def formatPath(formatString, path="", **kwargs): """ Resolve the given string with the given path and kwargs. Example: print formatPath("{dirname}/meta.json", path="C:/hello/world.json") # "C:/hello/meta.json" :type formatString: str :type path: str :type kwargs: dict :rtype: str """ logger.debug("Format String: %s", formatString) dirname, name, extension = splitPath(path) encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() # Environment variables return raw strings so we need to convert them to # unicode using the preferred system encoding temp = tempfile.gettempdir() if temp: temp = six.u(temp, encoding) username = user() if username: username = six.u(username, encoding) local = os.getenv('APPDATA') or os.getenv('HOME') if local: local = six.u(local, encoding) kwargs.update(os.environ) labels = { "name": name, "path": path, "root": path, # legacy "user": username, "temp": temp, "home": local, # legacy "local": local, "dirname": dirname, "extension": extension, } kwargs.update(labels) resolvedString = six.u(formatString).format(**kwargs) logger.debug("Resolved String: %s", resolvedString) return normPath(resolvedString)
def showMessage(self, message, icon, msecs=None, blocking=False): """ Set the given text to be displayed in the status widget. :type message: str :type icon: icon :type msecs: int :rtype: None """ msecs = msecs or self.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_TIME self._blocking = blocking if icon: self._button.setIcon(icon) else: self._button.hide() if message: self._label.setText(six.u(message)) self._timer.stop() self._timer.start(msecs) else: self.reset() self.update()
def value(self): """ Get the value of the combobox. :rtype: unicode """ return six.u(self.widget().currentText())
def value(self): """ Get the text value of the text edit. :rtype: unicode """ return six.u(self.widget().toPlainText())
def value(self): """ Get the value of the widget. :rtype: unicode """ return six.u(self.widget().text())
def __init__(self, msg): """ :type: str or unicode """ msg = six.u(msg) super(PathError, self).__init__(msg) self._msg = msg
def value(self): """ Get the value of the label. :rtype: str """ return six.u(self.widget().text())
def setValue(self, value): """ Set the value of the label. :type value: str """ self.widget().setText(six.u(value)) super(LabelFieldWidget, self).setValue(value)
def run(self): """The starting point for the thread.""" try: if self._path: image = QtGui.QImage(six.u(self._path)) self.signals.triggered.emit(image) except Exception as error: logger.exception("Cannot load thumbnail image.")
def sortText(self, label): """ Return the sort data for the given column. :type label: str :rtype: str """ return six.u(self.itemData().get(label, ''))
def __unicode__(self): """ Return the decoded message using 'unicode_escape' :rtype: unicode """ msg = six.u(self._msg).decode('unicode_escape') return msg
def setText(self, text): """ Set the text message to be displayed. :type text: str :rtype: None """ text = six.u(text) self._message.setText(text)
def normPath(path): """ Return a normalized path containing only forward slashes. :type path: str :rtype: unicode """ path = path.replace("\\", "/") path = six.u(path) return path.rstrip("/")
def searchText(self): """ Return the search string used for finding the item. :rtype: str """ if not self._searchText: self._searchText = six.u(self._data) return self._searchText
def createItems(self, data, split=None): """ Create the items from the given data dict :type data: dict :type split: str or None :rtype: None """ split = split or DEFAULT_SEPARATOR self._index = {} for key in data: root = split.join([key]) item = None if self.isRootVisible(): text = key.split(split) if text: text = text[-1] else: text = key item = SidebarWidgetItem(self) item.setText(0, six.u(text)) item.setPath(root) item.setExpanded(True) self._index[root] = item def _recursive(parent, children, split=None, root=""): for text, val in sorted(children.items()): if not parent: parent = self path = split.join([root, text]) path = path.replace("//", "/") child = SidebarWidgetItem(parent) child.setText(0, six.u(text)) child.setPath(path) self._index[path] = child _recursive(child, val, split=split, root=path) _recursive(item, data[key], split=split, root=root) self.update() self.refreshFilter()
def _recursive(parent, children, split=None, root=""): for text, val in sorted(children.items()): if not parent: parent = self path = split.join([root, text]) path = path.replace("//", "/") child = SidebarWidgetItem(parent) child.setText(0, six.u(text)) child.setPath(path) self._index[path] = child _recursive(child, val, split=split, root=path)
def movePath(src, dst): """ Move the given source path to the given destination path. :type src: str :type dst: str :rtype: str """ src = six.u(src) dirname, name, extension = splitPath(src) if not os.path.exists(src): raise MovePathError(u'No such file or directory: {0}'.format(src)) if os.path.isdir(src): dst = u'{0}/{1}{2}'.format(dst, name, extension) dst = generateUniquePath(dst) shutil.move(src, dst) return dst
def match(data, queries): """ Match the given data with the given queries. Examples: queries = [ { 'operator': 'or', 'filters': [ ('folder', 'is' '/library/proj/test'), ('folder', 'startswith', '/library/proj/test'), ] }, { 'operator': 'and', 'filters': [ ('path', 'contains' 'test'), ('path', 'contains', 'run'), ] } ] print(library.find(queries)) """ matches = [] for query in queries: filters = query.get('filters') operator = query.get('operator', 'and') if not filters: continue match = False for key, cond, value in filters: if key == '*': itemValue = six.u(data) else: itemValue = data.get(key) if isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = value.lower() if isinstance(itemValue, six.string_types): itemValue = itemValue.lower() if not itemValue: match = False elif cond == 'contains': match = value in itemValue elif cond == 'not_contains': match = value not in itemValue elif cond == 'is': match = value == itemValue elif cond == 'not': match = value != itemValue elif cond == 'startswith': match = itemValue.startswith(value) if operator == 'or' and match: break if operator == 'and' and not match: break matches.append(match) return all(matches)