Exemple #1
class BlockAccessTest(TestHelper):
    """Tests for L{block_access}."""

    helpers = [MakePath]

    def setUp(self):
        super(BlockAccessTest, self).setUp()
        database = SQLite(URI("sqlite:"))
        self.store = Store(database)

    def test_block_access(self):
        The L{block_access} context manager blocks access to a L{Store}.  A
        L{ConnectionBlockedError} exception is raised if an attempt to access
        the underlying database is made while a store is blocked.
        with block_access(self.store):
            self.assertRaises(ConnectionBlockedError, self.store.execute,
                              "SELECT 1")
        result = self.store.execute("SELECT 1")
        self.assertEqual([(1, )], list(result))

    def test_block_access_with_multiple_stores(self):
        If multiple L{Store}s are passed to L{block_access} they will all be
        blocked until the managed context is left.
        database = SQLite(URI("sqlite:%s" % self.make_path()))
        store = Store(database)
        with block_access(self.store, store):
            self.assertRaises(ConnectionBlockedError, self.store.execute,
                              "SELECT 1")
            self.assertRaises(ConnectionBlockedError, store.execute,
                              "SELECT 1")
Exemple #2
def connect_db(thread_index):
    global storm_stores

    dburi = config.get('storm.dburi')
    database = create_database(dburi)
        local_store = Store(database)       
    except Exception:
        log.error("Unable to connect to database: %s" % dburi)

    timezone = config.get("storm.timezone")
    if timezone:
        local_store.execute(SQL("SET time_zone=?", (timezone, )));

    storm_stores[thread_index] = local_store
    cherrypy.thread_data.store = local_store
Exemple #3
class Storm(object):
    def __init__(self,db="sqlite"):
        if db=="postgres":
        elif db=="sqlite":
        if db!="sqlite":
        self.database = create_database(expr)
        self.store = Store(self.database)
        #self.store.execute("DROP TABLE users")
        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, login VARCHAR(8), userid INTEGER, projid INTEGER)")
    def insert(self):
        users=(User(id=userid,login=unicode(who), userid=userid, projid=randint(1,5)) for who, userid in randName())
    def update(self):
        q=self.store.find(User, User.projid == fr)
        return fr,to,c

    def delete(self):
        q=self.store.find(User, User.projid == fr)
        return fr,c

    def drop(self):
    def dbDump(self):
        for i in self.store.find(User):
            print i
class SQLObjectTest(TestHelper):
    def setUp(self):

        # Allow classes with the same name in different tests to resolve
        # property path strings properly.

        self.store = Store(create_database("sqlite:"))

        class SQLObject(SQLObjectBase):
            def _get_store():
                return self.store

        self.SQLObject = SQLObject

        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE person "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER,"
                           " ts TIMESTAMP, delta INTERVAL,"
                           " address_id INTEGER)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person VALUES "
                           "(1, 'John Joe', 20, '2007-02-05 19:53:15',"
                           " '1 day, 12:34:56', 1)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person VALUES "
                           "(2, 'John Doe', 20, '2007-02-05 20:53:15',"
                           " '42 days 12:34:56.78', 2)")

        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE address "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, city TEXT)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO address VALUES (1, 'Curitiba')")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO address VALUES (2, 'Sao Carlos')")

        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE phone "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, person_id INTEGER,"
                           "number TEXT)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO phone VALUES (1, 2, '1234-5678')")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO phone VALUES (2, 1, '8765-4321')")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO phone VALUES (3, 2, '8765-5678')")

        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE person_phone "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, person_id INTEGER, "
                           "phone_id INTEGER)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person_phone VALUES (1, 2, 1)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person_phone VALUES (2, 2, 2)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person_phone VALUES (3, 1, 1)")

        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            _defaultOrder = "-Person.name"
            name = StringCol()
            age = IntCol()
            ts = UtcDateTimeCol()

        self.Person = Person

    def test_get(self):
        person = self.Person.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_get_not_found(self):
        self.assertRaises(SQLObjectNotFound, self.Person.get, 1000)

    def test_get_typecast(self):
        person = self.Person.get("2")
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_destroySelf(self):
        person = self.Person.get(2)
        self.assertRaises(SQLObjectNotFound, self.Person.get, 2)

    def test_delete(self):
        self.assertRaises(SQLObjectNotFound, self.Person.get, 2)

    def test_custom_table_name(self):
        class MyPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"

        person = MyPerson.get(2)

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_custom_id_name(self):
        class MyPerson(self.SQLObject):
            _defaultOrder = "-Person.name"
            _table = "person"
            _idName = "name"
            _idType = six.text_type
            age = IntCol()
            ts = UtcDateTimeCol()

        person = MyPerson.get("John Doe")

        self.assertEqual(person.id, "John Doe")

    def test_create(self):
        person = self.Person(name="John Joe")

        self.assertTrue(Store.of(person) is self.store)
        self.assertEqual(type(person.id), int)
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_SO_creating(self):
        test = self

        class Person(self.Person):
            def set(self, **args):
                test.assertEqual(self._SO_creating, True)
                test.assertEqual(args, {"name": "John Joe"})

        person = Person(name="John Joe")
        self.assertEqual(person._SO_creating, False)

    def test_object_not_added_if__create_fails(self):
        objects = []

        class Person(self.Person):
            def _create(self, id, **kwargs):
                raise RuntimeError

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, Person, name="John Joe")
        self.assertEqual(len(objects), 1)
        person = objects[0]
        self.assertEqual(Store.of(person), None)

    def test_init_hook(self):
        called = []

        class Person(self.Person):
            def _init(self, *args, **kwargs):

        person = Person(name="John Joe")
        self.assertEqual(called, [True])
        self.assertEqual(called, [True, True])

    def test_alternateID(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(alternateID=True)

        person = Person.byName("John Doe")
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_alternateMethodName(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(alternateMethodName="byFoo")

        person = Person.byFoo("John Doe")
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

        self.assertRaises(SQLObjectNotFound, Person.byFoo, "John None")

    def test_select(self):
        result = self.Person.select("name = 'John Joe'")
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_sqlbuilder(self):
        result = self.Person.select(self.Person.q.name == "John Joe")
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_orderBy(self):
        result = self.Person.select("name LIKE 'John%'",
                                    orderBy=("name", "id"))
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Doe")

    def test_select_orderBy_expr(self):
        result = self.Person.select("name LIKE 'John%'",
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Doe")

    def test_select_all(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_empty_string(self):
        result = self.Person.select('')
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_limit(self):
        result = self.Person.select(limit=1)
        self.assertEqual(len(list(result)), 1)

    def test_select_negative_offset(self):
        result = self.Person.select(orderBy="name")
        self.assertEqual(result[-1].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_slice_negative_offset(self):
        result = self.Person.select(orderBy="name")[-1:]
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_distinct(self):
        result = self.Person.select("person.name = 'John Joe'",
        self.assertEqual(len(list(result)), 1)

    def test_select_selectAlso(self):
        # Since John Doe has two phone numbers, this would return him
        # twice without the distinct=True bit.
        result = self.Person.select("person.id = phone.person_id",
                                    selectAlso="LOWER(name) AS lower_name",
        people = list(result)
        self.assertEqual(len(people), 2)
        self.assertEqual(people[0].name, "John Doe")
        self.assertEqual(people[1].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_selectAlso_with_prejoin(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address",

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        result = Person.select(prejoins=["address"],
                               selectAlso="LOWER(person.name) AS lower_name",
        people = list(result)
        self.assertEqual(len(people), 2)
        self.assertEqual([(person.name, person.address.city)
                          for person in people], [("John Doe", "Sao Carlos"),
                                                  ("John Joe", "Curitiba")])

    def test_select_clauseTables_simple(self):
        result = self.Person.select("name = 'John Joe'", ["person"])
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_clauseTables_implicit_join(self):
        result = self.Person.select(
            "person.name = 'John Joe' and "
            "phone.person_id = person.id", ["person", "phone"])
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_clauseTables_no_cls_table(self):
        result = self.Person.select(
            "person.name = 'John Joe' and "
            "phone.person_id = person.id", ["phone"])
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectBy(self):
        result = self.Person.selectBy(name="John Joe")
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectBy_orderBy(self):
        result = self.Person.selectBy(age=20, orderBy="name")
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Doe")

        result = self.Person.selectBy(age=20, orderBy="-name")
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectOne(self):
        person = self.Person.selectOne("name = 'John Joe'")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

        nobody = self.Person.selectOne("name = 'John None'")

        self.assertEqual(nobody, None)

        # SQLBuilder style expression:
        person = self.Person.selectOne(self.Person.q.name == "John Joe")

        self.assertNotEqual(person, None)
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectOne_multiple_results(self):

    def test_selectOne_clauseTables(self):
        person = self.Person.selectOne(
            "person.name = 'John Joe' and "
            "phone.person_id = person.id", ["phone"])
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectOneBy(self):
        person = self.Person.selectOneBy(name="John Joe")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

        nobody = self.Person.selectOneBy(name="John None")

        self.assertEqual(nobody, None)

    def test_selectOneBy_multiple_results(self):

    def test_selectFirst(self):
        person = self.Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'", orderBy="name")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

        person = self.Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'", orderBy="-name")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

        nobody = self.Person.selectFirst("name = 'John None'", orderBy="name")

        self.assertEqual(nobody, None)

        # SQLBuilder style expression:
        person = self.Person.selectFirst(LIKE(self.Person.q.name, u"John%"),
        self.assertNotEqual(person, None)
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_selectFirst_default_order(self):
        person = self.Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectFirst_default_order_list(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            _defaultOrder = ["name"]

        person = Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_selectFirst_default_order_expr(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            _defaultOrder = [SQLConstant("name")]

        person = Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_selectFirst_default_order_fully_qualified(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            _defaultOrder = ["person.name"]

        person = Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_selectFirstBy(self):
        person = self.Person.selectFirstBy(age=20, orderBy="name")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

        person = self.Person.selectFirstBy(age=20, orderBy="-name")

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

        nobody = self.Person.selectFirstBy(age=1000, orderBy="name")

        self.assertEqual(nobody, None)

    def test_selectFirstBy_default_order(self):
        person = self.Person.selectFirstBy(age=20)

        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_syncUpdate(self):
        """syncUpdate() flushes pending changes to the database."""
        person = self.Person.get(id=1)
        person.name = "John Smith"
        name = self.store.execute(
            "SELECT name FROM person WHERE id = 1").get_one()[0]
        self.assertEqual(name, "John Smith")

    def test_sync(self):
        """sync() flushes pending changes and invalidates the cache."""
        person = self.Person.get(id=1)
        person.name = "John Smith"
        name = self.store.execute(
            "SELECT name FROM person WHERE id = 1").get_one()[0]
        self.assertEqual(name, "John Smith")
        # Now make a change behind Storm's back and show that sync()
        # makes the new value from the database visible.
            "UPDATE person SET name = 'Jane Smith' "
            "WHERE id = 1",
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "Jane Smith")

    def test_col_name(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            foo = StringCol(dbName="name")

        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(person.foo, "John Doe")

        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            foo = StringCol("name")

        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(person.foo, "John Doe")

    def test_col_default(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(default="Johny")

        person = Person()
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "Johny")

    def test_col_default_factory(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(default=lambda: "Johny")

        person = Person()
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "Johny")

    def test_col_not_null(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(notNull=True)

        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertRaises(NoneError, setattr, person, "name", None)

    def test_col_storm_validator(self):
        calls = []

        def validator(obj, attr, value):
            calls.append((obj, attr, value))
            return value

        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(storm_validator=validator)

        person = Person.get(2)
        person.name = u'foo'
        self.assertEqual(calls, [(person, 'name', u'foo')])

    def test_string_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol()

        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_int_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            age = IntCol()

        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(person.age, 20)

    def test_bool_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            age = BoolCol()

        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(person.age, True)

    def test_float_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            age = FloatCol()

        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertTrue(abs(person.age - 20.0) < 1e-6)

    def test_utcdatetime_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            ts = UtcDateTimeCol()

        person = Person.get(2)
            person.ts, datetime.datetime(2007,

    def test_date_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            ts = DateCol()

        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(person.ts, datetime.date(2007, 2, 5))

    def test_interval_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            delta = IntervalCol()

        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(person.delta, datetime.timedelta(42, 45296, 780000))

    def test_foreign_key(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address",

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.get(2)

        self.assertEqual(person.addressID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_foreign_key_no_dbname(self):
        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE another_person "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER,"
                           " ts TIMESTAMP, address INTEGER)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO another_person VALUES "
                           "(2, 'John Doe', 20, '2007-02-05 20:53:15', 2)")

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", notNull=True)

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)

        self.assertEqual(person.addressID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_foreign_key_orderBy(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            _defaultOrder = "address"
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address",

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.selectFirst()
        self.assertEqual(person.addressID, 1)

    def test_foreign_key_storm_validator(self):
        calls = []

        def validator(obj, attr, value):
            calls.append((obj, attr, value))
            return value

        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address",

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.get(2)
        address = Address.get(1)
        person.address = address
        self.assertEqual(calls, [(person, 'addressID', 1)])

    def test_multiple_join(self):
        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            phones = SQLMultipleJoin("Phone", joinColumn="person")

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            person = ForeignKey("AnotherPerson", dbName="person_id")
            number = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)

        # Make sure that the result is wrapped.
        result = person.phones.orderBy("-number")

        self.assertEqual([phone.number for phone in result],
                         ["8765-5678", "1234-5678"])

        # Test add/remove methods.
        number = Phone.selectOneBy(number="1234-5678")
        self.assertEqual(sorted(phone.number for phone in person.phones),
        self.assertEqual(sorted(phone.number for phone in person.phones),
                         ["1234-5678", "8765-5678"])

    def test_multiple_join_prejoins(self):
        self.store.execute("ALTER TABLE phone ADD COLUMN address_id INT")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE phone SET address_id = 1")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE phone SET address_id = 2 WHERE id = 3")

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            phones = SQLMultipleJoin("Phone",

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            person = ForeignKey("AnotherPerson", dbName="person_id")
            address = ForeignKey("Address", dbName="address_id")
            number = StringCol()

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)
        [phone1, phone2] = person.phones

        # Delete addresses behind Storm's back to show that the
        # addresses have been loaded.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.assertEqual(phone1.number, "1234-5678")
        self.assertEqual(phone1.address.city, "Curitiba")
        self.assertEqual(phone2.number, "8765-5678")
        self.assertEqual(phone2.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_related_join(self):
        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            phones = SQLRelatedJoin("Phone",

        class PersonPhone(self.Person):
            person_id = IntCol()
            phone_id = IntCol()

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            number = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)

        self.assertEqual([phone.number for phone in person.phones],
                         ["1234-5678", "8765-4321"])

        # Make sure that the result is wrapped.
        result = person.phones.orderBy("-number")

        self.assertEqual([phone.number for phone in result],
                         ["8765-4321", "1234-5678"])

        # Test add/remove methods.
        number = Phone.selectOneBy(number="1234-5678")
        self.assertEqual(sorted(phone.number for phone in person.phones),
        self.assertEqual(sorted(phone.number for phone in person.phones),
                         ["1234-5678", "8765-4321"])

    def test_related_join_prejoins(self):
        self.store.execute("ALTER TABLE phone ADD COLUMN address_id INT")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE phone SET address_id = 1")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE phone SET address_id = 2 WHERE id = 2")

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            phones = SQLRelatedJoin("Phone",

        class PersonPhone(self.Person):
            person_id = IntCol()
            phone_id = IntCol()

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            number = StringCol()
            address = ForeignKey("Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)
        [phone1, phone2] = person.phones

        # Delete addresses behind Storm's back to show that the
        # addresses have been loaded.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.assertEqual(phone1.number, "1234-5678")
        self.assertEqual(phone1.address.city, "Curitiba")
        self.assertEqual(phone2.number, "8765-4321")
        self.assertEqual(phone2.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_single_join(self):
        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE office "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, phone_id INTEGER,"
                           "name TEXT)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO office VALUES (1, 1, 'An office')")

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            office = SingleJoin("Office", joinColumn="phoneID")

        class Office(self.SQLObject):
            phone = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Phone",
            name = StringCol()

        office = Office.get(1)
        self.assertEqual(office.name, "An office")

        phone = Phone.get(1)
        self.assertEqual(phone.office, office)

        # The single join returns None for a phone with no office
        phone = Phone.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(phone.office, None)

    def test_result_set_orderBy(self):
        result = self.Person.select()

        result = result.orderBy("-name")
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result],
                         ["John Joe", "John Doe"])

        result = result.orderBy("name")
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result],
                         ["John Doe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_orderBy_fully_qualified(self):
        result = self.Person.select()

        result = result.orderBy("-person.name")
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result],
                         ["John Joe", "John Doe"])

        result = result.orderBy("person.name")
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result],
                         ["John Doe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_count(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEqual(result.count(), 2)

    def test_result_set_count_limit(self):
        result = self.Person.select(limit=1)
        self.assertEqual(len(list(result)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result.count(), 1)

    def test_result_set_count_sliced(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        sliced_result = result[1:]
        self.assertEqual(len(list(sliced_result)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(sliced_result.count(), 1)

    def test_result_set_count_sliced_empty(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        sliced_result = result[1:1]
        self.assertEqual(len(list(sliced_result)), 0)
        self.assertEqual(sliced_result.count(), 0)

    def test_result_set_count_sliced_empty_zero(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        sliced_result = result[0:0]
        self.assertEqual(len(list(sliced_result)), 0)
        self.assertEqual(sliced_result.count(), 0)

    def test_result_set_count_sliced_none(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        sliced_result = result[None:None]
        self.assertEqual(len(list(sliced_result)), 2)
        self.assertEqual(sliced_result.count(), 2)

    def test_result_set_count_sliced_start_none(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        sliced_result = result[None:1]
        self.assertEqual(len(list(sliced_result)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(sliced_result.count(), 1)

    def test_result_set_count_sliced_end_none(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        sliced_result = result[1:None]
        self.assertEqual(len(list(sliced_result)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(sliced_result.count(), 1)

    def test_result_set_count_distinct(self):
        result = self.Person.select("person.id = phone.person_id",
        self.assertEqual(result.count(), 2)

    def test_result_set_count_union_distinct(self):
        result1 = self.Person.select("person.id = 1", distinct=True)
        result2 = self.Person.select("person.id = 2", distinct=True)
        self.assertEqual(result1.union(result2).count(), 2)

    def test_result_set_count_with_joins(self):
        result = self.Person.select("person.address_id = address.id",
        self.assertEqual(result.count(), 2)

    def test_result_set__getitem__(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_result_set__iter__(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEqual(list(result.__iter__())[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_result_set__bool__(self):
        L{SQLObjectResultSet.__bool__} returns C{True} if the result set
        contains results.  If it contains no results, C{False} is
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEqual(result.__bool__(), True)
        if six.PY2:
            self.assertEqual(result.__nonzero__(), True)
        result = self.Person.select(self.Person.q.name == "No Person")
        self.assertEqual(result.__bool__(), False)
        if six.PY2:
            self.assertEqual(result.__nonzero__(), False)

    def test_result_set_is_empty(self):
        L{SQLObjectResultSet.is_empty} returns C{True} if the result set
        doesn't contain any results.  If it does contain results, C{False} is
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEqual(result.is_empty(), False)
        result = self.Person.select(self.Person.q.name == "No Person")
        self.assertEqual(result.is_empty(), True)

    def test_result_set_distinct(self):
        result = self.Person.select("person.name = 'John Joe'",
        self.assertEqual(len(list(result.distinct())), 1)

    def test_result_set_limit(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEqual(len(list(result.limit(1))), 1)

    def test_result_set_union(self):
        result1 = self.Person.selectBy(id=1)
        result2 = self.Person.selectBy(id=2)
        result3 = result1.union(result2, orderBy="name")
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result3],
                         ["John Doe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_union_all(self):
        result1 = self.Person.selectBy(id=1)
        result2 = result1.union(result1, unionAll=True)
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result2],
                         ["John Joe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_except_(self):
        person = self.Person(id=3, name="John Moe")
        result1 = self.Person.select()
        result2 = self.Person.selectBy(id=2)
        result3 = result1.except_(result2, orderBy="name")
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result3],
                         ["John Joe", "John Moe"])

    def test_result_set_intersect(self):
        person = self.Person(id=3, name="John Moe")
        result1 = self.Person.select()
        result2 = self.Person.select(self.Person.id.is_in((2, 3)))
        result3 = result1.intersect(result2, orderBy="name")
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result3],
                         ["John Doe", "John Moe"])

    def test_result_set_prejoin(self):
        self.store.execute("ALTER TABLE person ADD COLUMN phone_id INTEGER")
            "UPDATE person SET phone_id=1 WHERE name='John Doe'")

        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")
            phone = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Phone", dbName="phone_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            number = StringCol()

        result = Person.select("person.name = 'John Doe'")
        result = result.prejoin(["address", "phone"])

        people = list(result)

        # Remove rows behind its back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM phone")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEqual([person.address.city for person in people],
                         ["Sao Carlos"])
        self.assertEqual([person.phone.number for person in people],

    def test_result_set_prejoin_getitem(self):
        """Ensure that detuplelizing is used on getitem."""
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        result = Person.select("person.name = 'John Doe'",
        person = result[0]

        # Remove the row behind its back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEqual(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_one(self):
        """Ensure that detuplelizing is used on selectOne()."""
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.selectOne("person.name = 'John Doe'",

        # Remove the row behind its back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEqual(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_first(self):
        """Ensure that detuplelizing is used on selectFirst()."""
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.selectFirst("person.name = 'John Doe'",

        # Remove the row behind Storm's back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEqual(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_by(self):
        """Ensure that prejoins work with selectBy() queries."""
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        result = Person.selectBy(name="John Doe").prejoin(["address"])
        person = result[0]

        # Remove the row behind Storm's back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEqual(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_related(self):
        """Dotted prejoins are used to prejoin through another table."""
        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            person = ForeignKey(foreignKey="AnotherPerson", dbName="person_id")
            number = StringCol()

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        phone = Phone.selectOne("phone.number = '1234-5678'",

        # Remove the rows behind Storm's back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM person")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEqual(phone.person.name, "John Doe")
        self.assertEqual(phone.person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_table_twice(self):
        """A single table can be prejoined multiple times."""
        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE lease "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
                           " landlord_id INTEGER, tenant_id INTEGER)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO lease VALUES (1, 1, 2)")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Lease(self.SQLObject):
            landlord = ForeignKey(foreignKey="AnotherPerson",
            tenant = ForeignKey(foreignKey="AnotherPerson", dbName="tenant_id")

        lease = Lease.select(prejoins=[
            "landlord", "landlord.address", "tenant", "tenant.address"

        # Remove the person rows behind Storm's back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM person")

        self.assertEqual(lease.landlord.name, "John Joe")
        self.assertEqual(lease.landlord.address.city, "Curitiba")
        self.assertEqual(lease.tenant.name, "John Doe")
        self.assertEqual(lease.tenant.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_count(self):
        """Prejoins do not affect the result of aggregates like COUNT()."""
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        result = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        self.assertEqual(result.count(), 1)

    def test_result_set_prejoin_mismatch_union(self):
        """Prejoins do not cause UNION incompatibilities. """
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        # The prejoin should not prevent the union from working.  At
        # the moment this is done by unconditionally stripping the
        # prejoins (which is what our SQLObject patch did), but could
        # be smarter.
        result1 = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        result2 = Person.select("name = 'John Joe'")
        result = result1.union(result2)
        names = sorted(person.name for person in result)
        self.assertEqual(names, ["John Doe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_prejoin_mismatch_except(self):
        """Prejoins do not cause EXCEPT incompatibilities. """
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        # The prejoin should not prevent the union from working.  At
        # the moment this is done by unconditionally stripping the
        # prejoins (which is what our SQLObject patch did), but could
        # be smarter.
        result1 = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        result2 = Person.select("name = 'John Joe'")
        result = result1.except_(result2)
        names = sorted(person.name for person in result)
        self.assertEqual(names, ["John Doe"])

    def test_result_set_prejoin_mismatch_intersect(self):
        """Prejoins do not cause INTERSECT incompatibilities. """
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        # The prejoin should not prevent the union from working.  At
        # the moment this is done by unconditionally stripping the
        # prejoins (which is what our SQLObject patch did), but could
        # be smarter.
        result1 = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        result2 = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'")
        result = result1.intersect(result2)
        names = sorted(person.name for person in result)
        self.assertEqual(names, ["John Doe"])

    def test_result_set_prejoinClauseTables(self):
        self.store.execute("ALTER TABLE person ADD COLUMN phone_id INTEGER")
            "UPDATE person SET phone_id=1 WHERE name='John Doe'")

        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="AddressClass",
            phone = ForeignKey(foreignKey="PhoneClass", dbName="phone_id")

        # Name the class so that it doesn't match the table name, to ensure
        # that the prejoin is actually using table names, rather than class
        # names.
        class AddressClass(self.SQLObject):
            _table = "address"
            city = StringCol()

        class PhoneClass(self.SQLObject):
            _table = "phone"
            number = StringCol()

        result = Person.select(
            "person.name = 'John Doe' and "
            "person.phone_id = phone.id and "
            "person.address_id = address.id",
            clauseTables=["address", "phone"])
        result = result.prejoinClauseTables(["address", "phone"])

        people = list(result)

        # Remove rows behind its back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM phone")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEqual([person.address.city for person in people],
                         ["Sao Carlos"])
        self.assertEqual([person.phone.number for person in people],

    def test_result_set_sum_string(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEqual(result.sum('age'), 40)

    def test_result_set_sum_expr(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEqual(result.sum(self.Person.q.age), 40)

    def test_result_set_contains(self):
        john = self.Person.selectOneBy(name="John Doe")
        self.assertTrue(john in self.Person.select())
        self.assertFalse(john in self.Person.selectBy(name="John Joe"))
            john in self.Person.select("Person.name = 'John Joe'"))

    def test_result_set_contains_does_not_use_iter(self):
        """Calling 'item in result_set' does not iterate over the set. """
        def no_iter(self):
            raise RuntimeError

        real_iter = SQLObjectResultSet.__iter__
        SQLObjectResultSet.__iter__ = no_iter
            john = self.Person.selectOneBy(name="John Doe")
            self.assertTrue(john in self.Person.select())
            SQLObjectResultSet.__iter__ = real_iter

    def test_result_set_contains_wrong_type(self):
        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        address = Address.get(1)
        result_set = self.Person.select()
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.contains, result_set, address)

    def test_result_set_contains_with_prejoins(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        john = Person.selectOneBy(name="John Doe")
        result_set = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        self.assertTrue(john in result_set)

    def test_table_dot_q(self):
        # Table.q.fieldname is a syntax used in SQLObject for
        # sqlbuilder expressions.  Storm can use the main properties
        # for this, so the Table.q syntax just returns those
        # properties:
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            _idName = "name"
            _idType = six.text_type
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Phone",

        self.assertEqual(id(Person.q.id), id(Person.id))
        self.assertEqual(id(Person.q.address), id(Person.address))
        self.assertEqual(id(Person.q.addressID), id(Person.addressID))

        person = Person.get("John Joe")

        self.assertEqual(id(person.q.id), id(Person.id))
        self.assertEqual(id(person.q.address), id(Person.address))
        self.assertEqual(id(person.q.addressID), id(Person.addressID))

    def test_set(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            def set(self, **kw):
                kw["id"] += 1
                super(Person, self).set(**kw)

        person = Person(id=3, name="John Moe")
        self.assertEqual(person.id, 4)
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Moe")

    def test_CONTAINSSTRING(self):
        expr = CONTAINSSTRING(self.Person.q.name, u"Do")
        result = self.Person.select(expr)
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result], [u"John Doe"])

        result[0].name = u"Funny !%_ Name"

        expr = NOT(CONTAINSSTRING(self.Person.q.name, u"!%_"))
        result = self.Person.select(expr)
        self.assertEqual([person.name for person in result], [u"John Joe"])
class Database(object):
    def __init__(self):
        global DB_LOC
        # Check that the root user DB file exists.
        # if so, great, use it.
        # if not, try and create it
        # if we're not root use a local user db file instead.
        if not os.path.exists(DB_LOC):
            if getpass.getuser() == "root":
                DB_LOC = "%s/.pcm_data" % os.environ['HOME']
                if not os.path.exists(DB_LOC):

    def add_host(self, host):
        with self.transaction():

    def transaction(self):
            self.commit_count += 1
            import traceback
    def __init_store(self):
        self.db = create_database(
            "sqlite:%s" % DB_LOC)

        self.store = Store(self.db)
        self.commit_count = 0

    def _create_table(self, name, types):
        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE %s %s" % (name,
                           "( %s )" % ', '.join(types)))

    def __init_db(self):
        # Let others write to the DB... remember we're assuming
        # that we trust these clients, so this is OK.
        #os.chmod(DB_LOC, 0666)
        #os.chmod(os.path.dirname(DB_LOC), 0777)
        with self.transaction():
            from pcm.plugins import create_tables

            self._create_table("host", [
                    "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY",
                    "name VARCHAR",
                    "uniquetoken VARCHAR"
            self._create_table("availability_record", [
                    "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY",
                    "hostid INTEGER",
                    "hostip VARCHAR",
                    "hostport INTEGER",
                    "masterip VARCHAR",
                    "masterport INTEGER",
                    "tunnelid INTEGER",
                    "tunnelavailable INTEGER",
                    "timestamp DATETIME"
            self._create_table("tunnel", [
                    "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY",
                    "port INTEGER",
                    "user VARCHAR",
                    "hostid INTEGER",
                    "keyfile VARCHAR"
Exemple #6
class SQLObjectTest(TestHelper):

    def setUp(self):

        # Allow classes with the same name in different tests to resolve
        # property path strings properly.

        self.store = Store(create_database("sqlite:"))
        class SQLObject(SQLObjectBase):
            def _get_store():
                return self.store

        self.SQLObject = SQLObject

        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE person "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER,"
                           " ts TIMESTAMP, delta INTERVAL,"
                           " address_id INTEGER)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person VALUES "
                           "(1, 'John Joe', 20, '2007-02-05 19:53:15',"
                           " '1 day, 12:34:56', 1)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person VALUES "
                           "(2, 'John Doe', 20, '2007-02-05 20:53:15',"
                           " '42 days 12:34:56.78', 2)")

        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE address "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, city TEXT)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO address VALUES (1, 'Curitiba')")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO address VALUES (2, 'Sao Carlos')")

        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE phone "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, person_id INTEGER,"
                           "number TEXT)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO phone VALUES (1, 2, '1234-5678')")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO phone VALUES (2, 1, '8765-4321')")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO phone VALUES (3, 2, '8765-5678')")

        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE person_phone "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, person_id INTEGER, "
                           "phone_id INTEGER)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person_phone VALUES (1, 2, 1)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person_phone VALUES (2, 2, 2)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO person_phone VALUES (3, 1, 1)")

        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            _defaultOrder = "-Person.name"
            name = StringCol()
            age = IntCol()
            ts = UtcDateTimeCol()

        self.Person = Person

    def test_get(self):
        person = self.Person.get(2)
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_get_not_found(self):
        self.assertRaises(SQLObjectNotFound, self.Person.get, 1000)

    def test_get_typecast(self):
        person = self.Person.get("2")
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_destroySelf(self):
        person = self.Person.get(2)
        self.assertRaises(SQLObjectNotFound, self.Person.get, 2)

    def test_delete(self):
        self.assertRaises(SQLObjectNotFound, self.Person.get, 2)

    def test_custom_table_name(self):
        class MyPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"

        person = MyPerson.get(2)

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_custom_id_name(self):
        class MyPerson(self.SQLObject):
            _defaultOrder = "-Person.name"
            _table = "person"
            _idName = "name"
            _idType = unicode
            age = IntCol()
            ts = UtcDateTimeCol()

        person = MyPerson.get("John Doe")

        self.assertEquals(person.id, "John Doe")

    def test_create(self):
        person = self.Person(name="John Joe")

        self.assertTrue(Store.of(person) is self.store)
        self.assertEquals(type(person.id), int)
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_SO_creating(self):
        test = self
        class Person(self.Person):
            def set(self, **args):
                test.assertEquals(self._SO_creating, True)
                test.assertEquals(args, {"name": "John Joe"})

        person = Person(name="John Joe")
        self.assertEquals(person._SO_creating, False)

    def test_object_not_added_if__create_fails(self):
        objects = []
        class Person(self.Person):
            def _create(self, id, **kwargs):
                raise RuntimeError
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, Person, name="John Joe")
        self.assertEquals(len(objects), 1)
        person = objects[0]
        self.assertEquals(Store.of(person), None)

    def test_init_hook(self):
        called = []
        class Person(self.Person):
            def _init(self, *args, **kwargs):

        person = Person(name="John Joe")
        self.assertEquals(called, [True])
        self.assertEquals(called, [True, True])

    def test_alternateID(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(alternateID=True)
        person = Person.byName("John Doe")
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_alternateMethodName(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(alternateMethodName="byFoo")

        person = Person.byFoo("John Doe")
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

        self.assertRaises(SQLObjectNotFound, Person.byFoo, "John None")

    def test_select(self):
        result = self.Person.select("name = 'John Joe'")
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_sqlbuilder(self):
        result = self.Person.select(self.Person.q.name == "John Joe")
        self.assertEqual(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_orderBy(self):
        result = self.Person.select("name LIKE 'John%'", orderBy=("name","id"))
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Doe")

    def test_select_orderBy_expr(self):
        result = self.Person.select("name LIKE 'John%'",
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Doe")

    def test_select_all(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_empty_string(self):
        result = self.Person.select('')
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_limit(self):
        result = self.Person.select(limit=1)
        self.assertEquals(len(list(result)), 1)

    def test_select_negative_offset(self):
        result = self.Person.select(orderBy="name")
        self.assertEquals(result[-1].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_slice_negative_offset(self):
        result = self.Person.select(orderBy="name")[-1:]
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_distinct(self):
        result = self.Person.select("person.name = 'John Joe'",
                                    clauseTables=["phone"], distinct=True)
        self.assertEquals(len(list(result)), 1)

    def test_select_selectAlso(self):
        # Since John Doe has two phone numbers, this would return him
        # twice without the distinct=True bit.
        result = self.Person.select(
            "person.id = phone.person_id",
            selectAlso="LOWER(name) AS lower_name",
        people = list(result)
        self.assertEquals(len(people), 2)
        self.assertEquals(people[0].name, "John Doe")
        self.assertEquals(people[1].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_selectAlso_with_prejoin(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id",

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        result = Person.select(
            selectAlso="LOWER(person.name) AS lower_name",
        people = list(result)
        self.assertEquals(len(people), 2)
        self.assertEquals([(person.name, person.address.city)
                           for person in people],
                          [("John Doe", "Sao Carlos"),
                           ("John Joe", "Curitiba")])

    def test_select_clauseTables_simple(self):
        result = self.Person.select("name = 'John Joe'", ["person"])
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_clauseTables_implicit_join(self):
        result = self.Person.select("person.name = 'John Joe' and "
                                    "phone.person_id = person.id",
                                    ["person", "phone"])
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_select_clauseTables_no_cls_table(self):
        result = self.Person.select("person.name = 'John Joe' and "
                                    "phone.person_id = person.id",
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectBy(self):
        result = self.Person.selectBy(name="John Joe")
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectBy_orderBy(self):
        result = self.Person.selectBy(age=20, orderBy="name")
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Doe")

        result = self.Person.selectBy(age=20, orderBy="-name")
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectOne(self):
        person = self.Person.selectOne("name = 'John Joe'")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Joe")

        nobody = self.Person.selectOne("name = 'John None'")

        self.assertEquals(nobody, None)

        # SQLBuilder style expression:
        person = self.Person.selectOne(self.Person.q.name == "John Joe")

        self.assertNotEqual(person, None)
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectOne_multiple_results(self):

    def test_selectOne_clauseTables(self):
        person = self.Person.selectOne("person.name = 'John Joe' and "
                                       "phone.person_id = person.id",
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectOneBy(self):
        person = self.Person.selectOneBy(name="John Joe")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Joe")

        nobody = self.Person.selectOneBy(name="John None")

        self.assertEquals(nobody, None)

    def test_selectOneBy_multiple_results(self):

    def test_selectFirst(self):
        person = self.Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'", orderBy="name")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

        person = self.Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'", orderBy="-name")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Joe")

        nobody = self.Person.selectFirst("name = 'John None'", orderBy="name")

        self.assertEquals(nobody, None)

        # SQLBuilder style expression:
        person = self.Person.selectFirst(LIKE(self.Person.q.name, "John%"),
        self.assertNotEqual(person, None)
        self.assertEqual(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_selectFirst_default_order(self):
        person = self.Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_selectFirst_default_order_list(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            _defaultOrder = ["name"]

        person = Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_selectFirst_default_order_expr(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            _defaultOrder = [SQLConstant("name")]

        person = Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_selectFirst_default_order_fully_qualified(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            _defaultOrder = ["person.name"]

        person = Person.selectFirst("name LIKE 'John%'")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_selectFirstBy(self):
        person = self.Person.selectFirstBy(age=20, orderBy="name")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

        person = self.Person.selectFirstBy(age=20, orderBy="-name")

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Joe")

        nobody = self.Person.selectFirstBy(age=1000, orderBy="name")

        self.assertEquals(nobody, None)

    def test_selectFirstBy_default_order(self):
        person = self.Person.selectFirstBy(age=20)

        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Joe")

    def test_syncUpdate(self):
        """syncUpdate() flushes pending changes to the database."""
        person = self.Person.get(id=1)
        person.name = "John Smith"
        name = self.store.execute(
            "SELECT name FROM person WHERE id = 1").get_one()[0]
        self.assertEquals(name, "John Smith")

    def test_sync(self):
        """sync() flushes pending changes and invalidates the cache."""
        person = self.Person.get(id=1)
        person.name = "John Smith"
        name = self.store.execute(
            "SELECT name FROM person WHERE id = 1").get_one()[0]
        self.assertEquals(name, "John Smith")
        # Now make a change behind Storm's back and show that sync()
        # makes the new value from the database visible.
        self.store.execute("UPDATE person SET name = 'Jane Smith' "
                           "WHERE id = 1", noresult=True)
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "Jane Smith")

    def test_col_name(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            foo = StringCol(dbName="name")
        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEquals(person.foo, "John Doe")

        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            foo = StringCol("name")
        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEquals(person.foo, "John Doe")

    def test_col_default(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(default="Johny")
        person = Person()
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "Johny")

    def test_col_default_factory(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(default=lambda: "Johny")
        person = Person()
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "Johny")

    def test_col_not_null(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(notNull=True)
        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertRaises(NoneError, setattr, person, "name", None)

    def test_col_storm_validator(self):
        calls = []
        def validator(obj, attr, value):
            calls.append((obj, attr, value))
            return value
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol(storm_validator=validator)
        person = Person.get(2)
        person.name = u'foo'
        self.assertEquals(calls, [(person, 'name', u'foo')])

    def test_string_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            name = StringCol()
        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Doe")

    def test_int_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            age = IntCol()
        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEquals(person.age, 20)

    def test_bool_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            age = BoolCol()
        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEquals(person.age, True)

    def test_float_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            age = FloatCol()
        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertTrue(abs(person.age - 20.0) < 1e-6)

    def test_utcdatetime_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            ts = UtcDateTimeCol()
        person = Person.get(2)
                          datetime.datetime(2007, 2, 5, 20, 53, 15,
    def test_date_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            ts = DateCol()
        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEquals(person.ts, datetime.date(2007, 2, 5))

    def test_interval_col(self):
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            delta = IntervalCol()
        person = Person.get(2)
        self.assertEquals(person.delta, datetime.timedelta(42, 45296, 780000))

    def test_foreign_key(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id",

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.get(2)

        self.assertEquals(person.addressID, 2)
        self.assertEquals(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_foreign_key_no_dbname(self):
        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE another_person "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER,"
                           " ts TIMESTAMP, address INTEGER)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO another_person VALUES "
                           "(2, 'John Doe', 20, '2007-02-05 20:53:15', 2)")

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", notNull=True)

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)

        self.assertEquals(person.addressID, 2)
        self.assertEquals(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_foreign_key_orderBy(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            _defaultOrder = "address"
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id",

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.selectFirst()
        self.assertEquals(person.addressID, 1)

    def test_foreign_key_storm_validator(self):
        calls = []
        def validator(obj, attr, value):
            calls.append((obj, attr, value))
            return value

        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id",

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.get(2)
        address = Address.get(1)
        person.address = address
        self.assertEquals(calls, [(person, 'addressID', 1)])

    def test_multiple_join(self):
        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            phones = SQLMultipleJoin("Phone", joinColumn="person")

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            person = ForeignKey("AnotherPerson", dbName="person_id")
            number = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)

        # Make sure that the result is wrapped.
        result = person.phones.orderBy("-number")

        self.assertEquals([phone.number for phone in result],
                          ["8765-5678", "1234-5678"])

        # Test add/remove methods.
        number = Phone.selectOneBy(number="1234-5678")
        self.assertEquals(sorted(phone.number for phone in person.phones),
        self.assertEquals(sorted(phone.number for phone in person.phones),
                          ["1234-5678", "8765-5678"])

    def test_multiple_join_prejoins(self):
        self.store.execute("ALTER TABLE phone ADD COLUMN address_id INT")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE phone SET address_id = 1")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE phone SET address_id = 2 WHERE id = 3")

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            phones = SQLMultipleJoin("Phone", joinColumn="person",
                                     orderBy="number", prejoins=["address"])

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            person = ForeignKey("AnotherPerson", dbName="person_id")
            address = ForeignKey("Address", dbName="address_id")
            number = StringCol()

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)
        [phone1, phone2] = person.phones

        # Delete addresses behind Storm's back to show that the
        # addresses have been loaded.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.assertEquals(phone1.number, "1234-5678")
        self.assertEquals(phone1.address.city, "Curitiba")
        self.assertEquals(phone2.number, "8765-5678")
        self.assertEquals(phone2.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_related_join(self):
        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            phones = SQLRelatedJoin("Phone", otherColumn="phone_id",
                                    joinColumn="person_id", orderBy="id")

        class PersonPhone(self.Person):
            person_id = IntCol()
            phone_id = IntCol()

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            number = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)

        self.assertEquals([phone.number for phone in person.phones],
                          ["1234-5678", "8765-4321"])

        # Make sure that the result is wrapped.
        result = person.phones.orderBy("-number")

        self.assertEquals([phone.number for phone in result],
                          ["8765-4321", "1234-5678"])

        # Test add/remove methods.
        number = Phone.selectOneBy(number="1234-5678")
        self.assertEquals(sorted(phone.number for phone in person.phones),
        self.assertEquals(sorted(phone.number for phone in person.phones),
                          ["1234-5678", "8765-4321"])

    def test_related_join_prejoins(self):
        self.store.execute("ALTER TABLE phone ADD COLUMN address_id INT")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE phone SET address_id = 1")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE phone SET address_id = 2 WHERE id = 2")

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            phones = SQLRelatedJoin("Phone", otherColumn="phone_id",
                                    joinColumn="person_id", orderBy="id",

        class PersonPhone(self.Person):
            person_id = IntCol()
            phone_id = IntCol()

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            number = StringCol()
            address = ForeignKey("Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = AnotherPerson.get(2)
        [phone1, phone2] = person.phones

        # Delete addresses behind Storm's back to show that the
        # addresses have been loaded.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.assertEquals(phone1.number, "1234-5678")
        self.assertEquals(phone1.address.city, "Curitiba")
        self.assertEquals(phone2.number, "8765-4321")
        self.assertEquals(phone2.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_single_join(self):
        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE office "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, phone_id INTEGER,"
                           "name TEXT)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO office VALUES (1, 1, 'An office')")

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            office = SingleJoin("Office", joinColumn="phoneID")

        class Office(self.SQLObject):
            phone = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Phone", dbName="phone_id",
            name = StringCol()

        office = Office.get(1)
        self.assertEqual(office.name, "An office")

        phone = Phone.get(1)
        self.assertEqual(phone.office, office)

        # The single join returns None for a phone with no office
        phone = Phone.get(2)
        self.assertEqual(phone.office, None)

    def test_result_set_orderBy(self):
        result = self.Person.select()

        result = result.orderBy("-name")
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result],
                          ["John Joe", "John Doe"])

        result = result.orderBy("name")
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result],
                          ["John Doe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_orderBy_fully_qualified(self):
        result = self.Person.select()

        result = result.orderBy("-person.name")
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result],
                          ["John Joe", "John Doe"])

        result = result.orderBy("person.name")
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result],
                          ["John Doe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_count(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEquals(result.count(), 2)

    def test_result_set_count_limit(self):
        result = self.Person.select(limit=1)
        self.assertEquals(len(list(result)), 1)
        self.assertEquals(result.count(), 1)

    def test_result_set_count_sliced(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        sliced_result = result[1:]
        self.assertEquals(len(list(sliced_result)), 1)
        self.assertEquals(sliced_result.count(), 1)

    def test_result_set_count_distinct(self):
        result = self.Person.select(
            "person.id = phone.person_id",
        self.assertEquals(result.count(), 2)

    def test_result_set_count_union_distinct(self):
        result1 = self.Person.select("person.id = 1", distinct=True)
        result2 = self.Person.select("person.id = 2", distinct=True)
        self.assertEquals(result1.union(result2).count(), 2)

    def test_result_set_count_with_joins(self):
        result = self.Person.select(
            "person.address_id = address.id",
        self.assertEquals(result.count(), 2)

    def test_result_set__getitem__(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEquals(result[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_result_set__iter__(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEquals(list(result.__iter__())[0].name, "John Joe")

    def test_result_set__nonzero__(self):
        L{SQLObjectResultSet.__nonzero__} returns C{True} if the result set
        contains results.  If it contains no results, C{False} is
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEquals(result.__nonzero__(), True)
        result = self.Person.select(self.Person.q.name == "No Person")
        self.assertEquals(result.__nonzero__(), False)

    def test_result_set_is_empty(self):
        L{SQLObjectResultSet.is_empty} returns C{True} if the result set
        doesn't contain any results.  If it does contain results, C{False} is
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEquals(result.is_empty(), False)
        result = self.Person.select(self.Person.q.name == "No Person")
        self.assertEquals(result.is_empty(), True)

    def test_result_set_distinct(self):
        result = self.Person.select("person.name = 'John Joe'",
        self.assertEquals(len(list(result.distinct())), 1)

    def test_result_set_limit(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEquals(len(list(result.limit(1))), 1)

    def test_result_set_union(self):
        result1 = self.Person.selectBy(id=1)
        result2 = self.Person.selectBy(id=2)
        result3 = result1.union(result2, orderBy="name")
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result3],
                          ["John Doe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_union_all(self):
        result1 = self.Person.selectBy(id=1)
        result2 = result1.union(result1, unionAll=True)
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result2],
                          ["John Joe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_except_(self):
        person = self.Person(id=3, name="John Moe")
        result1 = self.Person.select()
        result2 = self.Person.selectBy(id=2)
        result3 = result1.except_(result2, orderBy="name")
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result3],
                          ["John Joe", "John Moe"])

    def test_result_set_intersect(self):
        person = self.Person(id=3, name="John Moe")
        result1 = self.Person.select()
        result2 = self.Person.select(self.Person.id.is_in((2, 3)))
        result3 = result1.intersect(result2, orderBy="name")
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result3],
                          ["John Doe", "John Moe"])

    def test_result_set_prejoin(self):
        self.store.execute("ALTER TABLE person ADD COLUMN phone_id INTEGER")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE person SET phone_id=1 WHERE name='John Doe'")

        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")
            phone = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Phone", dbName="phone_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            number = StringCol()

        result = Person.select("person.name = 'John Doe'")
        result = result.prejoin(["address", "phone"])

        people = list(result)

        # Remove rows behind its back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM phone")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEquals([person.address.city for person in people],
                          ["Sao Carlos"])
        self.assertEquals([person.phone.number for person in people],

    def test_result_set_prejoin_getitem(self):
        """Ensure that detuplelizing is used on getitem."""

        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        result = Person.select("person.name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        person = result[0]

        # Remove the row behind its back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEquals(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_one(self):
        """Ensure that detuplelizing is used on selectOne()."""

        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.selectOne("person.name = 'John Doe'",

        # Remove the row behind its back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEquals(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_first(self):
        """Ensure that detuplelizing is used on selectFirst()."""

        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        person = Person.selectFirst("person.name = 'John Doe'",
                                    prejoins=["address"], orderBy="name")

        # Remove the row behind Storm's back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEquals(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_by(self):
        """Ensure that prejoins work with selectBy() queries."""

        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        result = Person.selectBy(name="John Doe").prejoin(["address"])
        person = result[0]

        # Remove the row behind Storm's back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEquals(person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_related(self):
        """Dotted prejoins are used to prejoin through another table."""
        class Phone(self.SQLObject):
            person = ForeignKey(foreignKey="AnotherPerson", dbName="person_id")
            number = StringCol()

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        phone = Phone.selectOne("phone.number = '1234-5678'",

        # Remove the rows behind Storm's back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM person")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEquals(phone.person.name, "John Doe")
        self.assertEquals(phone.person.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_table_twice(self):
        """A single table can be prejoined multiple times."""
        self.store.execute("CREATE TABLE lease "
                           "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
                           " landlord_id INTEGER, tenant_id INTEGER)")
        self.store.execute("INSERT INTO lease VALUES (1, 1, 2)")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        class AnotherPerson(self.Person):
            _table = "person"
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Lease(self.SQLObject):
            landlord = ForeignKey(foreignKey="AnotherPerson",
            tenant = ForeignKey(foreignKey="AnotherPerson",

        lease = Lease.select(prejoins=["landlord", "landlord.address",
                                       "tenant", "tenant.address"])[0]

        # Remove the person rows behind Storm's back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM person")

        self.assertEquals(lease.landlord.name, "John Joe")
        self.assertEquals(lease.landlord.address.city, "Curitiba")
        self.assertEquals(lease.tenant.name, "John Doe")
        self.assertEquals(lease.tenant.address.city, "Sao Carlos")

    def test_result_set_prejoin_count(self):
        """Prejoins do not affect the result of aggregates like COUNT()."""
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        result = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        self.assertEquals(result.count(), 1)

    def test_result_set_prejoin_mismatch_union(self):
        """Prejoins do not cause UNION incompatibilities. """
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        # The prejoin should not prevent the union from working.  At
        # the moment this is done by unconditionally stripping the
        # prejoins (which is what our SQLObject patch did), but could
        # be smarter.
        result1 = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        result2 = Person.select("name = 'John Joe'")
        result = result1.union(result2)
        names = sorted(person.name for person in result)
        self.assertEquals(names, ["John Doe", "John Joe"])

    def test_result_set_prejoin_mismatch_except(self):
        """Prejoins do not cause EXCEPT incompatibilities. """
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        # The prejoin should not prevent the union from working.  At
        # the moment this is done by unconditionally stripping the
        # prejoins (which is what our SQLObject patch did), but could
        # be smarter.
        result1 = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        result2 = Person.select("name = 'John Joe'")
        result = result1.except_(result2)
        names = sorted(person.name for person in result)
        self.assertEquals(names, ["John Doe"])

    def test_result_set_prejoin_mismatch_intersect(self):
        """Prejoins do not cause INTERSECT incompatibilities. """
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        # The prejoin should not prevent the union from working.  At
        # the moment this is done by unconditionally stripping the
        # prejoins (which is what our SQLObject patch did), but could
        # be smarter.
        result1 = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        result2 = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'")
        result = result1.intersect(result2)
        names = sorted(person.name for person in result)
        self.assertEquals(names, ["John Doe"])

    def test_result_set_prejoinClauseTables(self):
        self.store.execute("ALTER TABLE person ADD COLUMN phone_id INTEGER")
        self.store.execute("UPDATE person SET phone_id=1 WHERE name='John Doe'")

        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="AddressClass", dbName="address_id")
            phone = ForeignKey(foreignKey="PhoneClass", dbName="phone_id")

        # Name the class so that it doesn't match the table name, to ensure
        # that the prejoin is actually using table names, rather than class
        # names.
        class AddressClass(self.SQLObject):
            _table = "address"
            city = StringCol()

        class PhoneClass(self.SQLObject):
            _table = "phone"
            number = StringCol()

        result = Person.select("person.name = 'John Doe' and "
                               "person.phone_id = phone.id and "
                               "person.address_id = address.id",
                               clauseTables=["address", "phone"])
        result = result.prejoinClauseTables(["address", "phone"])

        people = list(result)

        # Remove rows behind its back.
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM address")
        self.store.execute("DELETE FROM phone")

        # They were prefetched, so it should work even then.
        self.assertEquals([person.address.city for person in people],
                          ["Sao Carlos"])
        self.assertEquals([person.phone.number for person in people],

    def test_result_set_sum_string(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEquals(result.sum('age'), 40)

    def test_result_set_sum_expr(self):
        result = self.Person.select()
        self.assertEquals(result.sum(self.Person.q.age), 40)

    def test_result_set_contains(self):
        john = self.Person.selectOneBy(name="John Doe")
        self.assertTrue(john in self.Person.select())
        self.assertFalse(john in self.Person.selectBy(name="John Joe"))
        self.assertFalse(john in self.Person.select(
                "Person.name = 'John Joe'"))

    def test_result_set_contains_does_not_use_iter(self):
        """Calling 'item in result_set' does not iterate over the set. """
        def no_iter(self):
            raise RuntimeError
        real_iter = SQLObjectResultSet.__iter__
        SQLObjectResultSet.__iter__ = no_iter
            john = self.Person.selectOneBy(name="John Doe")
            self.assertTrue(john in self.Person.select())
            SQLObjectResultSet.__iter__ = real_iter

    def test_result_set_contains_wrong_type(self):
        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        address = Address.get(1)
        result_set = self.Person.select()
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.contains, result_set, address)

    def test_result_set_contains_with_prejoins(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Address", dbName="address_id")

        class Address(self.SQLObject):
            city = StringCol()

        john = Person.selectOneBy(name="John Doe")
        result_set = Person.select("name = 'John Doe'", prejoins=["address"])
        self.assertTrue(john in result_set)

    def test_table_dot_q(self):
        # Table.q.fieldname is a syntax used in SQLObject for
        # sqlbuilder expressions.  Storm can use the main properties
        # for this, so the Table.q syntax just returns those
        # properties:
        class Person(self.SQLObject):
            _idName = "name"
            _idType = unicode
            address = ForeignKey(foreignKey="Phone", dbName="address_id",

        self.assertEquals(id(Person.q.id), id(Person.id))
        self.assertEquals(id(Person.q.address), id(Person.address))
        self.assertEquals(id(Person.q.addressID), id(Person.addressID))

        person = Person.get("John Joe")

        self.assertEquals(id(person.q.id), id(Person.id))
        self.assertEquals(id(person.q.address), id(Person.address))
        self.assertEquals(id(person.q.addressID), id(Person.addressID))

    def test_set(self):
        class Person(self.Person):
            def set(self, **kw):
                kw["id"] += 1
                super(Person, self).set(**kw)
        person = Person(id=3, name="John Moe")
        self.assertEquals(person.id, 4)
        self.assertEquals(person.name, "John Moe")

    def test_CONTAINSSTRING(self):
        expr = CONTAINSSTRING(self.Person.q.name, "Do")
        result = self.Person.select(expr)
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result],
                          ["John Doe"])

        person.name = "Funny !%_ Name"

        expr = NOT(CONTAINSSTRING(self.Person.q.name, "!%_"))
        result = self.Person.select(expr)
        self.assertEquals([person.name for person in result],
                          ["John Joe"])
class Kind(object):
    __storm_table__ = 'kinds'
    id = Int(primary=True)
    name = Unicode()

class Thing(object):
    __storm_table__ = 'things'
    id = Int(primary=True)
    name = Unicode()
    kind_id = Int()
    kind = Reference(kind_id, Kind.id)

db = create_database('sqlite:')
store = Store(db)

store.execute("CREATE TABLE kinds  "
                      "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR)")
store.execute("CREATE TABLE things  "
                      "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR, kind_id INTEGER)")

flowers = Kind()
flowers.name = u"Flowers"

red_rose = Thing()
red_rose.name = u'Red Rose'
red_rose.kind = flowers

violet = Thing()
violet.name = u'Violet'
violet.kind = flowers