def test_add_above_max_count_equal_density(self, monkeypatch):
        """Test if function randomly adds in a subgraph tuple with density equal to the minimum
        value of ``l``, even though the length of ``l`` is at its maximum. This test
        monkeypatches the ``np.random.choice`` call used in the function to decide whether to
        keep the original subgraph or add in the new one. In one case, ``np.random.choice`` is
        monkeypatched to leave ``l`` unchanged, and in another case ``np.random.choice`` is
        monkeypatched to swap the minimum value of ``l`` with ``t_min_density``."""
        max_count = 10

        with monkeypatch.context() as m:
            m.setattr(np.random, "choice", lambda x: 0)
            l = self.l.copy()
            assert len(l) == max_count
            assert l == self.l

        with monkeypatch.context() as m:
            m.setattr(np.random, "choice", lambda x: 1)
            l = self.l.copy()

            l_ideal = self.l.copy()
            del l_ideal[-1]
            assert len(l) == max_count
            assert l == l_ideal
    def test_add_above_max_count_low_density(self):
        """Test if function does not add in a subgraph tuple of density lower than the minimum
        value of ``l`` when the length of ``l`` is at its maximum"""
        max_count = 10
        l = self.l.copy()

        assert l == self.l
    def test_add_below_max_count(self):
        """Test if function adds subgraph tuples whenever len(l) < max_count. This test starts
        with an empty list and tries to add on elements one at a time from ``l_shuffled``. Since
        ``max_count = 10`` and ``len(l) = 10``, we expect to be able to build up our list to be
        equal to ``l``."""
        l = []
        for t in self.l_shuffled:
            subgraph._update_subgraphs_list(l, t, max_count=10)

        assert l == self.l
    def test_add_above_max_count_high_density(self):
        """Test if function adds subgraph tuples with density exceeding the minimum value of
        ``l`` even though the length of ``l`` is at its maximum"""
        max_count = 10

        for t in self.t_above_min_density:
            l = self.l.copy()
            l_ideal = sorted(l + [t], reverse=True)

            subgraph._update_subgraphs_list(l, t, max_count=max_count)
            del l_ideal[-1]
            assert len(l) == max_count
            assert l == l_ideal
 def test_already_contained(self, elem):
     """Test if function does not add a subgraph tuple that is already contained in the list"""
     l = self.l.copy()
     subgraph._update_subgraphs_list(l, l[elem], max_count=20)
     assert l == self.l