
Exemple #19
    def reportMac(self):
        '''Mac specific report method1 that ensures the items in fileContents
        exist in /etc/sysctl.conf.  Sets self.compliant to True if all items
        exist in the file.

        :returns: compliant

        :rtype: bool
@author: dwalker
@change: Breen Malmberg - 1/10/2017 - minor doc string adjustments; fixed
        permissions on file /etc/sysctl.conf (needs to be 0o600; was 0o644);


        compliant = True

            self.editor = None

            if not os.path.exists(self.path):
                self.detailedresults += self.path + " does not exist\n"
                compliant = False
                mfc = {"net.inet.ip.forwarding": "0",
                       "net.inet.ip.redirect": "0"}
                kvtype = "conf"
                intent = "present"
                self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                             kvtype, self.path, self.tmpPath, mfc,
                                             intent, "closedeq")
                if not self.editor.report():
                    self.detailedresults += self.path + " is not " + \
                        "configured correctly\n"
                    compliant = False
                    self.detailedresults += self.path + " is " + \
                        "configured correctly\n"
                if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger):
                    self.detailedresults += "Permissions are incorrect on " + \
                        self.path + ": Expected 644, found " + \
                        str(getOctalPerms(self.path)) + "\n"
                    compliant = False

        except Exception:

        return compliant
Exemple #20
    def report(self):
        '''The report method examines the current configuration and determines
        whether or not it is correct. If the config is correct then the
        self.compliant, self.detailedresults and self.currstate properties are
        updated to reflect the system status. self.rulesuccess will be updated
        if the rule does not succeed.

        :returns: self.compliant

        :rtype: bool
@author bgonz12

            compliant = True
            self.detailedresults = ""
            if not os.path.exists(self.securettypath):
                compliant = False
                self.detailedresults += self.securettypath + " is missing\n"
                if not checkPerms(self.securettypath, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger):
                    compliant = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Permissions incorrect on " + self.securettypath + "\n"
                contents = readFileString(self.securettypath, self.logger)
                if contents != "":
                    compliant = False
                    self.detailedresults += self.securettypath + " should be empty\n"
                    self.isblank = True
            self.compliant = compliant
        except (OSError):
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception as err:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults = self.detailedresults + "\n" + str(err) + \
                " - " + str(traceback.format_exc())
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.compliant
Exemple #21
 def report(self):
         results = ""
         compliant = True
         path1 = "/private/etc/sshd_config"
         path2 = "/private/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
         if self.usesSip():
             if os.path.exists(path2):
                 self.path = path2
             elif os.path.exists(path1):
                 self.path = path1
                 compliant = False
                 results += "Could not find path to sshd_config file\n"
             if os.path.exists(path1):
                 self.path = path1
             elif os.path.exists(path2):
                 self.path = path2
                 compliant = False
                 results += "Could not find path to sshd_config file\n"
         self.tmppath = self.path + ".tmp"
         if os.path.exists(self.path):
             self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                          "conf", self.path, self.tmppath,
                                          self.ssh, "present", "space")
             if not self.editor.report():
                 compliant = False
                 results += "Settings in " + self.path + " are not " + \
             if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                 compliant = False
                 results += self.path + " permissions are incorrect\n"
         self.detailedresults = results
         self.compliant = compliant
     except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
         # User initiated exit
     except Exception:
         self.rulesuccess = False
         self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
         self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
     self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant,
     self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
     return self.compliant
Exemple #22
 def fixLogDef(self, specs):
     success = True
     debug = ""
     if not os.path.exists(self.logdeffile):
         if createFile(self.logdeffile, self.logger):
             self.logindefcreate = True
             setPerms(self.logdeffile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger)
             tmpfile = self.logdeffile + ".tmp"
             self.editor1 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                           "conf", self.logdeffile, tmpfile,
                                           specs, "present", "space")
             self.detailedresults += "Was not able to create " + \
                 self.logdeffile + " file\n"
             success = False
     if self.logindefcreate:
         self.iditerator += 1
         myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
         event = {"eventtype": "creation",
                  "filepath": self.logdeffile}
         self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
     elif not checkPerms(self.logdeffile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
         self.iditerator += 1
         myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
         if not setPerms(self.logdeffile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                         self.statechglogger, myid):
             debug += "permissions not correct on: " + \
                 self.logdeffile + "\n"
             success = False
     if self.editor1.fixables or self.editor1.removeables:
         if not self.logindefcreate:
             self.iditerator += 1
             myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
         if not self.editor1.fix():
             debug += "fixLogDef editor.fix did not complete successfully\n"
             success = False
         elif not self.editor1.commit():
             debug += "fixLogDef editor.commit did not complete successfully\n"
             success = False
         os.chown(self.logdeffile, 0, 0)
         os.chmod(self.logdeffile, 0o644)
     if debug:
         self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
     return success
Exemple #23
    def checklibuser(self):
        Private method to check the password hash algorithm settings in

        @author: Derek Walker

        :return: compliant
        :rtype: bool
        compliant = True
        # """check if libuser is intalled"""
        if not self.ph.check("libuser"):
            # """if not, check if available"""
            if self.ph.checkAvailable("libuser"):
                self.detailedresults += "libuser available but not installed\n"
                return False
                # """not available, not a problem"""
                return True
        # """create a kveditor for file if it exists, if not, we do it in
        # the setlibuser method inside the fix"""
        if os.path.exists(self.libuserfile):
            data = {"defaults": {"crypt_style": "sha512"}}
            datatype = "tagconf"
            intent = "present"
            tmppath = self.libuserfile + ".stonixtmp"
            self.editor1 = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                                          datatype, self.libuserfile,
                                          tmppath, data, intent, "openeq")
            if not self.editor1.report():
                debug = "/etc/libuser.conf doesn't contain the correct contents\n"
                self.detailedresults += "/etc/libuser.conf doesn't contain the correct contents\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                compliant = False
            if not checkPerms(self.libuserfile, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                self.detailedresults += "Permissions are incorrect on " + self.libuserfile + "\n"
                compliant = False
            self.detailedresults += "Libuser installed but libuser file doesn't exist\n"
            compliant = False
        return compliant
Exemple #24
    def report(self):
        '''DisableNobodyAccess.report() method to report on whether system is
        compliant or not. If the key-value pair ENABLE_NOBODY_KEYS=NO
        is present, the system is compliant, if not, system is not compliant
        @author: dwalker

        :param self: essential if you override this definition
        :returns: bool - False if the method died during execution

            compliant = True
            keys = {"ENABLE_NOBODY_KEYS": "NO"}
            if os.path.exists(self.path):
                tmpPath = self.path + ".tmp"
                self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                       "conf", self.path, tmpPath, keys, "present", "closedeq")
                if not self.editor.report():
                    compliant = False
                if not checkPerms(self.path, [0, 0, 292], self.logger):
                    compliant = False
                self.created = True
                tmpPath = self.path + ".tmp"
                self.editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger,
                       "conf", self.path, tmpPath, keys, "present", "closedeq")
                self.editor.fixables = keys
                compliant = False
            self.compliant = compliant
            return compliant
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            # User initiated exit
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.compliant
Exemple #25
    def setlogindefs(self):
        configure login.defs options

        :return: success
        :rtype: bool

        success = True
        if not checkPerms(self.logindefs, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
            self.iditerator += 1
            myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
            if not setPerms(self.logindefs, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                            self.statechglogger, myid):
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to set permissions on " + self.logindefs + " file\n"
                success = False

        if self.editor2:
            if self.editor2.fixables:
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if self.editor2.fix():
                    if self.editor2.commit():
                        debug = "/etc/login.defs file has been corrected\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        os.chown(self.logindefs, 0, 0)
                        os.chmod(self.logindefs, 0o644)
                        debug = "Unable to correct the contents of /etc/login.defs\n"
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct the contents of /etc/login.defs\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct the contents of /etc/login.defs\n"
                    debug = "Unable to correct the contents of /etc/login.defs\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    success = False

        return success
    def report(self):
            self.path = "/etc/securetty"
            self.serialRE = r"^ttyS\d"
            self.compliant = True
            self.detailedresults = ""

            if re.search("red hat|centos|fedora", self.myos):
                perms = [0, 0, 0o600]
                perms = [0, 0, 0o644]
            self.perms = perms

            if os.path.exists(self.path):
                sttyText = readFile(self.path, self.logger)
                for line in sttyText:
                    if re.search(self.serialRE, line):
                        self.compliant = False
                        self.detailedresults += self.path + " contains " + \
                            "uncommented serial ports.\n"
                if not checkPerms(self.path, perms, self.logger):
                    self.compliant = False
                    self.detailedresults += self.path + " permissions " + \
                        "are incorrect.\n"
                debug = self.path + " does not exist. This is considered " + \
                    "secure, and should disable all serial ports.\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)

        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.compliant
Exemple #27
 def chkUserAdd(self):
     compliant = True
     debug = ""
     if not os.path.exists(self.useraddfile):
         self.detailedresults += self.useraddfile + " file does not exist\n"
         compliant = False
         if not checkPerms(self.useraddfile, [0, 0, 0o600], self.logger):
             compliant = False
             self.detailedresults += self.useraddfile + " does not have " + \
                 "the correct permissions. Expected 600, found " + \
                 str(getOctalPerms(self.useraddfile)) + ".\n"
         contents = readFile(self.useraddfile, self.logger)
         found = False
         valcorrect = True
         for line in contents:
             if re.search("^\#", line) or re.match('^\s*$', line):
             if re.search('^INACTIVE', line.strip()) and re.search('=',
                 found = True
                 temp = line.split('=')
                 if int(temp[1].strip()) <= -1 or int(temp[1].strip()) > 35:
                     valcorrect = False
         if not found:
             compliant = False
             self.detailedresults += "INACTIVE key was not found in " + \
                 self.useraddfile + "\n"
         if found and not valcorrect:
             compliant = False
             self.detailedresults += "INACTIVE key was found in " + \
                 self.useraddfile + ", but value is incorrect\n"
     debug += "chkUserAdd method is returning " + str(compliant) + \
         " compliance\n"
     if debug:
         self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
     return compliant
    def fix(self):
        '''The fix method will apply the required settings to the system.
        self.rulesuccess will be updated if the rule does not succeed.
        Search for the /etc/sysconfig/init configuration file and set the
        PROMPT setting to PROMPT=no
        @author bemalmbe
        @change: dwalker 4/8/2014 implementing KVEditorStonix

            if not self.ci.getcurrvalue():
            self.detailedresults = ""

            # clear out event history so only the latest fix is recorded
            self.iditerator = 0
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            for event in eventlist:

            if os.path.exists(self.filepath):
                if not checkPerms(self.filepath, self.perms, self.logger):
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(self.filepath, self.perms, self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        self.rulesuccess = False
            if self.editor.fixables:
                if not self.created:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                if self.editor.fix():
                    self.detailedresults += "kveditor fix ran successfully\n"
                    if self.editor.commit():
                        self.detailedresults += "kveditor commit ran " + \
                        self.detailedresults += "kveditor commit did not " + \
                            "run successfully\n"
                        self.rulesuccess = False
                    self.detailedresults += "kveditor fix did not run " + \
                    self.rulesuccess = False
                os.chown(self.filepath, self.perms[0], self.perms[1])
                os.chmod(self.filepath, self.perms[2])
            if self.restart:
                if self.ch.getReturnCode() != 0:
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to restart Grub with " + \
                        "new changes\n"
                    self.rulesuccess = False
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.rulesuccess = False
            self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("fix", self.rulesuccess,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return self.rulesuccess
Exemple #29
    def fix_security_limits(self):
        '''ensure the limits.conf file contains the configuration
        setting * hard core 0

        :returns: succcess

        :rtype: bool
@author: ???


        success = True
        path1 = "/etc/security/limits.conf"
        lookfor1 = "(^\*)\s+hard\s+core\s+0?"
        created = False
        if not os.path.exists(path1):
            if not createFile(path1, self.logger):
                success = False
                self.detailedresults += "Unable to create " + path1 + " file\n"
                created = True
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "creation", "filepath": "path1"}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
        if os.path.exists(path1):
            if not checkPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                if not created:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
                        self.detailedresults += "Unable to correct permissions on " + path1 + "\n"
            contents = readFile(path1, self.logger)
            found = False
            tempstring = ""
            if contents:
                for line in contents:
                    if re.search(lookfor1, line.strip()):
                        found = True
                        tempstring += line
                found = False
            if not found:
                tempstring += "* hard core 0\n"
                tempfile = path1 + ".stonixtmp"
                if not writeFile(tempfile, tempstring, self.logger):
                    success = False
                    self.detailedresults += "Unable to write contents to " + path1 + "\n"
                    if not created:
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                        event = {"eventtype": "conf", "filepath": path1}
                        self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                            path1, tempfile, myid)
                    os.rename(tempfile, path1)
                    setPerms(path1, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger)
        return success
Exemple #30
    def fix_sysctl(self):
        '''set the systemd configuration setting fs.suid_dumpable
        to 0

        :returns: success

        :rtype: bool
@author: ???


        success = True

        # manually writing key and value to /etc/sysctl.conf
        sysctl = "/etc/sysctl.conf"
        created = False
        if not os.path.exists(sysctl):
            if createFile(sysctl, self.logger):
                created = True
                setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger)
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                event = {"eventtype": "creation", "filepath": sysctl}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
                success = False
                debug = "Unable to create " + sysctl + "\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
        if os.path.exists(sysctl):
            if not checkPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                if not created:
                    self.iditerator += 1
                    myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger,
                                    self.statechglogger, myid):
                        success = False
            tmpfile = sysctl + ".tmp"
            editor = KVEditorStonix(self.statechglogger, self.logger, "conf",
                                    sysctl, tmpfile, {"fs.suid_dumpable": "0"},
                                    "present", "openeq")
            if not editor.report():
                if editor.fixables:
                    # If we did not create the file, set an event ID for the
                    # KVEditor's undo event
                    if not created:
                        self.iditerator += 1
                        myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                    if not editor.fix():
                        success = False
                        debug = "Unable to complete kveditor fix method" + \
                            "for /etc/sysctl.conf file\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    elif not editor.commit():
                        success = False
                        debug = "Unable to complete kveditor commit " + \
                            "method for /etc/sysctl.conf file\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                    if not checkPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                        if not setPerms(sysctl, [0, 0, 0o644], self.logger):
                            self.detailedresults += "Could not set permissions on " + \
                                                    self.path + "\n"
                            success = False

        # using sysctl -w command
                        "Configuring /etc/sysctl fs.suid_dumpable directive")
        self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl -w fs.suid_dumpable=0")
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            success = False
            self.detailedresults += "Failed to set core dumps variable suid_dumpable to 0\n"
            errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)
                            "Re-reading sysctl configuration from files")
            self.ch.executeCommand("/sbin/sysctl -q -e -p")
            retcode2 = self.ch.getReturnCode()
            if retcode2 != 0:
                success = False
                self.detailedresults += "Failed to load new sysctl configuration from config file\n"
                errmsg2 = self.ch.getErrorString()
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg2)
                self.iditerator += 1
                myid = iterate(self.iditerator, self.rulenumber)
                command = "/sbin/sysctl -w fs.suid_dumpable=1"
                event = {"eventtype": "commandstring", "command": command}
                self.statechglogger.recordchgevent(myid, event)
        return success