Exemple #1
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        product_soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        product_cells = product_soup.findAll('td', 'pageHeading')

        product_name = product_cells[0].find('h1').contents[0]

        cells = [
            [product_cells[1], ['cash']],
            [product_cells[2], ['deposit', 'debit_card', 'credit_card',

        prices = {}
        for cell, payment_methods in cells:
                product_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(
                    cell.find('span', 'productSpecialPrice').string))
            except Exception:
                product_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(

            for p in payment_methods:
                prices[p] = product_price

        return [product_name, prices]
Exemple #2
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        name = soup.find("div", {"id": "ficha-producto-nombre"}).string
        name = name.encode("ascii", "ignore").strip()

        prices = {}

        has_cencosud_card_price = soup.find("div", {"id": "ficha-producto-precio-mas"})

        if has_cencosud_card_price:
            mas_price = clean_price_string(has_cencosud_card_price.contents[0])
            mas_price = Decimal(mas_price)

            prices["cencosud_card"] = mas_price

            normal_price = soup.find("div", {"id": "ficha-producto-precio-normal"})
            normal_price = normal_price.string.split("$")[1]
            normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price))

            for p in ["cash", "debit_card", "credit_card"]:
                prices[p] = normal_price
            normal_price = soup.find("div", {"id": "ficha-producto-precio"})
            normal_price = normal_price.string.split("$")[1]
            normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price))

            for p in ["cencosud_card", "cash", "debit_card", "credit_card"]:
                prices[p] = normal_price

        return name, prices
Exemple #3
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.open(url).get_data())

        name = product_soup.find('td', 'cy2').find('strong')
        name = name.contents[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        availability = product_soup.find('b', {'style': 'color:red;'})
        if availability:
            if 'PRODUCTO AGOTADO' in availability.string:
                return name, {}

        prices = {}

        cash_price = product_soup.find('span', 'cy3').string
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price))

        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer', 'check']:
            prices[p] = cash_price

        normal_price = product_soup.find('span', 'txtOldPrice').string
        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price))

        for p in ['credit_card']:
            prices[p] = normal_price

        debit_price = product_soup.findAll('span', 'cy1')[1].string
        debit_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(debit_price))

        for p in ['debit_card']:
            prices[p] = debit_price

        return name, prices
Exemple #4
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
            product_soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.open(url).get_data())
        except Exception:
            return url, {}

        name = product_soup.find('h1').contents[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        name = name.strip()

        prices = {}

        cash_price = product_soup.findAll('h2')[1].string.replace('cash', '')
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price))

        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = cash_price

        normal_price = product_soup.find('h2').find('a').string
        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price))

        for p in ['check', 'debit_card', 'credit_card', 'ripley_card',
            prices[p] = normal_price

        return name, prices
Exemple #5
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.open(url).get_data())

        name_container = soup.find('span', 'main_titulo_ficha_bold')
        name_pieces = name_container.string.encode('ascii', 'ignore').split()
        name = ' '.join(name_pieces)

        prices = {}

        cash_price = soup.find('span', 'main_precio_efectivo').find(
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price.string))

        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = cash_price

        normal_price = soup.find('span', 'main_precio_normal').find(
        normal_price = int(clean_price_string(normal_price))

        for p in ['check', 'debit_card']:
            prices[p] = Decimal(int(round(normal_price * 0.97)))

        for p in ['credit_card', 'ripley_card', 'presto_card']:
            prices[p] = Decimal(normal_price)

        return name, prices
Exemple #6
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        br = mechanize.Browser()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(br.open(url).get_data())

        availabilities = soup.find('table', 'pdisponibilidad')
        availabilities = availabilities.findAll('td')

        name = soup.find('title').string.split(
            'WEI CHILE S. A. - ')[1].encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        for availability in availabilities:
            if 'Producto agotado' in availability.contents[1]:
                return name, {}

        prices = {}

        inet_price = soup.find('table', 'pprecio').find('h1').string
        inet_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(inet_price))

        for p in ['credit_card', 'check', 'cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = inet_price

        normal_price = soup.findAll('h5')[1].string
        normal_price = int(clean_price_string(normal_price))

        prices['debit_card'] = Decimal(int(round(normal_price * 0.97)))

        for p in ['dated_check', 'presto_card', 'ripley_card']:
            prices[p] = Decimal(normal_price)

        return name, prices
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        product_soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

            name = product_soup.find('th', {'colspan': '2'}).string
        except AttributeError:
            return url, {}
        name = name.encode('ascii', 'ignore').split('"')[1]

        prices = {}

        cash_price = product_soup.find('table',
                                       {'cellspacing': '1'}).find('table')
        cash_price = cash_price.findAll('td')[3].find('strong').string
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price))

        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = cash_price

        normal_price = product_soup.find('table',
                                         {'cellspacing': '1'}).find('table')
        normal_price = normal_price.findAll('td')[5].find('strong').string
        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price))

        for p in ['debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = normal_price

        return name, prices
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        prices = {}

        name = soup.find('span', 'titulo_producto').string
        name = name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        cash_price = soup.find('span', 'precio_producto_efectivo')
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price.string))

        prices['cash'] = cash_price

        normal_price = soup.find('span', 'otro_precio')
        if normal_price:
            normal_price = normal_price.string.split('$')[1]
            normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price))
            normal_price = cash_price

        for p in ['credit_card', 'debit_card', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = normal_price

        return name, prices
Exemple #9
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        product_soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        product_name = product_soup.find('td', 'tit-nar-bold')
        product_name = product_name.contents[0].split('•')[0]
        product_name = product_name.replace(' » ', '').strip()

        prices = {}

        cash_product_price = \
            product_soup.find('td', {'background':
        cash_product_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(
        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = cash_product_price

        normal_product_price = \
            product_soup.find('td', {'background':
        normal_product_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(
        for p in ['debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = normal_product_price

        return [product_name, prices]
Exemple #10
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        base_data = mechanize.urlopen(url)
        base_soup = BeautifulSoup(base_data)

        title = base_soup.find('div', 'textTituloProducto')
        title = title.string.strip().encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        image = base_soup.findAll('div', 'textOtrosPrecios')[2]
        image = image.find('img')['src']
        if 'agotado' in image or 'proximo' in image:
            return title, {}

        prices = {}

        cash_price = base_soup.find('div', 'textPrecioContado')
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price.string))

        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = cash_price

        normal_price = base_soup.find('div', 'textOtrosPrecios')
        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price.string))

        for p in ['debit_card', 'credit_card', 'presto_card', 'ripley_card']:
            prices[p] = normal_price

        prices['check'] = Decimal(int(round(int(normal_price) * 0.98)))

        return [title, prices]
Exemple #11
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.open(url).get_data())

        stock_status = soup.find('li', 'stocks')
        stock_status = stock_status.findAll('span')[1].contents[0]

        title_span = soup.find('h1')
        title = str(title_span.string).strip()

        if 'pedido' not in stock_status and 'stock' not in stock_status:
            return [title, {}]

        prices = {}

        price_container = soup.find('span', 'red')
        price_string = price_container.find('strong').string
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(price_string))

        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = cash_price

        containers = soup.find('div', {'id': 'product-info'}).findAll('li')

        offset = 0
            if containers[0]['class'] == 'li_ahorro':
                offset = 1
        except KeyError:

        check_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(containers[offset
                                                            + 1].contents[1]))

        prices['check'] = check_price

        debit_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(containers[offset
                                                            + 2].contents[1]))

        prices['debit_card'] = debit_price

        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(containers[offset
                                                             + 3].contents[1]))

        for p in ['dated_check', 'credit_card', 'presto_card', 'ripley_card']:
            prices[p] = normal_price

        return title, prices
Exemple #12
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.open(url).get_data())

        name = soup.find('h4', 'Estilo5').string
        name = name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        prices = {}

        cash_price = soup.find('span',
                               {'style': 'color: #F00; font-size:12px;'})
        cash_price = cash_price.parent.parent.parent.findAll('td')[1].find(
        cash_price = int(clean_price_string(cash_price.string))

        for p in ['cash', 'wire_transfer', 'deposit']:
            prices[p] = Decimal(cash_price)

        normal_price = int(round(cash_price / 0.94))

        for p in ['debit_card', 'credit_card', 'presto_card']:
            prices[p] = Decimal(int(round(normal_price * 0.975)))

        for p in ['check']:
            prices[p] = Decimal(int(round(normal_price * 0.98)))

        for p in ['dated_check']:
            prices[p] = Decimal(normal_price)

        return name, prices
Exemple #13
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
            product_webpage = mechanize.urlopen(url)
        except HTTPError:
            return [url, {}]

        product_soup = BeautifulSoup(product_webpage.read())

            product_name = product_soup.find('h1', {'id': 'catalog_link'})
            product_name = product_name.string
        except AttributeError:
            return url, {}

        product_name = product_name.strip().encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        # Product not available check
        if product_soup.find('span', 'button_bottom'):
            return product_name, {}

        prices = {}

        product_price = product_soup.find('span', {'id': 'offerPrice'}).string
        product_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(product_price))
        for p in ['cash', 'debit_card', 'credit_card', 'abcdin_card']:
            prices[p] = product_price

        return [product_name, prices]
Exemple #14
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()

        soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        product_title = soup.find('h1').contents[0].strip()
        product_title = product_title.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        product_prices = []

        pricing_options_titles = soup.findAll('h3')
        for title in pricing_options_titles:
            if title.string in ['Pack Prepago', 'Compra equipo']:
                price_container = title.parent.find('span', 'valorPrecio')
                if price_container:
                    price = clean_price_string(price_container.string)

        if product_prices:
            product_price = min(product_prices)
            product_price = 0

        prices = {}
        for p in ['cash', 'debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = product_price

        return [product_title, prices]
Exemple #15
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        cookies = mechanize.CookieJar()
        opener = mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies))
        opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (MyProgram/0.1)'),
                             ('From', '*****@*****.**')]
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        product_name = soup.find('h1').string.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        product_price = soup.find('span', {'id': 'product_price'})
        product_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(product_price.string))

        payment_methods = ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']

        additional_data = soup.find('td', 'descr').findAll('h3')

        if not additional_data:
            payment_methods.extend(['debit_card', 'credit_card'])
        elif additional_data[0].string and 'Contado' not in \
            payment_methods.extend(['debit_card', 'credit_card'])

        prices = {}
        for p in payment_methods:
            prices[p] = product_price

        return [product_name, prices]
Exemple #16
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()

        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        product_soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        pn = product_soup.find('div',
                               {'id': 'destacadoRuta'}).find('a').string

        if not pn:
            return url, {}

        pn = pn.replace(' ', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')
        pn = ' '.join(re.split('\s+', pn.replace('\t', ' ')))
        product_name = pn.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        prices = {}

        price_container = product_soup.find('div', {'id': 'skuPrice'})

        op_unica_cmr = bool(price_container.findAll('div', 'opUnica'))

        if op_unica_cmr:
            # CMR Price
            cmr_price = price_container.find('div', 'precio1')
            cmr_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cmr_price.contents[2]))

            prices['cmr_card'] = cmr_price

            # Sale price
            sale_price = price_container.find('div', 'precio2')
            sale_price = sale_price.string.split(':')[1]
            sale_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(sale_price))

            for p in ['cash', 'debit_card', 'credit_card']:
                prices[p] = sale_price
            # Internet Price
            inet_price = price_container.find('div', 'precio1')
            inet_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(inet_price.contents[2]))

            for p in ['cmr_card', 'cash', 'debit_card', 'credit_card']:
                prices[p] = inet_price

        return [product_name, prices]
Exemple #17
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        br = mechanize.Browser()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(br.open(url).get_data())

        name = soup.find('h2').string

        prices = {}

        cash_price = soup.find('span', {'id': 'our_price_display'}).string
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price))

        prices['cash'] = cash_price

        normal_price = soup.find('span', {'id': 'old_price_display'}).string
        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price))

        for p in ['debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = normal_price

        return name, prices
Exemple #18
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.open(url).get_data())

        name = soup.find('span', 'textogrisbold')
        name = name.string.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        prices = {}

        inet_price = soup.find('div', 'textodetallesrojo')
        if inet_price.string:
            inet_price = inet_price.string
            inet_price = inet_price.find('div').string

        inet_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(inet_price.split('$')[1]))

        normal_price = soup.find('span', 'normalHOME')
        if normal_price:
            normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(

        ripley_card_exclusive = soup.find(
            'img', {'src': '/wcsstore/Ripley/en_US/images/tarjeta.gif'})

        if ripley_card_exclusive:
            prices['ripley_card'] = inet_price

            if normal_price:
                for p in ['cash', 'debit_card', 'credit_card']:
                    prices[p] = normal_price
            for p in ['debit_card', 'credit_card', 'ripley_card']:
                prices[p] = inet_price

            if normal_price:
                prices['cash'] = normal_price

        return name, prices
Exemple #19
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()

            product_soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            return [url, {}]

        name = product_soup.find('div', 'titleContent').string
        name = name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

            availability = product_soup.find('div', 'stock')
            availability = availability.contents[4]
        except AttributeError:
            return name, {}

        if 'Agotado' in availability:
            return name, {}

        prices = {}

        cash_price = product_soup.findAll('div', 'precioDetalle')[1]
        cash_price = cash_price.string.split('$')[1]
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price))

        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = cash_price

        normal_price = product_soup.find('div', 'precioDetalle')
        normal_price = normal_price.string.split('$')[1]
        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price))

        for p in ['debit_card', 'credit_card', 'check']:
            prices[p] = normal_price

        return name, prices
Exemple #20
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        br = mechanize.Browser()
        data = br.open(url).get_data()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)

        name = soup.find('h1').string.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        prices = {}

        contado_price = soup.find('span', 'precio oferta').find('b')
        contado_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(contado_price.string))

        for p in ['cash', 'check', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = contado_price

        normal_price = soup.find('span', 'precio').find('b')
        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price.string))

        for p in ['dated_check', 'credit_card', 'debit_card', 'presto_card',
            prices[p] = normal_price

        return name, prices
Exemple #21
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(mechanize.urlopen(url))

        name = soup.find('h1').string.strip().encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        if soup.find('span', 'warning_inline'):
            return [name, {}]

        prices = {}

        cash_price = soup.find('span', {'id': 'our_price_display'}).string
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price))

        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = cash_price

        normal_price = soup.find('span', 'value').string
        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price))

        for p in ['debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = normal_price

        return [name, prices]
Exemple #22
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        br = mechanize.Browser()
        data = br.open(url).get_data()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)

        stock_info = soup.find('td', 'disp')

        title_span = soup.find('td', 'menuprodg')
        title = title_span.contents[0].strip()
        name = title.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()

        if not stock_info:
            return [name, {}]

        stock_string = ''.join(str(stock) for stock in stock_info.contents)

        if 'Agotado' in stock_string:
            return [name, {}]

        prices = {}

        inet_price_cell = soup.find('td', 'prcm')
        internet_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(inet_price_cell.string))

        prices['wire_transfer'] = internet_price

        cash_price_cell = soup.find('td', 'prc8')
        cash_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(cash_price_cell.string))
        for p in ['cash', 'check']:
            prices[p] = cash_price

        normal_price_cell = soup.findAll('td', 'prc8')[1]
        normal_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(normal_price_cell.string))
        for p in ['dated_check', 'debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = normal_price

        return [name, prices]
Exemple #23
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        br = mechanize.Browser()
            data = br.open(url).get_data()
        except BadStatusLine:
            return url, {}
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)

        name = soup.findAll('h1')[1].string.strip().encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        contado_price = Decimal(
            clean_price_string(soup.findAll('span', 'price')[1].string))

        normal_price = Decimal(
            clean_price_string(soup.findAll('span', 'price')[3].string))

        prices = {}
        for payment_method in ['wire_transfer', 'deposit', 'cash']:
            prices[payment_method] = contado_price

        for payment_method in ['debit_card', 'credit_card', 'presto_card']:
            prices[payment_method] = normal_price

        return name, prices
Exemple #24
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        name = soup.findAll('h2')[1]
        name = name.string.strip().encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        price = soup.find('span', {'itemprop': 'price'}).contents[0]
        price = Decimal(clean_price_string(price))

        prices = {}
        for p in ['cash', 'credit_card', 'debit_card', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = price

        return name, prices
Exemple #25
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        br = mechanize.Browser()
        data = br.open(url).get_data()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)

        title = soup.find('div', {'id': 'scpcc_title'}).find('img')['alt']
        title = title.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        price = soup.find(['tr', 'td'], 'pricing_dotdotdot')
        price = price.findAll('span')[-1].string.split('$')[1]
        price = Decimal(clean_price_string(price))

        prices = {}
        for p in ['credit_card', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = price

        return [title, prices]
Exemple #26
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(browser.open(url).get_data())

        name = soup.findAll('h2')[5].string.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        prices = {}

            price = soup.find('div', 'detallesCompra')
            price = price.findAll('dd')[1].string
            price = Decimal(clean_price_string(price))
        except Exception:
            return name, {}

        for p in ['cash', 'debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = price

        return name, prices
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        name = soup.find('div', 'tit_prod_det').string
        name = name.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()

        if not int(soup.find('span', 'unidades').string):
            return name, {}

        price = soup.find('div', 'precio_det').contents[1]
        price = Decimal(clean_price_string(price))

        prices = {}
        for p in ['cash', 'debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = price

        return name, prices
Exemple #28
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        br = mechanize.Browser()

        # Double open URL because the first redirects to home and sets a cookie
        product_soup = BeautifulSoup(br.open(url).get_data())

        product_name = product_soup.findAll('h2')[-1].string
        product_name = product_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        product_price = product_soup.find('h1', 'bigtitle')
        product_price = product_price.contents[0].split('$')[1]
        product_price = Decimal(clean_price_string(product_price))

        prices = {}
        for p in ['debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = product_price

        return [product_name, prices]
Exemple #29
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()

        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()

        soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)
        name = soup.find('h1').contents[2].encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()

        prepago_price_container = soup.find('li', 'pnormalForeverAlone')

        if prepago_price_container:
            price = prepago_price_container.find('span').string
            price = Decimal(clean_price_string(price))
            price = Decimal(0)

        prices = {}
        for p in ['cash', 'debit_card', 'credit_card']:
            prices[p] = price

        return name, prices
Exemple #30
    def _retrieve_product(cls, url):
        browser = mechanize.Browser()
        product_data = browser.open(url).get_data()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(product_data)

        name = soup.find('h1').string
        contado_price = soup.find('span', {'id': 'our_price_display'}).string
        contado_price = int(clean_price_string(contado_price))

        prices = {}
        for p in ['cash', 'deposit', 'wire_transfer']:
            prices[p] = Decimal(contado_price)

        real_price = int(round(contado_price / 0.95))

        prices['check'] = Decimal(int(round(real_price * 0.97)))

        for p in ['dated_check', 'credit_card', 'debit_card']:
            prices[p] = Decimal(real_price)

        return name, prices