def getStudentVueData(): username = IntPrompt.ask('Enter your user id') pwd = Prompt.ask('Enter your password') domain = '' remember = Confirm.ask('Do you want to be remembered?') studentvue_client = StudentVue(str(username), pwd, domain) while 'RT_ERROR' in studentvue_client.get_gradebook().keys(): text = Text('Username or password is incorrect. Try again') text.stylize(style="red") console.print(text) username = IntPrompt.ask('Enter your user id') pwd = Prompt.ask('Enter your password') studentvue_client = StudentVue(str(username), pwd, domain) return studentvue_client.get_gradebook()
async def get(ctx, mp=2): if mp < 0: mp = 0 if mp > 4: mp = 4 mp -= 1 print(mp) q = query("""select * from users where id == ?""", if len(q) == 0: await msg(ctx, return u = q[0]['username'] p = f.decrypt(q[0]['password']).decode() d = q[0]['domain'] sv = StudentVue(u, p, d) gb = sv.get_gradebook(mp)['Gradebook']['Courses']['Course'] grades = [] for t in gb: vals = ['', '', ''] for key, value in t.items(): if key == '@Title': vals[0] = value if key == 'Marks': for i in value['Mark']: nextent = False for j in i.items(): if j[0] == '@MarkName' and j[1][:2] == 'MP': nextent = True if nextent: if j[0] == '@CalculatedScoreString': vals[1] = j[1] if j[0] == '@CalculatedScoreRaw': vals[2] = j[1] nextent = False grades.append(vals) res = "```Your Grades (quarter " + str(mp + 1) + "):\n" table = PrettyTable() table.field_names = ["Class", "Letter Grade", "Exact Grade"] for a in grades: table.add_row(a) table.align = "l" res += str(table) res += "```" await ctx.send(res)
username = input("Enter username: "******"Enter password: "******"Enter password(hidden): ") student = StudentVue(username,password,"") try: temp = student.get_attendance()["RT_ERROR"]["@ERROR_MESSAGE"] print("Invalid username or password. \n") time.sleep(1) os.system("cls") except: break os.system("cls") name = student.get_student_info()['StudentInfo']["NickName"]["$"] print("Welcome",name+"!") grades = student.get_gradebook(2) while True: os.system("cls") print("1. Student Info") print("2. Absences") print("3. Gradebook") print("4. Synergy Mail") print("5. Report Card") print("6. Refresh Data") try: print("") temp = int(input()) if temp < 1 or temp > 6: print("\n")
class SVInfo(object): def __init__(self, username="", password="", domain=""): cf = ConfigParser() p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config.ini") if username == "": username = input("Student ID -> ") if password == "": password = bullet.Password("Password -> ").launch() if domain == "": if not os.path.exists(p) or cf.get("values", "domain") == "": domain = input("District Edupoint Domain -> ") if not os.path.exists(p): cf.add_section("values") cf.set("values", "domain", domain) with open(p, "w+") as configfile: cf.write(configfile) else: domain = cf.get("values", "domain") = StudentVue( username, password, domain, ) def grades(self, long=False, course="all"): courses ="Gradebook").get("Courses").get( "Course") grades = [] for c in courses: filtered_assignments = [] try: assignments = (c.get("Marks").get("Mark").get( "Assignments").get("Assignment")) if assignments != None and long: for assignment in assignments: filtered_assignments.append([ assignment.get("@Measure"), assignment.get("@Points") ]) except: pass try: grades.append([ c.get("@Title"), c.get("Marks").get("Mark").get("@CalculatedScoreRaw"), filtered_assignments, ]) except: grades.append([ c.get("@Title"), "Grade unavailable", filtered_assignments, ]) fgrades = "" i = 0 for grade in grades: add_grade = False i += 1 if course != all: if type(course) is list: if i in course or str(i) in course: add_grade = True elif type(course) is int or type(course) is str: if str(i) == str(course): add_grade = True else: raise TypeError( 'Type of "course" expected to be list or int. Got ' + type(course).__name__) if course == "all" or add_grade: fgrades += grade[0].split("(")[0].rstrip() + ": " fgrades += str(grade[1]) + "%\n" for assignment in grade[2]: fgrades += "\t" + assignment[0] + ": " if "Points Possible" in assignment[1].split("/")[0]: fgrades += (str(float(assignment[1].split(" ")[0])) + " " + " ".join(assignment[1].split(" ")[1:]) + "\n") else: fgrades += (str(float(assignment[1].split("/")[0])) + " / " + str(float(assignment[1].split("/")[1])) + "\n") return fgrades.strip() def schedule(self): times = [] now = sched = ("StudentClassSchedule").get( "TodayScheduleInfoData").get("SchoolInfos").get("SchoolInfo")) if sched != None: sched = sched.get("Classes").get("ClassInfo") for item in sched: start = item.get("@StartTime").split(" ") end = item.get("@EndTime").split(" ") stimestr = start[0].split(":") etimestr = end[0].split(":") stime = [] etime = [] for item in stimestr: stime.append(int(item)) for item in etimestr: etime.append(int(item)) if start[1] == "PM" and stime[0] != 12: stime[0] += 12 if end[1] == "PM" and etime[0] != 12: etime[0] += 12 if start[1] == "AM" and stime[0] == 12: stime[0] -= 12 if end[1] == "AM" and etime[0] == 12: etime[0] -= 12 times.append([stime, etime]) fschedule = f"Schedule for {now.month}/{}/{now.year}:\n" t = 0 for item in times: fschedule += ("\t" + " ".join(sched[t].get("@ClassName").split( " ")[1:]).split("-")[0].rstrip() + ": ") fschedule += f"{datetime.time(hour=item[0][0],minute=item[0][1])} to {datetime.time(hour=item[1][0],minute=item[1][1])}\n" t += 1 return fschedule.strip() else: return "No school schedule"