def create_pipeline(name, processors=None, encoder=None, description=None): try: p = MongoIns.search_by_name(PIPELINE_COLLECTION_NAME, name) if p: raise ExistError(f"pipeline <{name}> already exists", "") pro = [] encoder_res = {} processor_res = {} for processor in processors: pr = operator_detail(processor["name"]) processor_res["operator"] = pr.to_dict() processor_res["instance"] = pr.inspect_instance( processor["instance"]) pro.append(processor_res) encoder_info = operator_detail(encoder["name"]) encoder_res["operator"] = encoder_info.to_dict() encoder_res["instance"] = encoder_info.inspect_instance( encoder["instance"]) pipe = Pipeline(name, description, pro, encoder_res) pipe.metadata = pipe._metadata() if pipeline_illegal(pipe): raise PipelineIllegalError("Pipeline illegal check error", "") MongoIns.insert_documents(PIPELINE_COLLECTION_NAME, pipe.to_dict()) return pipe except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise e
def fetch_operators(url, overwrite=True): """fetch operators from origin market url -- origin url overwrite -- Whether to overwrite local information if the same name exists """ origin = [] try: r = requests.get(url) if r.headers.get(MARKET_IDENTITY_HEADER) != "0.1.0": raise RequestError("Uncertified market", "") if r.status_code != 200: raise RequestError(r.text, r.status_code) except Exception as e: raise RequestError(e.args[0], e) for op in r.json(): origin.append(Operator(op['name'], op['addr'], op['author'], op['version'], op['type'], op['description'])) local_operators = all_operators() local_operator_names = [ for x in local_operators] for x in origin: if not in local_operator_names: local_operators.append(x) else: if overwrite: for lop in local_operators: if == local_operators.remove(lop) local_operators.append(x) MongoIns.delete_mongo_collection(OPERATOR_COLLECTION_NAME) for x in local_operators: MongoIns.insert_documents(OPERATOR_COLLECTION_NAME, x.to_dict()) return local_operators
def new_application(app_name, fields, s3_bucket): ok, message = fields_check(fields) if not ok: raise ArgsCheckError(message, "") try: # check application exist if MongoIns.search_by_name(APPLICATION_COLLECTION_NAME, app_name): raise ExistError(f"application <{app_name}> had exist", "") except ExistError: raise try: for _, value in fields.items(): if value.get("type") == "pipeline": pipe = MongoIns.search_by_name(PIPELINE_COLLECTION_NAME, value.get("value"))[0] ei = identity( pipe.get("encoder").get("instance").get("endpoint")) name = f"{app_name}_{pipe.get('encoder').get('instance').get('name').replace('phantoscope_', '')}" MilvusIns.new_milvus_collection(name, int(ei["dimension"]), 1024, "l2") # create a application entity collection MongoIns.new_mongo_collection(f"{app_name}_entity") S3Ins.new_s3_buckets(s3_bucket) # create milvus collections app = Application(name=app_name, fields=fields, bucket=s3_bucket) app.metadata = app._metadata() MongoIns.insert_documents(APPLICATION_COLLECTION_NAME, app.to_dict()) return app except Exception as e: logger.error("error happen during create app: %s", str(e), exc_info=True) raise e
def register_operators(name, addr, author, version, type, description): try: op = Operator(name, addr, author, version, type, description) op.metadata = op._metadata() if MongoIns.search_by_name(OPERATOR_COLLECTION_NAME, name): raise ExistError(f"operator {name} had exist", "") MongoIns.insert_documents(OPERATOR_COLLECTION_NAME, op.to_dict()) return op.to_dict() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unexpected error happen during register operator, {str(e)}", exc_info=True) raise e
def upload(name, **kwargs): try: app = application_detail(name) if not app: raise NotExistError("application not exist", "application %s not exist" % name) bucket_name = app.buckets.split(",")[0] accept_fields = [x for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') != "pipeline"] pipeline_fields = {x: y['value'] for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') == "pipeline"} new_fields = app.fields.copy() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in accept_fields: new_fields[k]['value'] = v res = [] for k, _ in kwargs.get('fields').items(): if k not in accept_fields and k not in pipeline_fields: raise RequestError(f"fields {k} not in application", "") docs = {} valid_field_flag = False for n, p in pipeline_fields.items(): pipe = pipeline_detail(p) if not pipe: raise NotExistError("pipeline not exist", "pipeline %s not exist" % p) value = kwargs['fields'].get(n) if not value: continue valid_field_flag = True file_data = value.get('data') url = value.get('url') if not file_data and not url: raise RequestError("can't find data or url from request", "") file_name = "{}-{}".format(name, uuid.uuid4().hex) file_path = save_tmp_file(file_name, file_data, url) S3Ins.upload2bucket(bucket_name, file_path, file_name) vectors = run_pipeline(pipe, data=file_data, url=url) if not vectors: raise NoneVectorError("can't encode data by encoder, check input or encoder", "") milvus_collection_name = f"{}_{pipe.encoder['name']}_{pipe.encoder['instance']}" vids = MilvusIns.insert_vectors(milvus_collection_name, vectors) docs[n] = {"ids": vids, "url": gen_url(bucket_name, file_name)} doc_id = MongoIns.insert_documents(f"{}_entity", docs) res.append(new_mapping_ins(docs)) if not valid_field_flag: raise RequestError("none valid field exist", "") return res except Exception as e: err_msg = f"Unexpected error happen when upload: {str(e)}" logger.error(err_msg, exc_info=True) raise UnexpectedError(err_msg, e)
def upload(name, **kwargs): try: app = application_detail(name) if not app: raise NotExistError("application not exist", "application %s not exist" % name) bucket_name = app.buckets.split(",")[0] accept_fields = [x for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') != "pipeline"] pipeline_fields = {x: y['value'] for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') == "pipeline"} new_fields = app.fields.copy() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in accept_fields: new_fields[k]['value'] = v res = [] for k, _ in kwargs.get('fields').items(): if k not in accept_fields and k not in pipeline_fields: raise RequestError(f"fields {k} not in application", "") docs = {} for n, p in pipeline_fields.items(): pipe = pipeline_detail(p) if not pipe: raise NotExistError("pipeline not exist", "pipeline %s not exist" % p) value = kwargs['fields'].get(n) file_data = value.get('data') url = value.get('url') if not file_data and not url: raise RequestError("can't find data or url from request", "") file_name = "{}-{}".format(name, uuid.uuid4().hex) file_path = save_tmp_file(file_name, file_data, url) S3Ins.upload2bucket(bucket_name, file_path, file_name) vectors = run_pipeline(pipe, data=file_data, url=url) milvus_collection_name = f"{}_{pipe.encoder['name']}_{pipe.encoder['instance']}" vids = MilvusIns.insert_vectors(milvus_collection_name, vectors) docs[n] = {"ids": vids, "url": gen_url(bucket_name, file_name)} doc_id = MongoIns.insert_documents(f"{}_entity", docs) res.append(new_mapping_ins(docs)) fields=new_fields)) return res