def streamlit_write(path, binary=False):
    Opens a file for writing within the streamlit path, and
    ensuring that the path exists. For example:

        with streamlit_write('foo/bar.txt') as bar:

    opens the file %s/foo/bar.txt for writing,
    creating any necessary directories along the way.

    path   - the path to write to (within the streamlit directory)
    binary - set to True for binary IO
    mode = "w"
    if binary:
        mode += "b"
    path = get_streamlit_file_path(path)
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
        with open(path, mode) as handle:
            yield handle
    except OSError as e:
        msg = ["Unable to write file: %s" % os.path.abspath(path)]
        if e.errno == errno.EINVAL and env_util.IS_DARWIN:
            msg.append("Python is limited to files below 2GB on OSX. "
        raise util.Error("\n".join(msg))
def streamlit_read(path, binary=False):
    """Opens a context to read this file relative to the streamlit path.

    For example:

    with streamlit_read('foo.txt') as foo:

    opens the file `%s/foo.txt`

    path   - the path to write to (within the streamlit directory)
    binary - set to True for binary IO
    filename = get_streamlit_file_path(path)
    if os.stat(filename).st_size == 0:
        raise util.Error('Read zero byte file: "%s"' % filename)

    mode = "r"
    if binary:
        mode += "b"
    with open(os.path.join(CONFIG_FOLDER_NAME, path), mode) as handle:
        yield handle