def loading_full_tractograpy(self, tracpath=None): """ Loading full tractography and creates StreamlineLabeler to show it all. """ # load the tracks registered in MNI space self.tracpath = tracpath basename = os.path.basename(self.tracpath) tracks_basename, tracks_format = os.path.splitext(basename) if tracks_format == '.dpy': dpr = Dpy(self.tracpath, 'r') print "Loading", self.tracpath self.T = dpr.read_tracks() dpr.close() self.T = np.array(self.T, dtype=np.object) elif tracks_format == '.trk': streams, self.hdr =, points_space='voxel') print "Loading", self.tracpath self.T = np.array([s[0] for s in streams], dtype=np.object) print "Removing short streamlines" self.T = np.array([t for t in self.T if length(t) >= 15], dtype=np.object) tracks_directoryname = os.path.dirname(self.tracpath) + '/.temp/' general_info_filename = tracks_directoryname + tracks_basename + '.spa' # Check if there is the .spa file that contains all the # computed information from the tractography anyway and try to # load it try: print "Looking for general information file" self.load_info(general_info_filename) except (IOError, KeyError): print "General information not found, recomputing buffers" self.update_info(general_info_filename) # create the interaction system for tracks, self.streamlab = StreamlineLabeler( 'Bundle Picker', self.buffers, self.clusters, vol_shape=self.dims, affine=np.copy(self.affine), clustering_parameter=len(self.clusters), clustering_parameter_max=len(self.clusters), full_dissimilarity_matrix=self.full_dissimilarity_matrix) self.scene.add_actor(self.streamlab)
def loading_full_tractograpy(self, tracpath=None): """ Loading full tractography and creates StreamlineLabeler to show it all. """ # load the tracks registered in MNI space self.tracpath=tracpath basename = os.path.basename(self.tracpath) tracks_basename, tracks_format = os.path.splitext(basename) if tracks_format == '.dpy': dpr = Dpy(self.tracpath, 'r') print "Loading", self.tracpath self.T = dpr.read_tracks() dpr.close() self.T = np.array(self.T, dtype=np.object) elif tracks_format == '.trk': print "Loading", self.tracpath # Old nibabel API: # streams, self.hdr =, points_space='voxel') # self.T = np.array([s[0] for s in streams], dtype=np.object) # New nibabel API tmp = nib.streamlines.load(self.tracpath) streams = tmp.tractogram.apply_affine(np.linalg.inv(tmp.affine)).streamlines self.header = tmp.header self.T = np.array(streams, dtype=np.object) # The following code has been commented out to avoid # misalignment between original streamlines IDs and final IDs. # print "Removing short streamlines" # self.T = np.array([t for t in self.T if length(t)>= 15], dtype=np.object) tracks_directoryname = os.path.dirname(self.tracpath) + '/.temp/' general_info_filename = tracks_directoryname + tracks_basename + '.spa' # Check if there is the .spa file that contains all the # computed information from the tractography anyway and try to # load it try: print "Looking for general information file" self.load_info(general_info_filename) except (IOError, KeyError): print "General information not found, recomputing buffers" self.update_info(general_info_filename) # create the interaction system for tracks, self.streamlab = StreamlineLabeler('Bundle Picker', self.buffers, self.clusters, vol_shape=self.dims, affine=np.copy(self.affine), clustering_parameter=len(self.clusters), clustering_parameter_max=len(self.clusters), full_dissimilarity_matrix=self.full_dissimilarity_matrix) self.scene.add_actor(self.streamlab)
class Tractome(object): """ """ def __init__(self): """ Initializing the class that contains that manipulates the scene, actors and all the logic of Tractome. """ self.scene = Scene(scenename = 'Main Scene', activate_aabb = False) self.d_active_ROIS = {} self.list_ROIS = [] self.list_oper_ROIS = [] def loading_structural(self, structpath = None): """ Loading structural data. """ # load structural volume print "Loading structural information file" self.structpath = structpath self.img = nib.load(self.structpath) data = self.img.get_data() self.affine = self.img.get_affine() self.dims = data.shape[:3] # verifying if structural is color_fa created by TrackVis :: Diffusion Toolkit if data.dtype == [('R', '|u1'), ('G', '|u1'), ('B', '|u1')]: data1 = data.view((np.uint8, len(data.dtype.names))) data = data1 del data1 # Create the Guillotine object data = (np.interp(data, [data.min(), data.max()], [0, 255])) self.guil = Guillotine('Volume Slicer', data, np.copy(self.affine)) self.scene.add_actor(self.guil) def loading_full_tractograpy(self, tracpath=None): """ Loading full tractography and creates StreamlineLabeler to show it all. """ # load the tracks registered in MNI space self.tracpath=tracpath basename = os.path.basename(self.tracpath) tracks_basename, tracks_format = os.path.splitext(basename) if tracks_format == '.dpy': dpr = Dpy(self.tracpath, 'r') print "Loading", self.tracpath self.T = dpr.read_tracks() dpr.close() self.T = np.array(self.T, dtype=np.object) elif tracks_format == '.trk': print "Loading", self.tracpath # Old nibabel API: # streams, self.hdr =, points_space='voxel') # self.T = np.array([s[0] for s in streams], dtype=np.object) # New nibabel API tmp = nib.streamlines.load(self.tracpath) streams = tmp.tractogram.apply_affine(np.linalg.inv(tmp.affine)).streamlines self.header = tmp.header self.T = np.array(streams, dtype=np.object) # The following code has been commented out to avoid # misalignment between original streamlines IDs and final IDs. # print "Removing short streamlines" # self.T = np.array([t for t in self.T if length(t)>= 15], dtype=np.object) tracks_directoryname = os.path.dirname(self.tracpath) + '/.temp/' general_info_filename = tracks_directoryname + tracks_basename + '.spa' # Check if there is the .spa file that contains all the # computed information from the tractography anyway and try to # load it try: print "Looking for general information file" self.load_info(general_info_filename) except (IOError, KeyError): print "General information not found, recomputing buffers" self.update_info(general_info_filename) # create the interaction system for tracks, self.streamlab = StreamlineLabeler('Bundle Picker', self.buffers, self.clusters, vol_shape=self.dims, affine=np.copy(self.affine), clustering_parameter=len(self.clusters), clustering_parameter_max=len(self.clusters), full_dissimilarity_matrix=self.full_dissimilarity_matrix) self.scene.add_actor(self.streamlab) def load_segmentation(self, segpath=None): """ Loading file containing a previous segmentation """ print "Loading saved session file" segm_info = pickle.load(open(segpath)) state = segm_info['segmsession'] self.structpath=segm_info['structfilename'] self.tracpath=segm_info['tractfilename'] # load T1 volume registered in MNI space print "Loading structural information file" self.loading_structural(self.structpath) # load tractography self.loading_full_tractograpy(self.tracpath) self.streamlab.set_state(state) self.scene.update() def max_num_clusters(self): """ """ n_clusters = len(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) if (len(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) < 1e5) and (len(self.streamlab.streamline_ids)>= 50): default = 50 else: default = len(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) return n_clusters, default def recluster(self, n_clusters): """ Re-cluster current selected set of streamlines """ # MBKM: self.streamlab.recluster(n_clusters, data=self.full_dissimilarity_matrix) self.set_streamlines_clusters() def loading_mask(self, filename, color): """ Loads a mask """ print "Loading mask" img = nib.load(filename) mask = img.get_data() itemindex = np.where(mask!=0) self.ROIMask(os.path.basename(filename), itemindex, color) def ROIMask(self, nameroi, mask, color): """ Create actor for ROI from loaded mask and add it to the scene. """ coords_streamlines, index_streamlines = self.compute_dataforROI() self.list_ROIS.append(nameroi) self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] = False self.list_oper_ROIS.append('and') #create Mask actor and add it to scene mask = Mask(nameroi, color.getRgbF(),, coords_streamlines, mask, index_streamlines, self.affine, self.dims) self.scene.add_actor(mask) def max_coordinates(self): """ Computing maximum value of each coordinate from the whole tractography. """ max= [np.amax(t,axis=0).tolist() for t in self.T] coords_max = np.amax(max,axis=0) return coords_max def save_info(self, filepath): """ Saves all the information from the tractography required for the whole segmentation procedure. """ info = {'initclusters':self.clusters, 'buff':self.buffers, 'dismatrix':self.full_dissimilarity_matrix,'nprot':self.num_prototypes, 'kdtree':self.kdt} print "Saving information of the tractography for the segmentation" print filepath filedir = os.path.dirname(filepath) if not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) pickle.dump(info, open(filepath,'w'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_info(self, filepath): """ Loads all the information from the tractography required for the whole segmentation procedure. """ print "Loading general information file" general_info = pickle.load(open(filepath)) self.full_dissimilarity_matrix = general_info['dismatrix'] self.num_prototypes = general_info['nprot'] self.buffers = general_info['buff'] self.clusters = general_info['initclusters'] self.kdt = general_info['kdtree'] def update_info(self, filepath): """ Compute missing or inconsistent information in the cache. """ save = False try: self.buffers except AttributeError: print "Computing buffers." self.buffers = compute_buffers(self.T, alpha=1.0, save=False) save = True try: self.num_prototypes except AttributeError: print "Defining number of prototypes" self.num_prototypes = 40 save = True try: self.full_dissimilarity_matrix except AttributeError: print "Computing dissimilarity matrix" self.full_dissimilarity_matrix = compute_dissimilarity(self.T, distance=bundles_distances_mam, prototype_policy='sff', num_prototypes=self.num_prototypes) save = True try: assert(self.full_dissimilarity_matrix.shape[0] == len(self.T)) except AssertionError: print "Re-computing dissimilarity matrix." self.num_prototypes = 40 self.full_dissimilarity_matrix = compute_dissimilarity(self.T, distance=bundles_distances_mam, prototype_policy='sff', num_prototypes=self.num_prototypes) save = True try: self.clusters except AttributeError: print "Computing MBKM" size_T = len(self.T) if size_T > 150: n_clusters = 150 else: n_clusters = size_T streamlines_ids = np.arange(size_T, self.clusters = mbkm_wrapper(self.full_dissimilarity_matrix, n_clusters, streamlines_ids) save = True try: self.kdt except AttributeError: print "Computing KDTree" self.compute_kdtree() save=True if save: self.save_info(filepath) def save_segmentation(self, filename): """ Saves the information of the segmentation result from the current session. """ print "Save segmentation result from current session" filename = filename[0]+'.seg' state = self.streamlab.get_state() seg_info={'structfilename':self.structpath, 'tractfilename':self.tracpath, 'segmsession':state} pickle.dump(seg_info, open(filename,'w'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def save_trk(self, filename): """ Save current streamlines in .trk file. """ filename = filename[0]+'.trk' streamlines_ids = list(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) # Old nibabel API: # hdr = nib.trackvis.empty_header() # hdr['voxel_size'] = self.img.get_header().get_zooms()[:3] # hdr['voxel_order'] = 'LAS' # hdr['dim'] = self.dims # hdr['vox_to_ras'] = self.affine # streamlines = [(s, None, None) for s in self.T[streamlines_ids]] # nib.trackvis.write(filename, streamlines, hdr, points_space = 'voxel') # New nibabel API: tmp = nib.streamlines.Tractogram(self.T[streamlines_ids], affine_to_rasmm=self.affine), filename=filename, header=self.header) def compute_kdtree(self): """ Compute kdtree from tactography, for ROIs and extensions. """ self.kdt=KDTree(self.full_dissimilarity_matrix) def compute_kqueries(self, k): """ Makes the query to find the knn of the current streamlines on the scene """ if k==0: if self.streamlab.knnreset == True: self.streamlab.reset_state('knn') else: if len(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) == len(self.T): raise TractomeError("Cannot enlarge clusters. The whole tractography is being used as input.") else: nn = k+1 if self.streamlab.save_init_set==True: self.streamlines_before_knn = self.streamlab.streamline_ids.copy() a2 = self.kdt.query(self.full_dissimilarity_matrix[list( self.streamlines_before_knn)],k=nn, return_distance = False) b2 = set(a2.flat) # Finding difference between the initial set of streamlines and those from the kdt query. This will give us the new streamlines b2.difference_update(self.streamlines_before_knn) if len(b2)>0: self.streamlab.set_streamlines_knn(list(b2)) def set_streamlines_clusters(self): """ The actual composition of clusters will be set as reference to compute the new neighbors. """ self.streamlab.save_init_set = True self.streamlab.hide_representatives = False def compute_dataforROI(self): """ Compute info from tractography to provide it to ROI. """ coords = np.vstack(self.T) index = np.concatenate([i*np.ones(len(s)) for i,s in enumerate(self.T)]).astype( return coords, index def create_ROI_sphere(self, nameroi, coordx, coordy, coordz, radius, method, color, colorname): """ Create actor for ROI sphere and add it to the scene. """ coords_streamlines, index_streamlines = self.compute_dataforROI() self.list_ROIS.append(nameroi) self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] = False self.list_oper_ROIS.append('and') #create Sphere actor and add it to scene sphere = SphereTractome(nameroi, coordx, coordy, coordz, radius, color, colorname, method, coords_streamlines, index_streamlines, self.affine, self.dims) self.scene.add_actor(sphere) def update_ROI(self, nameroi, newname = None, coordx=None, coordy=None, coordz=None, radius=None, color=None, method = None, rebuild = False, pos_activeroi = None): """ Updates any parameter of the specified ROI. """ if coordx is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_xcoord(coordx) if coordy is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_ycoord(coordy) if coordz is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_zcoord(coordz) if radius is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_radius(radius) if color is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_color (color) if method is not None: value_dict = self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] del self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] actor_roi = self.scene.actors[str(nameroi)] self.scene.remove_actor(str(nameroi)) self.create_ROI_sphere(str(nameroi), actor_roi.coordinates[0], actor_roi.coordinates[1], actor_roi.coordinates[2], actor_roi.radius, method, actor_roi.color, actor_roi.colorname) if rebuild: self.compute_streamlines_ROIS() if newname is not None: value_dict = self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] del self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] self.d_active_ROIS[newname] = value_dict self.list_ROIS[pos_activeroi] = newname actor_roi = self.scene.actors[nameroi] = newname self.scene.remove_actor(str(nameroi)) self.scene.add_actor(actor_roi) def activation_ROIs(self, pos_activeroi, activate, operator=None): """ Activates or deactivates the specified ROI. In case it is activated, the operator to be applied is also specified. """ self.d_active_ROIS[self.list_ROIS[pos_activeroi]] = activate if operator is not None: self.list_oper_ROIS[pos_activeroi] = operator def compute_streamlines_ROIS(self): """ Obtain set of streamlines that pass through the specified ROIs. """ streamlines_ROIs = [] last_chkd = -1 for pos in range(0, len(self.list_ROIS)): name_roi = self.list_ROIS[pos] if self.d_active_ROIS[name_roi]: if last_chkd == -1: streamlines_ROIs = set(self.scene.actors[name_roi].streamlines) else: current_roi_streamlines = set(self.scene.actors[name_roi].streamlines) if self.list_oper_ROIS[last_chkd] == 'and': streamlines_ROIs.intersection_update(current_roi_streamlines) elif self.list_oper_ROIS[last_chkd] == 'or': streamlines_ROIs.update(current_roi_streamlines) last_chkd =pos if last_chkd == -1: self.streamlab.reset_state() else: if len(streamlines_ROIs) > 0: self.streamlab.set_streamlines_ROIs(streamlines_ROIs) else: self.streamlab.set_empty_scene() def information_from_ROI(self, name_roi): """ Returns general information from the specified ROI. """ roi = self.scene.actors[name_roi] xcoord = roi.coordinates[0] ycoord = roi.coordinates[1] zcoord = roi.coordinates[2] radius = roi.radius color = roi.colorname return xcoord, ycoord, zcoord, radius, color def clear_all(self): """ Actors of scene will be removed in order to load new ones. """ self.d_active_ROIS = {} self.list_ROIS = [] self.list_oper_ROIS = [] self.scene.actors.clear() self.scene.update() def clear_actor(self, name): """ Specified actor will be removed from the scenename """ self.scene.remove_actor(name) def show_hide_actor(self, name, state): """ Show or hide the specified actor """ if state: self.scene.actors[name].show() else: self.scene.actors[name].hide() self.scene.update()
class Tractome(object): """ """ def __init__(self): """ Initializing the class that contains that manipulates the scene, actors and all the logic of Tractome. """ self.scene = Scene(scenename='Main Scene', activate_aabb=False) self.d_active_ROIS = {} self.list_ROIS = [] self.list_oper_ROIS = [] def loading_structural(self, structpath=None): """ Loading structural data. """ # load structural volume print "Loading structural information file" self.structpath = structpath self.img = nib.load(self.structpath) data = self.img.get_data() self.affine = self.img.get_affine() self.dims = data.shape[:3] # verifying if structural is color_fa created by TrackVis :: Diffusion Toolkit if data.dtype == [('R', '|u1'), ('G', '|u1'), ('B', '|u1')]: data1 = data.view((np.uint8, len(data.dtype.names))) data = data1 del data1 # Create the Guillotine object data = (np.interp(data, [data.min(), data.max()], [0, 255])) self.guil = Guillotine('Volume Slicer', data, np.copy(self.affine)) self.scene.add_actor(self.guil) def loading_full_tractograpy(self, tracpath=None): """ Loading full tractography and creates StreamlineLabeler to show it all. """ # load the tracks registered in MNI space self.tracpath = tracpath basename = os.path.basename(self.tracpath) tracks_basename, tracks_format = os.path.splitext(basename) if tracks_format == '.dpy': dpr = Dpy(self.tracpath, 'r') print "Loading", self.tracpath self.T = dpr.read_tracks() dpr.close() self.T = np.array(self.T, dtype=np.object) elif tracks_format == '.trk': streams, self.hdr =, points_space='voxel') print "Loading", self.tracpath self.T = np.array([s[0] for s in streams], dtype=np.object) print "Removing short streamlines" self.T = np.array([t for t in self.T if length(t) >= 15], dtype=np.object) tracks_directoryname = os.path.dirname(self.tracpath) + '/.temp/' general_info_filename = tracks_directoryname + tracks_basename + '.spa' # Check if there is the .spa file that contains all the # computed information from the tractography anyway and try to # load it try: print "Looking for general information file" self.load_info(general_info_filename) except (IOError, KeyError): print "General information not found, recomputing buffers" self.update_info(general_info_filename) # create the interaction system for tracks, self.streamlab = StreamlineLabeler( 'Bundle Picker', self.buffers, self.clusters, vol_shape=self.dims, affine=np.copy(self.affine), clustering_parameter=len(self.clusters), clustering_parameter_max=len(self.clusters), full_dissimilarity_matrix=self.full_dissimilarity_matrix) self.scene.add_actor(self.streamlab) def load_segmentation(self, segpath=None): """ Loading file containing a previous segmentation """ print "Loading saved session file" segm_info = pickle.load(open(segpath)) state = segm_info['segmsession'] self.structpath = segm_info['structfilename'] self.tracpath = segm_info['tractfilename'] # load T1 volume registered in MNI space print "Loading structural information file" self.loading_structural(self.structpath) # load tractography self.loading_full_tractograpy(self.tracpath) self.streamlab.set_state(state) self.scene.update() def max_num_clusters(self): """ """ n_clusters = len(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) if (len(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) < 1e5) and (len( self.streamlab.streamline_ids) >= 50): default = 50 else: default = len(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) return n_clusters, default def recluster(self, n_clusters): """ Re-cluster current selected set of streamlines """ # MBKM: self.streamlab.recluster(n_clusters, data=self.full_dissimilarity_matrix) self.set_streamlines_clusters() def loading_mask(self, filename, color): """ Loads a mask """ print "Loading mask" img = nib.load(filename) mask = img.get_data() itemindex = np.where(mask != 0) self.ROIMask(os.path.basename(filename), itemindex, color) def ROIMask(self, nameroi, mask, color): """ Create actor for ROI from loaded mask and add it to the scene. """ coords_streamlines, index_streamlines = self.compute_dataforROI() self.list_ROIS.append(nameroi) self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] = False self.list_oper_ROIS.append('and') #create Mask actor and add it to scene mask = Mask(nameroi, color.getRgbF(),, coords_streamlines, mask, index_streamlines, self.affine, self.dims) self.scene.add_actor(mask) def max_coordinates(self): """ Computing maximum value of each coordinate from the whole tractography. """ max = [np.amax(t, axis=0).tolist() for t in self.T] coords_max = np.amax(max, axis=0) return coords_max def save_info(self, filepath): """ Saves all the information from the tractography required for the whole segmentation procedure. """ info = { 'initclusters': self.clusters, 'buff': self.buffers, 'dismatrix': self.full_dissimilarity_matrix, 'nprot': self.num_prototypes, 'kdtree': self.kdt } print "Saving information of the tractography for the segmentation" print filepath filedir = os.path.dirname(filepath) if not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) pickle.dump(info, open(filepath, 'w'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_info(self, filepath): """ Loads all the information from the tractography required for the whole segmentation procedure. """ print "Loading general information file" general_info = pickle.load(open(filepath)) self.full_dissimilarity_matrix = general_info['dismatrix'] self.num_prototypes = general_info['nprot'] self.buffers = general_info['buff'] self.clusters = general_info['initclusters'] self.kdt = general_info['kdtree'] def update_info(self, filepath): """ Compute missing or inconsistent information in the cache. """ save = False try: self.buffers except AttributeError: print "Computing buffers." self.buffers = compute_buffers(self.T, alpha=1.0, save=False) save = True try: self.num_prototypes except AttributeError: print "Defining number of prototypes" self.num_prototypes = 40 save = True try: self.full_dissimilarity_matrix except AttributeError: print "Computing dissimilarity matrix" self.full_dissimilarity_matrix = compute_dissimilarity( self.T, distance=bundles_distances_mam, prototype_policy='sff', num_prototypes=self.num_prototypes) save = True try: assert (self.full_dissimilarity_matrix.shape[0] == len(self.T)) except AssertionError: print "Re-computing dissimilarity matrix." self.num_prototypes = 40 self.full_dissimilarity_matrix = compute_dissimilarity( self.T, distance=bundles_distances_mam, prototype_policy='sff', num_prototypes=self.num_prototypes) save = True try: self.clusters except AttributeError: print "Computing MBKM" size_T = len(self.T) if size_T > 150: n_clusters = 150 else: n_clusters = size_T streamlines_ids = np.arange(size_T, self.clusters = mbkm_wrapper(self.full_dissimilarity_matrix, n_clusters, streamlines_ids) save = True try: self.kdt except AttributeError: print "Computing KDTree" self.compute_kdtree() save = True if save: self.save_info(filepath) def save_segmentation(self, filename): """ Saves the information of the segmentation result from the current session. """ print "Save segmentation result from current session" filename = filename[0] + '.seg' state = self.streamlab.get_state() seg_info = { 'structfilename': self.structpath, 'tractfilename': self.tracpath, 'segmsession': state } pickle.dump(seg_info, open(filename, 'w'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def save_trk(self, filename): """ Save current streamlines in .trk file. """ filename = filename[0] + '.trk' hdr = nib.trackvis.empty_header() hdr['voxel_size'] = self.img.get_header().get_zooms()[:3] hdr['voxel_order'] = 'LAS' hdr['dim'] = self.dims hdr['vox_to_ras'] = self.affine streamlines_ids = list(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) streamlines = [(s, None, None) for s in self.T[streamlines_ids]] nib.trackvis.write(filename, streamlines, hdr, points_space='voxel') def compute_kdtree(self): """ Compute kdtree from tactography, for ROIs and extensions. """ self.kdt = KDTree(self.full_dissimilarity_matrix) def compute_kqueries(self, k): """ Makes the query to find the knn of the current streamlines on the scene """ if k == 0: if self.streamlab.knnreset == True: self.streamlab.reset_state('knn') else: if len(self.streamlab.streamline_ids) == len(self.T): raise TractomeError( "Cannot enlarge clusters. The whole tractography is being used as input." ) else: nn = k + 1 if self.streamlab.save_init_set == True: self.streamlines_before_knn = self.streamlab.streamline_ids.copy( ) a2 = self.kdt.query(self.full_dissimilarity_matrix[list( self.streamlines_before_knn)], k=nn, return_distance=False) b2 = set(a2.flat) # Finding difference between the initial set of streamlines and those from the kdt query. This will give us the new streamlines b2.difference_update(self.streamlines_before_knn) if len(b2) > 0: self.streamlab.set_streamlines_knn(list(b2)) def set_streamlines_clusters(self): """ The actual composition of clusters will be set as reference to compute the new neighbors. """ self.streamlab.save_init_set = True self.streamlab.hide_representatives = False def compute_dataforROI(self): """ Compute info from tractography to provide it to ROI. """ coords = np.vstack(self.T) index = np.concatenate( [i * np.ones(len(s)) for i, s in enumerate(self.T)]).astype( return coords, index def create_ROI_sphere(self, nameroi, coordx, coordy, coordz, radius, method, color, colorname): """ Create actor for ROI sphere and add it to the scene. """ coords_streamlines, index_streamlines = self.compute_dataforROI() self.list_ROIS.append(nameroi) self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] = False self.list_oper_ROIS.append('and') #create Sphere actor and add it to scene sphere = SphereTractome(nameroi, coordx, coordy, coordz, radius, color, colorname, method, coords_streamlines, index_streamlines, self.affine, self.dims) self.scene.add_actor(sphere) def update_ROI(self, nameroi, newname=None, coordx=None, coordy=None, coordz=None, radius=None, color=None, method=None, rebuild=False, pos_activeroi=None): """ Updates any parameter of the specified ROI. """ if coordx is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_xcoord(coordx) if coordy is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_ycoord(coordy) if coordz is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_zcoord(coordz) if radius is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_radius(radius) if color is not None: self.scene.actors[nameroi].update_color(color) if method is not None: value_dict = self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] del self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] actor_roi = self.scene.actors[str(nameroi)] self.scene.remove_actor(str(nameroi)) self.create_ROI_sphere(str(nameroi), actor_roi.coordinates[0], actor_roi.coordinates[1], actor_roi.coordinates[2], actor_roi.radius, method, actor_roi.color, actor_roi.colorname) if rebuild: self.compute_streamlines_ROIS() if newname is not None: value_dict = self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] del self.d_active_ROIS[nameroi] self.d_active_ROIS[newname] = value_dict self.list_ROIS[pos_activeroi] = newname actor_roi = self.scene.actors[nameroi] = newname self.scene.remove_actor(str(nameroi)) self.scene.add_actor(actor_roi) def activation_ROIs(self, pos_activeroi, activate, operator=None): """ Activates or deactivates the specified ROI. In case it is activated, the operator to be applied is also specified. """ self.d_active_ROIS[self.list_ROIS[pos_activeroi]] = activate if operator is not None: self.list_oper_ROIS[pos_activeroi] = operator def compute_streamlines_ROIS(self): """ Obtain set of streamlines that pass through the specified ROIs. """ streamlines_ROIs = [] last_chkd = -1 for pos in range(0, len(self.list_ROIS)): name_roi = self.list_ROIS[pos] if self.d_active_ROIS[name_roi]: if last_chkd == -1: streamlines_ROIs = set( self.scene.actors[name_roi].streamlines) else: current_roi_streamlines = set( self.scene.actors[name_roi].streamlines) if self.list_oper_ROIS[last_chkd] == 'and': streamlines_ROIs.intersection_update( current_roi_streamlines) elif self.list_oper_ROIS[last_chkd] == 'or': streamlines_ROIs.update(current_roi_streamlines) last_chkd = pos if last_chkd == -1: self.streamlab.reset_state() else: if len(streamlines_ROIs) > 0: self.streamlab.set_streamlines_ROIs(streamlines_ROIs) else: self.streamlab.set_empty_scene() def information_from_ROI(self, name_roi): """ Returns general information from the specified ROI. """ roi = self.scene.actors[name_roi] xcoord = roi.coordinates[0] ycoord = roi.coordinates[1] zcoord = roi.coordinates[2] radius = roi.radius color = roi.colorname return xcoord, ycoord, zcoord, radius, color def clear_all(self): """ Actors of scene will be removed in order to load new ones. """ self.d_active_ROIS = {} self.list_ROIS = [] self.list_oper_ROIS = [] self.scene.actors.clear() self.scene.update() def clear_actor(self, name): """ Specified actor will be removed from the scenename """ self.scene.remove_actor(name) def show_hide_actor(self, name, state): """ Show or hide the specified actor """ if state: self.scene.actors[name].show() else: self.scene.actors[name].hide() self.scene.update()
def loading_full_tractograpy(self, tracpath=None): """ Loading full tractography and creates StreamlineLabeler to show it all. """ # load the tracks registered in MNI space self.tracpath=tracpath basename = os.path.basename(self.tracpath) tracks_basename, tracks_format = os.path.splitext(basename) if tracks_format == '.dpy': dpr = Dpy(self.tracpath, 'r') print "Loading", self.tracpath self.T = dpr.read_tracks() dpr.close() self.T = np.array(self.T, dtype=np.object) elif tracks_format == '.trk': streams, self.hdr =, points_space='voxel') print "Loading", self.tracpath self.T = np.array([s[0] for s in streams], dtype=np.object) print "Removing short streamlines" self.T = np.array([t for t in self.T if length(t)>= 15], dtype=np.object) tracks_directoryname = os.path.dirname(self.tracpath) + '/.temp/' general_info_filename = tracks_directoryname + tracks_basename + '.spa' # Check if there is the .spa file that contains all the # computed information from the tractography anyway and try to # load it try: print "Looking for general information file" self.load_info(general_info_filename) except IOError: print "General information not found, recomputing buffers" print "Computing buffers." self.buffers = compute_buffers(self.T, alpha=1.0, save=False) print "Computing dissimilarity matrix" self.num_prototypes = 40 self.full_dissimilarity_matrix = compute_dissimilarity(self.T, distance=bundles_distances_mam, prototype_policy='sff', num_prototypes=self.num_prototypes) # compute initial MBKM with given n_clusters print "Computing MBKM" size_T = len(self.T) if size_T > 150: n_clusters = 150 else: n_clusters = size_T streamlines_ids = np.arange(size_T, self.clusters = mbkm_wrapper(self.full_dissimilarity_matrix, n_clusters, streamlines_ids) print "Saving computed information from tractography" if not os.path.exists(tracks_directoryname): os.makedirs(tracks_directoryname) self.save_info(general_info_filename) # create the interaction system for tracks, self.streamlab = StreamlineLabeler('Bundle Picker', self.buffers, self.clusters, vol_shape=self.dims, affine=np.copy(self.affine), clustering_parameter=len(self.clusters), clustering_parameter_max=len(self.clusters), full_dissimilarity_matrix=self.full_dissimilarity_matrix) self.scene.add_actor(self.streamlab)