def __init__(self):
        autocompletion.language_completions = []
        autocompletion.module_completions = set()

        self.local_settings = {
            'enable_ghc_mod': None,
            'use_cabal_dev': None,
            'cabal_dev_sandbox': None,

        for s in self.local_settings.keys():
            self.local_settings[s] = get_setting(s)


        # Subscribe to settings changes to update data
        get_settings().add_on_change('enable_ghc_mod', lambda: self.on_setting_changed())
    def __init__(self):
        # TODO: Start the InspectorAgent as a separate thread.
        self.inspector = InspectorAgent()

        autocompletion.language_completions = []
        autocompletion.module_completions = []

        self.local_settings = {
            'enable_ghc_mod' : None,
            'use_cabal_dev' : None,
            'cabal_dev_sandbox' : None }

        for s in self.local_settings.keys():
            self.local_settings[s] = get_setting(s)


        # Subscribe to settings changes to update data
        get_settings().add_on_change('enable_ghc_mod', lambda: self.on_setting_changed())