def prepare_output_args(self):
        Prepare the output directory based on format options (SNANA/ALERTS/etc)
        CONFIG = self.config_yaml['CONFIG']
        input_file = self.config_yaml['args'].input_file  # for msgerr
        msgerr = []

        output_args = None
        noutkeys = 0
        for key, opt in zip(KEYLIST_OUTPUT, KEYLIST_OUTPUT_OPTIONS):
            if key in CONFIG:
                outdir = CONFIG[key]
                if '/' not in outdir:  # checking to make sure that the outdir has a full path
                    outdir = os.getcwd() + '/' + outdir
                output_args = f'{opt} {outdir}'
                noutkeys += 1

        if noutkeys > 1:
                f"Multiply defined key for output format in yaml-CONFIG")
            msgerr.append(f'Require EXACTLY one of {KEYLIST_OUTPUT}')
            msgerr.append(f"Check {input_file}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)  # just abort, no done stamp

        if output_args is None:
            msgerr.append(f"Missing key for output format in yaml-CONFIG")
            msgerr.append(f'Require one of {KEYLIST_OUTPUT}')
            msgerr.append(f"Check {input_file}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)  # just abort, no done stamp

        self.config_prep['output_args'] = output_args
Exemple #2
    def train_prep_input_files(self):

        # read & store names of input files for trainsalt

        input_master_file = self.config_yaml['args'].input_file
        CONFIG = self.config_yaml['CONFIG']

        input_file_list = []  # init input files for trainsalt
        msgerr = []

        if KEY_CONFIG_FILE not in CONFIG:
            msgerr.append(f"Missig required key {KEY_CONFIG_FILE} ")
            self.log_assert(False, msgerr)

        config_file = CONFIG[KEY_CONFIG_FILE]

        print(f"\n Check other input files inside main config file: " \

        # parse config_file to get other potential input files
        config = configparser.ConfigParser(inline_comment_prefixes='#')

        for key in KEY_LIST_FILE_COPY:
            if key in config[SECTION_FILE_COPY]:
                input_file = config[SECTION_FILE_COPY][key]

        for input_file in input_file_list:
            if not os.path.exists(input_file):
                msgerr.append(f"Input file {input_file}")
                msgerr.append(f"does not exist.")
                msgerr.append(f"Check '{key}' arg in {input_master_file}")
                util.log_assert(False, msgerr)  # just abort, no done stamp

        # - - - - -
        # check for additional input files in the TRAINOPT

        trainopt_global = self.config_prep['trainopt_global']
        trainopt_arg_list = self.config_prep['trainopt_arg_list']
        trainopt_all = trainopt_arg_list + [trainopt_global]

        for item in trainopt_all:
            item_list = item.split()
            for key in KEY_LIST_FILE_COPY:
                key_override = f"--{key}"
                if key_override in item_list:
                    j = item_list.index(key_override)
                    input_file = item_list[j + 1]

        #sys.exit(f"\n xxx trainopt_all = \n{trainopt_all}")

        # store list of all input files
        self.config_prep['input_file_list'] = input_file_list
Exemple #3
    def set_output_dir_name(self):
        CONFIG = self.config_yaml['CONFIG']
        input_file = self.config_yaml['args'].input_file  # for msgerr
        msgerr = []
        if 'OUTDIR' in CONFIG:
            output_dir_name = os.path.expandvars(CONFIG['OUTDIR'])
            msgerr.append(f"OUTDIR key missing in yaml-CONFIG")
            msgerr.append(f"Check {input_file}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)  # just abort, no done stamp

        return output_dir_name, SUBDIR_SCRIPTS_TRAIN
    def merge_cleanup_final(self):
        # every makeDataFiles succeeded, so here we simply compress output.

        submit_info_yaml = self.config_prep['submit_info_yaml']
        output_dir = self.config_prep['output_dir']
        script_dir = submit_info_yaml['SCRIPT_DIR']
        cwd = submit_info_yaml['CWD']
        output_format = submit_info_yaml['OUTPUT_FORMAT']
        isfmt_snana = (output_format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_SNANA)
        isfmt_lsst_alert = (output_format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_LSST_ALERTS)
        msgerr = []

        if isfmt_snana:
            command_list = [
                '', '--outdir_snana', output_dir, '--merge'
            ret =, capture_output=False, text=True)

        elif isfmt_lsst_alert:
            wildcard_base = f"{BASE_PREFIX}*.csv.gz"

            wildcard = f"{script_dir}/{wildcard_base}"
            combined_file = f"{output_dir}/ALERTS_TRUTH.csv.gz"
            util.combine_csv_files(wildcard, combined_file, True)

            # xxx nothing to compress after combining csv files
            #print(f"\t Compress {wildcard_base}")
            #util.compress_files(+1, script_dir, wildcard_base, "csv", "" )

            msgerr.append(f"Unknown format '{output_format}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)  # just abort, no done stamp

        #print(ret,' debugging')

        wildcard_list = [
        for w in wildcard_list:
            wstar = f"{w}*"
            tmp_list = glob.glob1(script_dir, wstar)
            if len(tmp_list) == 0: continue
            print(f"\t Compress {wstar}")
            util.compress_files(+1, script_dir, wstar, w, "")

        # - - - -
        # tar up entire script dir
        util.compress_subdir(+1, script_dir)
Exemple #5
def check_input_file_name(args):

    input_file    = args.input_file
    opt_translate = args.opt_translate

    # abort if path is included in the input file name.
    if '/' in input_file :
        msgerr = []
        msgerr.append(f"Invalid input file: {input_file}")
        msgerr.append(f"because path not allowed as part of name.")
        msgerr.append(f"Must submit in same dir as input_file.")

    # check to translate legacy input
    args.input_file = check_legacy_input_file(input_file, opt_translate)
Exemple #6
    def train_prep_expand_arg(self,ARG):

        # ******* OBSOLETE mark delete Jan 24 2021 *******

        # if ARG starts with KEY_SHIFTLIST_FILE, the return arg
        # equal to contents of file; otherwise return arg = ARG.
        # Motivation is that user can build long list of random
        # calib variations and store each set of variations in 
        # a separate file.
        # BEWARE that SHIFTLIST_FILE is NOT a yaml file ... the contents
        # must be valid TRAINOPT arguments. Abort on any colons in case
        # user accidentally goes yaml.

        # ******* OBSOLETE mark delete Jan 24 2021 *******

        arg = ARG
        shift_file = None 
        word_list = ""
        arg_list = ARG.split()
        if arg_list[0] == KEY :
            shift_file = arg_list[1]
            with open(shift_file,"rt") as f:
                for line in f:
                    if util.is_comment_line(line) : continue
                    # xxx mark if line[0] == '#' : continue 
                    word_list += line.replace("\n"," ")
            arg = word_list

        # ******* OBSOLETE mark delete Jan 24 2021 *******

        # - - - - -
        #print(f" xxx ---------------------------------------- ")
        #print(f" xxx ARG = {ARG}")
        #print(f" xxx arg = {arg}")
        # - - - -
        if ':' in arg :
            msgerr = []
            msgerr.append(f"Found invalid colon(s) in {KEY}")
            msgerr.append(f"   {shift_file} .")
            msgerr.append(f"Beware that {KEY} is NOT a yaml file; ")
            msgerr.append(f"{KEY} contents must be valid TRAINOPT args. ")

        # ******* OBSOLETE mark delete Jan 24 2021 *******
        return arg, shift_file
    def set_output_dir_name(self):
        CONFIG = self.config_yaml['CONFIG']
        input_file = self.config_yaml['args'].input_file  # for msgerr
        msgerr = []
        output_format = None

        for key_output, format_str in zip(KEYLIST_OUTPUT, OUTPUT_FORMAT):

            if key_output in CONFIG:
                output_format = format_str
                output_dir_name = os.path.expandvars(CONFIG[key_output])

        if output_format is None:
            msgerr.append(f"OUTDIR key missing in yaml-CONFIG")
            msgerr.append(f"Must provide one of {KEYLIST_OUTPUT}")
            msgerr.append(f"Check {input_file}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)  # just abort, no done stamp

        self.config_yaml['args'].output_format = output_format

        return output_dir_name, SUBDIR_SCRIPTS_MKDATA
Exemple #8
def check_legacy_input_file(input_file, opt_translate):

    # if there is no 'CONFIG:' key, this is a legacy input file ;
    # translate using file-name convention based on user input
    # --opt_translate. See opt_translate details with
    # Function returns name of input file ... original of already
    # in correct YAML format, or translated.

    exit_always = (opt_translate & 8 ) > 0 # exit for legacy or refac file

    msgerr = []
    with open(input_file,"r") as f:
        flat_word_list=[word for line in f for word in line.split()]
        #f_read =

    if 'CONFIG:' in flat_word_list :
        # check for obsolete keys that are not translated
        for item in flat_word_list :
            key = item.rstrip(':')
            if key in OBSOLETE_CONFIG_KEYS :
                comment = OBSOLETE_CONFIG_KEYS[key]
                msgerr.append(f" Obsolete key '{key}' no longer valid.")
                msgerr.append(f" Comment: {comment}")

        if exit_always :
            sys.exit("\n Input file already translated; exit anyway.")

        return input_file    # file ok, do nothing.

    # - - - -  -

    #if opt_translate is None:  opt_translate = 1

    # prepare options
    rename_refac_file    = (opt_translate & 1 ) > 0
    rename_legacy_file   = (opt_translate & 2 ) > 0
    exit_after_translate = (opt_translate & 4 ) == 0 # default is to exit

    if '/' in input_file:
        msgerr.append(f"Will not translate input file in another directory.")
        msgerr.append(f"  cd {os.path.dirname(input_file)}")
        msgerr.append(f"  {os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])} " \

    if rename_refac_file :
        legacy_input_file = input_file
        refac_input_file  = (f"REFAC_{input_file}")
    elif rename_legacy_file :
        if input_file[0:7] == 'LEGACY_' :  # don't add another LEGACY prefix
            legacy_input_file = input_file
            refac_input_file  = input_file[7:]
        else :
            legacy_input_file = (f"LEGACY_{input_file}")
            refac_input_file  = input_file
            cmd_mv = (f"mv {input_file} {legacy_input_file}")
            print(f" Save {input_file} as {legacy_input_file}")
    else :
        msgerr.append(f" Must invalid opt_transate = {opt_translate} ")
        msgerr.append(f" Must have either ")
        msgerr.append(f"     opt_translate & 1 (rename refac file) or ")
        msgerr.append(f"     opt_translate & 2 (rename legacy file) ")

    msg_translate = (f"\n TRANSLATE LEGACY INPUT file for ")
    print(f" opt_translate = {opt_translate}")

    IS_SIM = False;   IS_FIT = False;  IS_BBC = False

    if  'GENVERSION:' in flat_word_list :  IS_SIM = True
    if  'VERSION:'    in flat_word_list :  IS_FIT = True
    if  '&SNLCINP'    in flat_word_list :  IS_FIT = True
    if  'u1='    in str(flat_word_list) :  IS_BBC = True

    if  IS_SIM :"{msg_translate} :")
        tr.SIM_legacy_to_refac( legacy_input_file, refac_input_file )

    elif IS_FIT :"{msg_translate} :")
        tr.FIT_legacy_to_refac( legacy_input_file, refac_input_file )

    elif IS_BBC :"{msg_translate} ")
        tr.BBC_legacy_to_refac( legacy_input_file, refac_input_file )
    #    program = BBC(config_yaml)
        msgerr = ['Unrecognized legacy input file:', input_file ]

    if exit_after_translate :
        sys.exit("\n Exit after input file translation.")

    return refac_input_file
    def prepare_input_args(self):
        Prepare input arguments from config file
        CONFIG = self.config_yaml['CONFIG']
        inputs_list = CONFIG.get('MAKEDATAFILE_INPUTS', None)
        input_source = CONFIG.get('MAKEDATAFILE_SOURCE', None)
        nevt = CONFIG.get('NEVT', None)

        input_file = self.config_yaml['args'].input_file  # for msgerr
        msgerr = []

        if inputs_list is None:
            msgerr.append(f"MAKEDATAFILE_INPUTS key missing in yaml-CONFIG")
            msgerr.append(f"Check {input_file}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)  # just abort, no done stamp

        # if input_list includes a wildcard, scoop up files with glob.
        inputs_list_temp = inputs_list
        found_wildcard = False
        for inp in inputs_list_temp:
            if '*' in inp:
                inp = os.path.expandvars(inp)
                inputs_list = sorted(glob.glob(inp))
                found_wildcard = True

        if found_wildcard:
            n = len(inputs_list)
            print(f"\n  Load {n} inputs from wildcard:")
            for inp in inputs_list:
                print(f"    Resolved {inp}")

        # select the SPLIT_MJD option
        # abort if more than one SPLIT_MJD option is specified
        n_mjd_split_opts = 0
        split_mjd_in = None
        split_mjd_key_name = None
        split_mjd_option = None
            if key in CONFIG:
                n_mjd_split_opts += 1
                split_mjd_key_name = key
                split_mjd_option = opt
                split_mjd_in = CONFIG[key]
        if n_mjd_split_opts > 1:
            msgerr.append(f"DEFINE ONLY ONE OF {KEYLIST_SPLIT_NITE}")
            msgerr.append(f"Check {input_file}")
            util.log_assert(False, msgerr)  # just abort, no done stamp

        # parse the input SPLIT_MJD string into ranges for makeDataFiles
        split_mjd = {}
        if split_mjd_in is None:
            split_mjd['nbin'] = 1
            split_mjd['step'] = 0
            mjdmin, mjdmax, mjdbin = split_mjd_in.split()
            imjdmin = int(mjdmin)
            imjdmax = int(mjdmax)
            nbin = int(mjdbin)
            split_mjd['min'] = imjdmin
            split_mjd['max'] = imjdmax
            split_mjd['nbin'] = nbin
            split_mjd['step'] = (imjdmax - imjdmin) / nbin
            # use nbin + 1 to include the edges
            grid = np.linspace(imjdmin, imjdmax, nbin + 1)
            split_mjd['min_edge'] = grid[0:-1]
            split_mjd['max_edge'] = grid[1:]

        self.config_prep['inputs_list'] = inputs_list
        self.config_prep['split_mjd'] = split_mjd
            'split_mjd_key_name'] = split_mjd_key_name  # CONFIG YAML keyname
            'split_mjd_option'] = split_mjd_option option

        self.config_prep['input_source'] = input_source
        self.config_prep['nevt'] = nevt