def _getNextPair(self):
		text = self.fid.readline()
		if text == '':
			self.reading = False
			key = s.subStrByChar(text,'','\t')
			key = s.removeSpaces(key)
			value = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\n')
			value = s.removeSpaces(value)
			return key,value
		return None,None
    def __init__(self, item, quantity, cost):
	Initializes the Item class.  Input the item code, the quantity required
	to fulfill the order and the cost of the item.
        self.item = s.removeSpaces(item)
        self.quantity = s.removeCommas(s.removeSpaces(quantity))
        self.cost = s.removeCommas(s.removeSpaces(cost))
        self.costRate = self._setCostRate()
        self.salesRate = 0
        self.building = True
	def __init__(self,invoice,date):
	This initializes the invoice.
		self.invoice = s.removeSpaces(invoice)
		self.items = []
		self.transactions = []
		self.balance = 0 = s.removeSpaces(date)
		self.lateCode = 0
		self.termKey = ACCT_TERM
		self.building = not self._isTerminator(invoice)
    def __init__(self, invoice, date):
	This initializes the invoice.
        self.invoice = s.removeSpaces(invoice)
        self.items = []
        self.transactions = []
        self.balance = 0 = s.removeSpaces(date)
        self.lateCode = 0
        self.termKey = ACCT_TERM
        self.building = not self._isTerminator(invoice)
    def __init__(self, orderNo, date, PO, shipTo=None):
	Initializes the Order class.  Requires the order number, the date of the
	order, and the PO number to be inputted.
        self.order = s.removeSpaces(orderNo) = s.removeSpaces(date)
        self.PO = s.removeReturns(s.removeSpaces(PO))
        if shipTo is not None:
            self.shipTo = self.setShipTo(shipTo)
        self.items = []
        self.totalSales = 0
        self.building = True
    def _getNextPair(self):
	Returns the completed map from the text file.
        text = self.fid.readline()
        if text == "":
            self.reading = False
            key = s.subStrByChar(text, "", "\t")
            key = s.removeSpaces(key)
            value = s.subStrByChar(text, "\t", "\n")
            value = s.removeSpaces(value)
            return key, value
        return None, None
Exemple #7
	def _getNextPair(self):
	Returns the completed map from the text file.
		text = self.fid.readline()
		if text == '':
			self.reading = False
			key = s.subStrByChar(text,'','\t')
			key = s.removeSpaces(key)
			value = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\n')
			value = s.removeSpaces(value)
			return key,value
		return None,None
    def _getItem(self):
	Get item value from incoming text 
        item = self.iterText('Item Name')
        item = s.removeSpaces(item)
        return item
	def _getItem(self):
	Get item value from incoming text 
		item = self.iterText('Item Name')
		item = s.removeSpaces(item)
		return item
    def _setSalesTotal(self, salesTotal):
	Add sales total to account class
        salesTotal = s.removeSpaces(salesTotal)
        salesTotal = s.removeCommas(salesTotal)
        salesTotal = s.removeReturns(salesTotal)
        self.postedTotalSales = float(salesTotal)
	def __convertDateToPostingPeriod(self):
	Converts the date of the transaction to the postion period id 
		date = s.removeSpaces(self.iterText('Date'))
		month = s.subStrByChar(date,'','/')
		date_w_no_month = s.subStrByChar(date+'*', '/','*')
		year = s.subStrByChar(date_w_no_month+'*','/','*')
		return self.__getPostingPeriod(month + '/' + year)
    def __init__(self, customer):
	Initializes the OpenAccount class.  Needs the customer Id to be
	inputed to initialize.
        self.customer = s.removeSpaces(customer)
        self.invoices = []
        self.building = True
        self.reported = False
    def _setShipTo(self, shipTo):
	Set the ship to address of sales order
        shipTo = s.removeSpaces(shipTo)
            self.shipTo = int(SHIP_MAP[customer][shipTo])
        except KeyError:
            self.shipTo = 1
	def __hasInvoice(self,invoice):
	Returns boolean if invoice appears in Invoice Map
		invoice = s.removeSpaces(invoice)
		if self.invoiceMap.has_key(invoice):
			return True
			return False
	def __init__(self,customer):
	Initializes the OpenAccount class.  Needs the customer Id to be
	inputed to initialize.
		self.customer = s.removeSpaces(customer)
		self.invoices = []
		self.building = True
		self.reported = False
	def _setCommentField(self,textIn,fid=None):
	Writes field to csv
		if fid is None:
			fid = self.fid
		textOut = self.iterText(textIn)
		textOut = s.removeSpaces(textOut)
		textOut = s.removeCommas(textOut)
    def _setCommentField(self, textIn, fid=None):
	Writes field to csv
        if fid is None:
            fid = self.fid
        textOut = self.iterText(textIn)
        textOut = s.removeSpaces(textOut)
        textOut = s.removeCommas(textOut)
Exemple #18
    def _isCustomer(self):
	Checks to see if the incoming text contains a customer number
        textIn = self.iterText('Customer')
        textIn = s.removeSpaces(textIn)
        if len(textIn) < 1:
            return False
        if textIn[0] == CUST_KEY:
            return True
        return False
    def __init__(self, customer):
	Initializes the OpenAccount class.  Needs customer Id to be inputted.
        self.customer = s.removeSpaces(customer)
        self.orders = []
        self.postedTotalSales = 0.0
        self.calculatedTotalSales = 0.0
        self.difference = 0
        self.building = True
        self.reported = False
Exemple #20
	def _isCustomer(self):
	Checks to see if the incoming text contains a customer number
		textIn = self.iterText('Customer')
		textIn = s.removeSpaces(textIn)
		if len(textIn) < 1:
			return False
		if textIn[0] == CUST_KEY:
			return True
		return False
    def __init__(self, reference, transType):
	This initializes the account transaction.  It needs the incoming invoice
	number and transaction type to be created.
		""" = ''
        self.invoice = reference
        self.transType = s.removeSpaces(transType)
        self.amount = 0
        self.termKey = INV_TERM
        self.building = True
	def __init__(self,reference,transType):
	This initializes the account transaction.  It needs the incoming invoice
	number and transaction type to be created.
		""" = ''
		self.invoice = reference
		self.transType = s.removeSpaces(transType)
		self.amount = 0
		self.termKey = INV_TERM
		self.building = True
    def setAmount(self, amount):
	Sets amount variable.  Sets variable to a real number
        amount = s.removeSpaces(amount)
        # amount = s.removeMinus(amount)
        if self._isTerminator(amount):
            self.building = False
        if amount.find('-') == -1:
            self.amount = float(amount)
            amount = s.removeMinus(amount)
            self.amount = -float(amount)
	def _getNextPair(self):
	Gets the next pair.  Conditional with a new super key.
		text = self.fid.readline()
		if text == '':
			self.reading = False
			if not self._isSubKey(text):
				key = s.subStrByChar(text,'','\t')
				key = s.removeSpaces(key)
				subKey = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\t')
				subKey = s.removeSpaces(subKey)
				value = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\n',True)
				value = s.removeSpaces(value)
				return key,subKey,value
				subKey = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\t')
				subKey = s.removeSpaces(subKey)
				value = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\n',True)
				value = s.removeSpaces(value)
				return self.superKey,subKey,value
		return None,None,None
	def setAmount(self,amount):
	Sets amount variable.  Sets variable to a real number
		amount = s.removeSpaces(amount)
		# amount = s.removeMinus(amount)
		if self._isTerminator(amount):
			self.building = False
		if amount.find('-') == -1:
			self.amount = float(amount)
			amount = s.removeMinus(amount)
			self.amount = -float(amount)
    def _getNextPair(self):
	Gets the next pair.  Conditional with a new super key.
        text = self.fid.readline()
        if text == "":
            self.reading = False
            if not self.subKey:
                key = s.subStrByChar(text, "", "\t")
                key = s.removeSpaces(key)
                self.superKey = key
                self.subKey = True
                subKey = s.subStrByChar(text, "\t", "\t")
                subKey = s.removeSpaces(subKey)
                value = s.subStrByChar(text, "\t", "\n")
                value = s.removeSpaces(value)
                return key, {subKey: value}
                subKey = s.subStrByChar(text, "\t", "\t")
                subKey = s.removeSpaces(subKey)
                value = s.subStrByChar(text, "\t", "\n")
                value = s.removeSpaces(value)
                return self.superKey, {subKey: value}
Exemple #27
	def _getNextPair(self):
	Gets the next pair.  Conditional with a new super key.
		text = self.fid.readline()
		if text == '':
			self.reading = False
			if not self.subKey:
				key = s.subStrByChar(text,'','\t')
				key = s.removeSpaces(key)
				self.superKey = key
				self.subKey = True
				subKey = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\t')
				subKey = s.removeSpaces(subKey)
				value = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\n')
				value = s.removeSpaces(value)
				return key,{subKey:value}
				subKey = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\t')
				subKey = s.removeSpaces(subKey)
				value = s.subStrByChar(text,'\t','\n')
				value = s.removeSpaces(value)
				return self.superKey,{subKey:value}
	def setDate(self,date):
	Sets date variable
		date = s.removeSpaces(date) = date
	def __setInvoice(self,textIn):
	Sets invoice
		self.invoice = s.removeSpaces(self.iterText('Invoice',True,textIn))
	def _setLateCode(self,code):
	Sets late code variable.  This variable is used to determine how far back
	a search is required.
		self.lateCode = s.removeSpaces(code)
	def __getUnits(self):
	Returns sale unit type
		item = s.removeSpaces(self.itemID)
		return self.unitMap[item]
	def __getItemID(self):
	Returns the Item NetSuite ID
		item = s.removeSpaces(self.itemID)
		return self.itemMap[item]
	def __getCustomerID(self):
	Returns the Customer NetSuite ID
		customer = s.removeSpaces(self.customerID)
		return self.customerMap[customer]
	def __setField(self,field,fid=None):
	This method writes data to the csv file.  It pulls persistant data
	stored in the class for the fields it doesn't have.  It scrubs the data
	for each entry for formatting errors.  It takes an incoming field name
	pulled from the header list, finds the data from the text variable and
	writes to the csv.
		if field == 'Customer ID':
			if self.printCustomer:
				fieldVal = self.customerID
				fieldVal = ''
		elif field == 'Customer Name':
			if self.printCustomer:
				fieldVal = self.customer
				fieldVal = ''
		elif field == 'Item ID':
			fieldVal = self.itemID
		elif field == 'Item Description':
			fieldVal = self.item
		elif field == 'Rate':
			fieldVal = self.rate
		elif field == 'Sales Total':
			fieldVal =
		elif field == 'Transaction Type':
			if self.isCredit():
				fieldVal = 'Credit'
				fieldVal = 'Sale'

		elif field == 'Undeposited Funds' or field == 'Subsidiary' or \
		field == 'Location'	or field == 'Payment Method' :
			if self.printCustomer:
				fieldVal = self.defaults[field]
				fieldVal = ''

		elif field == 'Tax Code' or field == 'Price Level' or \
		field == 'Cost Estimate':
			fieldVal = self.defaults[field]

		elif field == 'Customer':
			if self.printCustomer:
				fieldVal = self.__getCustomerID()
				fieldVal = ''
		elif field == 'Item':
			fieldVal = self.__getItemID()
		elif field == 'Units':
			fieldVal = self.__getUnits()
		elif field == 'Transaction Date':
			if self.printCustomer:
				fieldVal = self.iterText('Date')
				fieldVal = ''

		elif field == 'Posting Period':
			if self.printCustomer:
				fieldVal = self.__convertDateToPostingPeriod()
				fieldVal = ''

		elif field == 'Inv Open':
			invoice = self.iterText('Invoice')
			if self.__hasInvoice(invoice):
				fieldVal = 'True'
				fieldVal = ''

		elif field == 'Parent Inv':
			fieldVal = self.p_inv
		#elif field == 'Invoice':
		# 	if self.printCustomer:
		# 		fieldVal = self.iterText('Invoice')
		# 	else:
		# 		fieldVal = ''

			fieldVal = self.iterText(field)
		fieldVal = s.removeSpaces(fieldVal)
		fieldVal = s.removeCommas(fieldVal)
		if field == 'Quantity' or 'Cost':
			fieldVal = s.removeMinus(fieldVal)
		if fid is None:
			fid = self.fid
    def setDate(self, date):
	Sets date variable
        date = s.removeSpaces(date) = date
    def _setLateCode(self, code):
	Sets late code variable.  This variable is used to determine how far back
	a search is required.
        self.lateCode = s.removeSpaces(code)