def colorize(self): formats = make_formats_dict() self.color1 = formats['head_bg'], self.color2 = formats['highlight_bg'], self.color3 = formats['bg'] if self.height > 0: self.line1.config(bg=self.color1) self.line2.config(bg=self.color2) self.line3.config(bg=self.color3) self.line4.config(bg=self.color2) self.line5.config(bg=self.color1) else: self.line1.config(bg=self.color1) self.line2.config(bg=self.color2) self.line3.config(bg=self.color3)
def __init__(self, master, size=3, menubar=False, ribbon_menu=False, *args, **kwargs): Canvas.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs) ''' This class replaces root and dialog borders with custom borders. Since this custom "Toykinter" border is part of the app instead of being controlled by Windows, its use allows clicks on the title bar to be responded to with standard Tkinter configuration methods and other Python code. This class can't use Toykinter as a master since Toykinter is the whole app and is only instantiated once, so this class has to use its host toplevel as parent. Setting font size should change the size of fonts, title bar, and max/min/quit buttons. The settings are 3, 4, 7, for 11 pixels. Currently the title bar size is hard-coded upon instantiation, but should be linked to changes in font size. ''' self.master = master self.size = size self.menubar = menubar self.ribbon_menu = ribbon_menu sizes = { 3: ['tiny', 20, 0.25], 4: ['small', 25, 0.75], 7: ['medium', 31, 0.25], 11: ['large', 45, 1.0] } for k, v in sizes.items(): if self.size == k: self.icon_size = v[0] self.offset_x = v[1] self.rel_y = v[2] self.changing_values = None self.maxxed = False self.formats = make_formats_dict() self.make_widgets()
def __init__( self, master, notebook, graphics_tab, root, canvas, *args, **kwargs): Frame.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs) self.parent = master self.nbook = notebook self.t7 = graphics_tab self.root = root self.canvas = canvas self.counter = 0 self.thumb_labels = [] self.width_strings = [] self.height_strings = [] formats = make_formats_dict() self.current_person = get_current_person()[0] set_window_max_size(self.parent) self.filter_pix_data() self.make_widgets()
# from styles import make_formats_dict from widgets import Framex, FrameStay, Labelx, Frame, Label from files import project_path from PIL import Image, ImageTk formats = make_formats_dict() # ************** statusbar tooltips sizegrip ************** class LabelStatusbar(Labelx): def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs): Labelx.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs) self.config(bg=formats['bg'], fg=formats['fg'], font=formats['status']) ''' Statusbar messages on focus-in to individual widgets, non-obtrusive tooltips, and replacement for ttk.Sizegrip. ''' def run_statusbar_tooltips(visited, status_label, tooltip_label): ''' Uses lambda to add args to event since tkinter expects only one arg in a callback. ''' def handle_statusbar_tooltips(event): for tup in visited:
def __init__(self, master, root, callback=None, height=480, values=[], scrollbar_size=24, *args, **kwargs): FrameHilited3.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs) ''' This is a replacement for ttk.Combobox. ''' self.master = master self.callback = callback self.root = root self.height = height self.values = values self.scrollbar_size = scrollbar_size self.formats = make_formats_dict() self.buttons = [] self.selected = None self.result_string = '' self.entered = None self.lenval = len(self.values) self.owt = None self.scrollbar_clicked = False self.typed = None self.screen_height = self.winfo_screenheight() self.config(bd=0) # simulate <<ComboboxSelected>>: self.var = tk.StringVar() self.var.trace_add('write', lambda *args, **kwargs: self.combobox_selected()) # simulate ttk.Combobox.current() self.current = 0 self.make_widgets() self.master.bind_all('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.close_dropdown, add='+') # self.root.bind('<Configure>', self.hide_all_drops) # DO NOT DELETE # Above binding closes dropdown if Windows title bar is clicked, it # has no other purpose. But it causes minor glitches e.g. if a # dropdown button is highlighted and focused, the Entry has to be # clicked twice to put it back into the alternating drop/undrop # cycle as expected. Without this binding, the click on the title # bar lowers the dropdown below the root window which is good # enough for now. To get around it, use the # expose only unique methods of Entry e.g. not self.config (self is a Frame and # the Entry, Toplevel, Canvas, and window have to be configured together) so # to size the entry use instance.config_drop_width(72) self.insert = self.entry.insert self.delete = self.entry.delete self.get = self.entry.get
# date_validation_new_model_part_2 # sample widgets which give input to a dates validation module and get input back from that module import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk import sqlite3 import widgets as wdg import date_validation_new_model_03 as dates import styles as st ST = st.ThemeStyles() formats = st.make_formats_dict() def use_input(input, widg): ''' for EntryLabel ''' dates.get_widg_type(widg) def get_event(evt): ''' for widgets other than EntryLabel ''' widg = evt.widget dates.get_widg_type(widg) date_in = '' root = tk.Tk() root.geometry('+10+600')