def bande_seule(im_flash, s_sombre, s_bande):  #s_bande=95 c bon
    im_res = sans_sombre(im_flash, s_sombre)
    im_res = myutil.myseuil(im_res, s_bande)
    el_ferm ='carre', 6)
    el_recon ='diamant', 1)
    im_res = morpho.fermeture_recon(im_res, el_ferm, el_recon)
    return im_res
Exemple #2
def nettoyageImage(image, aireZoneMax, largeurMax):

    # On transforme l'image en niveau de gris
    imgray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # On transforme l'image en binaire en appliquant un threshold
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    # On recupere les composantes connexes de notre image (technique de labelisation)
    output = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(thresh, 8, cv2.CV_32S)

    # On recupere les labels de nos zones
    labels = output[1]

    # On recupere les statistiques associees a chaque zone
    stats = output[2]

    imgNettoyee = image
    taille = image.shape

    # gestion de la largeur
    elementOuverture ='carre', largeurMax, None)
    elementReconstruction ='carre', largeurMax, None)

    imgNettoyee = utils.ouvertureReconstruction(imgNettoyee, elementOuverture, elementReconstruction)
    imgNettoyee = utils.fermetureReconstruction(imgNettoyee, elementOuverture, elementReconstruction)

    # On itere sur nos pixels
    # Pour chaque pixel, on recupere la zone associee afin de connaitre l'aire et la largeur de la bounding box
    # Si c'est trop petit, alors on remplace la couleur par une couleur precedente
    for x in range(0, taille[0]):
        for y in range(0, taille[1]):
            zone = labels[x][y]
            if stats[zone, cv2.CC_STAT_AREA] < aireZoneMax or stats[zone, cv2.cv2.CC_STAT_WIDTH] < largeurMax:
                imgNettoyee[x, y] = imgNettoyee[x - 5, y-5]

    return imgNettoyee
Exemple #3
def traceContour(imgInitiale, imgNettoyee):

    # On applique un gradient avec un gamma8
    structElement ='diamant', 1, 0)
    imageNiveauGris = cv2.cvtColor(imgNettoyee, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    imgAvecGradient = utils.gradient(imageNiveauGris, structElement)

    # Puis on applique un seuil
    seuil = 1
    imgSeuilee = utils.appliquerSeuil(imgAvecGradient, seuil)

    # On reconstitue une image couleur a partir de l'image en niveau de gris
    imgContour = imgInitiale
    index = imgSeuilee[:] == 255
    imgContour[:] = (0, 0, 0)
    imgContour[index] = (255, 255, 255)

    elementOuverture ='disque', 1, None)
    elementReconstruction ='carre', 1, None)

    imgContour = utils.ouvertureReconstruction(imgContour, elementOuverture, elementReconstruction)
    imgContour = utils.fermetureReconstruction(imgContour, elementOuverture, elementReconstruction)

    return imgContour
Exemple #4
    cv2.THRESH_BINARY)  #choice of threshold for the black zone
ret_gray, t_gray = cv2.threshold(
    im_gray_area, 127, 255,
    cv2.THRESH_BINARY)  #choice of threshold for the gray zone
ret_white, t_white = cv2.threshold(
    im_white_area, 127, 255,
    cv2.THRESH_BINARY)  #choice of threshold for the white zone
cv2.imshow('t_black', t_black)  #image display
#cv2.imwrite('3_foraging_thresh_black_aera.jpg',t_black)#save image
cv2.imshow('t_gray', t_gray)  #image display
#cv2.imwrite('4_foraging_thresh_gray_aera.jpg',t_gray)#save image
cv2.imshow('t_write', t_white)  #image display
#cv2.imwrite('5_foraging_thresh_write_aera.jpg',t_white)#save image

#construction of a structuring element intended for the gray area
el ='carre', 1, 0)
op = morpho.myopen(t_gray, el)

#contour selection
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(
    t_black, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)  #selection of contours for the black area
contours_1, hierarchy_1 = cv2.findContours(
    op, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)  #selection of contours for the gray area
contours_2, hierarchy_2 = cv2.findContours(
    t_white, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)  #selection of contours for the white area
print("shapes found : ", len(contours))  #print the numbers of outlines

#it is necessary to filter the contours via a parameter,
Exemple #5
def ajouterIndicationCouleursZoneErosionSuccessives(imgContour, imgNettoyee, rayonDisqueCouleur):

    taille = imgNettoyee.shape
    gamma8 ='carre', 1, None)

    imgFinale  = np.zeros(taille, np.float)
    imgFinale = np.uint8(imgFinale)

    imgFinale = imgFinale + imgContour

    imgFinale += imgContour

    structElementCercle = strel.build_as_list('disque', rayonDisqueCouleur, None)

    m = np.copy(imgContour)
    imgContour[0, :] = 0
    imgContour[m.shape[0] - 1, :] = 0
    imgContour[:, 0] = 0
    imgContour[:, m.shape[1] - 1] = 0

    # Iteration sur les pixels de imgContour
    for x in range(0, taille[0]):
        for y in range(0, taille[1]):
            if np.any(imgContour[x, y]) != 0:

                # On cherche a isoler la zone
                m[:] = 0
                m[x, y] = 255
                imgReconInf = utils.reconstructionInferieure(imgContour, m, gamma8)

                # Erosion successive jusqu'a faire disparaitre la zone
                continuer = True
                i = 1
                while continuer:
                    structElement ='disque', i, None)
                    imgErodee = utils.erode(imgReconInf, structElement)

                    # Quand la zone a disparu, alors on prend l'erosion successive precedente afin de placer notre cercle de couleur
                    if np.amax(imgErodee) == 0:
                        structElement ='disque', i - 1, None)
                        imgErodee = utils.erode(imgReconInf, structElement)

                        # On reboucle afin de chercher un pixel de la zone isolee restant apres les erosions successives
                        for x in range(0, taille[0]):
                            for y in range(0, taille[1]):
                                if np.any(imgErodee[x, y]) != 0:
                                    pixel = (x, y)

                        # Boucle permettant de creer notre cercle de couleur a partir de l'element structurant
                        for (i, j) in structElementCercle:
                            if pixel[0] < (taille[1] - rayonDisqueCouleur) and pixel[1] < (taille[0] - rayonDisqueCouleur):
                                imgFinale[pixel[0] + i, j + pixel[1]] = imgNettoyee[pixel[0], pixel[1]]

                        continuer = False

                    i = i + 1

                # on enleve la zone isolee de image contour afin de ne pas traiter plusieurs fois les zones
                imgContour = imgContour - imgReconInf

    return imgFinale
Exemple #6
#mask 1 & 2
obj = cv2.imread('mask1.jpg', 0)
cv2.imshow('mask1', obj)  # display
cv2.imwrite('3_watershed.jpg', obj)  #save image
comp = cv2.imread('mask2.jpg', 0)
cv2.imshow('mask2', comp)  # display
cv2.imwrite('4_watershed.jpg', comp)  #save image

r = np.zeros(im.shape, im.dtype)
r = r + np.uint8(obj / 255 * 10) + np.uint8(comp / 255 * 20)
cv2.imshow('r', r)  # display
cv2.imwrite('5_watershed.jpg', r)  #save image

#structural element
g8 ='carre', 1)
grad = morpho.mygrad(im, g8)
cv2.imshow('grad', r)  # display
cv2.imwrite('6_watershed.jpg', grad)  #save image

#list with 256 lists inside
l = [[] for i in range(0, 256)]

#add at list

#soustraction of a element of the list
#li.pop(0) #indice of the element to soustract

#count of the number of elements in all lists of l
nb_el_liste = 0
Exemple #7
#creation of a table that will create an empty image
#it has the same shape as the original image
tab = np.ones(im.shape, np.uint8) * 255
cv2.imshow('tab', tab)
cv2.imwrite('1_Detct_black_aera.jpg', tab)

#loading duplicate gray tint image
im_2 = cv2.imread('image_2.jpg', 0)
#rectangle black
#el ='carre',2,0)
#triangle black

#creation of a structuraling element
el ='diamant', 2, 0)

#use of the morphological gradient technique
grad = morpho.mygrad(im, el)
cv2.imshow('grad', grad)
cv2.imwrite('2_Detct_black_aera.jpg', grad)

grad3 = morpho.mygrad(im, el)
grad4 = grad3 * 10
cv2.imshow('grad4', grad4)
cv2.imwrite('3_Detct_black_aera.jpg', grad4)

##the idea is to filter the pixels and their data a new value if they are included in ranges of values.
for i in range(0, im_2.shape[0]):
    for j in range(0, im_2.shape[1]):
        if (grad[i, j] >= 0) & (grad[i, j] < 10):