Exemple #1
class Environment:
    main object of icbc:
        hosts instance of classes subject, setting
    def __init__(self, superuser=None, computer=None, user=None, code=None, branch=None, id_local_process='unused',
                 type_list=[None], case_list=[[None]], configuration_list=[None],
                 flow_process_list=[None], element_type_list=[[None]],
                 operation_type=None, operation=None,
                 db_user='******', db_password='******',
                 db_host='localhost', db_schema='testing_environment'):
        These parameters can be preselected:
            belong to (test) Subject:
                :param superuser: has accounts on separate computer
                :param computer:
                :param user:
                :param code: belongs to source code tree
                :param branch: belongs to source code tree
            belong to (test) Item:
                :param type_list: belongs to example tree
                :param case_list: belongs to example tree
                :param configuration_list: belongs to example tree
                :param flow_process_list:
                :param element_type_list:
            :param operation_type: one-character string [b: building,s: simulating,p: plotting]
            :param operation: one-character string - meaning depends on operation_type
            :param test_mode:
        Parameters to access database:
            :param db_user:
            :param db_password:
            :param db_host:
            :param db_schema:
        self.__flow_process_name_list = flow_process_list
        self.__element_type_name_list = element_type_list

        db_inst = Database(db_user, db_password, db_host, db_schema)
        self.__subject_inst = Subject(superuser, computer, user, code, branch, id_local_process)
        self.__setting_inst = Setting(type_list, case_list, configuration_list,
                                      operation_type, operation,
                                      test_mode, db_inst)

        if location == 'local':

    def __del__(self):
        del self.__subject_inst
        del self.__setting_inst

    def run(self):
        main function of icbc:
            1. connect to and disconnect from data base if on local computer
            2. call select functions
            3. call loop if selects successful
        :return: 0
        if location == 'local':

        operation_inst = self.select()  # rerun if reselect chosen
        if operation_inst == 1:
            self.run()  # rerun

        del operation_inst

        if location == 'local':
            self.__setting_inst.disconnect_from_db()  # to reconnect each run in case of table update
            if self.__setting_inst.test_mode == '0':  # control with shell

        return 0

    def select(self):
        1. select operation type and operation
        2. do configurations which are independent of test item
        3. select test items
        :return: (Operation(Building, Simulating, or Plotting)) operation instance; 1 if operation reselect or exception

        selected_operation_type = self.__setting_inst.select_operation_type()
        operation_inst = self.select_operation(selected_operation_type)
        if operation_inst == 1:
            return 1

        if operation_inst.selected_operation == 's':  # reselect
            self.__setting_inst.reselect(self.__subject_inst)  # decide what to reselect
            return 1


                                                 operation_inst.selected_operation, self.__subject_inst.computer)

        if self.__setting_inst.operation == 'reselect':
            self.__setting_inst.operation = None
            self.run()  # now reselection is finished, rerun to select next operation

        return operation_inst

    def select_operation(self, operation_type):
        1. generate operation instance,
        2. call select_operation where operation is chosen
        :param operation_type: one-character string [b: building,s: simulating,p: plotting]
        :return: operation instance Building, Simulating, Plotting; 1 if error
        if operation_type == 'b':  # building
            operation_inst = Building(self.__subject_inst)
        elif operation_type == 's':  # simulating
            operation_inst = Simulating(self.__subject_inst)
        elif operation_type == 'p':  # plotting
            operation_inst = Plotting(self.__subject_inst)
            message(mode='ERROR', not_supported=operation_type)
            return 1


        return operation_inst

    def configure(self, operation_inst):
        0.  call function to set flags for file uploads
        1.  if operation is to compare results with references, clear log file with names of
            deviating files from previous runs
        2. check if list entries for test items exit
        :param operation_inst: (class Building, Simulating, Plotting (Operation))
        :return: 0 if success; 1 if lists for item not complete

        if operation_inst.selected_operation_type == 's' and operation_inst.selected_operation == 'o':
            # the selected operation is to compare results with references
            files = glob(adapt_path('{}references\\deviatingFiles*'.format(self.__subject_inst.directory)))
            for file in files:
                remove_file(file, False)

            #    self._subject_inst.directory, self._item.configuration)))

    def loop(self, operation_inst):
        loop over type, case, and configuration lists
        :param operation_inst: (class Building, Simulating, Plotting (Operation))
        type_list_counter = 0
        for item_type in self.__setting_inst.item_constituents.type_list:
            for item_case in self.__setting_inst.item_constituents.case_list[type_list_counter]:

                for item_configuration in self.__setting_inst.item_constituents.configuration_list:
                    if self.item_is_to_test(item_case):
                        self.loop_inner(operation_inst, item_type, item_case, item_configuration)
            if len(self.__setting_inst.item_constituents.case_list) > 1:
                type_list_counter += 1

    def set_inner_loop_elements(self, item_case):
        set lists with process name and element type
        :param item_case: (string)
        if item_case is None:
            self.__flow_process_name_list = [None]
            self.__element_type_name_list = [[None]]
            if location == 'local':
                self.__flow_process_name_list = self.__setting_inst.query_flow_process_name_list(item_case)
                self.__element_type_name_list = self.__setting_inst.query_element_type_name_list(
                    item_case, self.__flow_process_name_list)

    def item_is_to_test(self, item_case):
        check test_mode, state,
        used for simulation, plotting  operation type (case item exists)
        (all items (i.e. configurations) involved in building operation type)
        :param item_case: (string or None)
        :return: (bool )False: not involved, True: involved or ERROR
        execute_flag = True

        if location == 'local' and item_case:
            if self.__setting_inst.test_mode == '0':
                # no test mode - select everything by typing on console
                #                and than the items in the loop (in environment run) is involved
            elif self.__setting_inst.test_mode == '1':
                # via browser
                execute_flag = self.__setting_inst.query_column_entry_for_name('cases', item_case, 'state')
            elif self.__setting_inst.test_mode == '2':
                # via CI tool
                if not self.__setting_inst.query_column_entry_for_name('cases', item_case, 'active'):
                    execute_flag = False
                message(mode='ERROR', not_supported=self.__setting_inst.test_mode)  # returns '1'

        return execute_flag  # remote always '1'

    def loop_inner(self, operation_inst, item_type, item_case, item_configuration):
        1. generate (and delete) item instance
        2. call write files (for numerics, processing)
        3. call operation run function
        :param operation_inst: (class Building, Simulating, or Plotting)
        :param item_type: (string)
        :param item_case: (string)
        :param item_configuration: (string)
        for index, flow_process_name in enumerate(self.__flow_process_name_list):
            for element_type_name in self.__element_type_name_list[index]:
                # take all for remote, building or plotting
                if location == 'remote' or operation_inst.selected_operation_type == 'b' or \
                                operation_inst.selected_operation_type == 'p' or\
                        'flow_processes', flow_process_name, 'active')) and
                                                    'element_types', element_type_name, 'active'))):

                    item_inst = self.generate_item_instance(
                        operation_inst, item_type, item_case, item_configuration, flow_process_name, element_type_name)

                    operation_inst.set_numerics_and_processing_data(item_type, item_case, item_configuration,
                                                                    flow_process_name, element_type_name,
                                                                    self.__setting_inst, self.__subject_inst.location)

                    del item_inst

    def generate_item_instance(
            self, operation_inst, item_type, item_case, item_configuration, flow_process, element_type):
        generate Build, Sim or Plot according to chosen operation
        :param operation_inst:
        :param item_type:
        :param item_case:
        :param item_configuration:
        :param flow_process:
        :param element_type
        :return: child of Item instance (Build, Sim, Plot)
        if operation_inst.selected_operation_type == 'b':  # building
            return Build(self.__subject_inst, item_configuration)
        elif operation_inst.selected_operation_type == 's':  # simulating
            return Sim(self.__subject_inst, item_type, item_case, item_configuration, flow_process, element_type)
        elif operation_inst.selected_operation_type == 'p':  # plotting
            return Plot(self.__subject_inst, item_type, item_case, item_configuration, flow_process, element_type)
            message(mode='ERROR', not_supported=operation_inst.selected_operation_type)
            return 1  # check this