def test_load_fail_wrong_json(self):
        settings = Settings()

        path = os.path.join(mocks.constants.MOCKS_PATHS, 'options_wrong.json')
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.FileReadError):
        assert settings.settings_loaded is False
    def test_load_fail_missing_file(self):
        wrong_path = './not/a/file.json'
        settings = Settings()

        with pytest.raises(exceptions.MissingFile):
        assert settings.settings_loaded is False
        # Custom FileNotFound Exception
        assert settings.errors == [
            "Settings FILE not found at ./not/a/file.json"
    def test_load_settings_success(self):
        # Actually test loading mock options
        settings = Settings()
        assert settings.from_file(mocks.constants.SETTINGS_PATH) is True
        assert settings.settings_loaded is True

        # Validate the some fields are actually loaded
        assert settings.tickers == ['AMC', 'GME']
        assert settings.errors == []
        assert settings.output_type == ticker_writer.output_type