def run_strongly_connected_components():
    resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY))
    graph = Graph()
    with open('data/SCC.txt', 'r') as file:
        for line in file:
            vertices = line.split(' ')
            tail = int(vertices[0])
            head = int(vertices[1])
            graph.add_edge([tail, head])
    print('max vertex: %s' % graph.max_vertex())
    print('edges count: %s' % len(graph.edges))
    components = find_components(graph)
    print('components sizes: %s must be [434821, 968, 459, 313, 211]' % components[:5])
    print('correct = %s' % are_lists_equal(components[:5], [434821, 968, 459, 313, 211]))
 def test_max_vertex(self):
     g = Graph()
     g.add_edge([9, 7])
     g.add_edge([9, 3])
     g.add_edge([7, 1])
     g.add_edge([1, 4])
     g.add_edge([4, 7])
     g.add_edge([3, 6])
     g.add_edge([6, 9])
     g.add_edge([8, 6])
     g.add_edge([8, 5])
     g.add_edge([2, 8])
     g.add_edge([5, 2])
     self.assertEqual(g.max_vertex(), 9)
 def test_correctness(self):
     g = Graph()
     g.add_edge([7, 1])
     g.add_edge([1, 4])
     g.add_edge([4, 7])
     g.add_edge([9, 7])
     g.add_edge([9, 3])
     g.add_edge([3, 6])
     g.add_edge([6, 9])
     g.add_edge([8, 6])
     g.add_edge([8, 5])
     g.add_edge([2, 8])
     g.add_edge([5, 2])
     self.assertListEqual(find_components(g), [3, 3, 3])
 def test_reverse(self):
     g = Graph()
     g.add_edge([7, 1])
     g.add_edge([1, 4])
     g.add_edge([4, 7])
     g.add_edge([9, 7])
     g.add_edge([9, 3])
     g.add_edge([3, 6])
     g.add_edge([6, 9])
     g.add_edge([8, 6])
     g.add_edge([8, 5])
     g.add_edge([2, 8])
     g.add_edge([5, 2])
     f = copy(g)
     self.assertDictEqual(g.edges, f.edges)