def test_reactivate_subscription_no_subscriptions(monkeypatch): """ GIVEN a user with no active subscriptions WHEN a user attempts to reactivate a subscription THEN a subscription not found error is returned """ uid = "subhub_user" cust_id = "cust_1" sub_id = "sub_123" subhub_user = Mock(return_value=MockSubhubUser()) subhub_user.cust_id = cust_id = uid stripe_customer = Mock(return_value={"subscriptions": {"data": []}}) none = Mock(return_value=None) monkeypatch.setattr("flask.g.subhub_account.get_user", subhub_user) monkeypatch.setattr("stripe.Customer.retrieve", stripe_customer) monkeypatch.setattr("stripe.Subscription.modify", none) response, code = payments.reactivate_subscription(uid, sub_id) assert 404 == code assert "Current subscription not found." == response["message"]
def test_reactivate_subscription_bad_user_id(monkeypatch): """ GIVEN an invalid user id WHEN a user attempts to reactivate an invalid subscription THEN a customer not found error is returned """ uid = "subhub_user" sub_id = "sub_123" none = Mock(return_value=None) monkeypatch.setattr("flask.g.subhub_account.get_user", none) response, code = payments.reactivate_subscription(uid, sub_id) assert 404 == code assert "Customer does not exist." == response["message"]
def test_reactivate_subscription_already_active(monkeypatch): """ GIVEN a user with active subscriptions WHEN a user attempts to reactivate a subscription not flagged for cancellation THEN the subscription does not change states """ uid = "subhub_user" cust_id = "cust_1" sub_id = "sub_123" subhub_user = Mock(return_value=MockSubhubUser()) subhub_user.cust_id = cust_id = uid stripe_customer = Mock( return_value={ "subscriptions": { "data": [ { "id": "sub_121", "status": "active", "cancel_at_period_end": False, }, { "id": sub_id, "status": "active", "cancel_at_period_end": False }, ] } }) none = Mock(return_value=None) monkeypatch.setattr("flask.g.subhub_account.get_user", subhub_user) monkeypatch.setattr("stripe.Customer.retrieve", stripe_customer) monkeypatch.setattr("stripe.Subscription.modify", none) response, code = payments.reactivate_subscription(uid, sub_id) assert 200 == code assert "Subscription is already active." == response["message"]