Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        super(FSAStrategy, self).__init__()

        # A collection of state objects belonging to the automaton
        self.states = strategy.StateCollection()

        # A data structure for recording valid transitions between states
        self.transitions = defaultdict(
            lambda: defaultdict(bool))  # (state1, state2) -> T/F
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self):
        super(BDDStrategy, self).__init__()

        # We will have a state collection just in order to provide a context
        # for states (FIXME?)
        self.states = strategy.StateCollection()

        self.strategy = None

        self.var_name_to_BDD = {}
        self.BDD_to_var_name = {}

        self.strat_type_var = None

        self.mgr = pycudd.DdManager()
        # TODO: why is garbage collection crashing?? :( [e.g. on firefighting]
Exemple #3
    def renameSpecAndStoreNewMapping(self):
        Rename specs and store mapping.
        Rename specs
        for specType in self.spec.keys():
            # e.region to s.region (region heading) # TODO: duplicates with robClient?
            for robot in self.coordinatingRobots:
                for reg in self.regionList.keys():
                    for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots:
                        self.spec[specType][robot] = re.sub(
                            '(?<=[! &|(\t\n])' + 'e.' + otherRobot + '_' +
                            reg + '(?=[ &|)\t\n])',
                            's.' + otherRobot + '_' + reg,

            # append robot name in front of actuators and sensors props, but not regions
            ## sensor props
            ## e.g: sensorProp  -> robotName_sensorProp
            for robot, ePropList in self.envPropList.iteritems():
                for eProp, eValue in ePropList.iteritems():
                    #ignore any region related props
                    if eProp in [
                            otherRobot + '_' + reg + '_rc'
                            for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                            for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots
                    ] or eProp in [
                            otherRobot + '_' + reg
                            for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                            for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots
                            if otherRobot != robot
                    self.spec[specType][robot] = re.sub(
                        '(?<=[! &|(\t\n])' + 'e.' + eProp + '(?=[ &|)\t\n])',
                        'e.' + robot + '_' + eProp, self.spec[specType][robot])

            ## actuator props
            ## e.g: actuatorProp  -> robotName_actuatorProp
            for robot, sPropList in self.sysPropList.iteritems():
                for sProp, sValue in sPropList.iteritems():
                    #ignore any region related props
                    if sProp in [
                            otherRobot + '_' + reg
                            for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                            for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots
                    self.spec[specType][robot] = re.sub(
                        '(?<=[! &|(\t\n])' + 's.' + sProp + '(?=[ &|)\t\n])',
                        's.' + robot + '_' + sProp, self.spec[specType][robot])

        # also just for sysGoalsOld # TODO: combine with the one above
        for specStr in self.sysGoalsOld.keys():
            # e.region to s.region (region heading)
            for robot in self.coordinatingRobots:
                for reg in self.regionList.keys():
                    for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots:
                        self.sysGoalsOld[robot] = re.sub(
                            '(?<=[! &|(\t\n])' + 'e.' + otherRobot + '_' +
                            reg + '(?=[ &|)\t\n])',
                            's.' + otherRobot + '_' + reg,

            # append robot name in front of actuators and sensors props, but not regions
            ## sensor props
            ## e.g: sensorProp  -> robotName_sensorProp
            for robot, ePropList in self.envPropList.iteritems():
                for eProp, eValue in ePropList.iteritems():
                    #ignore any region related props
                    if eProp in [
                            otherRobot + '_' + reg + '_rc'
                            for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                            for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots
                    ] or eProp in [
                            otherRobot + '_' + reg
                            for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                            for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots
                            if otherRobot != robot
                    self.sysGoalsOld[robot] = re.sub(
                        '(?<=[! &|(\t\n])' + 'e.' + eProp + '(?=[ &|)\t\n])',
                        'e.' + robot + '_' + eProp, self.sysGoalsOld[robot])

            ## actuator props
            ## e.g: actuatorProp  -> robotName_actuatorProp
            for robot, sPropList in self.sysPropList.iteritems():
                for sProp, sValue in sPropList.iteritems():
                    #ignore any region related props
                    if sProp in [
                            otherRobot + '_' + reg
                            for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                            for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots
                    self.sysGoalsOld[robot] = re.sub(
                        '(?<=[! &|(\t\n])' + 's.' + sProp + '(?=[ &|)\t\n])',
                        's.' + robot + '_' + sProp, self.sysGoalsOld[robot])
        Store mapping
        states = strategy.StateCollection()

        # store env props
        for robot, ePropList in self.envPropList.iteritems():
            for eProp, eValue in ePropList.iteritems():
                if eProp in [
                        robot + '_' + reg + '_rc'
                        for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                    # keep original name
                    self.currentAssignment.update({eProp: eValue})

                # e.g: remove alice_r4 in bob's sensors. However, for robot not coorindating, we might have alice_charlie_r1 and bob_charlie_r1 in our smv file
                elif eProp in [
                        otherRobot + '_' + reg
                        for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                        for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots
                        if otherRobot != robot

                # the similar case of _rc
                elif eProp in [
                        otherRobot + '_' + reg + '_rc'
                        for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                        for otherRobot in self.coordinatingRobots
                        if otherRobot != robot

                    # store and update prop mapping
                    self.propMappingNewToOld[robot][robot + '_' +
                                                    eProp] = eProp
                        eProp] = robot + '_' + eProp
                    self.smvEnvPropList.append(robot + '_' + eProp)
                        {robot + '_' + eProp: eValue})

        # add input props to states collection

        # stroe sys props
        for robot, sPropList in self.sysPropList.iteritems():
            for sProp, sValue in sPropList.iteritems():
                if sProp in [
                        robot + '_' + reg for reg in self.regionList.keys()
                    # keep original name
                    self.currentAssignment.update({sProp: sValue})
                    # store and update prop mapping
                    self.propMappingNewToOld[robot][robot + '_' +
                                                    sProp] = sProp
                        sProp] = robot + '_' + sProp
                    self.smvSysPropList.append(robot + '_' + sProp)
                        {robot + '_' + sProp: sValue})

        # add input props to states collection

        # store current state
        self.currentState = states.addNewState(self.currentAssignment)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, slugsOptions):
        super(SLUGSInteractiveStrategy, self).__init__()

        self.states = strategy.StateCollection()
        self.slugsOptions = slugsOptions