Exemple #1
def main():
    except OSError as e:
        print 'WARNING: OSError hit:'
        print e
Exemple #2
def many_timed_runs(targetTime, wtmpDir, args, collector):
    options = parseOpts(args)
    engineFlags = options.engineFlags  # engineFlags is overwritten later if --random-flags is set.
    startTime = time.time()

    if os.path.isdir(sps.normExpUserPath(options.repo)):
        regressionTestListFile = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "regression-tests.list"))
        with open(regressionTestListFile, "wb") as f:
            for fn in inTreeRegressionTests(options.repo):
                f.write(fn + "\n")
        regressionTestPrologue = makeRegressionTestPrologue(options.repo, regressionTestListFile)
        regressionTestPrologue = ""

    fuzzjs = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "jsfunfuzz.js"))
    linkFuzzer(fuzzjs, options.repo, regressionTestPrologue)

    iteration = 0
    while True:
        if targetTime and time.time() > startTime + targetTime:
            print "Out of time!"
            if len(os.listdir(wtmpDir)) == 0:

        # Construct command needed to loop jsfunfuzz fuzzing.
        jsInterestingArgs = []
        jsInterestingArgs.append('--timeout=' + str(options.timeout))
        if options.valgrind:
        if options.randomFlags:
            engineFlags = shellFlags.randomFlagSet(options.jsEngine)
        jsInterestingArgs.extend(['-e', 'maxRunTime=' + str(options.timeout*(1000/2))])
        jsInterestingArgs.extend(['-f', fuzzjs])
        jsInterestingOptions = jsInteresting.parseOptions(jsInterestingArgs)

        iteration += 1
        logPrefix = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "w" + str(iteration)))

        res = jsInteresting.ShellResult(jsInterestingOptions, jsInterestingOptions.jsengineWithArgs, logPrefix, False)

        if res.lev != jsInteresting.JS_FINE:
            showtail(logPrefix + "-out.txt")
            showtail(logPrefix + "-err.txt")

            # splice jsfunfuzz.js with `grep FRC wN-out`
            filenameToReduce = logPrefix + "-reduced.js"
            [before, after] = fileManipulation.fuzzSplice(fuzzjs)

            with open(logPrefix + '-out.txt', 'rb') as f:
                newfileLines = before + [l.replace('/*FRC*/', '') for l in fileManipulation.linesStartingWith(f, "/*FRC*/")] + after
            fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(newfileLines, logPrefix + "-orig.js")
            fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(newfileLines, filenameToReduce)

            # Run Lithium and autobisect (make a reduced testcase and find a regression window)
            itest = [interestingpy]
            if options.valgrind:
            itest.append("--minlevel=" + str(res.lev))
            itest.append("--timeout=" + str(options.timeout))
            (lithResult, lithDetails, autoBisectLog) = pinpoint.pinpoint(itest, logPrefix, options.jsEngine, engineFlags, filenameToReduce,
                                                                         options.repo, options.buildOptionsStr, targetTime, res.lev)

            # Upload with final output
            if lithResult == lithOps.LITH_FINISHED:
                fargs = jsInterestingOptions.jsengineWithArgs[:-1] + [filenameToReduce]
                retestResult = jsInteresting.ShellResult(jsInterestingOptions, fargs, logPrefix + "-final", False)
                if retestResult.lev > jsInteresting.JS_FINE:
                    res = retestResult
                    quality = 0
                    quality = 6
                quality = 10

            # ddsize = lithOps.ddsize(filenameToReduce)
            print "Submitting " + filenameToReduce + " (quality=" + str(quality) + ") at " + sps.dateStr()

            metadata = {}
            if autoBisectLog:
                metadata = {"autoBisectLog": ''.join(autoBisectLog)}
            collector.submit(res.crashInfo, filenameToReduce, quality, metaData=metadata)
            print "Submitted " + filenameToReduce

            flagsAreDeterministic = "--dump-bytecode" not in engineFlags and '-D' not in engineFlags
            if options.useCompareJIT and res.lev == jsInteresting.JS_FINE and \
                    jsInterestingOptions.shellIsDeterministic and flagsAreDeterministic:
                linesToCompare = jitCompareLines(logPrefix + '-out.txt', "/*FCM*/")
                jitcomparefilename = logPrefix + "-cj-in.js"
                fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(linesToCompare, jitcomparefilename)
                anyBug = compareJIT.compareJIT(options.jsEngine, engineFlags, jitcomparefilename,
                                               logPrefix + "-cj", options.repo,
                                               options.buildOptionsStr, targetTime, jsInterestingOptions)
                if not anyBug:

Exemple #3
def findBlamedCset(options, repoDir, testRev):
    print "%s | Bisecting on: %s" % (sps.dateStr(), repoDir)

    hgPrefix = ['hg', '-R', repoDir]

    # Resolve names such as "tip", "default", or "52707" to stable hg hash ids, e.g. "9f2641871ce8".
    realStartRepo = sRepo = hgCmds.getRepoHashAndId(
        repoDir, repoRev=options.startRepo)[0]
    realEndRepo = eRepo = hgCmds.getRepoHashAndId(repoDir,
    sps.vdump("Bisecting in the range " + sRepo + ":" + eRepo)

    # Refresh source directory (overwrite all local changes) to default tip if required.
    if options.resetRepoFirst:
        subprocess.check_call(hgPrefix + ['update', '-C', 'default'])
        # Throws exit code 255 if purge extension is not enabled in .hgrc:
        subprocess.check_call(hgPrefix + ['purge', '--all'])

    # Reset bisect ranges and set skip ranges.
    sps.captureStdout(hgPrefix + ['bisect', '-r'])
    if options.skipRevs:
        sps.captureStdout(hgPrefix + ['bisect', '--skip', options.skipRevs])

    labels = {}
    # Specify `hg bisect` ranges.
    if options.testInitialRevs:
        currRev = eRepo  # If testInitialRevs mode is set, compile and test the latest rev first.
        labels[sRepo] = ('good', 'assumed start rev is good')
        labels[eRepo] = ('bad', 'assumed end rev is bad')
        subprocess.check_call(hgPrefix + ['bisect', '-U', '-g', sRepo])
        currRev = hgCmds.getCsetHashFromBisectMsg(
                sps.captureStdout(hgPrefix +
                                  ['bisect', '-U', '-b', eRepo])[0]))

    iterNum = 1
    if options.testInitialRevs:
        iterNum -= 2

    skipCount = 0
    blamedRev = None

    while currRev is not None:
        startTime = time.time()
        label = testRev(currRev)
        labels[currRev] = label
        if label[0] == 'skip':
            skipCount += 1
            # If we use "skip", we tell hg bisect to do a linear search to get around the skipping.
            # If the range is large, doing a bisect to find the start and endpoints of compilation
            # bustage would be faster. 20 total skips being roughly the time that the pair of
            # bisections would take.
            if skipCount > 20:
                print 'Skipped 20 times, stopping autoBisect.'
        print label[0] + " (" + label[1] + ") ",

        if iterNum <= 0:
            print 'Finished testing the initial boundary revisions...',
            print "Bisecting for the n-th round where n is", iterNum, "and 2^n is", \
                  str(2**iterNum), "...",
        (blamedGoodOrBad, blamedRev, currRev, sRepo, eRepo) = \
            bisectLabel(hgPrefix, options, label[0], currRev, sRepo, eRepo)

        if options.testInitialRevs:
            options.testInitialRevs = False
            assert currRev is None
            currRev = sRepo  # If options.testInitialRevs is set, test earliest possible rev next.

        iterNum += 1
        endTime = time.time()
        oneRunTime = endTime - startTime
        print 'This iteration took %.3f seconds to run.' % oneRunTime

    if blamedRev is not None:
        checkBlameParents(repoDir, blamedRev, blamedGoodOrBad, labels, testRev,
                          realStartRepo, realEndRepo)

    sps.vdump("Resetting bisect")
    subprocess.check_call(hgPrefix + ['bisect', '-U', '-r'])

    sps.vdump("Resetting working directory")
    sps.captureStdout(hgPrefix + ['update', '-C', '-r', 'default'],

    print sps.dateStr()
Exemple #4
def main():
Exemple #5
def ensureBuild(options):
    if options.existingBuildDir:
        # Pre-downloaded treeherder builds (browser only for now)
        bDir = options.existingBuildDir
        bType = 'local-build'
        bSrc = bDir
        bRev = ''
        manyTimedRunArgs = []
    elif not options.useTreeherderBuilds:
        if options.testType == "js":
            # Compiled js shells
            options.buildOptions = buildOptions.parseShellOptions(options.buildOptions)
            options.timeout = options.timeout or machineTimeoutDefaults(options)

            with LockDir(compileShell.getLockDirPath(options.buildOptions.repoDir)):
                bRev = hgCmds.getRepoHashAndId(options.buildOptions.repoDir)[0]
                cshell = compileShell.CompiledShell(options.buildOptions, bRev)
                compileShell.obtainShell(cshell, updateLatestTxt=True)

                bDir = cshell.getShellCacheDir()
                # Strip out first 3 chars or else the dir name in fuzzing jobs becomes:
                #   js-js-dbg-opt-64-dm-linux
                # This is because options.testType gets prepended along with a dash later.
                bType = buildOptions.computeShellType(options.buildOptions)[3:]
                bSrc = (
                    'Create another shell in shell-cache like this one:\n' +
                    'python -u %s -b "%s -R %s" -r %s\n\n' % (
                        os.path.join(path3, 'compileShell.py'), options.buildOptions.buildOptionsStr,
                        options.buildOptions.repoDir, bRev
                    ) +
                    '==============================================\n' +
                    '|  Fuzzing %s js shell builds\n'  % cshell.getRepoName() +
                    '|  DATE: %s\n'                    % sps.dateStr() +

                manyTimedRunArgs = mtrArgsCreation(options, cshell)
                print 'buildDir is: ' + bDir
                print 'buildSrc is: ' + bSrc
            # Compiled browser
            options.buildOptions = buildBrowser.parseOptions(options.buildOptions.split())
            bDir = options.buildOptions.objDir
            bType = platform.system() + "-" + os.path.basename(options.buildOptions.mozconfig)
            bSrc = repr(hgCmds.getRepoHashAndId(options.buildOptions.repoDir))
            bRev = ''
            manyTimedRunArgs = []
            success = buildBrowser.tryCompiling(options.buildOptions)
            if not success:
                raise Exception('Building a browser failed.')
        # Treeherder js shells and browser
        # Download from Treeherder and call it 'build'
        # FIXME: Put 'build' somewhere nicer, like ~/fuzzbuilds/. Don't re-download a build that's up to date.
        # FIXME: randomize branch selection, get appropriate builds, use appropriate known dirs
        bDir = 'build'
        bType = downloadBuild.defaultBuildType(options.repoName, None, True)
        bSrc = downloadBuild.downloadLatestBuild(bType, './', getJsShell=(options.testType == 'js'))
        bRev = ''

        # These two lines are only used for treeherder js shells:
        shell = os.path.join(bDir, "dist", "js.exe" if sps.isWin else "js")
        manyTimedRunArgs = ["--random-flags", str(JS_SHELL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT), "mozilla-central", shell]

    return BuildInfo(bDir, bType, bSrc, bRev, manyTimedRunArgs)
Exemple #6
def ensureBuild(options):
    if options.existingBuildDir:
        # Pre-downloaded treeherder builds (browser only for now)
        bDir = options.existingBuildDir
        bType = 'local-build'
        bSrc = bDir
        bRev = ''
        manyTimedRunArgs = []
    elif not options.useTreeherderBuilds:
        if options.testType == "js":
            # Compiled js shells
            options.buildOptions = buildOptions.parseShellOptions(
            options.timeout = options.timeout or machineTimeoutDefaults(

            with LockDir(
                bRev = hgCmds.getRepoHashAndId(options.buildOptions.repoDir)[0]
                cshell = compileShell.CompiledShell(options.buildOptions, bRev)
                compileShell.obtainShell(cshell, updateLatestTxt=True)

                bDir = cshell.getShellCacheDir()
                # Strip out first 3 chars or else the dir name in fuzzing jobs becomes:
                #   js-js-dbg-opt-64-dm-linux
                # This is because options.testType gets prepended along with a dash later.
                bType = buildOptions.computeShellType(options.buildOptions)[3:]
                bSrc = (
                    'Create another shell in shell-cache like this one:\n' +
                    'python -u %s -b "%s -R %s" -r %s\n\n' %
                    (os.path.join(path3, 'compileShell.py'),
                     options.buildOptions.repoDir, bRev) +
                    '==============================================\n' +
                    '|  Fuzzing %s js shell builds\n' % cshell.getRepoName() +
                    '|  DATE: %s\n' % sps.dateStr() +

                manyTimedRunArgs = mtrArgsCreation(options, cshell)
                print 'buildDir is: ' + bDir
                print 'buildSrc is: ' + bSrc
            # Compiled browser
            options.buildOptions = buildBrowser.parseOptions(
            bDir = options.buildOptions.objDir
            bType = platform.system() + "-" + os.path.basename(
            bSrc = repr(hgCmds.getRepoHashAndId(options.buildOptions.repoDir))
            bRev = ''
            manyTimedRunArgs = []
            success = buildBrowser.tryCompiling(options.buildOptions)
            if not success:
                raise Exception('Building a browser failed.')
        # Treeherder js shells and browser
        # Download from Treeherder and call it 'build'
        # FIXME: Put 'build' somewhere nicer, like ~/fuzzbuilds/. Don't re-download a build that's up to date.
        # FIXME: randomize branch selection, get appropriate builds, use appropriate known dirs
        bDir = 'build'
        bType = downloadBuild.defaultBuildType(options.repoName, None, True)
        bSrc = downloadBuild.downloadLatestBuild(
            bType, './', getJsShell=(options.testType == 'js'))
        bRev = ''

        # These two lines are only used for treeherder js shells:
        shell = os.path.join(bDir, "dist", "js.exe" if sps.isWin else "js")
        manyTimedRunArgs = [
            str(JS_SHELL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT), "mozilla-central", shell

    return BuildInfo(bDir, bType, bSrc, bRev, manyTimedRunArgs)
Exemple #7
def findBlamedCset(options, repoDir, testRev):
    print sps.dateStr()

    hgPrefix = ['hg', '-R', repoDir]

    # Resolve names such as "tip", "default", or "52707" to stable hg hash ids, e.g. "9f2641871ce8".
    realStartRepo = sRepo = hgCmds.getRepoHashAndId(repoDir, repoRev=options.startRepo)[0]
    realEndRepo = eRepo = hgCmds.getRepoHashAndId(repoDir, repoRev=options.endRepo)[0]
    sps.vdump("Bisecting in the range " + sRepo + ":" + eRepo)

    # Refresh source directory (overwrite all local changes) to default tip if required.
    if options.resetRepoFirst:
        subprocess.check_call(hgPrefix + ['update', '-C', 'default'])
        # Throws exit code 255 if purge extension is not enabled in .hgrc:
        subprocess.check_call(hgPrefix + ['purge', '--all'])

    # Reset bisect ranges and set skip ranges.
    sps.captureStdout(hgPrefix + ['bisect', '-r'])
    if options.skipRevs:
        sps.captureStdout(hgPrefix + ['bisect', '--skip', options.skipRevs])

    labels = {}
    # Specify `hg bisect` ranges.
    if options.testInitialRevs:
        currRev = eRepo  # If testInitialRevs mode is set, compile and test the latest rev first.
        labels[sRepo] = ('good', 'assumed start rev is good')
        labels[eRepo] = ('bad', 'assumed end rev is bad')
        subprocess.check_call(hgPrefix + ['bisect', '-U', '-g', sRepo])
        currRev = hgCmds.getCsetHashFromBisectMsg(fileManipulation.firstLine(
            sps.captureStdout(hgPrefix + ['bisect', '-U', '-b', eRepo])[0]))

    iterNum = 1
    if options.testInitialRevs:
        iterNum -= 2

    skipCount = 0
    blamedRev = None

    while currRev is not None:
        startTime = time.time()
        label = testRev(currRev)
        labels[currRev] = label
        if label[0] == 'skip':
            skipCount += 1
            # If we use "skip", we tell hg bisect to do a linear search to get around the skipping.
            # If the range is large, doing a bisect to find the start and endpoints of compilation
            # bustage would be faster. 20 total skips being roughly the time that the pair of
            # bisections would take.
            if skipCount > 20:
                print 'Skipped 20 times, stopping autoBisect.'
        print label[0] + " (" + label[1] + ") ",

        if iterNum <= 0:
            print 'Finished testing the initial boundary revisions...',
            print "Bisecting for the n-th round where n is", iterNum, "and 2^n is", \
                  str(2**iterNum), "...",
        (blamedGoodOrBad, blamedRev, currRev, sRepo, eRepo) = \
            bisectLabel(hgPrefix, options, label[0], currRev, sRepo, eRepo)

        if options.testInitialRevs:
            options.testInitialRevs = False
            assert currRev is None
            currRev = sRepo  # If options.testInitialRevs is set, test earliest possible rev next.

        iterNum += 1
        endTime = time.time()
        oneRunTime = endTime - startTime
        print 'This iteration took %.3f seconds to run.' % oneRunTime

    if blamedRev is not None:
        checkBlameParents(repoDir, blamedRev, blamedGoodOrBad, labels, testRev, realStartRepo,

    sps.vdump("Resetting bisect")
    subprocess.check_call(hgPrefix + ['bisect', '-U', '-r'])

    sps.vdump("Resetting working directory")
    sps.captureStdout(hgPrefix + ['update', '-C', '-r', 'default'], ignoreStderr=True)

    print sps.dateStr()
Exemple #8
def main():