def reset_user(email, public_key, **kwargs): """ Reset a user: set a new certificate. Positional arguments: email (str): The email of the desired user. public_key (str): Path to the new public key for the user (PEM-encoded 4096-bit RSA key). Pass 'auto' to automatically generate a new key pair, and store the private key in your Syndicate key directory. Returns: True on success, or an exception if the user does not exist or the caller is not authorized to set the API field. Authorization: Only an administrator can call this method. Remarks: Syndicate implicitly passes 'user_cert_b64' as a keyword argument, which contains a serialized certificate signed by the admin that contains the email and new public key. It must be signed by an admin. """ return storage.reset_user(email, **kwargs)
def reset_user( email, password, **kwargs ): """ Reset a user's account credentials. Set a new one-time-use registration key, so the user can re-upload a public signing key. Positional arguments: email (str): The email of the desired user. registration_password (str): A one-time-use password the user will use to register a new signing public key. Returns: True on success, or an exception if the user does not exist or the caller is not authorized to set the API field. Authorization: Only an administrator can call this method. Remarks: Syndicate does not send a value for registration_password. It instead sends 'user_cert_b64' as a keyword argument, which contains a serialized certificate signed by the admin that contains the email and registration password hash and salt. """ return storage.reset_user( email, **kwargs )