def fn_csr(n, s_csr): s_out = '' for x in xrange(len(s_csr)): if s_csr[x].isalpha(): if s_csr[x].islower(): s_out += lowercase[(lowercase.find(s_csr[x]) + n) % 26] else: s_out += uppercase[(uppercase.find(s_csr[x]) + n) % 26] else: s_out += s_csr[x] return s_out
def shift(self, text, key): result = "" for x in range(len(text)): if text[x].isalpha(): if text[x].islower(): result += lowercase[(lowercase.find(text[x]) + key) % 26] else: result += uppercase[(uppercase.find(text[x]) + key) % 26] else: result += text[x] return result
def decrypt(c, key): rotation = lowercase.find(key) if c in uppercase: index = uppercase.find(c) index -= rotation return uppercase[index % 26] elif c in lowercase: index = lowercase.find(c) index -= rotation return lowercase[index % 26] else: return c
def decrypt(c,rotation): ret = "" for i in c: if i in uppercase: index = uppercase.find(i) index += rotation ret += uppercase[index % 26] elif i in lowercase: index = lowercase.find(i) index += rotation ret += lowercase[index % 26] else : ret +=i return ret
def vigenereEncrypt(plain_text, key): cipher_text = '' keyStep = cycle([ lowercase.find(k) if lowercase.find(k) != -1 else 0 for k in key.lower() ]) for letter in plain_text: if letter in lowercase: cipher_text += lowercase[(lowercase.find(letter) + next(keyStep)) % 26] elif letter in uppercase: cipher_text += uppercase[(uppercase.find(letter) + next(keyStep)) % 26] else: cipher_text += letter return cipher_text
def brute(self, text): result = [] for i in range(26): results = "" for x in range(len(text)): if text[x].isalpha(): if text[x].islower(): results += lowercase[(lowercase.find(text[x]) + i) % 26] else: results += uppercase[(uppercase.find(text[x]) + i) % 26] else: results += text[x] result.append(results) return result
def bijec2int(bijec): i = 0 for d in bijec: i = i*26 + uppercase.find(d)+1 return i-1
def fn_main(): print author halah = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=' [+] Tools to Encoding, Decoding and Hashing [+]') halah.add_argument('str', help='Strings') halah.add_argument('-e', action='store_true', help='encode strings') halah.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', help='decode strings') halah.add_argument('-brute', action='store_true', help='Bruteforce char') halah.add_argument('-key', type=int, action='store', help='Key for char caessar cipher') halah.add_argument('-k', type=str, action='store', help='Key for char xor') halah.add_argument('-b64', action='store_true', help='Base64 encryptions') halah.add_argument('-b32', action='store_true', help='Base32 encryptions') halah.add_argument('-b16', action='store_true', help='Base16 encryptions') halah.add_argument('-hex', action='store_true', help='Hexadecimal') halah.add_argument('-dec', action='store_true', help='Decimal') halah.add_argument('-bin', action='store_true', help='Binary') halah.add_argument('-rev', action='store_true', help='Reverse Strings') halah.add_argument('-rot13', action='store_true', help='ROT 13 Cipher') halah.add_argument('-caes', action='store_true', help='Caessar Cipher') halah.add_argument('-xor', action='store_true', help='XOR Cipher') halah.add_argument('-md5', action='store_true', help='MD5 Hashing') halah.add_argument('-sha1', action='store_true', help='SHA1 Hashing') halah.add_argument('-sha256', action='store_true', help='SHA256 Hashing') halah.add_argument('-sha512', action='store_true', help='SHA512 Hashing') wibu = halah.parse_args() if wibu.b64 and wibu.e: fn_result(base64.b64encode(wibu.str)) if wibu.b64 and wibu.d: try: fn_result(base64.b64decode(wibu.str)) except: fn_error('base64') if wibu.b32 and wibu.e: fn_result(base64.b32encode(wibu.str)) if wibu.b32 and wibu.d: try: fn_result(base64.b32decode(wibu.str)) except: fn_error('base32') if wibu.b16 and wibu.e: fn_result(base64.b16encode(wibu.str)) if wibu.b16 and wibu.d: try: fn_result(base64.b16decode(wibu.str)) except: fn_error('base16') if wibu.hex and wibu.e: fn_result(binascii.hexlify(wibu.str)) if wibu.hex and wibu.d: try: fn_result(binascii.unhexlify(wibu.str)) except: fn_error('hexadecimal') if wibu.dec and wibu.e: fn_result(''.join([str(ord(c)) for c in wibu.str])) if wibu.dec and wibu.d: try: fn_result(re.sub('1?..', lambda m: chr(int(, wibu.str)) except: fn_error('decimal') if wibu.bin and wibu.e: fn_result(bin(int(binascii.hexlify(wibu.str), 16))) if wibu.bin and wibu.d: try: fn_result(binascii.unhexlify('%x' % int(wibu.str, 2))) except: fn_error('binary') if wibu.rev: fn_result(wibu.str[::-1]) if wibu.rot13: if wibu.rot13 or wibu.e or wibu.d: fn_result(wibu.str.encode('rot_13')) if wibu.caes and wibu.key: en = wibu.str n = wibu.key hasil = '' for x in range(len(en)): if en[x].isalpha(): if en[x].islower(): hasil = hasil + lowercase[(lowercase.find(en[x]) + n) % 26] else: hasil = hasil + uppercase[(uppercase.find(en[x]) + n) % 26] else: hasil = hasil + en[x] fn_result(hasil) if wibu.caes and wibu.brute: for i in range(26): hasil = '' for x in range(len(wibu.str)): if wibu.str[x].isalpha(): if wibu.str[x].islower(): hasil = hasil + lowercase[(lowercase.find(wibu.str[x]) + i) % 26] else: hasil = hasil + uppercase[(uppercase.find(wibu.str[x]) + i) % 26] else: hasil = hasil + wibu.str[x] print '{} => [+] Result => {}'.format(str(i), hasil) if wibu.xor and wibu.brute: for i in range(256): print '{} => [+] Result => {}'.format(str(i), ''.join([chr(ord(l) ^ i) for l in wibu.str])) if wibu.xor and wibu.k: string = wibu.str n = wibu.k hasil = '' for c, k in zip(string, cycle(n)): hasil += chr(ord(c) ^ ord(k)) fn_result(hasil) if wibu.md5: if wibu.md5 or wibu.e: fn_result(hashlib.md5(wibu.str.encode('utf')).hexdigest()) if wibu.sha1: if wibu.sha1 or wibu.e: fn_result(hashlib.sha1(wibu.str.encode('utf')).hexdigest()) if wibu.sha256: if wibu.sha256 or wibu.e: fn_result(hashlib.sha256(wibu.str.encode('utf')).hexdigest()) if wibu.sha512: if wibu.sha512 or wibu.e: fn_result(hashlib.sha512(wibu.str.encode('utf')).hexdigest())