Exemple #1
    def triangles_reg_sf(bottom, top, step=1, filtering=False):
        # On perd la 1ere valeur:
        variations = np.diff(
            down_sample(top[::step], step) -
            down_sample(bottom[::step], step)) if filtering else np.diff(
                top[::step] - bottom[::step])
        inversion_tendance_index = [
            i + 1
            for (i, x) in enumerate(list(variations[1:] * variations[:-1]))
            if x < 0
        data_splitter = lambda data, split_idx: [data[0:split_idx[0]]] + [
            data[split_idx[i]:split_idx[i + 1]]
            for i in range(len(split_idx) - 1)
        ] + [data[split_idx[-1]:]]

        if not inversion_tendance_index:
            return [], [], []

        split_idx = data_splitter(range(len(bottom)), inversion_tendance_index)
        split_bottom_data, split_top_data = data_splitter(
            inversion_tendance_index), data_splitter(top,

        bottom_partial_interp, top_partial_interp = map(
                split_bottom_data)), map(st.linregress,
                                         zip(split_idx, split_top_data))
        return split_idx, bottom_partial_interp, top_partial_interp
Exemple #2
    def Fibonnacci_sf(open, high, low, close, step=1, filtering=False):
        Retrouve les niveaux plus haut et plus bas et retrouve les niveaux fibo.
        lsub_data = down_sample(low, step) if filtering else low[::step]
        hsub_data = down_sample(high, step) if filtering else high[::step]
        t_subdata = range(0, len(data), step)

        # @todo fast MM_n for data

        lowers = []
        highers = []

        prev_high = 0.0
        prev_low = sys.float_info.max

        for n, price in enumerate(lsub_data):
            if price < prev_low:
                prev_low = price
                # store a lower
                lowers.append((n * step, prev_low))
                prev_low = sys.float_info.max

        for n, price in enumerate(hsub_data):
            if price > prev_high:
                prev_high = price
                # store a higher
                highers.append((n * step, prev_high))
                prev_high = 0.0

        return highers, lowers
Exemple #3
    def RSI_n_sf(N, data, step=1, filtering=False):
        # from the RSI indicator
        sub_data = down_sample(data, step) if filtering else data[::step]
        t_subdata = range(0, len(data), step)

        variations = np.diff(sub_data)
        #variations = np.diff(sub_data) / sub_data[:-1]

        # h = np.array(list(map(lambda x: max(x,0), variations)))
        # b = np.array(list(map(lambda x: abs(min(x,0)), variations)))

        # or that to avoid zeros
        h = np.array(list(map(lambda x: max(x, 0.000001), variations)))
        b = np.array(list(map(lambda x: abs(min(x, -0.000001)), variations)))

        # exp or linear
        # hn = np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata[1:], MMexp_n(N, h))
        # bn = np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata[1:], MMexp_n(N, b))

        hn = np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata[1:], MM_n(N, h))
        bn = np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata[1:], MM_n(N, b))

        # prefer to return in normalized 0..1
        rsi = hn / (hn + bn)
        return rsi
Exemple #4
    def Stochastic_sf(N, data, N_D=3, step=1, filtering=False):
        Calcul des stochastiques.
        N est le nombre de periodes a observer pour repérer le min et le max du cours.
        N_D est le nombre d'echantillons de K a utiliser pour le calcul de D
        step permet de ne selectionner qu'un echantillon sur step dans data.
        filtering permet de filtrer ou non les donnees avant d'appliquer la selection.

        Retourne les stochastiques K, D interpolees lineairement ; meme taille que data.
        sub_data = down_sample(data, step) if filtering else data[::step]

        K = np.zeros(len(sub_data))
        t_subdata = range(0, len(data), step)

        for (j, d) in enumerate(sub_data):
            i = min(j, N)
            highest = max(sub_data[j - i:j + 1])
            lowest = min(sub_data[j - i:j + 1])

            if highest == lowest:
                highest += 0.000000001

            K[j] = (d - lowest) / (highest - lowest)  # +epsilon to avoid 0

        D = MM_n(N_D, K)

        return np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata,
                         K), np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata, D)
Exemple #5
    def RSI_n_sf(N, data, step=1, filtering=False):
        Calcule le RSI sur N periodes en prenant un echantillon tous les step avec ou sans filtrage prealable
        Retourne un array de la même taille que data. Lorsque step > 1, les valeurs sont interpolees lineairement.
        # have a difference with others algo, it seems doubling N make the deals... but what's the problem
        sub_data = down_sample(data, step) if filtering else data [::step]
        t_subdata = range(0,len(data),step)

        variations = np.diff(sub_data)
        #variations = np.diff(sub_data) / sub_data[:-1]

        # h = np.array(list(map(lambda x: max(x,0), variations)))
        # b = np.array(list(map(lambda x: abs(min(x,0)), variations)))

        # or that to avoid zeros
        h = np.array(list(map(lambda x: max(x,0.000000001), variations)))
        b = np.array(list(map(lambda x: abs(min(x,-0.000000001)), variations)))

        # exp or linear
        # hn = np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata[1:], MMexp_n(N, h))
        # bn = np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata[1:], MMexp_n(N, b))

        hn = np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata[1:], MM_n(N, h))
        bn = np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata[1:], MM_n(N, b))

        # prefer to return in normalized 0..1
        rsi = hn/(hn+bn)
        return rsi
Exemple #6
    def EMA_n_sf(N, data, step=1, filtering=False):
        Calcule une EMA sur N periodes en prenant un echantillon tous les step avec ou sans filtrage prealable
        Retourne un array de la même taille que data. Lorsque step > 1, les valeurs sont interpolees lineairement.
        sub_data = down_sample(data, step) if filtering else data[::step]
        t_subdata = range(0, len(data), step)

        ema = MMexp_n(N, sub_data)

        return ema
Exemple #7
    def VWMA_n_sf(N, prices, volumes, step=1, filtering=False):
        Calcule une VWMA sur N periodes en prenant un echantillon tous les step avec ou sans filtrage prealable
        Retourne un array de la meme taille que data. Lorsque step > 1, les valeurs sont interpolees lineairement.
        p_sub_data = down_sample(
            prices, step) if filtering else np.array(prices)[::step]
        v_sub_data = down_sample(
            volumes, step) if filtering else np.array(volumes)[::step]
        t_subdata = range(0, len(prices), step)

        # cannot deal with zero volume, then set it to 1 will have no effect on the result, juste give a price
        for i, v in enumerate(v_sub_data):
            if v <= 0:
                v_sub_data[i] = 1.0

        pvs = MM_n(N, p_sub_data * v_sub_data)
        vs = MM_n(N, v_sub_data)

        return pvs / vs
Exemple #8
    def WMA_n_sf(N, prices, step=1, filtering=False):
        Calcule une WMA sur N periodes en prenant un echantillon tous les step avec ou sans filtrage prealable
        Retourne un array de la même taille que data. Lorsque step > 1, les valeurs sont interpolees lineairement.
        sub_data = down_sample(prices, step) if filtering else np.array(prices) [::step]
        t_subdata = range(0,len(prices),step)

        weights = np.array([x for x in range(1, len(sub_data)+1)])
        wma = MM_n(N, sub_data*weights) / weights

        return wma
Exemple #9
    def Price_sf(method, data, step=1, filtering=False):
        prices = np.array([])

        if method == PriceIndicator.PRICE_CLOSE:
            # average of bid/ofr close price
            c_prices = [x.close for x in data]

            # t_subdata = range(0,len(data),step)
            c_sub_data = down_sample(
                c_prices, step) if filtering else np.array(c_prices[::step])

            # @todo interpolate sub_data
            prices = c_sub_data

        elif method == PriceIndicator.PRICE_HLC3:
            h_prices = [x.high for x in data]
            l_prices = [x.low for x in data]
            c_prices = [x.close for x in data]

            # t_subdata = range(0,len(data),step)
            h_sub_data = down_sample(
                h_prices, step) if filtering else np.array(h_prices[::step])
            l_sub_data = down_sample(
                l_prices, step) if filtering else np.array(l_prices[::step])
            c_sub_data = down_sample(
                c_prices, step) if filtering else np.array(c_prices[::step])

            # @todo interpolate sub_data
            prices = (h_sub_data + l_sub_data + c_sub_data) / 3.0

        elif method == PriceIndicator.PRICE_OHLC4:
            o_prices = [x.open for x in data]
            h_prices = [x.high for x in data]
            l_prices = [x.low for x in data]
            c_prices = [x.close for x in data]

            # t_subdata = range(0,len(data),step)
            o_sub_data = down_sample(
                o_prices, step) if filtering else np.array(o_prices[::step])
            h_sub_data = down_sample(
                h_prices, step) if filtering else np.array(h_prices[::step])
            l_sub_data = down_sample(
                l_prices, step) if filtering else np.array(l_prices[::step])
            c_sub_data = down_sample(
                c_prices, step) if filtering else np.array(c_prices[::step])

            # @todo interpolate sub_data
            prices = (o_sub_data + h_sub_data + l_sub_data + c_sub_data) / 4.0

        return prices
Exemple #10
    def MACD_sf(N_short, N_long, data, step=1, filtering=False):
        Calcul du MACD avec les 2 parametres N_short et N_long
        step permet de sélectionner 1 echantillon sur step avec filtrage ou non
        sub_data = down_sample(data, step) if filtering else data[::step]
        t_subdata = range(0, len(data), step)

        # wiki dit exp, donc pourquoi MM_n ?
        mms = MMexp_n(N_short, sub_data)
        mml = MMexp_n(N_long, sub_data)

        return np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata, mms - mml)
Exemple #11
    def Volume_sf(method, data, step=1, filtering=False):
        if method == VolumeIndicator.VOLUME_TICK:
            tick_volumes = [x.volume for x in data]

            sub_data = down_sample(tick_volumes,
                                   step) if filtering else np.array(
            # todo interpolate
            # t_subdata = range(0,len(data),step)

            return sub_data

        return np.array([])
Exemple #12
    def MMT_n_sf(N, data, step=1, filtering=False):
        Calcule un momentum sur N periodes en prenant un echantillon tous les step avec ou sans filtrage prealable
        Retourne un array de la même taille que data. Lorsque step > 1, les valeurs sont interpolees lineairement.
        sub_data = down_sample(data, step) if filtering else data[::step]
        t_subdata = range(0, len(data), step)

        # rajoute les N premieres valeures manquantes
        mmt = np.array(
            [x - sub_data[0] for x in sub_data[:N]] +
            list(np.array(sub_data[N:]) - np.array(sub_data[0:-1 - N + 1])))
        return mmt  # interp
Exemple #13
    def HMA_n_sf(N, data, step=1, filtering=False):
        Calcule un HMA sur N periodes en prenant un echantillon tous les step avec ou sans filtrage prealable
        Retourne un array de la même taille que data. Lorsque step > 1, les valeurs sont interpolees lineairement.
        sub_data = down_sample(data, step) if filtering else data [::step]
        t_subdata = range(0,len(data),step)

        N_2 = int(N / 2)
        N_sqrt = int(math.sqrt(N))

        weights = np.array([x for x in range(1, len(sub_data)+1)])

        # 1) calculate a WMA with period n / 2 and multiply it by 2
        hma12 = 2 * MM_n(N_2, sub_data*weights) / MM_n(N_2, weights)

        # 2) calculate a WMA for period n and subtract if from step 1
        hma12 = hma12 - (MM_n(N, sub_data*weights) / MM_n(N, weights))

        # 3) calculate a WMA with period sqrt(n) using the data from step 2
        hma = (MM_n(N_sqrt, hma12*weights) / MM_n(N_sqrt, weights))

        return hma
Exemple #14
    def BB_sf(N, data, step=1, filtering=False):
      Calcul des bandes de Bollinger
      N est le nombre de periodes à observer pour calculer la MM et sigma
      step permet de selectionner un echantillon tout les steps, avec filtrage ou non
      Retourne 3 courbes : Bollinger bas ; MM_N ; Bollinger haut, interpolees linéairement
        sub_data = down_sample(data, step) if filtering else data[::step]
        t_subdata = range(0, len(data), step)

        mm = MM_n(N, sub_data)
        up_bol = copy.deepcopy(mm)
        bottom_bol = copy.deepcopy(mm)

        for (j, d) in enumerate(sub_data):
            i = min(j, N)
            sample = sub_data[j - i:j + 1]
            sigma = 0 if j == 0 else np.sqrt(stat.variance(sample, up_bol[j]))
            up_bol[j] = up_bol[j] + 2 * sigma
            bottom_bol[j] = bottom_bol[j] - 2 * sigma

        return (np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata, bottom_bol),
                np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata,
                          mm), np.interp(range(len(data)), t_subdata, up_bol))
Exemple #15
    def PivotPoint_sf(method,
        Retrouve les niveaux plus haut et plus bas et retrouve les niveaux fibo.
        lsub_data = down_sample(low, step) if filtering else np.array(
        hsub_data = down_sample(high, step) if filtering else np.array(
        csub_data = down_sample(close, step) if filtering else np.array(

        if method == PivotPointIndicator.METHOD_CLASSICAL_OHLC or method == PivotPointIndicator.METHOD_CLASSICAL_HLO:
            osub_data = down_sample(_open, step) if filtering else np.array(

        if method == PivotPointIndicator.METHOD_CAMARILLA:
            pivot = csub_data

            s1 = csub_data - (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 1.1 / 12
            s2 = csub_data - (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 1.1 / 6
            s3 = csub_data - (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 1.1 / 4

            r1 = csub_data + (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 1.1 / 12
            r2 = csub_data + (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 1.1 / 6
            r3 = csub_data + (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 1.1 / 4

        elif method == PivotPointIndicator.METHOD_FIBONACCI:
            pivot = csub_data

            s1 = csub_data - (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 0.382
            s2 = csub_data - (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 0.618
            s3 = csub_data - (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 0.764

            r1 = csub_data + (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 0.382
            r2 = csub_data + (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 0.618
            r3 = csub_data + (hsub_data - lsub_data) * 0.764

        else:  # classical or woodie
            if method == PivotPointIndicator.METHOD_CLASSICAL:
                pivot = (hsub_data + lsub_data + csub_data) / 3.0
            elif method == PivotPointIndicator.METHOD_CLASSICAL_OHLC:
                pivot = (hsub_data + lsub_data + csub_data + osub_data) / 4.0
            elif method == PivotPointIndicator.METHOD_CLASSICAL_OHL:
                pivot = (hsub_data + lsub_data + osub_data) / 3.0
            elif method == PivotPointIndicator.METHOD_WOODIE:
                pivot = (hsub_data + lsub_data + 2.0 * csub_data) / 4.0

            s1 = (2.0 * pivot) - hsub_data
            s2 = pivot - (hsub_data - lsub_data)
            s3 = lsub_data - 2.0 * (hsub_data - pivot)

            r1 = (2.0 * pivot) - lsub_data
            r2 = pivot + (hsub_data - lsub_data)
            r3 = hsub_data + 2.0 * (pivot - lsub_data)

        return pivot, (s1, s2, s3), (r1, r2, r3)