def test_ia_util_14():
    Some tests of our KDTree.
    x1 = numpy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    y1 = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    kd = iaUtilsC.KDTree(x=x1, y=y1)

    x2 = numpy.array([1.1, 4.0])
    y2 = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0])

    [dist, index] = kd.nearest(x2, y2, 0.2)
    assert (abs(dist[0] - 0.1) < 1.0e-6)
    assert (abs(dist[1] + 1.0) < 1.0e-6)
    assert (index[0] == 0)
    assert (index[1] == -1)

    [dist, index] = kd.nearest(x2, y2, 3.1)
    assert (abs(dist[0] - 0.1) < 1.0e-6)
    assert (abs(dist[1] - 1.0) < 1.0e-6)
    assert (index[0] == 0)
    assert (index[1] == 2)

Exemple #2
def trackFiducials(sa_hdf5_filename, max_gap=0, radius=0.0, reference_frame=0):
    max_gap - The maximum number of frames with no objects before a track is 
              considered to be terminated.
    radius - Maximum distance for an object to be in a track in pixels.
    reference_frame - The localizations in this frame will be used as the
                      fiducial reference locations.

    with SAH5Fiducials(sa_hdf5_filename) as h5:
        ref_locs = h5.getLocalizationsInFrame(reference_frame,
                                              fields=["x", "y"])

        if not ref_locs:
            raise FiducialException("No localizations in frame " +

        # Create fiducials list.
        fiducials = []
        for i in range(ref_locs["x"].size):
            fd = Fiducial(track_id=i)
            fd.addLocalization(ref_locs, i)


        # Iterate over localizations.
        for fnum, locs in h5.localizationsIterator(skip_empty=False,
                                                   fields=["x", "y"]):

            # User feedback.
            if ((fnum % 500) == 0):
                print(" processing frame {0:0d}, {1:0d} fiducials".format(
                    fnum, len(fiducials)))

            # Check if we still have any 'live' fiducials.
            if (len(fiducials) == 0):

                # Mark all localizations as non-fiducial, i.e. -1.
                if bool(locs):
                    locs_fd_id = numpy.zeros(locs["x"].size,
                                             dtype=numpy.int32) - 1
                    h5.addFiducialID(locs_fd_id, fnum)


            # Check that the frame had localizations, assign them to fiducials if it did.
            if bool(locs):

                # Create numpy array for storage of the fiducial id for each localization.
                locs_fd_id = numpy.zeros(locs["x"].size, dtype=numpy.int32) - 1

                # Create arrays with current fiducial centers. This is also increments
                # the fiducials last added counter.
                tx = numpy.zeros(len(fiducials))
                ty = numpy.zeros(len(fiducials))
                for i, elt in enumerate(fiducials):
                    [tx[i], ty[i]] = elt.getCenter()

                kd_locs = iaUtilsC.KDTree(locs["x"], locs["y"])

                # Query for nearest localization to each fiducial.
                index_fd = kd_locs.nearest(tx, ty, radius)[1]

                # Add fiducial information to localizations.
                for i in range(index_fd.size):
                    if (index_fd[i] > -1):
                        fiducials[i].addLocalization(locs, index_fd[i])
                        locs_fd_id[index_fd[i]] = fiducials[i].getFiducialId()

                h5.addFiducialID(locs_fd_id, fnum)

                # Clean up KD trees.

            # Otherwise just increment the fiducials last added counter.
                for elt in fiducials:

            # Remove fiducials that have not had any localizations added for max_gap frames.
            temp = fiducials
            fiducials = []
            for elt in temp:
                if (elt.getLastAdded() <= max_gap):
                    print("Lost fiducial", elt.getFiducialId(), "at frame",
Exemple #3
def tracker(sa_hdf5_filename, descriptor="", max_gap=0, radius=0.0):
    descriptor - A string containing the frame designation.
    max_gap - The maximum number of frames with no objects before a track is 
              considered to be terminated.
    radius - Maximum distance for an object to be in a track in pixels.
    # Just set localization category if radius is zero or negative.
    if (radius <= 0.0):
        with saH5Py.SAH5Py(sa_hdf5_filename) as h5:
            for fnum, locs in h5.localizationsIterator():

                # Determine current frame description.
                fdesc = 1
                if (len(descriptor) > 0):
                    fdesc = int(descriptor[(fnum % len(descriptor))])

                # The category is the descriptor minus 1.
                category = fdesc - 1

                h5.addCategory(category, fnum)

    # Otherwise do the tracking.
        track_id = 0
        current_tracks = []
        with saH5Py.SAH5Py(sa_hdf5_filename) as h5:
            tw = TrackWriter(h5)
            for fnum, locs in h5.localizationsIterator(skip_empty=False):

                # User feedback.
                if ((fnum % 500) == 0):
                    print(" processing frame {0:0d}, {1:0d} tracks".format(
                        fnum, track_id))

                # Determine current frame description.
                fdesc = 1
                if (len(descriptor) > 0):
                    fdesc = int(descriptor[(fnum % len(descriptor))])

                # The category is the descriptor minus 1.
                category = fdesc - 1

                # Add/update localization category.
                if bool(locs):
                    h5.addCategory(category, fnum)

                # Go to the next frame if this is an activation frame.
                if (fdesc == 0):

                # Check that the frame had localizations, assign them if it did.
                index_locs = None
                locs_track_id = None
                if bool(locs):

                    # Create numpy array for storage of the track id for each localization.
                    locs_track_id = numpy.zeros(locs["x"].size,

                    # Create arrays with current track centers. This is also increments
                    # the tracks last added counter.
                    tx = numpy.zeros(len(current_tracks))
                    ty = numpy.zeros(len(current_tracks))
                    for i, elt in enumerate(current_tracks):
                        [tx[i], ty[i]] = elt.getCenter()

                    kd_locs = iaUtilsC.KDTree(locs["x"], locs["y"])
                    kd_tracks = iaUtilsC.KDTree(tx, ty)

                    # Query KD trees.
                    index_locs = kd_tracks.nearest(locs["x"], locs["y"],
                    index_tracks = kd_locs.nearest(tx, ty, radius)[1]

                    # Add localizations to tracks. The localization must be the closest
                    # one to the track and vice-versa. We're trying to avoid multiple
                    # localizations in a single frame in the track, and one localization
                    # in multiple tracks.
                    for i in range(locs["x"].size):
                        if (index_locs[i] > -1):

                            # Check that the track and the localization agree that each
                            # is closest to the other.
                            tr = None
                            if (index_tracks[index_locs[i]] == i):
                                tr = current_tracks[index_locs[i]]
                                tr.addLocalization(locs, i)
                                tr = Track(category=category,
                                tr.addLocalization(locs, i)
                                track_id += 1

                            locs_track_id[i] = tr.track_id

                    # Clean up KD trees.

                # Otherwise just increment the current tracks last added counter.
                    for elt in current_tracks:

                # Remove tracks that have not had any localizations added for
                # max_gap frames.
                temp = current_tracks
                current_tracks = []
                for elt in temp:
                    if (elt.getLastAdded() > max_gap):

                # Start new tracks from the localizations that were not in
                # a track.
                if index_locs is not None:
                    for i in range(locs["x"].size):
                        if (index_locs[i] < 0):
                            tr = Track(category=category,
                            tr.addLocalization(locs, i)
                            locs_track_id[i] = tr.track_id
                            track_id += 1

                # Add track information for localizations.
                if locs_track_id is not None:
                    h5.addTrackID(locs_track_id, fnum)

            # Write the remaining tracks & close the track writer.
            for elt in current_tracks:
