Exemple #1
        def _getConfSubnets():
            subnetTemplate = """
subnet %(subnet)s netmask %(netmask)s {
  option routers %(routers)s;
            subnet = ''
            # All net types are defined together with NATing. Assuming NATing for
            # Local net type. Need to create a shared network.
            if Util.isTrueConfVal(self.nat) and _isAllDhcpGroupsDefined(dhcpGroups):
                subnet = """
shared-network StratusLab-LAN {
                for _type in self.NET_TYPES_DHCP:
                    subnet += subnetTemplate % {
                               'subnet'  : getattr(self, self._assembleDhcpAttributeName('%sSubnet' % _type)),
                               'netmask' : getattr(self, self._assembleDhcpAttributeName('%sNetmask' % _type)),
                               'routers' : getattr(self, self._assembleDhcpAttributeName('%sRouters' % _type))}
                subnet += "}\n"

            elif Util.isTrueConfVal(self.nat) and dhcpGroups['OneLocalNetwork']:
                subnet = """
shared-network StratusLab-LAN {
                # main interface
                subnet += """
subnet %(subnet)s netmask %(netmask)s {
""" % {'subnet'  : self.dhcpSubnet,
       'netmask' : self.dhcpNetmask}
                # virtual interface
                natGateway = getattr(self, 'natGateway', '')
                if not natGateway:
                    natGateway = Util.gatewayIpFromNetAddress(self.natNetwork)
                subnet += subnetTemplate % {'subnet'  : self.natNetwork,
                                            'netmask' : self.natNetmask,
                                            'routers' : natGateway}
                subnet += "}\n"

            elif dhcpGroups['OnePublicNetwork']:
                # main interface
                subnet += """
subnet %(subnet)s netmask %(netmask)s {
""" % {'subnet'  : self.dhcpSubnet,
       'netmask' : self.dhcpNetmask}

            elif dhcpGroups['OneLocalNetwork']:
                # virtual interface
                subnet = subnetTemplate % {
                                'subnet'  : self.dhcpOneLocalNetworkSubnet,
                                'netmask' : self.dhcpOneLocalNetworkNetmask,
                                'routers' : self.dhcpOneLocalNetworkRouters}
                Util.printWarning('Invalid parameters combination to configure DHCP.')

            return subnet
Exemple #2
    def _configureFirewallNatNetworking(self):

        device = self.natNetworkInterface
        ip = getattr(self, "natGateway", "")
        if not ip:
            ip = Util.gatewayIpFromNetAddress(self.natNetwork)

        self._configureVirtualNetInterface(device, ip, self.natNetmask)
Exemple #3
 def testGatewayIpFromNetAddress(self):
     self.assertEqual(Util.gatewayIpFromNetAddress(''), '')