Exemple #1
def minimal_steps_number_to(mdp: MDP, T: List[int]) -> List[float]:
    Compute the shortest path in term of edges in the underlying graph of the MDP to T (i.e., the minimal number of steps
    to reach T in the underlying graph). The function connected_to (a breadth first serach algorithm) is adapted to
    number the states instead of mark them.

    :param mdp: a MDP.
    :param T: a list of target states of the MDP.
    :return: a list 'steps' such that, for each state s of the MDP, steps[s] = n where n is the minimal number of steps
             to reach T in the underlying graph of the MDP.
    steps = [float('inf')] * mdp.number_of_states
    for t in T:
        steps[t] = 0
    next = deque([])
    for t in T:
    i = 1
    while len(next) > 0:
        predecessors = next
        next = deque([])
        while len(predecessors) > 0:
            pred = predecessors.pop()
            if steps[pred] > i:
                steps[pred] = i
        i += 1
    return steps
Exemple #2
def connected_to(mdp: MDP, T: List[int]) -> List[bool]:
    Compute the states connected to T.
    For this purpose, a backward breadth-first search algorithm on the underlying graph of the MDP is used.

    :param mdp: a MDP.
    :param T: a list of target states of the MDP.
    :return: a list 'marked' such that, for each state s of the MDP, marked[s] = True if s is connected to T in
             the underlying graph of the MDP.
    marked = [False] * mdp.number_of_states
    for t in T:
        marked[t] = True
    next = deque([])
    for t in T:
    while len(next) > 0:
        pred = next.pop()
        if not marked[pred]:
            marked[pred] = True
            for predecessor in mdp.pred(pred):
    return marked