def set_home(self, home, memory=False): """Sets the home folder""" # self._settings['home'] = home self.home = home if not memory: = JSONStorage(self.get_home(), 'settings') self.reload()
def set_settings(self, params): """Loads the parameters overriding the defaults""" settings = self._default.copy() if params is not None: if not isinstance(params, dict): raise ValueError("Params must be a dict") for defined in self.param_definition.keys(): if defined in params: settings[defined] = params[defined] logging.debug('Set configuration key ' + defined + ' to ' + str(params[defined])) self._settings = settings = JSONStorage(self.get_home(), 'settings')
def scrape_locations(country_id): req = RequestHandler() with JSONStorage(f'lmigroup_{country_id}') as stor: st = [0] while st: n = st.pop() print(n) key = f'loc_{n}' if stor.has_item(key): data = stor.read_item(key) else: data = get_locations(req, n, country_id) stor.store_item(key, data) for i in data: st.append(i['id'])
def show_construction_types(country_id): d = [] ii = {0: 'root'} with JSONStorage(f'lmigroup_{country_id}') as stor: for i in stor.items(): if i.startswith('constr_'): data = stor.read_item(i) for v in data: if v: d.append((v['id'], v)) ii[v['id']] = v['name'] for i, v in sorted(d): print(i, v['name']) print('parent: ', ii[v['parentId']]) print()
def scrape_construction_types(country_id): req = RequestHandler() with JSONStorage(f'lmigroup_{country_id}') as stor: st = [(0, True), (0, False)] while st: n, p = st.pop() print(n, p) key = f'constr_{n}' if p: key += 'p' if stor.has_item(key): data = stor.read_item(key) else: data = get_construction_types(req, n, p, country_id) stor.store_item(key, data) for i in data: st.append((i['id'], p))
def configure(self): """Configures the storage system""" # Read params if self.params is None: self.params = {} params = self.params self.memory = params.get('memory', False) data = params.get('data', None) if self.path is not None: self.data_storage = JSONStorage( self.path, self.subcollection, self.memory) self.items = self.data_storage.load() if self.items is None: self.items = [] if data is not None: self.items = data self._calc_autoid()
def create_csv(country_id): con_n = {} loc_n = {} occ_used = set() loc_used = set() cost_array = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) with JSONStorage(f'lmigroup_{country_id}') as stor: stor.clear_errors() for i in stor.items(): if i.startswith('loc_'): for l in stor.read_item(i): loc_n[l['id']] = l['name'].strip() if i.startswith('constr_'): for c in stor.read_item(i): con_n[c['id']] = c['name'].strip() if i.startswith('cost_'): cost_data = stor.read_item(i) occ_used.add(cost_data['construction']['id']) loc_used.add(cost_data['location']['id']) cost_array[cost_data['construction']['id']][ cost_data['location']['id']] = [ cost_data['lowerCost'], cost_data['upperCost'] ] occ_ids = sorted(occ_used) loc_ids = sorted(loc_used) with open(f'country_{country_id}.csv', 'w') as f: fr = [''] fr.extend(map(loc_n.get, loc_ids)) f.write(','.join(fr) + '\n') for oid in occ_ids: r = [f'"{con_n[oid]}"'] for lid in loc_ids: r.append('"' + '\n'.join(map(str, cost_array[oid][lid])) + '"') f.write(','.join(r) + '\n')
def scrape_costs(country_id): req = RequestHandler() with JSONStorage(f'lmigroup_{country_id}') as stor: stor.clear_errors() locations = [] constructions = [] for i in stor.items(): if i.startswith('loc_'): locations.extend(stor.read_item(i)) if i.startswith('constr_'): constructions.extend(stor.read_item(i)) for location, construction in product(locations, constructions): print(location['id'], construction['id']) key = f'cost_{location["id"]}_{construction["id"]}' if not stor.has_item(key): data = calculate_cost(req, location['id'], construction['id']) data['location'] = location data['construction'] = construction if 'message' in data: print(data['message']) stor.mark_notfound(key, data['message']) else: stor.store_item(key, data)
class Config(object): """Config is the main class for this module; initialize the values with the default configuration, allows query/edit or save it's state.""" _instance = None OSX = 1 WINDOWS = 2 OTHER = 3 DIR_MODE = 0700 # Settings description param_definition = { 'build_user_dir': "Build the user data directory", 'plugins_enabled': "List of plugins enabled", 'lang': """The application language must be locale_COUNTRY or ':system:'. Examples: en_UK for English (United Kingdom) ca_ES for catalan es_ES for spanish """, 'copy': """Copy files to the collection folder policy: never never copy files always copy all the files remote only network files """, } # Default settings _default = { 'build_user_dir': True, 'plugins_enabled': [], 'lang': ':system:', 'copy': 'http', } def __init__(self, platform=None): """ Constructor for Config, initialize all the attributes""" if not Config._instance is None: raise Exception("Called more that once") Config.isntance = self self.__file__ = FILEPATH if platform is None: platform = Config.get_current_os() elif platform not in [Config.OSX, Config.WINDOWS, Config.OTHER]: raise Exception("Platform identifier %s not found" % platform) self.platform = platform self.resources = self.get_resources_path() self.home = ":auto:" # Parse all the parameters self._settings = [] = None self.set_settings(None) def save(self): """Persistences call, stores all the data at disc""" if is not None: def set(self, key, value): """Overrides a value of the settings or creates a new one""" self._settings[key] = value def set_home(self, home, memory=False): """Sets the home folder""" # self._settings['home'] = home self.home = home if not memory: = JSONStorage(self.get_home(), 'settings') self.reload() def set_settings(self, params): """Loads the parameters overriding the defaults""" settings = self._default.copy() if params is not None: if not isinstance(params, dict): raise ValueError("Params must be a dict") for defined in self.param_definition.keys(): if defined in params: settings[defined] = params[defined] logging.debug('Set configuration key ' + defined + ' to ' + str(params[defined])) self._settings = settings = JSONStorage(self.get_home(), 'settings') def get_settings(self): """Returns the settings""" return self._settings def reload(self): """Reloads the stored configuration (if exists)""" if is not None: self.set_settings( @staticmethod def get_instance(): """Returns the config instance""" if Config._instance is None: Config._instance = Config() return Config._instance def get_resources_path(self): """Returns the resources path, in MacOs is the folder Resources inside the bundle """ # determine if application is a script file or frozen exe application_path = '' if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): application_path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) if self.platform == Config.OSX: application_path = application_path.replace( 'MacOS', 'Resources' ) else: application_path = self.__file__.replace( os.path.join('collector', 'core'), '') return os.path.abspath(application_path) def get_appdata_path(self): """Returns the app data folder, this folder is inside the application""" return os.path.join(self.resources, 'data') def get_home(self): """Returns the user data path (home)""" value = self.home if value == ':auto:': value = Config.calculate_data_path(self.platform) elif value == ':resources:': value = self.get_appdata_path() return value get_data_path = get_home def get_plugin_path(self): """Returns the user plugin path""" return os.path.join(self.get_home(), 'plugins') @staticmethod def get_current_os(platform=None): """Try to discover the current OS""" if platform is None: platform = sys.platform platform = platform.lower() if platform in 'win32' or platform in 'win64': return Config.WINDOWS elif platform in 'darwin': return Config.OSX else: return Config.OTHER @staticmethod def calculate_data_path(platform=None): """ Calculates the user data directory, the exact location depends of the OS""" config_dir = None if platform is None: platform = Config.get_current_os() if platform == Config.WINDOWS: # TODO try to use distutils get_special_folder_path #config_dir = get_special_folder_path("CSIDL_APPDATA") config_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') config_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, 'Collector') elif platform == Config.OSX: config_dir = os.path.expanduser( '~/Library/Application Support/Collector') else: bdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '~/.config'))) config_dir = os.path.join(bdir, 'collector') return config_dir def build_data_directory(self): """Creates the content inside the user data directory""" subfolders = ['user_plugins', 'config', 'collections'] import shutil base = self.get_home() if not os.path.exists(base): os.makedirs(base, mode=Config.DIR_MODE) appdata = self.get_appdata_path() # Do a full copy because no previus data exists for folder in subfolders: dst = os.path.join(base, folder) src = os.path.join(appdata, folder) shutil.copytree(src, dst) # TODO check if some data is missing? def conf(self, key): """Returns the setting value for the requested key""" if key != 'home': return self._settings[key] else: return self.get_home() get = conf
def archive_data(country_id): with JSONStorage(f'lmigroup_{country_id}') as stor: stor.archive()
class PersistenceDict(Persistence): """Implementation of persistence using a python dictionary""" _autoid = 1 def __init__(self, schema, path, params=None): super(PersistenceDict, self).__init__(schema, path, params) self.items = [] self.data_storage = None self.memory = False self.class_ = type(str(schema.collection + "_" +, (FileDict,), {"schema":}) # configure self.configure() def configure(self): """Configures the storage system""" # Read params if self.params is None: self.params = {} params = self.params self.memory = params.get('memory', False) data = params.get('data', None) if self.path is not None: self.data_storage = JSONStorage( self.path, self.subcollection, self.memory) self.items = self.data_storage.load() if self.items is None: self.items = [] if data is not None: self.items = data self._calc_autoid() def _calc_autoid(self): """Searchs the max id used and set's the new autoid value""" maxid = 0 for i in self.items: maxid = max(maxid, i['id']) self._autoid = maxid + 1 def filter(self, fitlers): # TODO raise Exception("Not Implemented") def get_filters(self): #TODO return [] def get_last(self, count): """Returns the last items created, the number of items are defined with the count parameter, the items are orderded by last inserted""" result = self.items[-count:] # Reverse the count objects = [] result.reverse() for item in result: objects.append(FileDict(item)) return objects def get(self, _id): if isinstance(_id, str): _id = int(_id) for item in self.items: if _id == item['id']: return FileDict(item) return None def get_all(self, start_at, limit, order=None): """Returns all the items starting at *start_at*, the results could be limited whit *limit*""" result = [] objects = [] if limit == 0: objects = self.items[start_at:] else: objects = self.items[start_at:(start_at + limit)] for item in objects: result.append(FileDict(item)) return result def search(self, term): results = [] term = term.lower() for item in self.items: if item['title'].lower().find(term) != -1: results.append(FileDict(item)) return results def save(self, values): if 'id' in values: for item in self.items: if values['id'] == item['id']: item.update(values) else: values['id'] = self._autoid self._autoid += 1 self.items.append(values) self.commit() def delete(self, _id): for item in self.items: if item['id'] == _id: self.items.remove(item) self.commit() def commit(self): """Stores the changes""" if self.data_storage is not None: def load_references(self, collections, item): if 'refLoaded' in item: return item = item.copy() item['refLoaded'] = True return item