class Player(object):
    def __init__(self): = "player"
        self.hp = 100
        self.facesMonster = False
        self.facesBoss = False
        self.victory = False
        self.condition = "normal"
        self.previous = "normal"
        self.strength = 5
        self.level = 1
        self.inventory = []
        self.is_in_room = False
        self.equipped = []
        self.triedWalk = False
        self.alive = True
        self.settings = Settings()
        self.handler = Stringhandler()

    def is_alive(self):
        return self.hp > 0

    def is_in_room(self):
        return self.is_in_room

    def getCondition(self):
        return self.condition

    def setCondition(self, condition):
        self.condition = condition

    def wins(self):
        self.facesBoss = False
        self.facesMonster = False
        self.victory = True

    def takeDamage(self, damage, monster):
        self.hp -= damage
        rnd = random.randint(0, 20)
        if rnd < 3:
            self.previous = self.condition
            self.condition = "poisoned"
        elif rnd is 10 or 15 or 20:
            if self.condition == "poisoned":
                self.condition = "normal"
                self.previous = "poisoned"
            self.previous = self.condition
        if self.hp > 0:
            if self.facesBoss:

                if isinstance(monster, ByteBoss) or isinstance(
                        monster, HipsterBoss):
                    if isinstance(monster, ByteBoss):
                        return self.handler.strBoss(
                            "bAttack", self,
                            damage) + "\n" + self.handler.strPlayer(
                                self) + self.handler.strPlayerDamage(
                                    "hp", self, monster, damage) + "\n"
                    elif isinstance(monster, HipsterBoss):
                        return self.handler.strBoss(
                            "hAttack", self,
                            damage) + "\n" + self.handler.strPlayer(
                                self) + self.handler.strPlayerDamage(
                                    "hp", self, monster, damage) + "\n"
                        return "Uh oh, not good."
                return "\n" + self.handler.strPlayerDamage(
                    "takeDamage", self,
                    monster, damage) + "\n" + self.handler.strPlayer(
                        "condition", self) + self.handler.strPlayerDamage(
                            "hp", self, monster, damage) + "\n"
            return self.die(monster)

    def lvlUp(self):
        self.level += 1
        print self.handler.strPlayer("lvl", self)

    def getHP(self):
        return self.hp

    def setCondition(self, condition):
        self.condition = condition

    def getPrevious(self):
        return self.previous

    def is_facing_Monster(self):
        return self.facesMonster

    def facing_Monster(self, status):
        self.facesMonster = status

    def addItem(self, item):
        self.hasItems = True
        if isinstance(item, Weapon):
            print "\n" + self.handler.strPlayerItem("newItem", self, item)
            return self.equipItem(len(self.inventory) - 1, item)

    def equipItem(self, pos, item):
        slot = pos
        if int(slot) >= len(self.inventory):
            string = "Sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
            self.equipped = self.inventory[slot]
            # return "\n"+self.handler.strPlayerItem("newItem", self, item)
            if isinstance(item, Weapon):
                self.strength = 1
                self.strength += self.equipped.damage
            # print "\nYou equipped "+Fore.YELLOW +
            string = self.handler.strPlayerItem("equipItem", self, item)
        return string

    def heal(self):
        if isinstance(self.equipped, Potion):
            if not self.equipped.isEmpty:
                heal = int(self.hp * self.equipped.strength)
                if self.hp + heal <= 100:
                    self.hp += heal
                    return "\n" + self.handler.strPlayer("heal", self)
                    self.hp = 100
                    return "\n" + self.handler.strPlayer("healFull", self)
                return "\n" + self.handler.strPlayer("emptyPot", self)

        elif isinstance(self.equipped, list):
            return "\n" + self.handler.strPlayer("drinkAir", self)
            return self.handler.strPlayerItem("drinkItem", self, self.equipped)

    def die(self, monster):
        stringtwo = ""
        if monster is not None:
            string = self.handler.strPlayer("dies", self)
            string = self.handler.strPlayer("dies", self) + "\n"

        if "SHAKESPEAR" in string:
            string = string.replace("SHAKESPEAR ", "")
            stringtwo = "to die, to sleep..."
        elif "FORGET" in string:
            string = string.replace("FORGET ", "")
            stringtwo = "\nDo not forget me..."
        elif "FIREFLY" in string:
            string = string.replace("FIREFLY ", "")
            stringtwo = "\nCurse your sudden but inevitable betrayal..."

        for char in string:
            time.sleep(uniform(0.05, 0.1))
            sys.stdout.write('\033[36m' + char)

        for char in stringtwo:
            time.sleep(uniform(0.1, 0.6))
            sys.stdout.write('\033[36m' + char)
        self.alive = False
        return Fore.WHITE + "\n\n\nYou are dead.\n\n"
        #"+Fore.CYAN+"restart "+Fore.WHITE+"or"+Fore.CYAN+" exit?"

    def getStrength(self):
        return self.strength

    def printInventory(self):
        string = "You own: "
        for index, item in enumerate(self.inventory, start=1):
            string = string + Fore.YELLOW + + Fore.WHITE + "[" + str(
                index) + "], "
        string = string + "\nType" + Fore.CYAN + " equip 1 " + Fore.WHITE + "to equip the first item form the list."
        return self.handler.modify(string, self)
class Endboss(object):
    def __init__(self):

        self.handler = Stringhandler()
        self.bossList = []
        self.byteBoss = Bosslist.ByteBoss()
        self.hipsterBoss = Bosslist.HipsterBoss()
        self.boss = None

    def randomBoss(self, player):
        # self.bossList.append("")
        # self.bossList.append("")
        self.boss = random.choice(self.bossList)
        return self.boss

    def kill(self):
        self.boss.killed = True

    def takeDamage(self, damage, player):
        self.boss.hp -= damage

    def getHP(self):
        return self.boss.hp

    def calcDamage(self):
        damage = self.boss.strength + random.randint(0, 3)
        return damage

    def attackFromPlayer(self, player):
        damage = player.getStrength() + random.randint(0, 3)
        if (self.boss.hp - damage <= 0):
            player.facesBoss = False
            player.victory = True
            if isinstance(self.boss, ByteBoss):
                return self.handler.strBoss("bDie", player, damage)
            elif isinstance(self.boss, HipsterBoss):
                return self.handler.strBoss("hDie", player, damage)
                return "Error 404: Boss not found"
            self.takeDamage(damage, player)

            if isinstance(self.boss, ByteBoss):
                print self.handler.strBoss(
                    "bHit", player,
                    damage) + "\n" + self.handler.strMonsterDamage(
                        "returnHP", self.boss, damage, player)
                return "\n" + self.attack(player)
            elif isinstance(self.boss, HipsterBoss):
                print self.handler.strBoss(
                    "hHit", player,
                    damage) + "\n" + self.handler.strMonsterDamage(
                        "returnHP", self.boss, damage, player) + "\n"
                return self.attack(player)

    def attack(self, player):
        damage = self.calcDamage()
        if isinstance(self.boss, ByteBoss):
            return player.takeDamage(damage, self.boss)
        elif isinstance(self.boss, HipsterBoss):
            return player.takeDamage(damage, self.boss)

    def spawn(self, player):
        player.facesBoss = True
        damage = self.calcDamage()
        if isinstance(self.boss, ByteBoss):
            return self.handler.strBoss("bSpawn", player, damage)
        elif isinstance(self.boss, HipsterBoss):
            return self.handler.strBoss("hSpawn", player, damage)