def test_list_without_bracket_ztest_2(self):
     """ list without bracket test with a list inside """
     the_string = " 'a', b, ['a thing', 2]"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_list(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, ['a','b', ['a thing', 2] ])
 def test_negative_number_test(self):
     """ a negative number test """
     the_string = "         [ '-10.4',     1.435, 3 ]"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_list(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, [ '-10.4', 1.435, 3])
 def test_special_character_in_string(self):
     """ simple list without bracket test """
     the_string = " 'a@', b"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_list(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, ['a@','b'])
 def test_list_error(self):
     """ list error """
     the_string = "  a ]"
     compiler = Compiler()
     except CompilerError, err:
         self.assertEqual(err.message, 'Expression "  a ]" cannot be converted as a list.')
 def test_list_without_bracket_test(self):
     """ simple list without bracket test """
     the_string = " 'a', b"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_list(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, ['a','b'])
 def test_imbricated_lists_test(self):
     """ multiple lists within lists """
     the_string = "[a,b, [1,2,3,4, [456,6,'absdef'], 234, 2.456 ], aqwe, done]"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_list(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, ['a','b', [1,2,3,4, [456,6,'absdef'], 234, 2.456 ], 'aqwe', 'done'])
 def test_simple_list_test(self):
     """ a first simple test with space and indent, dedents to eat"""
     the_string = "         [ 'a',     1.435, 3 ]"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_list(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, [ 'a', 1.435, 3])
 def test_noquotes_dict(self):
     """ no quotes dict """
     the_string = "{ no12: a b , no10:a}"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_dict(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result,{ 'no12': 'a b' , 'no10':'a'})
 def test_everything(self):
     """ everything """
     the_string = "['a',1,'b',{2:3,4:[1,'hello', no quotes, [1,2,3,{1:2,3:4}]]} ]"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_list(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, ['a',1,'b',{2:3,4:[1,'hello', 'no quotes', [1,2,3,{1:2,3:4}]]} ])
 def test_list_with_dict(self):
     """ list with dict """
     the_string = "['a',1,'b',{2:3,4:5} ]"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_list(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, ['a', 1, 'b', { 2 : 3 , 4 : 5} ])
 def test_dict_with_list(self):
     """ dict with list """
     the_string = "{'a':1, b:[1,2,3,4,5] }"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_dict(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, {'a':1, 'b':[1,2,3,4,5]})
 def test_dict_error(self):
     """ dict error """
     the_string = "{'a':1, b:2 "
     compiler = Compiler()
     except CompilerError, err:
         self.assertEqual(err.message, 'Expression "{\'a\':1, b:2 " cannot be converted as a dict.')
 def test_simple_dict(self):
     """ simple dict """
     the_string = "{'a':1, b:2 }"
     compiler = Compiler()
     the_result = compiler.compile_dict(the_string)
     self.assertEqual(the_result, {'a':1, 'b':2 })
 def test_list_error_2(self):
     """ unsupported char @ """
     the_string = " a @"
     compiler = Compiler()
     except CompilerError, err:
         self.assertEqual(err.message, 'Unsupported token (type: @, value : OP) (line=1,col=3).')