Exemple #1
def to_file(question_ids, answers, filename = "output.txt"):
    """ Uses submit.py to format answers and writes to a file
        question_ids : int list of question ids corresponding to answers
        answers : string list of answer text
        filename : filename to write output """
    fh = open(filename, 'w')
    f_contents = submit.formatAnswers(question_ids, answers)
Exemple #2
def run_baseline(write_to_file = "", send_to_scorer = ""):
    """ Run get_answers and do something with them.
        write_to_file : if this is not "", then set it to a filename and it will write to it
        send_to_scorer : string of your netid, submit this to the 4740 scorer website """

    q, a = get_answer(first=201)
    out = submit.formatAnswers(q, a)
    print out
    print "==============="

    if(len(send_to_scorer) > 0):
        print submit.submit(send_to_scorer, out)
    if(len(write_to_file) > 0):
        to_file(q, a, write_to_file)
        print "Written to " + write_to_file