Exemple #1
def test_sample_to_orbit(dim):
    """Test if function ``similarity.sample_to_orbit`` correctly returns the original orbit after
    taking all permutations over the orbit. The starting orbits are all orbits for a fixed photon
    number ``dim``."""
    orb = all_orbits[dim]
    checks = []
    for o in orb:
        sorted_sample = o.copy()
        sorted_sample_len = len(sorted_sample)
        if sorted_sample_len != dim:
            sorted_sample += [0] * sorted_sample_len
        permutations = itertools.permutations(sorted_sample)
        checks.append(all([similarity.sample_to_orbit(p) == o for p in permutations]))
    assert all(checks)
# Following :cite:`schuld2019quantum`, we can create a *feature vector* to describe each graph.
# These feature vectors contain information about the graphs and can be viewed as a mapping to a
# high-dimensional feature space, a technique often used in machine learning that allows us to
# employ properties of the feature space to separate and classify the vectors.
# The feature vector of a graph can be composed in a variety of ways. One approach is to
# associate features with the relative frequencies of certain types of measurements being
# recorded from a GBS device configured to sample from the graph, as we now discuss.
# We begin by defining the concept of an *orbit*, which is the set of all GBS samples that are
# equivalent under permutation of the modes. A sample can be converted to its corresponding orbit
# using the :func:`~.sample_to_orbit` function. For example, the first sample of ``m0`` is ``[0,
# 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]`` and has orbit:


# Here, ``[1, 1]`` means that two photons were detected, each in a separate mode. Other samples
# can be randomly generated from the ``[1, 1]`` orbit using:

print(similarity.orbit_to_sample([1, 1], modes=m0.modes))

# Orbits provide a useful way to coarse-grain the samples from GBS into outcomes that are
# statistically more likely to be observed. However, we are interested in coarse-graining further
# into *events*, which correspond to a combination of orbits with the same photon number such
# that the number of photons counted in each mode does not exceed a fixed value
# ``max_count_per_mode``. To understand this, let's look at all of the orbits with a photon
# number of 5: